Boris Majaron is a senior staff member (Scientific Advisor) at Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Complex Matter, and Professor of Physics at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has obtained his M.S. degree in Solid-State Physics with Electrooptics and Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of Ljubljana and postdoctoral training at Beckman Laser Institute at University of California at Irvine, USA.
After beeing trained in optical spectroscopy of solid-state laser materials and laser physics, his research focus drfited to biophotonics and laser surgery. Within the later he has studied thermomechanical ablation of hard and soft biological tissues, and laser treatments in dermatology. He was recently involved in noninvasive characterization and imaging of skin using optical spectroscopy and/or photothermal radiometry combined with numerical modeling, and development of micro- and nanostructures for bioimaging and sensing. He has served on Editorial Boards of several scientific journals and Committees of international conferences.
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