16 - 19 September 2024
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference 13191 > Paper 13191-29
Paper 13191-29

Soil salinity mapping with remote sensing-based vegetation indices and crop water use estimates

18 September 2024 • 09:00 - 09:20 BST


In the Arkansas River basin, Colorado, USA, water up-flux from saline shallow groundwater tables leaves salts in the vadose zone. These salts accumulate over decades threatening agricultural sustainability. Remote sensing is an economical and practical tool that can be used to monitor soil salinity (EC, electrical conductivity) at large spatial scales. In this study, several EC algorithms were developed utilizing different combinations of explanatory variables, including a salinity index and actual crop evapotranspiration estimates for surface irrigated maize fields located within a (sub-surface) drainage district in the Arkansas River basin. Estimates of crop water use were performed using a surface energy balance approach and Landsat (satellite) multispectral imagery. Results indicate that the developed EC algorithms that included crop water use and a salinity index improved the accuracy of soil EC mapping over models that included a vegetation index alone.


José L. Chávez
Colorado State Univ. (United States)
Dr. José L. Chávez is a Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, an irrigation engineering specialist, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. He earned a B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from Paraiba Federal University, Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil, in 1992. Dr. Chávez earned a M.Sc. degree in Irrigation Engineering in 1999 and a Ph.D. degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering in 2005 from Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. His expertise is in agricultural irrigation water management. Dr. Chávez performs research mainly on crop evapotranspiration estimation using remote sensing and energy balance methods. He teaches courses on Irrigation Systems Design, Irrigation Water Management, and Drainage and Wetland Engineering. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Application tracks: Sustainability
José L. Chávez
Colorado State Univ. (United States)
Brian Craig
Northern Water (United States)
Timothy Gates
Colorado State Univ. (United States)