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    Carmen Menoni receives Laser Damage award

    07 October 2013

    SPIE Member Carmen Menoni of Colorado State University (USA) received the best oral presentation award at SPIE Laser Damage last month.

    The award at the 2013 symposium was for an invited paper she presented at the 2012 Laser Damage conference titled, "What role do defects play in the laser damage behavior of metal oxides?"

    photo of Carmen MenoniMenoni is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at CSU and directs the Advanced Thin Film laboratory, a research facility dedicated to the engineering and testing of specialized optical coatings for high-power lasers.

    Her work is supported by the Office of Naval Research and the Department of Defense High Energy Lasers Joint Technology Office.

    Co-authors on the paper were Peter Langston, Erik M. Krous, Dinesh Patel, Brendan A. Reagan, Keith Wensing, and Jorge J. Rocca of Colorado State; Luke A. Emmert and Wolfgang Rudolph of University of New Mexico (USA); and Ashot S. Markosyan, Roger Route, and Martin M. Fejerof of Stanford University (USA).

    SPIE Laser Damage is a comprehensive forum for the exchange of information on the physics and technology of materials for high-power and high-energy lasers. Topics include laser-induced damage to materials and thin films; durability; properties modeling; laser testing; and component fabrication.

    The conference, celebrating its 45th year, was held 22-25 September at the NIST facility in Boulder, Colo.