Paper 12576-10
A guided tour of the Deutsches Röntgen-Museum: displaying x-ray history
On demand | Presented live 26 April 2023
In 1895, Professor Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen detected a new type of radiation that was able to penetrate solid materials, which he called X-rays. In 1901 Röntgen received the first Nobel Prize in physics in honour of this ground breaking discovery. The Deutsches Röntgen-Museum (DRM) in Remscheid (Germany) is the institution that uniquely and comprehensively explores and documents the life and work of W. C. Röntgen and the impact of his discovery. The DRM’s location in Remscheid is not coincidental, with Röntgen’s birthplace only a short walk away from the exhibits. Every visit to the museum amounts to a unique expedition through the worlds of medicine, science and technology. The museum’s emphasis on the diversity of Röntgen’s invention by a multilingual, multi-medial approach enables all visitors to make their own personal discoveries. The Deutsches Röntgen-Museum in Remscheid is a must-see for X-ray scientists from anywhere in the world. This contribution provides an insight into the history of X-rays and offers a guided tour of the Deutsches Röntgen-Museum and its exhibits.
Thorsten Döhring
Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg (Germany)
In 1988 Thorsten Döhring got his diploma in physics from the University of Bielefeld. His experimental PhD thesis in the field of X-ray mirrors and X-ray light sources, finalized in 1993 also at this university, was followed by a Postdoc position at the Max-Planck-Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics. There he calibrated satellite-based X-ray telescopes and corresponding detectors for astronomy. In 1998 he started his industrial career at one of world´s leading glass manufacturers, SCHOTT AG. For more than a decade Dr. Thorsten Döhring worked there as an application manager, mainly supplying Zerodur glass ceramics products to the astronomical community and for space applications. Afterwards he worked as a sales manager for satellite components at Jena-Optronik GmbH, a subsidiary of Airbus Defense and Space. In 2012 Thorsten Döhring was appointed as a professor at the engineering department of the University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg.