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- Front Matter: Volume 8227
- Wavefront Shaping
- Fluorescence and Non-linear Microscopy
- Computational Microscopy
- Modulated Illumination Microscopy
- Phase and Polarization Microscopy
- Holographic Microscopy
- Tomographic Microscopy
- Nomarski, Quantitative, and Diagnostic Imaging
- Scanning and New Microscopies
- Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 8227
Front Matter: Volume 8227
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE
Proceedings Volume 8227, including the Title Page, Copyright
information, Table of Contents, and the Conference Committee listing.
Wavefront Shaping
Measuring aberrations in the rat brain by a new coherence-gated wavefront sensor using a Linnik interferometer
Jinyu Wang,
Jean-Francois Leger,
Jonas Binding,
et al.
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Wavefront distortions due to refractive index mismatch and tissue inhomogeneity may limit the resolution, contrast,
signal strength and achievable imaging depth of microscope. Traditional Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors can't be
used in strongly scattering biological samples since there is no selection of the ballistic photons originating from the
reference point in the sample amongst all the backscattered photons. In contrast, coherence-gated wavefront sensing
(CGWS) allows the fast measurement of aberrations in scattering samples and therefore should permit adaptive
corrections. We have implemented a new CGWS scheme based on a Linnik interferometer with Super Luminescent
Emission Diode as low temporal coherence light source. Compared to the previously described CGWS system based on
a femtosecond laser, its main advantages are the automatic compensation of dispersion between the two arms and its
easy implementation on any microscope. The configuration of virtual Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for wavefront
reconstruction was optimized, and the measurement precision was analyzed when multiple scattering was not negligible.
In fresh rat brain slices, we successfully measured up to about 400 μm depth a known defocus aberration, obtained by
axially displacing the coherence gate with respect to the actual focus in the sample.
Performance evaluation of point-spread function engineering to reduce the impact of depth-induced aberrations on extended depth-of-field microscopy
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In this study, we evaluated a point-spread function (PSF) engineered using wave front encoding (WFE) and a
generalized cubic phase mask (GCPM) design selected to reduce the impact of depth-induced spherical aberration (SA)
on extended depth-of-field (EDOF) microscopy with high NA lenses. Mean-square-error based metrics computed from
three-dimensional (3D) depth-variant WFE-PSFs with increasing amounts of SA were used to quantify the engineered
PSF's sensitivity to SA and to compare it to the sensitivity of the cubic-phase mask (CPM) PSF traditionally used for
EDOF microscopy. The potential performance of the engineered PSF with resilience to SA was further evaluated with
simulations in which EDOF images of a 3D object were obtained by processing WFE images with and without SA. A
qualitative and quantitative comparison of the EDOF images with the true object show that the WFE-PSF engineering
with the selected GCPM design provides better performance in reducing the impact of SA. In addition, the GCPM-based
EDOF images do not suffer from the known lateral shift of object features located away from the plane of focus
encountered in traditional CPM-based EDOF images.
Simultaneous quantitative depth mapping and extended depth of field for 4D microscopy through PSF engineering
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An extended depth of field (EDF) microscope that allows for quantitative axial positioning has been constructed. Past
work has shown that EDF microscopy allows for features in varying planes to appear sharply focused simultaneously,
however an inherent consequence of this is that depth information is lost. Here, a specifically engineered phase plate is
used to create a point spread function (PSF) that contains both of the necessary attributes for extended depth of field and
quantitative depth mapping. A two-camera solution is used to separate and capture the information for individualized
post processing. The result is a microscope that can serve as an essential tool for full 3D, real-time imaging.
Fluorescence and Non-linear Microscopy
Calibration of an adaptive microscope using phase diversity
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Accurate control over the phase and amplitude modulation in an adaptive microscope is essential to the quality
of aberration correction that can be achieved. In this paper we present a robust and compact method for
characterising such amplitude and phase modulation in the pupil plane of the focussing objective. This method,
based on phase diversity, permits calibrating the microscope as a whole and thus avoids errors in the alignment
of the wavefront shaping device after calibration and the resulting imprecision in the induced modulation: by
acquiring three 2D images of the point spread function at different distances from the focal plane, we show that
the electric field distribution at the pupil plane can be retrieved using an iterative algorithm. We have applied
this technique to the characterisation of the phase modulation induced by a deformable mirror when conjugated
with the entrance pupil of different objectives, which permits accurate evaluation of the performance of the
mirror for subsequent aberration correction.
Correction accuracy in image-based adaptive optics for nonlinear microscopy
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We investigate the parameters governing the accuracy of correction in modal sensorless adaptive optics for
microscopy. In this paper we focus on the case of two-photon excited fluorescence. Using analytical, numerical
and experimental results, we show that using a suitable number of measurements, accurate correction can
be achieved for up to 2 rad rms initial aberrations even without optimisation of the correction modes. We
demonstrate that this correction can be achieved using low light levels to minimise photobleaching and toxicity,
and we provide examples of such optimised correction.
Computational Microscopy
Hyperspectral fluorescence microscopy based on compressed sensing
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In fluorescence microscopy, one can distinguish two kinds of imaging approaches, wide field and raster scan
microscopy, differing by their excitation and detection scheme. In both imaging modalities the acquisition is
independent of the information content of the image. Rather, the number of acquisitions N, is imposed by
the Nyquist-Shannon theorem. However, in practice, many biological images are compressible (or, equivalently
here, sparse), meaning that they depend on a number of degrees of freedom K that is smaller that their size N.
Recently, the mathematical theory of compressed sensing (CS) has shown how the sensing modality could take
advantage of the image sparsity to reconstruct images with no loss of information while largely reducing the number M of acquisition. Here we present a novel fluorescence microscope designed along the principles of CS. It uses a spatial light modulator (DMD) to create structured wide field excitation patterns and a sensitive point detector to measure the emitted fluorescence. On sparse fluorescent samples, we could achieve compression ratio N/M of up to 64, meaning that an image can be reconstructed with a number of measurements of only 1.5 % of its pixel number. Furthemore, we extend our CS acquisition scheme to an hyperspectral imaging system.
Optimisation of the diffractive optical element for snapshot spectral imaging used in fluorescence microscopy
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Snapshot approaches address various possibilities to acquire the spectral and spatial information of a scene within a
single camera frame. One advantage over the classical push broom or staring imager approaches is that the temporal
inconsistency between consecutive scan lines in first case or between the acquired monochromatic images in the second
case is avoided. However, this has to be paid by some effort to rearrange or reconstruct the explicit spectral cube from
the entangled raw data in the single camera frame. Besides others, the utilization of a diffractive optical element (DOE)
is one such snapshot approach (CTIS - computed tomography imaging spectrometer). The DOE is used to create an
optical transfer function that projects both the spectral and spatial information of a scene onto a sensor array and a
reconstruction algorithm is used that recovers the spectral cube from the dispersed image pattern. The design of the DOE
is crucial for the overall system performance as the absolute transmission efficiency of the zeroth and first order versus
the relative efficiency between the two over the required wavelength range are difficult to optimize if the limited
dynamic range of a real camera is considered. We describe the optimization of such a DOE for the wavelength range
from 400 to 780nm and the required reconstruction algorithm to recover the spectral cube from the entangled snapshot
image. The described snapshot approach has been evaluated using experiments to assess the spatial and spectral
resolution using diffuse reflectance standards. Additionally the results achieved using the described setup for multi-color
in-situ fluorescence hybridized preparations (M-FISH) are discussed.
Double helix PSF engineering for computational fluorescence microscopy imaging
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Point spread function engineering with a double helix (DH) phase mask has been recently used in a joint computationaloptical
approach for the determination of depth and intensity information from fluorescence images. In this study,
theoretically determined DH-PSFs computed from a model that incorporates different amounts of depth-induced
spherical aberration (SA) due to refractive-index mismatch in the three-dimensional imaging layers, are evaluated
through a comparison to empirically determined DH-PSFs measured from quantum dots. The theoretically-determined
DH-PSFs show a trend that captures the main effects observed in the empirically-determined DH-PSFs. Calibration
curves computed from these DH-PSFs show that SA slows down the rate of rotation observed in a DH-PSF which results
in: 1) an extended range of rotation; and 2) asymmetric rotation ranges as the focus is moved in opposite directions.
Thus, for accurate particle localization different calibration curves need to be known for different amounts of SA.
Results also show that the DH-PSF is less sensitive to SA than the conventional PSF. Based on this result, it is expected
that fewer depth-variant (DV) DH-PSFs will be required for 3D computational microscopy imaging in the presence of
SA compared to the required number of conventional DV PSFs.
Three dimensional refractive index imaging with differential interference contrast microscopy
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We report here a new approach based on an extension of the transport of the intensity equation for three dimensional refractive index imaging of a weak phase object from a series of images recorded by a differential interference contrast microscope at different focus (z-stack). Our method is first validated by imaging polystyrene spheres. We then apply this method to monitor in vivo apoptosis of human breast MCF7 epithelial cells. The potential applications are discussed at the end.
Performance evaluation of an image estimation method based on principal component analysis (PCA) developed for quantitative depth-variant fluorescence microscopy imaging
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In 3D wide-field computational microscopy, the image formation process is depth variant due to the refractive index
mismatch between the imaging layers. In a previous study, an image estimation method based on a principle component
analysis (PCA) model for the representation of the depth varying point spread function (DV-PSF) was presented and
demonstrated with noiseless simulations. In this study, the performance of the PCA-based DV expectation
maximization algorithm (PCA-DVEM) was further evaluated with noisy simulations. Different levels of Poisson noise
were used in simulated forward images of a synthetic object computed using theoretically-determined DV-PSFs
approximated by the PCA approach. The noise influence on the reconstructed images obtained with PCA-DVEM was
evaluated. We found that without regularization, the algorithm performs well when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is 14
dB or higher. The relationship of the number of PCA components, B, to the image reconstruction performance was also
investigated on both noiseless and noisy simulated data. In both cases, we found that the number of PCA components
has limited effect on the image reconstruction performance for B > 1. To reduce computational complexity while
maintaining image estimation performance, B = 2 is suggested for processing experimental data.
Modulated Illumination Microscopy
Modeling optical phase conjugation of ultrasonically encoded signal utilizing finite-difference time-domain simulations
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Strong scattering of light propagating through tissue limits the maximum focal depth of an optical wave, inhibiting the use of light in medical diagnostics and therapeutics. However, turbidity suppression has been demonstrated utilizing phase conjugation with an ultrasound (US) generated guide star. We analyze this technique
utilizing a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulation to propagate an optical signal in a synthetic skin model. The US beam is simulated as perturbing the indicies of refraction proportional to the acoustic pressure for four equally spaced phases. By the Nyquist criterion, this is sucient to capture DC and the fundamental
frequency of the US. The complex optical field at the detector is calculated utilizing the Hilbert transform, conjugated and "played back" through the media. The resulting field travels along the same scattering paths and converges upon the US beams focus. The axial and transverse resolution of the system are analyzed and
compared to the wavelength of the optical and US beams. The source geometries are varied and the effect of afinite etendue is modeled and studied to aid in system design.
Melanin fluorescence spectra by step-wise three photon excitation
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Melanin is the characteristic chromophore of human skin with various potential biological functions. Kerimo discovered
enhanced melanin fluorescence by stepwise three-photon excitation in 2011. In this article, step-wise three-photon
excited fluorescence (STPEF) spectrum between 450 nm -700 nm of melanin is reported. The melanin STPEF spectrum
exhibited an exponential increase with wavelength. However, there was a probability of about 33% that another kind of
step-wise multi-photon excited fluorescence (SMPEF) that peaks at 525 nm, shown by previous research, could also be
generated using the same process. Using an excitation source at 920 nm as opposed to 830 nm increased the potential for
generating SMPEF peaks at 525 nm. The SMPEF spectrum peaks at 525 nm photo-bleached faster than STPEF spectrum.
Phase and Polarization Microscopy
Dynamic phase imaging and processing of moving biological organisms
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This paper describes recent advances in developing a new, novel interference Linnik microscope system
and presents images and data of live biological samples. The specially designed optical system enables
instantaneous 4-dimensional video measurements of dynamic motions within and among live cells without
the need for contrast agents. "Label-free" measurements of biological objects in reflection using harmless
light levels are possible without the need for scanning and vibration isolation. This instrument utilizes a
pixelated phase mask enabling simultaneous measurement of multiple interference patterns taking
advantage of the polarization properties of light enabling phase image movies in real time at video rates to
track dynamic motions and volumetric changes. Optical thickness data are derived from phase images after
processing to remove the background surface shape to quantify changes in cell position and volume. Data
from a number of different pond organisms will be presented, as will measurements of human breast
cancer cells with the addition of various agents that break down the cells. These data highlight examples of
the image processing involved and the monitoring of different biological processes.
Measurement of the polarimetric response of suspended gallium doped silicon nanowires
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We describe an investigation of the polarimetric properties of suspended gallium doped silicon (Si:Ga) nanowires.
Wire fabrication has been done with a combined gallium implantation (using a focused ion beam) and subsequent
reactive ion and wet etches. A polarimetric microscope has been built and calibrated. Measurement of the
polarimetric response shows a high reflectivity and strong retardance on reflection, with some samples showing
low diattenuation, in contrast to conventional wire grid polarizers.
Star test polarimetry using stress-engineered optical elements
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Stress-engineered optical elements have potential applications in snapshot polarimetry, in which a single irradiance
image is used to measure a spatially varying polarization. In this paper, we present star test polarimetry
which is a method of polarization retrieval by analyzing a single frame point spread function. A trigonally
stressed window placed at the pupil plane of an imaging system is used to produce point spread functions which
are then processed to extract the polarization state of the incoming beam under investigation. We outline several
methods which are used to recover the Stokes parameters of a beam of unknown polarization from the irradiance
distribution of its point spread function.
Holographic Microscopy
Digital holographic microscopy for the cytomorphological imaging of cells under zero gravity
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Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) has been gaining interest from cell biology community because of its label free
nature and quantitative phase signal output. Besides, fast shutter time, image reconstruction by numerical propagation of
the wave fields, and numerical compensation of the aberrations are other intrinsic advantages of this technique that can
be explored for harsh imaging conditions. In the frame of this work, a transmission type DHM is developed with a
decoupled epifluorescence microscopy mode for cytomorphological monitoring under zero gravity and hyper gravity.
With the implemented automatic post processing routines, real time observation of the cell morphology is proven to be
feasible under the influence of mechanical disturbances of zero gravity platforms. Post processing of holograms is
composed from dynamic numerical compensation of holograms, robust autofocusing and phase image registration.
Experiments on live myoblast cells are carried out on two different platforms; random positioning machine (RPM), a
ground base microgravity simulation platform, and parabolic flight campaign (PFC), a fixed wing plane flight providing
short durations of alternating gravity conditions. Results show clear perinuclear phase increase. During seconds scale
microgravity exposure, measurable scale morphological modifications are observed with the accumulated effect of
repetitive exposures and short breaks.
Lens-less holographic microscopy with high resolving power for 4D measurement of microorganism swimming in water
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A lens-less holographic microscopy is developed for observation of high-resolution 4-D (spatio-temporal) images. A
complex-amplitude in-line hologram with a large numerical aperture is extracted from a large off-axis hologram by
applying one-shot digital holography. An angular spectrum method is developed for fast numerical reconstruction of
precise 3-D image from the in-line hologram with a large numerical aperture. 3-D intensity and phase images with no
distortion, with a resolution higher than 1μm, and with a depth larger than 1mm are recorded and reconstructed by the
present holographic microscopy. Possibility is demonstrated to realize 4-D measurement of microorganisms swimming in water.
Tomographic Microscopy
Analysis of the effects of different resampling techniques for optical coherence tomography
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Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) uses interferometry and spatially coherent,
polychromatic light to acquire cross-sectional images of scattering media such as biological tissue. Phase-sensitive
derivatives of FD-OCT, such as spectral domain phase microscopy (SDPM), can perform quantitative phase
imaging of cellular dynamics with sub-Angstrom sensitivity. FD-OCT and SDPM images are generated by taking
the Fourier Transform of the raw spectral interferogram; the accuracy of the reconstruction depends on the choice of
processing algorithms used, system noise, calibration and quantization errors. To decrease the processing time, the
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm can be applied when the data are evenly sampled in wavenumber.
Unfortunately, most OCT systems are designed for constant wavelength sampling, not constant wavenumber sampling. While there is general agreement on the qualitative superiority of some resampling methods over others, to the best of our knowledge there has been no study that compares these methods for OCT phase data. We examine the effects of various resampling techniques on simulated phase and amplitude OCT data. Given the trend towards high-speed imaging with OCT, the choice of resampling methods is critical, as one need balance processing time and image accuracy - not merely quality - when analyzing medical image data.
Multi angle view of lung using optical coherence tomography (OCT)
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Lung imaging, visualization and measurement of alveolar volume has great importance in determining lung
health. However, the heterogeneity of lung tissue complicates this task. In this paper multi angle Optical
Coherence Tomography (OCT) is used to overcome this problem. One of the limitations of utilizing OCT in
lung is the speckle noise and artifacts that originate from the refraction at the tissue-air interface inside the
lung. Multi angle view of lung using OCT is incoherent summation of multiple angle-diverse images. Utilizing
image registration of multi angle OCT scans of the lung helps reduce the speckle noise and refraction artifacts.
This technique helps extract more information from the images which improves visualization and the ability to
measure the geometry of alveoli. The other diculty of utilizing OCT is interpreting the images due to the low
numerical aperture (NA) on the OCT. The multi angle view of the lung increases NA, which increase the imaging
resolution through synthetic aperture imaging. In this paper in
ated excised lung tissue and lung phantom are presented.
Nomarski, Quantitative, and Diagnostic Imaging
Background and speckle suppression with a divided pupil and Nomarski prism for reflectance line-scanning confocal microscopy of human tissues
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We present a design of a line-scanning confocal microscope for reduced speckle and improved sectioning performance
by the use of two pupil-modification techniques. The first is a divided-pupil configuration in which the illumination and
detection paths are separate in object space except in the focal (optical sectioning) plane. The second technique is a
novel implementation of a Nomarski prism and quarter-wave retarder, termed NRDIC, which has shown good results in
point-scanning confocal microscopy and we will present its translation to line-scanning confocal microscopy. A stable
turbid phantom that simulates the background-driven speckle was used for quantitative characterization. Compared to
standard full pupil line-scanning, we show improvements in signal to background of 1.8 and 9 for NRDIC and divided
pupil, respectively. Preliminary imaging in human skin in-vivo demonstrates the improvements in contrast and reduction
of speckle for both the NRDIC and divided pupil modes.
Real-time quantitative differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy implemented via novel liquid crystal prisms
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A phase shifting differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope, which provides quantitative phase information and
is capable of imaging at video rates, has been constructed. Using a combination of phase shifting and bi-directional
shear, the microscope captures a series of eight images which are then integrated in Fourier space. In the resultant image
the intensity profile linearly maps to the phase differential across the object. The necessary operations are performed by
various liquid crystal devices (LCDs) which can operate at high speeds. A set of four liquid crystal prisms shear the
beam in both the x and y directions. A liquid crystal bias cell delays the phase between the e- and o-beams providing
phase-shifted images. The liquid crystal devices are then synchronized with a CCD camera in order to provide real-time
image acquisition. Previous implementation of this microscope utilized Nomarski prisms, a rotation stage and a
manually operated Sénarmont compensator to perform the necessary operations and was only capable of fixed sample
imaging. In the present work, a series of images were taken using both the new LCD prism based microscope and the
previously implemented Sénarmont compensator based system. A comparison between these images shows that the new
system achieves equal and in some cases superior results to that of the old system with the added benefit of real-time imaging.
Dynamic quantitative microscopy and nanoscopy of red blood cells in sickle cell disease
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We have applied wide-field digital interferometric techniques to quantitatively image sickle red blood cells (RBCs) [1]
in a noncontact label-free manner, and measure the nanometer-scale fluctuations in their thickness as an indication of
their stiffness. The technique can simultaneously measure the fluctuations for multiple spatial points on the RBC and
thus yields a map describing the stiffness of each RBC in the field of view. Using this map, the local rigidity regions of
the RBC are evaluated quantitatively. Since wide-field digital interferometry is a quantitative holographic imaging
technique rather than one-point measurement, it can be used to simultaneously evaluate cell transverse morphology plus
thickness in addition to its stiffness profile. Using this technique, we examine the morphology and dynamics of RBCs
from individuals who suffer from sickle cell disease, and find that the sickle RBCs are significantly stiffer than healthy
RBCs. Furthermore, we show that the technique is sensitive enough to distinguish various classes of sickle RBCs,
including sickle RBCs with visibly-normal morphology, compared to the stiffer crescent-shaped sickle RBCs.
Analyze fluorescent characteristic of cancer cell using hyperspectroscopic imaging system (HIS)
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Currently, the cancer was examined by diagnosing the pathological changes of tumor. If the examination of cancer can diagnose the tumor before the cell occur the pathological changes, the cure rate of cancer will increase. This research develops a human-machine interface for hyper-spectral microscope. The hyper-spectral microscope can scan the specific area of cell and records the data of spectrum and intensity. These data is helpful to diagnose tumor. This study finds the hyper-spectral imaging have two higher intensity points at 550nm and 700nm, and one lower point at 640nm between the two higher points. For analyzing the hyper-spectral imaging, the intensity at the 550nm peak divided by the intensity at 700nm peak. Finally, we determine the accuracy of detection by Gaussian distribution. The accuracy of detecting normal cells achieves 89%, and the accuracy of cancer cells achieves 81%.
Scanning and New Microscopies
Deep-focus compound-eye camera with polarization filters for 3D endoscopes
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A deep-focus three-dimensional endoscope based on a compact compound-eye camera called TOMBO (thin observation
module by bound optics) with polarization filters and polarized illuminations is presented. TOMBO is a very compact
multi-camera system, which is composed of a single image sensor, a lens array, and a crosstalk barrier. Features of
TOMBO are compactness of the camera system, and additional functionality achieved by attaching optical filters to
lenses. In this paper, to enhance surface or deep structures of biological tissues selectively, polarization filters, which are
parallel and vertical to the polarized illumination, respectively, are attached to a part of lenses. To achieve extended
depth of focus, a wavefront coding (WFC) technique based on the spherical aberration is introduced. A prototype
TOMBO with 3x3 lenses and a 2.2-μm-pixel color CMOS image sensor was fabricated. Depth estimation and superresolution
with the WFC technique are demonstrated. Enhancement of surface or deep structures is also verified
theoretically and experimentally.
Improved contrast by modal illumination in scanning reflectance confocal microscopy
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Scanning reflectance confocal microscopy (SRCM) is a flexible technology that provides cellular resolution images of
tissue morphology with tailored resolutions and fields of view. However, how accurately an object is represented, in
other words its fidelity, is critical in medical imaging and is not represented simply by optical resolution. In this work we
characterize the SRCMs fidelity of images derived within turbid media. We present theoretical and experimental results
showing the improved fidelity when using modal illumination. We investigated the use of TEM10 illumination and a
novel implementation of Nomarski differential-interference-contrast (DIC). Using a repeatable, stable turbid phantom
the system fidelity was characterized.
Prospective gating for 3D imaging of the beating zebrafish heart in embryonic development studies
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We demonstrate the use of prospective gating from continuously acquired brightfield images of zebrafish embryos to
trigger the acquisition of fluorescence images with the heart at a precisely selected position in its cycle. The laser
exposure of the sample is reduced by an order of magnitude compared to alternative techniques which acquire many
separate fluorescence images for each section before selecting the most appropriate ones to build up a consistent 3D
image stack.
We present results obtained using our SPIM system including 3D reconstructions of the living, beating heart, acquired
using optical gating without the need for any pharmacological or electrophysiological intervention, and discuss possible
wider applications of our technique.
Poster Session
Time-resolved single molecule microscopy coupled with atomic force microscopy
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Time-resolved confocal microscopy is well established to image spectral and spatial properties of samples in biology and
material science. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in addition enables to investigate properties which are not optically
addressable or are hidden by the diffraction limited optical resolution.
We present a straight forward combination of single molecule sensitive time-resolved confocal microscopy with different
commercially available AFMs. Besides an extra of information about for example a cell surface, the AFM tip can also be
used to manipulate the sample on a nanometer scale down to the single molecule level.
Restoration of high-resolution AFM images captured with broken probes
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A type of artefact is induced by damage of the scanning probe when the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) captures a material surface structure with nanoscale resolution. This artefact has a dramatic form of distortion rather than the traditional blurring artefacts. Practically, it is not easy to prevent the damage of the scanning probe. However, by using natural image deblurring techniques in image processing domain, a comparatively reliable estimation of the real sample surface structure can be generated. This paper introduces a novel Hough Transform technique as well as a Bayesian deblurring algorithm to remove this type of artefact. The deblurring result is successful at removing blur artefacts in the AFM artefact images. And the details of the fibril surface topography are well preserved.
Depth aberrations characterization in linear and nonlinear microscopy schemes using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
Rodrigo Aviles-Espinosa,
Jordi Andilla,
Rafael Porcar-Guezenec,
et al.
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The performance of imaging devices such as linear and nonlinear microscopes (NLM) can be limited by the optical
properties of the imaged sample. Such an important aspect has already been described using theoretical models due to
the difficulties of implementing a direct wavefront sensing scheme. However, these only stand for simple interfaces and
cannot be generalized to biological samples given its structural complexity. This has leaded to the development of
sensor-less adaptive optics (AO) implementations. In this approach, aberrations are iteratively corrected trough an image
related parameter (aberrations are not measured), being prone of causing sample damage.
In this work, we perform a practical implementation of a Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor to compensate for sample
induced aberrations, demonstrating its applicability in linear and NLM. We perform an extensive analysis of wavefront
distortion effects through different depths employing phantom samples. Aberration effects originated by the refractive
index mismatch and depth are quantified using the linear and nonlinear guide-star concept. More over we analyze offaxis
aberrations in NLM, an important aspect that is commonly overlooked. In this case spherical aberration behaves
similarly to the wavefront error compared with the on-axis case. Finally we give examples of aberration compensation
using epi-fluorescence and nonlinear microscopy.
Phase-sensitive optical coherence reflectometer using a supercontinuum source
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We report a high-speed phase-sensitive optical coherence reflectometer (OCR) with a stretched supercontinuum source.
Firstly, supercontinuum source has been generated by injecting an amplified fiber laser pulses into a highly nonlinear
optical fiber. The repetition rate and pulse duration of the generated supercontinuum source are 10 MHz and 30 ps
respectively. The supercontinuum pulses are stretched into 70 ns pulses with a dispersion-compensating fiber (DCF).
This pulse stretching technique enables us to measure the spectral information in the time domain. The relationship of
time-wavelength has been measured by modified time-of-flight method. We have built a phase-sensitive OCR with this
stretched pulse source and a two-dimensional (2D) scanning system. The displacement sensitivity of our proposed
system has been investigated. We have demonstrated high-speed 2D imaging capability and single-point dynamics
measurement performance of our proposed system.
A custom-built two-photon microscope based on a mode-locked Yb3+ doped fiber laser
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Two-photon microscopy is a very attractive tool for the study of the three-dimensional (3D) and dynamic processes in
cells and tissues. One of the feasible constructions of two-photon microscopy is the combination a confocal laser
scanning microscope and a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. Even though this approach is the simplest and fastest
implementation, this system is highly cost-intensive and considerably difficult in modification. Many researcher
therefore decide to build a more cost-effective and flexible system with a self-developed software for operation and data
acquisition. We present a custom-built two-photon microscope based on a mode-locked Yb3+ doped fiber laser and
demonstrate two-photon fluorescence imaging of biological specimens. The mode-locked fiber laser at 1060 nm delivers
320 fs laser pulses at a frequency of 36 MHz up to average power of 80 mW. The excitation at 1060 nm can be more
suitable in thick, turbid samples for 3D image construction as well as cell viability. The system can simply accomplish
confocal and two-photon mode by an additional optical coupler that allows conventional laser source to transfer to the
scanning head. The normal frame rate is 1 frames/s for 400 x 400 pixel images. The measured full width at half
maximum resolutions were about 0.44 μm laterally and 1.34 μm axially. A multi-color stained convallaria, rat basophilic
leukemia cells and a rat brain tissue were observed by two-photon fluorescence imaging in our system.
Quantifying fluorescence signals in confocal image stacks deep in turbid media
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When confocal depth stacks are taken, the collected signal (normally the fluorescence signal), decays dependent of the
depth of the confocal slice in the turbid medium. This decay is caused by scattering and absorption of the exciting light
and of the fluorescence light. As the attenuation parameters, i.e. scattering and absorption coefficients, are normally
unknown when observing a new sample, a method is proposed to compensate for the attenuation of the involved light by
correcting the fluorescence signal using the attenuation behavior of the sample measured directly on the spot where the
fluorescence stack is taken. The method works without any a priori knowledge about the optical properties of the sample.
Using this self-reference technique, a confocal fluorescence depth stack can be created where the signal intensity is not
dependent on the scattering and absorption caused intensity decay. The proposed method is tested on fluorescent beads
embedded in scattering and absorbing hydrogel phantoms.
Multimodal light-sheet microscopy for fluorescence live imaging
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Light-sheet microscopy, it is known as single plane illumination microscope (SPIM), is a fluorescence imaging
technique which can avoid phototoxic effects to living cells and gives high contrast and high spatial resolution by optical
sectioning with light-sheet illumination in developmental biology. We have been developed a multifunctional light-sheet
fluorescence microscopy system with a near infrared femto-second fiber laser, a high sensitive image sensor and a high
throughput spectrometer. We performed that multiphoton fluorescence images of a transgenic fish and a mouse embryo
were observed on the light-sheet microscope. As the results, two photon images with high contrast and high spatial
resolution were successfully obtained in the microscopy system. The system has multimodality, not only mutiphoton
fluorescence imaging, but also hyperspectral imaging, which can be applicable to fluorescence unmixing analysis and
Raman imaging. It enables to obtain high specific and high throughput molecular imaging in vivo and in vitro.
Cell morphology classification in phase contrast microscopy image reducing halo artifact
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Since the morphology of tumor cells is a good indicator of their invasiveness, we used time-lapse phase-contrast
microscopy to examine the morphology of tumor cells. This technique enables long-term observation of the activity of
live cells without photobleaching and phototoxicity which is common in other fluorescence-labeled microscopy.
However, it does have certain drawbacks in terms of imaging. Therefore, we first corrected for non-uniform illumination
artifacts and then we use intensity distribution information to detect cell boundary. In phase contrast microscopy image,
cell is normally appeared as dark region surrounded by bright halo ring. Due to halo artifact is minimal around the cell
body and has non-symmetric diffusion pattern, we calculate cross sectional plane which intersects center of each cell and
orthogonal to first principal axis. Then, we extract dark cell region by analyzing intensity profile curve considering local
bright peak as halo area. Finally, we examined cell morphology to classify tumor cells as malignant and benign.
Full-field OCT combined with optical tweezer
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We present an optical tweezer technique assisted full-field optical coherence tomography (FF-OCT) system. The
proposed scheme enables ultrahigh-resolution OCT imaging of a floating object optically trapped by single-beam
gradient force in medium. The set up consists of a Linnik type of white light interference microscope combined with an
optical tweezer system. The optical trap is formed by tightly focusing a 1064 nm Q-switching pulsed laser beam with a
microscope objective lens of high numerical aperture (1.0 NA) in sample arm of the OCT interferometer. This co-sharing
of probe channel between two of systems enables concurrent actions of trapping and OCT imaging for the sample. OCT
imaging of the sample in depth can achieve by positioning the coherence gating with displacement of reference arm in
the OCT interferometer. To demonstrate the efficacy of the system, micron-sized dielectric particles and living cells in
solution are simultaneously trapped and optically sliced with cellular resolution.
A wavelet-based Bayesian framework for 3D object segmentation in microscopy
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In confocal microscopy, target objects are labeled with fluorescent markers in the living specimen, and usually
appear with irregular brightness in the observed images. Also, due to the existence of out-of-focus objects in
the image, the segmentation of 3-D objects in the stack of image slices captured at different depth levels of
the specimen is still heavily relied on manual analysis. In this paper, a novel Bayesian model is proposed for
segmenting 3-D synaptic objects from given image stack. In order to solve the irregular brightness and out-offocus
problems, the segmentation model employs a likelihood using the luminance-invariant 'wavelet features'
of image objects in the dual-tree complex wavelet domain as well as a likelihood based on the vertical intensity
profile of the image stack in 3-D. Furthermore, a smoothness 'frame' prior based on the a priori knowledge of
the connections of the synapses is introduced to the model for enhancing the connectivity of the synapses. As
a result, our model can successfully segment the in-focus target synaptic object from a 3D image stack with
irregular brightness.
Localization accuracy in single molecule microscopy using electron-multiplying charge-coupled device cameras
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The electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) is a popular technology for imaging under extremely
low light conditions. It has become widely used, for example, in single molecule microscopy experiments where
few photons can be detected from the individual molecules of interest. Despite its important role in low light
microscopy, however, little has been done in the way of determining how accurately parameters of interest (e.g.,
location of a single molecule) can be estimated from an image that it produces. Here, we develop the theory for
calculating the Fisher information matrix, and hence the Cramer-Rao lower bound-based limit of the accuracy,
for estimating parameters from an EMCCD image. An EMCCD operates by amplifying a weak signal that
would otherwise be drowned out by the detector's readout noise as in the case of a conventional charge-coupled
device (CCD). The signal amplification is a stochastic electron multiplication process, and is modeled here as
a geometrically multiplied branching process. In developing our theory, we also introduce a "noise coefficient"
which enables the comparison of the Fisher information of different data models via a scalar quantity. This
coefficient importantly allows the selection of the best detector (e.g., EMCCD or CCD), based on factors such as
the signal level, and regardless of the specific estimation problem at hand. We apply our theory to the problem
of localizing a single molecule, and compare the calculated limits of the localization accuracy with the standard
deviations of maximum likelihood location estimates obtained from simulated images of a single molecule.
Comparison of analysis methods for fluorescence lifetime imaging
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We compare various time-gated and discrete-time methods for extracting the decay constant from an exponential signal, typical of fluorescence lifetime (FLIM) instruments, as well as a host of other physical phenomena. Analytical methods are evaluated for accuracy and precision as well as for computational and sampling efficiency.
Modeling the effect of refraction on OCT imaging of lung tissue: a ray-tracing approach
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Determining the structure of lung tissue is difficult in ex-vivo samples. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
can image alveoli but ignores optical effects that distort the images. For example, light refracts and changes
speed at the alveolar air-tissue surface. We employ ray-tracing to model OCT imaging with directional and
speed changes included, using spherical shapes in 2D. Results show apparent thickening of inter-aveolar walls
and distortion of shape and depth. Our approach suggests a correction algorithm by combining the model with
image analysis. Distortion correction will allow inference of tissue mechanical properties and deeper imaging.
Self-referenced quantitative phase microscopy
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Self-referenced quantitative phase microscopy (SrQPM) is reported, wherein quantitative phase imaging is achieved
through the interference of the sample wave with a reflected version of itself. The off-axis interference between the two
beams generates a spatially modulated hologram that is analyzed to quantify the sample's amplitude and phase profile.
SrQPM requires approximately one-half of the object field of view to be empty and optically flat, which serves as a reference for the other half of the field of view containing the sample.
A reflection-mode configuration for enhanced light delivery through turbidity
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We propose a method based on wavefront shaping for enhancing the backscattered light detected from any location in a
sample medium, using low-coherence interferometry. The lateral phase profile of the light incident upon the sample is
controlled using a spatial light modulator (SLM). In this manner, we apply an orthogonal set of phase masks to the
illumination (input) and measure the backscattered signal response (output). These measurements permit us to determine
the linear transformation between the input complex-amplitude modulation profile and the output time-resolved signal.
Thus, we can determine the appropriate SLM write pattern for maximizing the detected signal for a given optical time
delay (in the sample arm). In this manuscript, we are interested in the degree to which maximizing this signal also
permits us to localize the three-dimensional sample region from which the backscattered signal is derived.