Josh Holly: Involvement in public policy key for optics and photonics industry
The Podesta Group has been working with the National Photonics Initiative to advance optics and photonics.
With close ties to Republican leadership and deep relationships with unelected members of the presidential transition team, Josh Holly offers Podesta Group clients varied legislative expertise from national security to education and workforce issues. He also draws upon a solid background in government acquisition policy to support clients interested in building or expanding their presence in the federal marketplace.
Josh has had a seat at the table for many of the major national security debates and decisions of the past decade, from the military surge in Iraq to the nation's ongoing efforts in Afghanistan.
Earlier in his career, Josh served as director of media affairs for the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce under former Speaker John Boehner (ROH), then Chairman. Earlier in his career, Josh was deputy press secretary in Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)'s 2002 campaign, press secretary for Rep. Ernie Fletcher (RKY), and director of news analysis for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Josh will present "Navigating Defense and the Budget in President Trump's Washington" 13 April at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2017 in Anaheim.