Dr. Maksym Ivanov

Researcher at Few-Cycle Inc
Ivanov, Maksym
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SPIE Membership: 6.9 years
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Area of Expertise: Nonlinear optics, THz radiation, Optical parametric amplifiers, singular optics, optical trapping and manipulation, spectroscopy, Stokes polarimetry
Websites: Company Website
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Profile Summary

Final year PhD student in Physics (Lasers, Optics) with extensive experience (6+ years) of experimental investigation (design and realization), data analysis (MatLab), and modelling (MatLab)
Area of expertise:
• nonlinear optics (ultra-short pulsed laser systems, optical parametric amplification, air plasma generated THz waves)
• optical trapping and manipulation
• singular optics (vector vortex beams, phase and polarization singularities)
• spectroscopy, Stokes polarimetry

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