2014 A.E. Conrady Award
Matthew ‘Chuck' Rimmer receives the 2014 A.E. Conrady Award.
SPIE member Matthew “Chuck” Rimmer, retired chief scientist with Optical Research Associates (now Synopsys) (USA), is the recipient of the 2014 A.E. Conrady Award in recognition of his contributions to optical design algorithm development, including his work in the area of wavefront differential tolerancing.
Rimmer has played a central role in the development of optical-design software for 50 years, said SPIE Fellow David Williamson of Nikon Research Corp. (USA). “His work permeates the Code V optical design program, which is widely considered to be the most accurate and powerful commercial software.”
Rimmer has been an influential theoretician and algorithm developer for optical design and analysis software since the beginning of computer-aided simulation. He is best known for his clarification and programming in Fortran the fifth-order transverse aberration coefficients of Buchdahl, which have since become the basis for computing the wave-aberration coefficients of H.H. Hopkins.
Rimmer was a key resource for the optical design and analysis tools in Itek’s CORONA program, although much of his work at Itek was unpublished. His most widely recognized contributions to the field have been through Synopsys’ Code V software, including modulation-transfer-function (MTF) optimization and tolerancing features, computer-aided alignment, relative illumination calculations, raytracing through inhomogeneous media, and partially coherent imaging.
“Chuck was always so clever and fast at these developments and so modest that he never received the recognition he deserved,” said SPIE Fellow James Wyant of University of Arizona (USA). “He deserves an award such as the SPIE Conrady Award.”
Rimmer has taught student courses at SPIE events, including Optical MEMS for Lightwave Networks.
SPIE presents several annual awards that recognize individual and team technical accomplishments in optics and photonics and service to the Society.
Nominations may be made through 1 October and remain active for three years from the submission date, except for the SPIE Early Career Achievement Award and the Goodman Book Writing Award.
Nominations must be accompanied by:
- Nomination form
- Citation stating the accomplishments of nominee
- Description of the significant aspects of nominee's career
- Curriculum vitae listing educational background, positions held, publications, awards, honors, activities, and offices held within SPIE
- At least two letters of reference, not from the nominator
Read more about SPIE annual awards, to be presented by SPIE President H. Philip Stahl Wednesday, 20 August, at the SPIE annual awards banquet in San Diego, CA (USA).
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