Dr. Ove Steinvall

Fellow Member | Director of Research at FOI-Swedish Defence Research Agency
Steinvall, Ove
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SPIE Membership: 27.8 years
SPIE Awards: Fellow status | 2020 SPIE Community Champion | 2019 SPIE Community Champion
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Area of Expertise: Laser radar, Laser imaging, Laser mapping, Laser countermeasures, Atmospheric optics, Underwater optics
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Profile Summary

Ove Steinvall received his MS degree in physics at the University of Uppsala in 1969. He was then employed by the National Defence Res. Establishment (FOA, now FOI) in 1969 where he worked on fast gas discharges for lasers and other applications. He received his Ph.D.in 1974 from Chalmers Institute of Technology in Lasers and Electro-Optics. Since 1977 he has been leading the Laser group, from 1994 as a Dpt Head and from 2007 as head of Optronic Systems Dpt., In 1991 he was appointed Research Director. His research activities include lasers, lasers for countermeasures, laser warning, laser radar /lidar including systems for imaging and mapping, free space laser communications and ocean /atmospheric optics. He is author or coauthor of about 100 conference and journal articles and about 300 internal reports. Dr. Steinvall is a member of SPIE, Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Optical Society of America, Swedish Optical Society and the Royal Academy of Military Sciences. He has received 3 national rewards for his laser work. He has also received the NATO Scientific Achievement Award (SET-077). He was the conference chair for the international Topical Meeting on Coherent Laser Radars in Linköping Sweden, June 1997 and the co-chair for the European SPIE Aerosense Conference in Stockholm Sept. 2006 and a chair of the OSA meeting on Laser Sensing and Communications, Paris 2013.He is an expert in EDA Captech IAP3 and holds a position as Ass. Professor at Chalmers Institute of Technology. Dr. Steinvall is an expert in EDA Captech IAP3 and a SPIE fellow.

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