- Master degree in Physics on March 16th, 2004 with the score 110/110. - Ph.D in Physics on July 28th, 2008. Research experience: - September 2002-September 2004: Dept. of Physics - University of Milano Bicocca - October 2004-present: Dept. of Physics and Mathematics - University of Insubria Research topics afforded: - Fluorescent labelling of biomolecules - Studies on biomolecules conformation by means of time-resolved FRET techniques, with applications to: i) Single nucleotide polymorphism detection; ii) DNA-ligand interactions - Time-resolved fluorescence methods for evaluation of molecular photoreactivity and drug optimization. - Time-resolved methods for optical biopsy; Competences: a) Academic-level culture in Physics, Molecular Biology and Chemistry b) Basic knowledge on the molecular basis of pathologies that involve action of or damage to proteins c) Handling of typical chemistry lab equipment and substances d) Treatment, incubation and fluorescent labelling of biomolecules and cells e) Ample theoretical and experimental knowledge on absorption and fluorescent emission of molecules in solution f) Experience on fluorescence microscopy techniques: PCH, FCS, Fluorescence Imaging, FLIM, PCH Imaging, in vitro and in vivo, with OPE and TPE g) Linear and non-linear optics and laser physics, design and assembling of complex optical setups, generation of harmonics of laser sources by means of non-linear crystals, alignment of complex laser cavities h) Photodetectors electronics i) Measurement of fluorescence decay-times of molecules in solution, in both the time and the frequency domain j) Time-resolved FRET International schools attended: 1. “Protein folding and drug design”, July 4-14, 2006-International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy 2. “The living cell from nano to micro, mind the gap”, July 17-29, 2006-Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargese, France 3. “Advanced methods for fluorescence quantum yield and triplet state dynamics measurements”, October 1-
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