18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13118 > Paper 13118-45
Paper 13118-45

All-optical control-flow and enhancement of optical neural networks (Invited Paper)

21 August 2024 • 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 2


Current approaches to optical neural networks are only focused on the arithmetic operations, such as matrix vector multiplication and in some cases the activation function. The control flow to enable large matrices, multiple connected layers or methods to increase precision are completely delegated to digital electronics. Here we present our approach to enabling all-optical control flow and precision control to enable full optical AI inference in the future, eliminating the need to jump between the electronic and optical domain for each layer, to increase performance and efficiency.


Akhetonics GmbH (Germany)
Michael Kissner is the co-founder of Akhetonics, a Berlin-based startup creating the world’s first all-optical general-purpose XPU for high-performance computing. With a combined background in mathematical physics and computer science, Michael has worked on the entire technology stack to make a new computing platform a reality – from the physics of individual switching elements to computer architecture to engineering new compiler frameworks.
Application tracks: AI/ML
Akhetonics GmbH (Germany)
Akhetonics GmbH (Germany)
Akhetonics GmbH (Germany)
Akhetonics GmbH (Germany)