Dr. Dariusz Litwin

Fellow Member | Applied Photonics Research Group Leader at Tele and Radio Research Institute
Litwin, Dariusz
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SPIE Membership: 28.9 years
SPIE Awards: Fellow status | Senior status
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Area of Expertise: optical engineering, industrial measurement systems, interferometry
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5734-9575
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Profile Summary

Dariusz Litwin received MSc degree in optical engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, in 1984 and PhD in physics, in 1994. In the years 1994-95 he was working at the University of Warwick, UK. His main interest is in the field of industry-oriented optical measurement technology. He was Secretary of SPIE Polish Chapter Board (1993-1999) and since 2002 a Review Committee and a member-founder of Association of Image Processing (member of the International Association for Pattern Recognition). Now he is a member of the Photonics Society of Poland (the organization was established when the SPIE decided not to continue with National Chapters) and its Head of the Review Committee. He was the recipient of the T. Maiman Award in 1993, established by Laser Centers of America and SPIE, Distinction and Silver Engineer Title in the Gold Engineer Competition of Przegląd Techniczny, in 2000 and 2017 respectively, Rector Team Award for Research Achievements in 2004. Since October 2008 he has been Secretary of Council of Representatives of OPTOKLASTER – the Mazovian Photonic Technology Cluster. In 2014 he was nominated as professor of Institute of Applied Optics and in 2016 elected to the grade of Senior Member of SPIE. In 2019 he joined the Łukasiewicz Research Network-Tele and Radio Research Institute as Professor of Institute. In 2020 he has become the Area Leader of Optics and Head of the Centre for Applied Photonics. He is an author or co-author of more than 70 papers and holds 16 patents.

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