16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-18
Paper 13094-18

The Vera C. Rubin construction status in 2024 (Invited Paper)

On demand | Presented live 17 June 2024


Vera C. Rubin Observatory is the combination of an 8.4-m telescope, a 3.2 gigapixel camera and a sophisticated data pipeline that is now in the final stage of construction/commissioning in Chile. In the last couple of years, every part of the Observatory has gone through tremendous progress. The telescope is fully functional with successful motion tests using metal surrogates on the mirror support systems, the Camera has completed final laboratory performance testing and has been delivered safely to the Observatory and the data pipeline is ready to receive and reduce the first on-sky images. Meanwhile, the Education and Public Outreach team has paved the way to operations by successfully finishing construction and started implementing their full program. The Construction team forecasts completion by mid-2025.


Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)
Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)
Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)