Emmanuel Chirre

Optical Design Engineer - Optikentwickler at Bruker Optics GmbH & Co KG
Chirre, Emmanuel
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SPIE Membership: 2.6 years
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Area of Expertise: Laser Technology, Optical Instrumentation, Adaptive Optics & wavefront sensing, System design, Biomedical & vision science, Hands-on laboratory
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Profile Summary

Emmanuel is Head of Optical Engineering at the NFS's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab) of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy operating the twin Gemini telescopes and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. Emmanuel holds a Ph.D. in Optical Engineering, and a M. Sc. in Physics and Laser Technology. Emmanuel has over 8 years of experience in optics. His experience encompasses works with adaptive optics systems, laser guide star facilities, wavefront sensors, and high-power lasers.

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