Dr. W. Bryan Bell

Lockheed Martin Senior Fellow
Bell, W. Bryan
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SPIE Membership: 6.9 years
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Area of Expertise: Image Processing, Spatial-Spectral Imaging, Radar Imaging, Geodesy, Targeting, Navigation
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7907-7144
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Profile Summary

Dr. W. Bryan Bell is currently a Senior Fellow with Advanced Development Programs with Lockheed Martin and has been involved in research in the area of Image Processing, Signal Processing, Geodesy, Targeting, Tracking, Sensor Fusion, and Navigation Fusion. He was instrumental in defining the functional algorithm architecture for F-35 fusion vision and served as the Image Processing lead, Combat ID lead, and Navigation Fusion lead during the JSF proposal effort. He designed several Tactical Image Systems, Navigation Fusion Systems, Combat ID Systems and Geographic processing architectures for several tactical aircraft programs. Over the past two decades he has developed numerous innovative technologies that have transitioned or are in the process of transitioning to the F-111, A-12, F-16, F-22, F-35, and ADP programs and is recognized as an expert based on his continued contributions and insights. He was part of a team that developed the Integrating Navigation Fusion Kalman filter on the F-35 and F-16 and was the developer of Terrain Referenced Navigation systems on the F-16 and A-12. Since 2010, Dr. Bell has been a professor with the TCU Engineering Department where he has developed several courses and is also a UTEP adjunct professor with the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is the Chairman of the Univ. of Texas at Arlington Electrical Engineering Dept. Advisory Board and a member of the UTEP Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Advisory Board and serves as a reviewer for a number of technical publications. His technical society membership includes or has included IEEE, SPIE, AIAA, and ION as well as the Honor Society, HKN.

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