21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US

Awards information for SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing

Honoring outstanding achievement from our researchers

Giving recognition

SPIE and supporting organizations recognize contributions that have been made by experts, and we honor their accomplishments with the following prestigious awards.

SPIE Awards: Honoring outstanding achievement from our researchers

Award winners from 2024

Thank you to our sponsors and the award committees for making these SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2024 awards possible.

Award Award Recipient Paper
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Paper Award Rawal, Atul 13051-19
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Student Paper Award Black, Scotty 13051-28
Automatic Target Recognition Best Student Paper Award Abraham, Sophia 13039-2
Automatic Target Recognition Best Student Paper Award Naik, Salil 13039-21
Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Best Student Paper Gummi, Sainath Reddy 13053-11
Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Best Student Paper - Runner Up Ladino, Karla S. 13053-12
Big Data: Learning, Analytics, and Applications Best Student Paper Award Breaker, Henry 13036-18
Infrared Imaging Systems Best Presentation Somerville, Luke D. 13045-11
Infrared Imaging Systems Innovation Award: Test Technique Burrell, Derek J. 13045-28
Infrared Imaging Systems Young Researcher Innovation Award Rubis, Jordan L. 13045-34
Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning Best Paper Award Gomez, Alexis A. 13033-3
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring Best Paper Award Fairman, William 13061-25
Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award - First Place Megas, Vasileios  13048-4
Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award - Second Place Michaelchuck, Edward 13048-9
Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award - Third Place Yazgan, Mehmet 13048-15
Synthetic Data for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Paper Award Christian, Jonathan 13035-59
Synthetic Data for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Poster Award Ricker, RyeAnne 13035-46
Thermosense Best Student Paper Helvig, Kevin 13047-3
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Fumio Okano Best Paper Award Singh, Rakesh Kumar 13041-16
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Fumio Okano Best Paper Award Sun, Xiaowei 13041-3
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Fumio Okano Best Paper Award Doblas, Ana 13041-22

2024 Conference Awards

13032 (DCS108) Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXXI

Best Student Paper Award

In order to be considered for this award, the student must be the presenter and the primary author and marked as student and presenter in the submission system. A panel of experts will evaluate the papers, both for quality and content with regard to: 1) innovation, clarity, and style, and 2) the importance of the work to the field.

13034 (DCS110) Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning 2024

Best Paper Award

The award will be given to a paper for its originality and contributions to the multimodal image exploitation and learning field. The criteria for evaluation will include:

  1. innovation
  2. clarity and quality of the manuscript submitted for publication
  3. significance and impact of the work reported.

To be considered, authors must:

  1. add "nominate for best paper award" as one of their topics by selecting “other” under topics and typing in “nominate for best paper award”
  2. present their oral presentation as scheduled
  3. submit their manuscript by the advertised due date.

To select the winners of the best paper award, the evaluation committee will go through a rigorous two-stage selection process:

  1. the submissions with the highest review scores by three committee members will be selected. Committee members will also read the corresponding paper reviews and rebuttal. Based on this investigation, the committee will select eight papers that stand out according to the review criteria.
  2. the selected papers will be presented in a special session, and one of the eight papers will be selected to receive the best paper award. A panel of experts will evaluate all the papers for technical quality and merit.

Conference chairs will not participate in the evaluation process of the papers. The evaluation committee will make all decisions regarding the selection of the best paper.

13035 (DCS112) Synthetic Data for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Tools, Techniques, and Applications II

Best Oral Presentation Award
Best Poster Award

We are pleased to announce two awards for this conference:

  1. best oral presentation award: presentations will be evaluated in terms of scientific content, audience accessibility, and quality of visual aids
  2. best poster award: posters will be evaluated in terms of scientific content, audience accessibility, and quality of visual aids.

Award winners will receive an awards certificate.

All accepted presentations in this conference are automatically eligible.

13036 (DCS113) Big Data VI: Learning, Analytics, and Applications

Best Paper Award

One paper will be selected for the best paper award among the papers of this conference (accepted, in-person presented by one of the authors, and published). The selection will be made by a designated award sub-committee, comprising three members of the conference program committee and/or chairs. All eligible papers will be evaluated for technical quality and merit. The criteria for evaluation will include: 1) innovation; 2) clarity and quality of the manuscript submitted for publication; and 3) the significance and impact of the work reported. In order to be considered for the award, one of the authors must make their oral presentation and submit their final manuscript as scheduled and according to the due date. There is no monetary prize for this award.

13039 (DCS116) Automatic Target Recognition XXXIV

Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award

To be eligible for this award, you must submit a manuscript, be accepted for an oral presentation, and you or your co-author must present your paper on-site. All students are eligible if the abstract was accepted during the academic year the student graduated. Students are required to be enrolled in university degree granting program. Manuscripts will be judged on technical merit, presentation/speaking skills, and audience interaction. Winners will be announced after the meeting and will be included in the proceedings. All winners will receive an Award Certificate and recognition on SPIE.org.

13045 (DCS204) Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXXV

Infrared Imaging Systems Best Presentation Award
Innovation Award: Test Technique
Young Researcher Innovation Award: Modeling, Simulation, Analysis

This year, this conference grants three awards: 1) Best presentation is selected by the conference committee; 2) Santa Barbara Infrared (SBIR) is offering a $250.00 honorarium for an innovation award, granted for the most innovative test technique; and 3) True Colors Infrared Imaging (TCII) is awarding a $250.00 honorarium to the most innovative modeling and simulation driven imager design or analysis paper presented by a student or young researcher. All awardees will receive recognition on their published paper in the conference proceedings, provided that the manuscript is submitted before the end of the conference.

Innovation Awards sponsored by:
Santa Barbara Infrared
True Colors Infrared Imaging

13047 (DCS206) Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLVI

Thermosense Best Student Paper Award

The chairs and committee will recognize one outstanding young researcher with a best student paper award for this conference. The award is open to any first author student presenting an oral presentation at SPIE Thermosense. A certificate and $500 monetary award will be granted to the student winner.

To be eligible for the best student paper award, you must:

  • be a student without a doctoral degree (undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student)
  • submit your abstract online, and select “Yes” when asked if you are a full-time student, and select yourself as the speaker
  • be the presenting author on an accepted paper within this conference
  • have conducted the majority of the work to be presented
  • submit your manuscript online by 3 April 2024
  • present your paper as scheduled.

Award sponsored by:

13048 (DCS207) Radar Sensor Technology XXVIII

Early career research awards

The Radar Sensor Technology conference encourages submissions of relevant research to dedicated sessions of early-career researchers, which includes undergraduate students, graduate students, and young professionals (who have accrued five years or less of experience within the workforce, after graduation). A Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award will be given to the first author/presenter of the top three best early-career research paper and presentation combination (i.e. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded, after evaluation of the paper and presentation as a package).

Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award recipients will receive conference recognition in the form of:

  • an SPIE award certificate
  • announcement on the SPIE website
  • recognition in the winner's SPIE Profile
  • in-person recognition with a photo opportunity with the chairs at SPIE DCS the following year.

To be eligible for the Radar Sensor Technology Early Career Research Award, you must self-identify your abstract submission by choosing the topic "Early-Career Research" during the abstract submission process.

13051 (DCS301) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications VI

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Paper Award
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best Student Paper Award

All accepted and presented full papers in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications conference will compete for: 1) Best Paper Award, and 2) Best Student Paper Award. Manuscripts will be evaluated on originality, technical merit, and significance to MDO applications. Judging is based on the complete submitted manuscripts. Winners will be announced at the symposium. The manuscript due date is 3 April 2024. Program committee and chair papers are excluded from these best paper awards.

Awards sponsored by:
BAE Systems

13053 (DCS303) Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IX

Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Best Student Paper Award

The chairs and committee are excited to be able to recognize pioneers in the field with a best paper award sponsored by Syngenta. One winner will be selected for the Best Paper Award and a runner-up will also be recognized. This award is open to student and postdoctoral presenters who are lead authors in this conference. Judging is based on both the presentation and the manuscript. Winners will be notified after the symposium.

Award sponsored by:

13057 (DCS308) Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXXIII

Best Student Paper Award

We are happy to announce a best student paper award, to be judged at the conference (papers must acknowledge first student author when submitting). The best student paper award for the SPIE Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition conference is picked by a committee delegated by the program chairs of the conference. It recognizes the very best work appearing at the conference where the first author is a student. Judging is based on the complete submitted manuscripts. Winners will be announced at the symposium. The manuscript due date is 3 April 2024.

13058 (DCS309) Disruptive Technologies in Information Sciences VIII

Student Emerging and Disruptive Innovation Award

Award support may be provided to undergraduate students who submit abstracts based upon their own independent research or ideas and who have their ideas accepted by the program committee. Applicants and their area of research must focus around the topical focus of the Disruptive Technologies in Information Sciences conference. Students applying for award must indicate during submission of their abstract that they are an undergraduate seeking award by selecting "student award" in the topics section.

13061 (DCS313) Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XV

Best Paper Award

We are pleased to announce a best paper award for the Ocean Sensing and Monitoring conference. All accepted presentation in this conference are eligible. The award will be announced at the end of the conference.

13062 (DCS314) Sensors and Systems for Space Applications XVII

Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Best Paper Award
Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Best Student Paper Award

We are pleased to announce best paper awards in sensors and systems. An award will be given to the best paper and best student paper in the Sensors and Systems for Space Applications conference. Qualifying papers will be evaluated by the awards committee. Manuscripts will be judged based on scientific merit, impact, and clarity. The winners will be announced during the conference and the presenting authors will be awarded.

To be eligible for the best paper award, you must:

  • be listed as an author on an accepted paper within this conference
  • have conducted the majority of the work to be presented
  • submit your manuscript online by 3 April 2024
  • present your paper as scheduled.

To be eligible for the best student paper award, you must:

  • be a student without a doctoral degree (undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student)
  • submit your abstract online, and select "Yes" when asked if you are a full-time student, and select yourself as the speaker
  • be the presenting author on an accepted paper within this conference
  • have conducted the majority of the work to be presented
  • submit your manuscript online by 3 April 2024
  • present your paper as scheduled.