Video: Developing disruptive innovations with optical sensors
An interdisciplinary and collaborative atmosphere leads to low-cost technology solutions for the developing world.
The Center for Advanced Sensor Technology (CAST) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, promotes the development of sensors for biomedical, bioprocess, environmental and homeland defense applications.
The center is a multidisciplinary group of chemists, molecular biologists, electrical engineers and chemical and biochemical engineers. Their main objective is to create innovative sensor technology that is high throughput and low-cost amenable for transfer to industry counterparts. The major emphasis is on disruptive innovation. The center has a strong intellectual property portfolio with several corporate licensees and partners.
Govind Rao is Professor and Director of CAST and has been at UMBC for 25 years, while Dan Kostov (Assistant Director) has been there for 13 years. Both have faculty appointments in Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering.