Program will be announced soon!
25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

Post-deadline submissions will be considered for poster, or oral if space is available

High-quality, in-plane semiconductor lasers exhibit improved performance over a wide range of emission wavelengths from ultraviolet into the THz range. Devices are finding an ever-increasing number of applications in, for example, telecommunications, spectroscopy, and environmental monitoring, displays, quantum information, and medical diagnostics and therapy. Well-developed GaAs- and InP-based lasers operating from the 0.8 to 2-μm are achieving multi-watt output powers with beams of high spatial and spectral purity. Lasers made from material systems, such as dilute nitride-antimonides or quantum-dot or nanowire active regions, are pushing performance and spectral coverage. Mode-locked diode lasers are demonstrating improvements such as reduced pulse length and timing jitter. Applications in communication are pushing advances in laser dynamics, including the use of coupled and/or chaotic semiconductor lasers. The GaN based laser field continues to innovate and make progress in terms of e.g. power, reliability and to extend operation deeper into the red and the ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. In the infrared, Sb-based quantum well lasers display high performance at wavelengths up to ~ 5 μm, and quantum cascade lasers operate at wavelengths from just below 3 μm to almost 300 μm. Emerging applications in the mid/far-infrared stimulate the development of high-efficiency, high-power quantum cascade lasers operating at an ambient temperature and with new functionalities such as ultrashort pulse generation, frequency combs, injection locking, and beam control. Novel laser sources utilize recent advances in plasmonics, nanophotonics, topological photonics, and nonlinear optics for efficient generation and manipulation of light. A variety of approaches for silicon-based lasers, including hybrid structures by local area growth or wafer bonding are yielding advancing performance. Laser sources based on novel two-dimensional and topological materials are showing promise. This conference provides a forum for the most recent breakthroughs in device design and performance, including energy efficiency and lasers for uncooled operation. We solicit papers describing novel designs that achieve higher performance levels and unique operational characteristics, as well as papers describing the technical limitations of the current in-plane laser technology and lasers tailored to particular applications such as lidar or neuromorphic computing or for quantum applications. We are interested in new methods of fabrication or new methods of characterization that are necessary for improved performance. Papers of experimental and/or theoretical nature are welcome.

Examples of in-plane laser types of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • topological lasers
  • quantum cascade
  • lasers for uncooled operation
  • InGaAsP/InP and InGaAsP/GaAs
  • InGaAsN, InGaAsNSb or GaAsBi
  • AlInGaP/GaAs visible
  • Sb-based
  • GaN based UV, blue and visible
  • silicon-based lasers
  • nanowire or quantum dot lasers
  • type-II quantum-well and superlattice lasers
  • communications lasers
  • sub-wavelength scale lasers
  • photonic bandgap and microcavity lasers
  • DFB and DBR lasers
  • multi-segment and ring lasers
  • mode-locked lasers
  • coherent and incoherent laser arrays
  • high-brightness lasers
  • narrow-linewidth lasers
  • vertically-coupled in-plane lasers
  • lasers for environmental monitoring
  • ;
    In progress – view active session
    Conference OE602

    Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XXIV

    This conference has an open call for papers:
    Abstract Due: 17 July 2024
    Author Notification: 7 October 2024
    Manuscript Due: 8 January 2025

    Post-deadline submissions will be considered for poster, or oral if space is available

    High-quality, in-plane semiconductor lasers exhibit improved performance over a wide range of emission wavelengths from ultraviolet into the THz range. Devices are finding an ever-increasing number of applications in, for example, telecommunications, spectroscopy, and environmental monitoring, displays, quantum information, and medical diagnostics and therapy. Well-developed GaAs- and InP-based lasers operating from the 0.8 to 2-μm are achieving multi-watt output powers with beams of high spatial and spectral purity. Lasers made from material systems, such as dilute nitride-antimonides or quantum-dot or nanowire active regions, are pushing performance and spectral coverage. Mode-locked diode lasers are demonstrating improvements such as reduced pulse length and timing jitter. Applications in communication are pushing advances in laser dynamics, including the use of coupled and/or chaotic semiconductor lasers. The GaN based laser field continues to innovate and make progress in terms of e.g. power, reliability and to extend operation deeper into the red and the ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. In the infrared, Sb-based quantum well lasers display high performance at wavelengths up to ~ 5 μm, and quantum cascade lasers operate at wavelengths from just below 3 μm to almost 300 μm. Emerging applications in the mid/far-infrared stimulate the development of high-efficiency, high-power quantum cascade lasers operating at an ambient temperature and with new functionalities such as ultrashort pulse generation, frequency combs, injection locking, and beam control. Novel laser sources utilize recent advances in plasmonics, nanophotonics, topological photonics, and nonlinear optics for efficient generation and manipulation of light. A variety of approaches for silicon-based lasers, including hybrid structures by local area growth or wafer bonding are yielding advancing performance. Laser sources based on novel two-dimensional and topological materials are showing promise. This conference provides a forum for the most recent breakthroughs in device design and performance, including energy efficiency and lasers for uncooled operation. We solicit papers describing novel designs that achieve higher performance levels and unique operational characteristics, as well as papers describing the technical limitations of the current in-plane laser technology and lasers tailored to particular applications such as lidar or neuromorphic computing or for quantum applications. We are interested in new methods of fabrication or new methods of characterization that are necessary for improved performance. Papers of experimental and/or theoretical nature are welcome.

    Examples of in-plane laser types of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • topological lasers
  • quantum cascade
  • lasers for uncooled operation
  • InGaAsP/InP and InGaAsP/GaAs
  • InGaAsN, InGaAsNSb or GaAsBi
  • AlInGaP/GaAs visible
  • Sb-based
  • GaN based UV, blue and visible
  • silicon-based lasers
  • nanowire or quantum dot lasers
  • type-II quantum-well and superlattice lasers
  • communications lasers
  • sub-wavelength scale lasers
  • photonic bandgap and microcavity lasers
  • DFB and DBR lasers
  • multi-segment and ring lasers
  • mode-locked lasers
  • coherent and incoherent laser arrays
  • high-brightness lasers
  • narrow-linewidth lasers
  • vertically-coupled in-plane lasers
  • lasers for environmental monitoring
  • Conference Chair
    Texas A&M Univ. (United States)
    Conference Chair
    Cardiff Univ. (United Kingdom)
    Program Committee
    Institute of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)
    Program Committee
    Walter Schottky Institut (Germany)
    Program Committee
    Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (United States)
    Program Committee
    Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (United States)
    Program Committee
    Southern Methodist Univ. (United States)
    Program Committee
    Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
    Program Committee
    Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany)
    Program Committee
    Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (Hong Kong, China)
    Program Committee
    NTT Device Technology Labs. (Japan)
    Program Committee
    Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (United States)
    Program Committee
    U.S. Naval Research Lab. (United States)
    Program Committee
    Boston Univ. (United States)
    Program Committee
    Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
    Program Committee
    Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
    Program Committee
    Univ. Kassel (Germany)
    Program Committee
    Intel Corp. (United States)
    Program Committee
    MIT Lincoln Lab. (United States)
    Program Committee
    The Univ. of Adelaide (Australia)
    Program Committee
    Istituto Nanoscienze (Italy)
    Program Committee
    Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore)
    Additional Information

    View call for papers

    What you will need to submit

    • Presentation title
    • Author(s) information
    • Speaker biography (1000-character max including spaces)
    • Abstract for technical review (200-300 words; text only)
    • Summary of abstract for display in the program (50-150 words; text only)
    • Keywords used in search for your paper (optional)
    Note: Only original material should be submitted. Commercial papers, papers with no new research/development content, and papers with proprietary restrictions will not be accepted for presentation.