17 - 20 June 2024
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Conference 13106 > Paper 13106-65
Paper 13106-65

Exploring advancements and prospects of laser technologies towards practical quantum advantage

17 June 2024 • 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM EDT | Univ. of Waterloo, QNC Atrium


The second quantum revolution, Quantum 2.0, is fueled by recent progress in generating and manipulating quantum states in both light and matter, leading to new applications such as quantum sensing, computing, and communications. These new applications, which leverage unique quantum properties, such as superposition, entanglement, and measurement sensitivity of quantum states to offer fundamental advantages over classical technologies, are in principle enabled by the Quantum 1.0 technologies such as lasers. As quantum information science and technology progresses steadily from a purely academic discipline towards technology demonstrations, the imperative to transition from laboratory-grade lasers to industry-grade lasers becomes evident in the quest for scalability, robustness, improved performance, and often, reduced SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) for field deployability. This paper provides an overview of the current state and challenges of laser-enabled quantum applications, and outlines the advancements in laser technologies from macro-optics to micro-optics to integrated photonics with their prospects towards the practical realization of quantum advantage.


TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. (United States)
Siamak Dadras conducted Ph.D. research in the BEC and Quantum Chaos Group at Oklahoma State University on matter-wave quantum phenomena, exploring quantum ratchets and random walks with ultra-cold atoms. In 2018, he joined the Quantum Nanophotonics Group at The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, focusing on levitated optomechanics, nano-scale quantum sensing, and solid-state laser refrigeration. In 2021 he joined TOPTICA Photonics in Farmington (now Pittsford) NY, as a Quantum Applications Scientist, overseeing TOPTICA's scientific and technical engagements with the quantum community in academia, government labs, and quantum industries throughout North and South America.
TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. (United States)