7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Conference 13020 > Paper PC13020-25
Paper PC13020-25

Reference-free combined X-ray reflectivity and grazing Incidence X-ray fluorescence analysis: metrological and technical aspects (Invited Paper)

9 April 2024 • 16:30 - 17:00 CEST | Varsovie/Salon 1, Niveau/Level 0


The precise characterization of thin layers in microelectronics or related fields is more and more challenging as the targeted thicknesses are decreasing into the nanometer range. Combined XRR-GIXRF analysis is a powerful technique that combines the advantages of the elemental sensitivity of X-ray fluorescence with the thickness and density sensitivity of X-ray reflectivity. This method is performed in a reference-free mode which relies on the precise knowledge of some physical quantities.


CEA (France)
Yves Ménesguen obtained his PhD in th field of non-linear physics in thin film based lasers (VCSELs) and joined the CEA at LNHB, the french primary laboratory for ionizing radiations, to develop the metrology of x-ray spectroscopy applications. For several years, he is involved in the construction and optimisation of an instrument dedicated to the combined XRR-GIXRF analysis of thin films.
CEA (France)
Marie-Christine Lépy
CEA (France)