Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta

Fellow Member | Founder and Managing Director at RP Photonics AG
Paschotta, Rüdiger
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SPIE Membership: 14.8 years
SPIE Awards: Fellow status | 2019 SPIE Community Champion
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Area of Expertise: laser technology, fiber lasers and amplifiers, nonlinear optics, noise in optics, fiber optics, nonlinear frequency conversion
Websites: Personal Website | Company Website | Company Website
Social Media: LinkedIn | Twitter | LinkedIn
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Profile Summary

Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta has an international reputation as a distinguished expert in technical areas such as lasers and amplifiers, nonlinear optics, fiber technology, ultrashort pulses, and noise in optics. He is author or coauthor of over 100 articles in scientific journals, of over 120 presentations at international conferences, and of several book chapters. Also, he is the author of the well-known RP Photonics Encyclopedia and three SPIE Field Guides.

Dr. Paschotta originally started his career in scientific research. In 2002, he achieved the habilitation at ETH Zürich and received the Fresnel Prize of the European Physical Society in 2002. Despite his success as a researcher (see his CV with publication list), in 2004 he started RP Photonics in Zürich, Switzerland. He moved to Bad Dürrheim, Germany, in 2010, and back to Switzerland (Frauenfeld) in 2022. He serves companies in the photonics industry worldwide. The main activities of RP Photonics are simulation & design in laser technology and related areas (fiber optics, nonlinear optics) through advanced software and the marketing of photonics products on the famous RP Photonics website. Dr. Paschotta regularly achieves very high levels of customer satisfaction.

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