Lawrence A. Corp

Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
Corp, Lawrence A.
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Area of Expertise: Remote Sensing, Imaging Spectroscopy, LiDAR, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Sensors, Systems Engineering
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Profile Summary

Mr. Corp is a research scientist specializing in the application of advanced remote sensing systems for the characterization of terrestrial ecosystems. His research has focused on high resolution imaging spectroscopy, thermal imagery, LIDAR systems, multi-spectral fluorescence imaging, and spectral algorithms to quantify environmentally induced plant stress responses and their impacts on photosynthesis and carbon/nitrogen dynamics. His accomplishments include: collection and assimilation of data from a multitude of sensor platforms including custom built imaging systems for statistical analysis and modeling of vegetation dynamics; the development of an integrated GIS and remote sensing approach to provide an assessment of ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenic environmental factors; aiding in the development of spectral remote sensing approaches to quantify crop residue ground cover for reduced soil erosion; and development of several new and innovative spectral sensing instruments and techniques for the assessment of plant health and growth condition. His active participation in field of remote sensing is documented through 67 scientific publications.

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