Dr. Mingqi Li

Senior Member | Technical laureate at DuPont Electronics & Industrial
Li, Mingqi
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SPIE Membership: 7.7 years
SPIE Awards: Senior status
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Area of Expertise: photolithographic materials, liquid crystalline polymers, photoresist, block copolymer, self-assembly, polymer chemistry
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Profile Summary

Mingqi Li is a technical laureate at DuPont Electronics and Industrial, located at Marlborough, Massachusetts. He received his BS and MS degrees from Tsinghua University, China, and a PhD degree from Cornell University. His
research interests include various spin on solutions for photolithographic materials, block copolymers, and liquid crystalline materials. He is an inventor of over 50 granted US patents, and an author of over 40 journal and technical papers. His achievements were recognized with the Asian American Engineering of the Year (AAEOY) Award in 2019, and DuPont’s Pedersen medal in 2021.

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