22 - 23 August 2023
San Diego, California, US

SPIE-CLP Conference on Advanced Photonics 2023

APC2023 brings together international leading researchers, scientists, and engineers who are actively working in areas of emerging photonics, including quantum photonics, photonics for sustainability, machine learning, topological photonics, and structured light. This international event is initiated by Advanced Photonics, a highly selective, open-access, international journal, co-published by SPIE and Chinese Laser Press, that publishes innovative research in all areas of optics and photonics.

This free two-day event will offer invited talks and posters and will be collocated with SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 in San Diego. Your registration to the event includes access to the three-day exhibition which includes a two-day Job Fair and networking events happening on the exhibition floor. Make plans to join colleagues this August in California. Registration is now open.

This conference is sponsored by Advanced Photonics and Advanced Photonics Nexus journals, and there are no registration fees for authors and participants.

Browse conference themes

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Explore the four technical tracks

Photonic quantum technologies

  • quantum information systems
  • quantum photonic integrated circuits
  • quantum optical communications
  • quantum computing
  • quantum imaging and sensing
  • materials for quantum photonic technologies.

Illustration of photonic quantum technologies at the at the Conference on Advanced Photonics

Photonic quantum invited speakers

Jelena Vuckovic

Stanford Univ.
(United States)
Scalable quantum and nonlinear photonics

Miles J. Padgett

Univ. of Glasgow
(United Kingdom)
Advances in imaging through a single optical fibre

Nathalie de Leon

Princeton Univ. (United States)
Nanoscale covariance magnetometry with diamond quantum sensors

Andrei Faraon

Caltech (United States)
3D meta-optics for sorting light by wavelength, polarization, and angle of incidence

Photonics for sustainability

  • new trends in photovoltaics
  • perovskites
  • solar fuels
  • passive cooling
  • air and water pollution monitoring
  • decontamination
  • plasmonic photochemistry and photocatalysis.

Image of photonics for sustainability at the Conference on Advanced Photonics

Photonics for sustainability invited speakers

Po-Chun Hsu

The Univ. of Chicago (United States)
Multifunctional photonic thermal engineering for human-building-energy nexus

Lili Cai

Univ. of Illinois (United States)
Tailoring thermal radiation with nanoengineered materials for building and personal thermal management

Dangyuan Lei

City Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China)
Fluorescence-mediated radiative cooling for green buildings and skin electronics

Igor I. Smolyaninov

Saltenna LLC (United States)
Surface electromagnetic waves in lossy media for environmental sensing applications

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in photonics and imaging

  • microscopy using artificial intelligence
  • AI applications in image recognition
  • photonic neural networks and neuromorphic computing
  • integrated and nonlinear photonics for AI applications
  • AI and machine learning for design of optical components, circuits, and metasurfaces.

Illustration of AI research at the Conference on Advanced Photonics

Artificial intelligence invited speakers

Xiaodi Tan

Fujian Normal Univ. (China)
Enlarge the capacity of holographic data storage using deep learning

Aydogan Ozcan

UCLA Samueli School of Engineering (United States)
Deep-learning-enabled computational microscopy and diffractive imaging

Kebin Shi

Peking Univ. (China)
Correlative super resolution microscopy and applications

Piero R. Bianco

Univ. of Nebraska Medical Ctr. (United States)
High-speed image reconstruction for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy using facile optimization and conversion of reconstruction code in the GPU environment

Topological photonics and structured light

  • topological structures of light fields (skyrmion, meron, hopfions)
  • optical levitation, trapping and manipulation with structured fields
  • nonlinear optics with structured beams
  • light field topology and propagation in scattering media
  • structured and topological light for optical communications
  • quantum optomechanics
  • unconventional optical forces (such as chiral forces, tractor beams).

An illustration of topological photonics and structured light at the Conference on Advanced Photonics

Topological photonics invited speakers

Kishan Dholakia

The Univ. of Adelaide (Australia),
Univ. of St. Andrews (United Kingdom)
All in a spin: Rotational levitated optomechanics

Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

The Univ. of Queensland (Australia)
Sculpted light in nano and microsystems

Sonja Franke-Arnold

Univ of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
An atomic compass based on vectorial light-matter interaction

Harald Giessen

Univ. Stuttgart (Germany)
Topological plasmonics and twistronics: Ultrafast vector movies of plasmonic skyrmions, merons, and skyrmion bags on the nanoscale

John B. Pendry

The Blackett Lab., Imperial College London
(United Kingdom)
Photonics of time-varying media

General Chairs

Xiao-Cong Yuan

Shenzhen University

Anatoly Zayats

King's College London