Mesoscopic Optics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory University of California, Los Angeles 2018-Now
1.Leading the project of photonic neural network edge-computing 2.A leading member of two other projects: metasurface optical elements for augmented/mixed-reality smart glasses and LiDAR for automobiles 3.Design the next generation of holographic optical headsets 4.Design the optical setups for the measurement of holographic optical headsets and LiDAR Laboratory of Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Zhejiang University 2012 - 2017 1.Assisted and contributed to the foundation of the laboratory as well as funding applications 2.Assisted to administrate advanced nano-fabrication instruments 3.Conducted both experimental and theoretical investigations on plasmonic nanodevices and photothermal effects, especially nanojoining, nanobreaking, and nanohealing 4.Participated in collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects including fluorescence enhancement, graphene photonics, and optical force
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