Prof. Alkiviades F. Bais
at Aristotle Univ of Thessaloniki
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r. Alkiviadis Bais was born in 1957 in Ioannina, Greece, graduated from the Physics Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in 1981 and received his PhD in 1985. He is currently Professor and head of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (LAP) in the Physics Department of AUTH. Since 1987 he is giving courses in various topics related to Atmospheric Physics in the undergraduate program of the Physics Department of AUTH and since 1993 in the Graduate Program of Environmental Physics of AUTH. Since 2002 he is the director of this graduate program. He is involved in scientific research for more than 25 years. His research activities are focused on UV radiation and ozone research, global change and environmental physics. He took part in most of the major UV-related European experimental campaigns, and is actively involved in quality control of solar UV spectral and broadband measurements, as well as on technological advancements of spectral UV measurements conducted by the spectroradiometers of LAP. He is member of the Instrumentation workgroup of the WMO UV Scientific Advisory Group, and participated in the preparation of international scientific assessments, either as co-author or as lead author (WMO ozone assessment 2006). He was coordinator of the EC funded projects SUSPEN and QASUME, activity leader in the integrated SCOUT-O3 and principal investigator in the EC funded projects SUVDAMA, EDUCE and ADMIRA, and in several national projects. In addition he has been actively involved as researcher in many other international and national projects. He has published about 120 peer reviewed papers, and more than about 100 presentations in international conferences. These papers have received more than 1200 citations from other authors.
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