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23 - 27 February 2025
San Jose, California, US
Conference 13425 > Paper 13425-43
Paper 13425-43

Exploiting machine learning clustering methods to optimize OPC model

27 February 2025 • 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM PST | Convention Center, Grand Ballroom 220C


The first and most crucial step in generating an effective term-based OPC model is defining an appropriate model structure. However, due to the modern OPC model's complexity and layout pattern diversity, optimizing a model inevitably involves a laborious iterative manual term selection. Therefore, we propose a new machine learning (ML)-based feature selection approach to facilitate the term-selection process more systematically and intelligently. Our approach utilizes the high-performance supervised clustering algorithms implemented in Calibre SONR to effectively reduce dimensionality by removing irrelevant and duplicate kernels. From the SEM measurement data, labeled data is obtained for SONR’s supervised clustering. From the generic kernel library containing hundreds for preconfigured kernels, only the terms with meaningful contribution are selected by calculating the term contributions projected on points of interest extracted from critical dimension (CD) gauges and edge placement error (EPE) gauges. The effectiveness of our approach will be presented through benchmarking against our best-known method (BKM) model generated by a manual term selection.


Jongyoon Bae
Siemens EDA (United States)
Dr. Jongyoon Bae earned doctoral degree in chemical engineering from Brown University in 2022. His dissertation work was on computational modeling of molecule and solid-state surface interfaces using first principles calculations and kinetic modeling. In Siemens EDA he is working as a product engineer in Calibre modeling team to enhance resist and etch modeling products.
Application tracks: AI/ML , EPE/Overlay
Jongyoon Bae
Siemens EDA (United States)