Dr. Igor V. Makasyuk

Makasyuk, Igor V.
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Area of Expertise: nonlinear optics in periodic structures - spatial solitons, singular optics (optical vortices) in nonlinear media, lasers for nonlinear optics and atomic physics, evanescent wave surface catalysis, spectroscopy, plasma spectroscopy
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Profile Summary

• Nonlinear optics; nonlinear waves in periodic systems; optics of periodic structures in nonlinear materials; band-gap photonics
• Lasers (diode-pumped solid state, ion argon, dye, OPO, HeNe, diode) for nonlinear optics and atomic physics
• Optical induction of periodic structures in photosensitive photonic materials, photorefractive optics
• Singular optics (optical vortices) in nonlinear periodic structures
• Interaction of laser light with a surface, evanescent wave spectroscopy
• Time resolved plasma spectroscopy
• Working knowledge of measurement, testing, and control equipment: power and wavelength meters, beam profilers, beam viewing cameras and software, fast oscilloscopes
• University teaching - General Physics with Calculus, Modern Optics and Lasers, Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy

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