Dr. Zhanping Liu

Assistant Professor at Kentucky State Univ
Liu, Zhanping
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Area of Expertise: Vector / Flow Field Visualization, Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, Volume Visualization, Image Processing, GPU-Based Visualization
Websites: Personal Website
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Profile Summary

Dr. Zhanping Liu is an assistant professor (tenure-track) of Computer Science with Kentucky State University. Previously he was a research fellow with the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (2010 ~ 2011), a research staff member with Kitware, Inc. (2008 ~ 2010), a research scientist with the Visualization Analysis and Imaging Lab (VAIL) of the High-Performance Computing Collaboratory (HPC², formerly the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation) at Mississippi State University (2001 ~ 2008), and a post-doctoral associate with the Micro-CT Lab of the Department of Radiology at the University of Iowa (2000 ~ 2001). He received the PhD degree in Computer Science from Peking University (2000) and the BS degree in Mathematics (with the specific major in Information Science) from Nankai University (1992), both in P. R. China. His research interests lie in computer graphics, scientific visualization (e.g., flow visualization and volume visualization), information visualization, and (bio-)medical image analysis. The primary goal of his work is to design novel visualization & analysis methods to provide deep insight into the complex pattern underlying large-scale data, investigate effective and efficient algorithms for fast as well as high-quality image generation, and develop interactive visualization & analysis systems to address real-world applications.

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