Paper 13427-52
Combination of thermal scanning probe lithography and directed self-assembly of block copolymers for quantum device fabrication
26 February 2025 • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PST
In the developing field of semiconductor quantum device fabrication one of the biggest challenges to face at present is the development of an appropriate lithography scheme. Because of the nanometric feature sizes and high feature density typical in semiconductor quantum devices, state of the art lithography will be needed. In this work, we propose the combination of top-down thermal scanning proble lithography (t-SPL) and bottom-up directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCP) as a suitable lithography process for the fabrication of these devices. The high overlay alignment accuracy inherent in t-SPL patterning and the pattern resolution improvement brought by the DSA of BCP has the potential to suffice the high resolution and high overlay alignment control necessary in semiconductor quantum device fabrication.
Iker Uranga-Granados
Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, Ctr. Nacional de Microelectrónica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
Iker Uranga-Granados was born in Zumaia, a little town in the northern coast of Spain, in 1999. He studied both Physics and Electronical Engineering at the University of the Basque County (UPV/EHU) at Bilbao and then moved to Barcelona to complete a Master's degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Currently, he is employed at the Barcelona Insititute of Microelectronics (IMB-CNM/CSIC) as a PhD student working on the development of fabrication processes for the building of semiconductor quantum devices under professor Francesc Pérez-Murano and doctor Marta Fernández-Regúlez.