Kevin C. Liddiard

Senior Member | Consultant (retired)
Liddiard, Kevin C.
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SPIE Membership: 28.7 years
SPIE Awards: Senior status
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Area of Expertise: Optical sensing, Infrared detectors, MEMS, Infrared detection, Microbolometers
Websites: Company Website
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Profile Summary

Kevin Liddiard was educated at Trinity Grammar School, Sydney, and is a graduate in physics from the University of Adelaide. His professional career spans 40 years research and development at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Edinburgh, South Australia, and since 1996 continuing through a consultancy business, Electro-optic Sensor Design, specialising in the modelling, design, development and performance of optical sensors, particularly microbolometer IR focal plane detector arrays.

During his career at DSTO he carried out pioneering research and development on infrared and low light level target signatures, image intensifier technology and night vision systems. He conducted extensive research on electro-optic sensing, including cadmium sulphide, lead chalcogenide, and cadmium mercury telluride IR detectors, and millimetre wave sensors. During a period co-opted to underwater science, he conducted the initial design studies on the directional compass and hydrophones for the BARRA sonobuoy.

He is, however, best known for the invention of the MEMS silicon microbolometer, first patented in 1980, and for development of imaging and non-imaging uncooled IR sensors. He is the inventor of the active microbolometer, which functions as a thin film transistor, and the recently patented mosaic pixel microbolometer IR focal plane array.

He has extensive experience working with defence forces, industry and academic institutions, and has been involved through collaborative forums or consultancy contracts with companies and agencies in the UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, Singapore and China. His current interest is in the development of next generation passive infrared (PIR) sensors for the high volume industry and consumer markets.

Kevin Liddiard is accredited as a Chartered Physicist with the Institute of Physics, London, and is a Senior Member of SPIE, and Member of OSA, MRS, Australian Institute of Physics, and the Australian Optical and Vacuum Societies.

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