Faces of Photonics: SPIE Britton Chance Award Winner and Professor of Radiology, Samuel Achilefu
Achilefu's research is changing the way we think about cancer therapy.
Recipient of the 2019 SPIE Britton Chance Award in Biomedical Optics; Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis; 2019 SPIE BiOS Hot Topics keynote speaker: these are just a few of the titles currently held by SPIE Fellow Samuel Achilefu.
Achilefu's research is changing the way we think about cancer therapy. Some cancer cells do not respond to traditional treatment, but Achilefu's team has found that if you stimulate those inactive cancer cells with light, they become responsive, providing surgeons with a more accurate path to removing the cancer. "I really believe we will be reaching a solution very soon," Achilefu commented.
To read more about the SPIE Britton Chance Award and Achilefu's research, see the January SPIE Professional article. In the meantime, please enjoy his interview with SPIE's Faces of Photonics!
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