16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13100 > Paper 13100-155
Paper 13100-155

SCALES slenslit design status

On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024


We report on the design and status of the slicing unit of SCALES (Slicer Combined with an Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy), which sits behind the lenslet array and produces a pseudoslit suitable for higher dispersion than is achievable with a lenslet alone. Typical lenslet-based integral field spectrographs achieve high spatial resolution (but at the expense of spectral resolution), and slicers can achieve high spatial and spectral resolution (but at the expense of field of view), and additionally require extreme care in design and fabrication to avoid introducing aberrations through the slicer and spectrograph optics that can reduce the overall performance. Our ‘slenslit’ (SLiced LENlet pseudoSLIT) combines the benefits of the lenslet array, which samples the field of view, and the slicer, which rearranges the field of view, to produce diffraction-limited, high spatial resolution spectra of exoplanets. SCALES’ diffraction-limited integral field spectrograph operates from 1 to 5 microns behind the W.M. Keck Observatory’s AO system, and coronagraphic masks unlock the high contrast needed to observe and characterize exoplanets. The SCALES slenslit opens up new parameter space heretofore untapped by rearranging a small patch of lenslets into a pseudoslit before being dispersed at moderate spectral resolution (R∼ 2500 − 7500) over the SCALES bandpass while preserving the spatial resolution offered by the Keck AO system. The slenslit is being built in collaboration with the University of Durham’s Centre for Advanced Instrumentation.
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Univ. of California Observatories (United States)
Dr. R. Deno Stelter is a project scientist at UC Observatories/UC Santa Cruz, where he works as the instrument scientist for SCALES (Slicer Combined with an Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy) and adaptive secondary mirror development. SCALES, an AO high-contrast integral field spectrograph, is currently in its Final Design phase. Dr. Stelter was trained in the arts of advanced image slicer design and cryo-opto-mechanical engineering while in graduate school, and is passionate about astronomical instrumentation, regardless of whether or not slicers are involved.
Univ. of California Observatories (United States)
Univ. of California Observatories (United States)
Durham Univ. (United Kingdom)
David G Bramall
Durham Univ. (United Kingdom)
Durham Univ. (United Kingdom)
Andrew J. Skemer
Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (United States)
Univ. of California, Irvine (United States)