Dr. Kang Zhang

Zhang, Kang
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SPIE Membership: 8.0 years
Area of Expertise: optical sensing, optical coherence tomography, parallel processing, optical imaging, fiber laser system, high-performance computing
Websites: Personal Website
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Profile Summary

Kang Zhang is currently working as a research scientist in GE Global Research Center, New York. He obtained the Ph. D. and M. S. E. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Johns Hopkins University, in 2011 and 2009 respectively, and the B. S. degree in physics from Nankai University, China, in 2007. His research interests include GPGPU applications, high data throughput imaging platform, real-time imaging system, and optical sensing & imaging. From 2009 to 2010, Kang worked as an ORISE Research Fellow for the U. S. Food and drug Administration (FDA), where he developed optical metrology methods for medical device evaluation.

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