Prof. Arash Darafsheh

Senior Member | Associate Professor at Washington Univ. School of Medicine in St. Louis
Darafsheh, Arash
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SPIE Membership: 14.0 years
SPIE Awards: Senior status | 2020 SPIE Community Champion | 2019 SPIE Community Champion
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Area of Expertise: Super-resolution microscopy, Biomedical device design, Medical Physics, Photodynamic therapy, Fiber optics, Spectroscopy
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Profile Summary

Arash Darafsheh is an Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, a board certified medical physicist by American Board of Radiology (ABR), and the PI of the Optical Imaging and Dosimetry Lab at the Department of Radiation Oncology in Washington University School of Medicine. His current active research interests are related to the applications of optics in radiation oncology. Dr. Darafsheh is a productive researcher and has published over 90 journal and conference papers, one patent, 6 book chapters, and one book. He actively pursues knowledge transfer to business and was awarded an NIH grant for his pioneering work on developing a new technology for microsphere-assisted super-resolution microscopy. He is also working on developing a new technology for real-time high-resolution fiber optic dosimetry for proton therapy for which he has received a research grant from the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Dr. Darafsheh is a senior member of SPIE and Optica (formerly, Optical Society of America) and a member of AAPM. He is an associate editor for Medical Physics and has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for over 75 different scientific journals.

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