Nicholas J. Croglio

Senior Member | Sr. Principal Optical Engineer
Croglio, Nicholas J.
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SPIE Membership: 21.3 years
SPIE Awards: Senior status
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Area of Expertise: Optical & Opto-mechanical Engineering, System Design & Engineering, Heterodyne Lasers & Metrology, Optical Design, Integration & Test Lead, Laser Beam Measurements & Qualification
Websites: Personal Website | Company Website | Company Website
Social Media: LinkedIn
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Profile Summary

Transitioning from Market and strategy to implementation and delivery for small, medium and large organizations by enabling multi-disciplinary team to achieve their potential and solve new challenges and those that have plagues the organization for years. Formal education and experience in team building, project management, optical design, system engineering, algorithm development, manufacturing, software, and integration & test. My interest lies in optical systems that are pushing the boundaries as opposed to developing me-too products or making minor changes to historical ones. I excel at driving the difficult technologies to the finish by working with teams to complete the nitty gritty details and ensuring the products are producible for the volumes required by leading the concept and design appropriately from the requirements and technology development phase. Industrial experience includes semiconductor, electronics, and LCD capital equipment; AR/VR and Mixed reality, holography, interferometery, spectroscopy, non-imaging, and imaging applications by leveraging my optical and engineering background to determine the constraint for each problem, which is usually more related to the customer's needs than the technology.

Active in the local Southern California Optics Community as an active OSSC Member and Past President. Join us for a monthly meeting, or come give us a talk to share your work.

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