Chenhui Li received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 2007 from Tsinghua University (China), the M.S. degree in statistics in 2012 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2013 from the University of
Wisconsin, Madison (USA), where he is currently working as a research associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include microlenses, micro-optical imaging, liquid variable-focus microlenses, electrowetting, hydrogels and light-field cameras. The key words of his area of interests include: electrowetting; wetting; flexible electronics; optics; lens; laser; microlens; microelectromechanical systems; optical MEMS; variable focus; medical imaging; endoscopy; microscopy; fabrication; photolithography; liquid crystalline elastomer; actuators; smart materials; microsensors; microfluidics; liquid surface; image sensor; hydrogels; PDMS; polymers; thin film; solar cell; lens array; depth perception; micro camera; panoramic vision; field of view; ZEMAX; liquid interface; thermoresponsive hydrogel.
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