21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US
Conference 13045 > Paper 13045-19
Paper 13045-19

Performance comparison of continuous-wave time-of-flight (CWToF) and laser-range gated with range-resolve (LRGRR) to laser-range-gated (LRG) and continuous-wave (CW) active-imaging systems

24 April 2024 • 4:30 PM - 4:50 PM EDT | National Harbor 3


Continuous Wave (CW) and Laser Range Gated (LRG) are two widely used and effective system design techniques pertaining to active imaging systems for long-range target discrimination and acquisition. Two more recent system design methods are Continuous Wave Time-of-Flight (CWToF) and Laser Range Gated with Range Resolve (LRGRR) active imaging systems. While these two techniques involve a higher degree of complexity in terms of system design, they also aim to provide the user with higher resolution and more sensitive imaging capabilities. In this study, we will quantify the sensitivity and range resolution benefits of these more complex methods in comparison to their more fundamental counterparts (CW and LRG). We will provide a performance model comparing these methods and discuss some environmental and situational circumstances in which any of these approaches would prove to be superior to the others.


Joshua Teague
The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
Joshua Teague is a first year Doctoral Student at The University of Arizona's James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences. He recently graduated from the University of Rochester's Institute of Optics where he received his undergraduate degree in Optical Engineering. He now studies under the Supervision of Professor Ron Driggers studying Infrared Systems Design.
Joshua Teague
The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
Ronald G. Driggers
The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
Joint Directed Energy Transition Office (United States)