Dr. David A. Willis

Senior Member | Associate Professor at Southern Methodist Univ
Willis, David A.
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SPIE Membership: 27.4 years
SPIE Awards: Senior status
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Area of Expertise: laser ablation, laser micromachining, thermal science, laser texturing, laser-induced forward transfer, time-resolved studies
Websites: Personal Website
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Profile Summary

I have a PhD in heat transfer and have taught graduate and undergraduate thermal sciences courses since 2001. I have extensive experience in laser-based thermal processesing, primarily in laser microfabrication. Specific experience includes laser ablation, laser micromachining, laser-induced forward transfer, and laser texturing. My laser background includes time-resolved studies of short pulse micromachining. I founded and manage the Laser Micromachining Laboratory at Southern Methodist University, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

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