Paper 12581-3
Externally seeded free electron laser invading the x-ray region
On demand | Presented live 26 April 2023
The FERMI facility has provided over the last decade pulses characterized by a high degree of coherence over the spectral range from 100 nm down to 4 nm. Thanks to the use of an external seed to initiate the FEL process, FERMI pulses are characterized by unique characteristics very much appreciated by the user community. The extraordinary degree of coherence but also the flexible temporal or spectral properties of the photon pulses combined with a high reproducibility and low temporal jitter has supported important scientific experiment in various fields. Recently experiments have been conducted extending the tuning range to wavelengths shorter than 2 nm accessing important spectral resonances. Current operations at such a high photon energy rely on the use of undulator harmonics which limit the FEL performances. A project has been initiated to upgrade the FEL facility with new accelerator modules and new FEL configurations to access this important spectral range in nominal operation at the fundamental resonance of the FEL amplifier and with full control of polarization and other photon properties currently available.
Enrico Allaria
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. (Italy)
Dr. Enrico Allaria joined in 2005 the accelerator group at Elettra and contributed to the Conceptual Design Report of the FERMI free electron laser. At the same time he has been part of the team conducting experimental activities at the existing Storage Ring Free Electron Laser. Since 2009 he has been leading the group in charge of FEL studies and contributed to the extension of the FERMI tuning range beyond the original 10 nm. Since 2010, as a member of the FERMI Commissioning Team, is responsible for FEL studies and experiments. In 2016, has proposed an experiment to demonstrate Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation in the soft X-ray spectral region. The experiment has been successfully carried out in 2018. Since 2019 has been in charge for the machine development at FERMI. In 2020 joined DESY to lead the FLASH2020+ project. From November 2022 returned to FERMI where is coordinating the efforts toward the future upgrade of the FEL with the aim to extend the tuning range.