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View Session
- Front Matter: Volume 7647
- Wireless Sensors for SHM
- Damage Detection
- Next-Generation Wireless Sensing Devices and Techniques
- Structural Control
- Innovative Excitation and Sensing Technologies
- Sensors I
- Smart Sensors and Materials I
- Sensors II
- Embedded Data Processing in Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring I
- Sensors III
- SHM/Damage Detection Method I
- Signal Processing
- Signal Processing and Damage Detection I
- Nano and MEMS
- Piezo Sensors and Applications
- Structural Life Prognosis
- Embedded Data Processing in Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring II
- Smart Materials
- Fiber Optice Sensors and Applications I
- Multi-domain Modeling
- Energy Harvesting
- Smart Sensors and Materials II
- Modeling and Mechanics
- Signal Processing and Damage Detection II
- Actuators
- Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications II
- Bridge Inspection and Monitoring Systems
- Image-based Sensing
- Wave Propagation and Damage Detection
- Damping and Response Modification
- Wireless Sensors and Energy Harvesting
- SHM/Damage Detection Methods II
- Posters-Tuesday
Front Matter: Volume 7647
Front Matter: Volume 7647
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE
Proceedings Volume 7647, including the Title Page, Copyright
information, Table of Contents, the Conference Committee listing and introduction.
Wireless Sensors for SHM
Feasibility of embedded wireless sensors for monitoring of concrete curing and structural health
B. Quinn,
G. Kelly
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This paper examines the feasibility of embedding wireless sensors into concrete for structural health monitoring.
Wireless sensors (motes) with temperature and humidity measurement capabilities were designed with onboard
communication using the 433 MHz ISM band and embedded into concrete. A package was designed to protect the sensor
from the aggressive environment within concrete. The effect of the package on the response time and accuracy of the
sensor was quantified in a humidity chamber. Testing was carried out on the sensors which replicated on site conditions,
to determine what the effect of the concrete itself, the steel reinforcement, and steel backed formwork had on the
transmission of data. The transmission distance and reliability of receiving data was quantified. Test results suggest that
it is possible to deploy an embedded sensor system and transmit live data from the embedded sensor to a data acquisition
system located outside the concrete. Preliminary results show that steel backed formwork reduces the transmission
distance of the sensors to 3.5m which extended to 7.5m when the formwork was removed. A temperature and moisture
sensor applied to the mote gave an indication of the ability of the sensor to transfer live data from within the concrete. It
was found that the temperature sensor accurately followed the temperature profile of the concrete when compared to a
Development of high-sensitivity accelerometer board for structural health monitoring
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State-of-the-art wireless smart sensor technology enables a dense array of sensors to be distributed through a
structure to provide an abundance of structural information. However, the relatively low resolution of the
MEMS sensors that are generally adopted for wireless smart sensors limits the network's ability to measure lowlevel
vibration often found in the ambient vibration response of building structures. To address this problem,
development of a high-sensitivity acceleration board for the Imote2 platform using a low-noise accelerometer is
presented. The performance of this new sensor board is validated through extensive laboratory testing. In
addition, the use of the high-sensitivity accelerometer board as a reference sensor to improve the capability to
capture structural behavior in the smart sensor network is discussed.
Structural health monitoring system of a cable-stayed bridge using a dense array of scalable smart sensor network
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This paper presents a structural health monitoring (SHM) system using a dense array of scalable smart wireless sensor
network on a cable-stayed bridge (Jindo Bridge) in Korea. The hardware and software for the SHM system and its
components are developed for low-cost, efficient, and autonomous monitoring of the bridge. 70 sensors and two base
station computers have been deployed to monitor the bridge using an autonomous SHM application with consideration of
harsh outdoor surroundings. The performance of the system has been evaluated in terms of hardware durability, software
reliability, and power consumption. 3-D modal properties were extracted from the measured 3-axis vibration data using
output-only modal identification methods. Tension forces of 4 different lengths of stay-cables were derived from the
ambient vibration data on the cables. For the integrity assessment of the structure, multi-scale subspace system
identification method is now under development using a neural network technique based on the local mode shapes and
the cable tensions.
Issues of signal strength of wireless sensors for civil infrastructure monitoring
L. Sebastian Bryson,
Thomas Lutz,
April Barnes
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Research was conducted using simulated civil infrastructure system conditions to evaluate issues pertaining to signal
strength. This research evaluated the performance of the wireless MICA2 sensor motes developed by Crossbow
Technology, Inc. The data collected is intended to demonstrate how the motes would perform in a typical civil
infrastructure application when placed in a large network of sensors. Specific to signal strength, the strength, quality, and
reliability of the signal originating from remote sensor was assessed as a function of its distance from the Gateway
Sensor. These experiments encompassed several factors that relate to signal strength and distance such as single motes,
multiple motes, single hop, and multi-hop. Experimentation was also performed to evaluate the mote performance for
buried applications. The results of the experimentation show that in all cases the quality, reliability and strength of the
transmitting signal is a function the distance of the Gateway Sensor from the obstruction and the amount of signal
scattering caused by the material surrounding the mote.
Damage Detection
An experimental study on AEKF method for health monitoring of base-isolated structures
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Recently, an adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) approach has been proposed for the damage identification and
tracking of structures. Simulation and experimental studies have demonstrated that this AEKF approach is capable of
tracking the damages for linear structures. In this paper, an experimental study is conducted and presented to verify the
capability of the adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) approach for identifying and tracking the damages in
nonlinear structures. A base-isolated building model, consisting of a scaled building model mounted on a rubber-bearing
isolation system, has been tested experimentally in the laboratory. The non-linear behavior of the base isolators is
modeled by the Bouc-Wen model. To simulate the structural damages during the test, an innovative device, referred to as
the stiffness element device (SED), is proposed to reduce the stiffness of either the upper story of the structure or the
base isolator. Two earthquake excitations have been used to drive the test model, including the El Centro and Kobe
earthquakes. Various damage scenarios have been simulated and tested. Measured acceleration response data and the
AEKF approach are used to track the variation of the stiffness during the test. The tracking results for the stiffness
variations correlate well with that of the referenced values. It is concluded that the AEKF approach is capable of tracking
the variation of structural parameters leading to the detection of structural damages.
Experimental verifications of a structural damage identification technique using reduced order finite-element model
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An objective of the structural health monitoring system is to identify the state of the structure and to detect the
damage when it occurs. Analysis techniques for the damage identification of structures, based on vibration data
measured from sensors, have received considerable attention. Recently, a new damage tracking technique, referred to as
the adaptive quadratic sum-square error (AQSSE) technique, has been proposed, and simulation studies demonstrated
that the AQSSE technique is quite effective in identifying structural damages. In this paper, the adaptive quadratic sumsquare
error (AQSSE) along with the reduced-order finite-element method is proposed to identify the damages of
complex structures. Experimental tests were conducted to verify the capability of the proposed damage detection
approach. A series of experimental tests were performed using a scaled cantilever beam subject to the white noise and
sinusoidal excitations. The capability of the proposed reduced-order finite-element based adaptive quadratic sum-square
error (AQSSE) method in detecting the structural damage is demonstrated by the experimental results.
Damage detection using magnetic impedance approach with circuitry integration: sensor optimization
X. Wang,
J. Tang
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Impedance-based damage detection using the magnetic transducer, which is referred to as the magnetic impedance
approach, is recently under investigation. In an earlier work we have demonstrated that integrating a synthetic, tunable
negative resistance and a tunable capacitor with the magnetic transducer can amplify both the admittance measurement
magnitude and the damaged-induced admittance anomaly, and thus have much higher signal-to-noise ratio and higher
detection sensitivity than the conventional approach. In this research, we investigate further enhancing the magnetic
impedance approach with circuitry integration by systematically studying how the design parameters of the transducer
affect the magneto-mechanical coupling. It is demonstrated the magneto-mechanical coupling parameter, which is
developed excluding the circuitry parameters and structural properties, is capable of quantifying the dynamic coupling
effect under various transducer design parameters, leading to the guidelines for the optimal design and configuration of
the new sensing scheme. Extensive numerical and experimental studies are carried out to analyze the parametric
Delamination detection using embedded BOCDA optical fiber sensor
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We conducted the delamination detect test for composites plate using the Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis
(BOCDA) method. Firstly, a hole-assisted-fiber was chosen for embedding optical fiber sensor in order to avoid the
increase of optical transmission loss induced by embedded into composite plate. The hole-assisted-fiber is functional
better than comparing with the telecommunication optical fibers when optical fiber sensor was embedded into composite.
Secondly, a delamination propagating was detected by the BOCDA from Brillouin peak frequency distribution and
Brillouin gain spectrum shape changes.
Monitoring of fatigue crack growth using guided ultrasonic waves
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Varying loading conditions of aircraft structures result in stress concentration at fastener holes, where multi layer
components are connected, possibly leading to the development of fatigue cracks. Guided ultrasonic waves propagating
along a structure allow in principle for the efficient non-destructive testing of large plate-like structures, such as aircraft
wings. This contribution presents a study of the detection and monitoring of fatigue crack growth using both low
frequency and higher frequency guided ultrasonic wave modes. Two types of structures were used, single layer
aluminum tensile specimens, and multi layer structures consisting of two adhesively bonded aluminum plate-strips.
Fatigue experiments were carried out and it was shown that fatigue crack detection and growth monitoring at a fastener
hole during cyclic loading using both guided wave types is possible. The sensitivity and repeatability of the
measurements were ascertained, having the potential for fatigue crack detection at critical and difficult to access fastener
locations. Good agreement was observed between the experimental results and predictions from full three-dimensional
numerical simulations of the scattering of the low frequency guided ultrasonic wave at the fastener hole and crack. The
robustness of the methodology for practical in-situ ultrasonic monitoring of fatigue crack growth is discussed.
Next-Generation Wireless Sensing Devices and Techniques
Embedded EMD algorithm within an FPGA-based design to classify nonlinear SDOF systems
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Compared with traditional microprocessor-based systems, rapidly advancing field-programmable gate array
(FPGA) technology offers a more powerful, efficient and flexible hardware platform. An FPGA and microprocessor
(i.e., hardware and software) co-design is developed to classify three types of nonlinearities (including
linear, hardening and softening) of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system subjected to free vibration. This
significantly advances the team's previous work on using FPGAs for wireless structural health monitoring.
The classification is achieved by embedding two important algorithms - empirical mode decomposition (EMD)
and backbone curve analysis. Design considerations to embed EMD in FPGA and microprocessor are discussed.
In particular, the implementation of cubic spline fitting and the challenges encountered using both hardware
and software environments are discussed. The backbone curve technique is fully implemented within the FPGA
hardware and used to extract instantaneous characteristics from the uniformly distributed data sets produced
by the EMD algorithm as presented in a previous SPIE conference by the team. An off-the-shelf high-level
abstraction tool along with the MATLAB/Simulink environment is utilized to manage the overall FPGA and
microprocessor co-design.
Given the limited computational resources of an embedded system, we strive for a balance between the
maximization of computational efficiency and minimization of resource utilization. The value of this study lies
well beyond merely programming existing algorithms in hardware and software. Among others, extensive and
intensive judgment is exercised involving experiences and insights with these algorithms, which renders processed
instantaneous characteristics of the signals that are well-suited for wireless transmission.
Passive wireless sensors for monitoring particle movement at soil-structure interfaces
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The load transfer and shaft capacities of civil infrastructure foundations (e.g., axially-loaded piles) depend on the soilstructure
interface's shear and friction interactions. However, cyclic loading (e.g., ground motion) can dramatically
deteriorate the shaft resistance of these foundations leading to catastrophic structural failure, thereby motivating research
in understanding mechanics, soil-structure interactions, and interface responses. While tethered sensing systems have
been adopted for gaining insight on soil-structure interfaces, the cables that interconnect sensors with the data acquisition
system can interfere with measurement of true soil-structure response. Thus, the objective of this study is to develop a
passive wireless sensor that is capable of measuring absolute displacement of soil particles at the soil-structure interface.
Wireless communications and power transmission to the sensor is accomplished via electromagnetic coupling between a
portable reader and sensor tag. Here, the reader is simply a coil antenna connected to an impedance analyzer, and the
sensor circuitry comprises of a resistor, inductor (i.e., coil antenna), and capacitor connected in a series configuration.
The displacement of the embedded sensor can be easily measured by correlating reader impedance changes with the
reader-to-sensor's line-of-sight distances. Preliminary experimental results of the passive wireless sensor's displacement
measurement capabilities are presented.
Development of smart sensing system for structural health monitoring
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The objective of this paper is to upgrade a wireless sensing unit which can meet the following requirements: 1)
Improvement of system powering and analog signal processing 2) Enhancement of signal resolution and provide reliable
wireless communication data, 3) Enhance capability for continuous long-term monitoring. Based on the prototype of the
wireless sensing unit developed by Prof. Lynch at the Stanford University, the following upgrading steps are
1. Reduce system noise by using SMD passive elements and preventing the coupling digital and analog circuits, and
increasing the capacity of power.
2. Improve the ADC sampling resolution and accuracy with a higher resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC): a
24bits ADC with programmable gain amplifier.
3. Improve wireless communication by using the wireless radio 9XTend which supported by the router (Digi MESH)
communication function using 900MHz frequency band.
Based on the upgrade wireless sensing unit, verification of the new wireless sensing unit was conducted from the
ambient vibration survey of a base-isolated building. This new upgrade wireless sensing unit can provide more reliable
data for continuous structural health monitoring. Incorporated with the identification software (modified stochastic
subspace identification method) the smart sensing system for SHM is developed.
Development of a wireless power transmission system for guided wave generation and sensing via a laser
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Guided waves based nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques have attracted many researchers' attentions for structural
health monitoring due to their relative long sensing range. These guided waves in a structure can be generated and sensed
by a variety of techniques. This study proposes a new wireless scheme for PZT excitation and sensing, where power as
well as measured data can be transmitted via laser. First, a generated waveform modulated by a laser is wirelessly
transmitted to a photodiode connected to a PZT on the structures. Then, the photodiode converts the light into an
electrical signal and excites the PZT and the structure. The reflected response signal received at the same PZT is reconverted
into a laser, which is transmitted back to another photodiode located at the data acquisition unit for diagnosis.
The feasibility of the proposed power transmission scheme has been experimentally demonstrated at a laboratory setup.
The wireless data transmission aspect is under verification. Since there is no need for a power supply and a signal
generator at the PZT transducer node, a self-sufficient PZT transducer unit can be realized with little additional
electronic components.
Pipelining in structural health monitoring wireless sensor network
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Application of wireless sensor network (WSN) for structural health monitoring (SHM), is becoming
widespread due to its implementation ease and economic advantage over traditional sensor
networks. Beside advantages that have made wireless network preferable, there are some concerns
regarding their performance in some applications. In long-span Bridge monitoring the need to transfer data
over long distance causes some challenges in design of WSN platforms. Due to the geometry of
bridge structures, using multi-hop data transfer between remote nodes and base station is essential. This
paper focuses on the performances of pipelining algorithms. We summarize several prevent pipelining
approaches, discuss their performances, and propose a new pipelining algorithm, which gives consideration
to both boosting of channel usage and the simplicity in deployment.
Automated wind load characterization of wind turbine structures by embedded model updating
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The continued development of renewable energy resources is for the nation to limit its carbon footprint and to enjoy
independence in energy production. Key to that effort are reliable generators of renewable energy sources that are
economically competitive with legacy sources. In the area of wind energy, a major contributor to the cost of
implementation is large uncertainty regarding the condition of wind turbines in the field due to lack of information about
loading, dynamic response, and fatigue life of the structure expended. Under favorable circumstances, this uncertainty
leads to overly conservative designs and maintenance schedules. Under unfavorable circumstances, it leads to
inadequate maintenance schedules, damage to electrical systems, or even structural failure. Low-cost wireless sensors
can provide more certainty for stakeholders by measuring the dynamic response of the structure to loading, estimating
the fatigue state of the structure, and extracting loading information from the structural response without the need of an
upwind instrumentation tower. This study presents a method for using wireless sensor networks to estimate the spectral
properties of a wind turbine tower loading based on its measured response and some rudimentary knowledge of its
structure. Structural parameters are estimated via model-updating in the frequency domain to produce an identification
of the system. The updated structural model and the measured output spectra are then used to estimate the input spectra.
Laboratory results are presented indicating accurate load characterization.
Long term wireless ambient monitoring of heritage buildings
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Motivated by the preservation of an artistic treasure, the fresco of the "Cycle of the Months" on the second floor in an
historic tower, Torre Aquila, a wireless sensor network (WSN) has been developed and installed for permanent health
monitoring. The monitoring scheme covers both static and dynamic evaluation of the tower structural integrity from local
to global scale and consists of 17 nodes, including 2 long length fiber optic sensors (FOS), 3 accelerometers and 12
environmental nodes. The system has been working for 1.5 years and has been debugged and updated both as to
hardware and software. This paper focuses mainly on the ambient vibration analysis used to investigate the performance
of the sensor nodes and structural properties of the tower. Initial ambient vibration monitoring shows that cyclic
environmental factors, such as traffic flow, are not the dominant cause of tower vibration; and the vibration levels of the
tower in different axes are not large enough to be a critical issue calling for attention under current conditions. It proves
that the WSN is an effective tool, capable of providing information relevant to safety assessment of the tower.
Structural Control
A mobile gait monitoring system as an assistive tool for rehabilitation: design and experimentation
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Conventionally, rehabilitation treatments for gait disorders are performed by physical therapists in a clinical
setting. Although an array of equipment, such as motion capture devices and multi-directional force plates, has
been devised to provide the physical therapists with more objective diagnostic data, restriction of the time and
space limits the effective use of such devices. To overcome this limitation various wearable sensors for patients to
directly monitor their health conditions anywhere at anytime have been studied in recent years. In this paper,
a mobile gait monitoring system (MGMS) is introduced, which integrates Smart Shoes and the monitoring
algorithms in a mobile microprocessor with a touch screen display. The mobility of the MGMS allows patients
to take advantage of the gait monitoring device in their daily lives. The monitoring algorithms embedded in
the MGMS observe various physical quantities useful for objective gait diagnoses, such as the ground contact
forces (GCFs) and the center of ground contact forces (CoGCF). Also it calculates the gait abnormality which
shows how far the GCFs are from the normal GCF patterns. By the visual feedback information displayed on
the MGMS, the patients can self correct their walking patterns. The preliminary results of clinical verification
are also given.
Data filtering for robust modal identification using SOD and DSPI
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Modal analysis is a well developed field with many applications. The multi-output approaches in particular are
well suited for system identification and online damage detection because they use the natural excitations the
system undergoes in its normal operation. In this work two multi-output approaches are analyzed, compared,
and improved upon. The first method is smooth orthogonal decomposition (SOD). SOD was originally developed
as a tool for detecting features of chaotic dynamical systems. Recently, it has been used as a time-based multioutput
modal analysis approach. SOD has been demonstrated effectively for the free vibration case and for
random excitations. The second method is direct system parameter identification (DSPI). DSPI was developed
as a time-based multi-input multi-output modal analysis approach. When the inputs are not measured DSPI
can handle the free vibration case and random excitations like SOD. If the inputs are measured then DSPI works
with arbitrary excitations. In addition to comparing SOD and DSPI, novel filtering algorithms are introduced
to improve each method's performance when working with noisy data. Numerical simulations are carried out to
compare the two methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of the filtering algorithms in improving frequency
and mode shape extraction.
Fast estimation of bifurcation conditions using noisy response data
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In this work we consider the effects of noise on system behavior during parameter sweeps through bifurcations that
induce sharp jumps in response amplitudes. These problems arise in a variety of applications, including the use of
bifurcation amplification in micro-sensors. Due to inherent system noise, the observed bifurcation events are stochastic
in nature and one must estimate parameter values from a distribution. A stochastic dynamical systems analysis allows
one to distill the problem to a one-dimensional, one-parameter Fokker-Planck equation, where the parameter is the ratio
of the noise intensity to sweep rate. Approximate closed form solutions for the distributions are obtained in the limits of
slow and fast parameter sweep rates, and a numeric solution captures the intermediate sweep range that bridges these two
approximations. These results are essential for quantifying errors in bifurcation amplifiers and for optimizing bifurcation
detection schemes, as used in sensing applications. Preliminary experimental results for a parametrically excited microdevice
show good qualitative agreement with the theory.
A new approach to tackle noise issue in miniature directional microphones: bio-inspired mechanical coupling
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When using microphone array for sound source localization, the most fundamental step is to estimate the time difference
of arrival (TDOA) between different microphones. Since TDOA is proportional to the microphone separation, the
localization performance degrades with decreasing size relative to the sound wavelength. To address the size constraint
of conventional directional microphones, a new approach is sought by utilizing the mechanical coupling mechanism
found in the superacute ears of the parasitic fly Ormia ochracea. Previously, we have presented a novel bio-inspired
directional microphone consisting of two circular clamped membranes structurally coupled by a center pivoted bridge,
and demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that the fly ear mechanism is replicable in a man-made structure.
The emphasis of this article is on theoretical analysis of the thermal noise floor of the bio-inspired directional
microphones. Using an equivalent two degrees-of-freedom model, the mechanical-thermal noise limit of the structurally
coupled microphone is estimated and compared with those obtained for a single omni-directional microphone and a
conventional microphone pair. Parametric studies are also conducted to investigate the effects of key normalized
parameters on the noise floor and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Adaptive damping of piezoelastic structures via digital implementation of an electrical impedance
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This contribution is concerned with adaptive damping of plate-like structures equipped with a piezoelectric patch.
Damping of mechanical modes can be accomplished by connecting simple electrical impedances at the terminals
of the piezoelectric patch. For reason of miniaturization and robustness with respect to a shift in eigenfrequencies
of the mechanical structure, the authors propose the algorithmic implementation of the electrical behavior of the
impedance on a microcontroller. The digital approach enables real time updating of parameters associated with
the artificial electrical impedance. The problem of finding optimal parameters is addressed and an update law for
online tuning of parameters is introduced. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on the mathematical
model of a Kirchhoff plate equipped with a piezoelectric patch shunted by a resistor.
Innovative Excitation and Sensing Technologies
Guided wave generation and sensing system using a single laser source and optical fibers
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Structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques based on guided waves have been of great interests to many researchers.
Among various SHM devices used for guided wave generation and sensing, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) transducers and
fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been widely used because of their light weight, non-intrusive nature and
compactness. To best take advantage of their merits, combination of PZT-based guided wave excitation and FBG-based
sensing has been attempted by a few researchers. However, the PZT-based actuation and the FBG-based sensing are
basically two independent systems in the past studies. This study proposes an integrated PZT/FBG system using a single
laser source. Since power and data delivery is based on optical fibers, it may alleviate problems associated with
conventional wire cables such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and power/data attenuation. The experimental
procedure for the proposed system is as follows. First, a tunable laser is used as the common power source for guided
wave generation and sensing. The tunable laser beam is modulated and amplified to contain an arbitrary waveform. Then,
it is transmitted to the PZT transducer node through an optical fiber for guided wave actuation. The transmitted laser
beam is also used with the FBG sensor to measure high-speed strain changes induced by guided waves. Feasibility of the
proposed technique has been experimentally demonstrated using aluminum plates. The results show that the proposed
system could properly generate and sense the guided waves compared to the conventional methods.
Laser induced highly nonlinear solitary waves for structural NDE
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This paper describes the generation and propagation of highly nonlinear solitary waves (HNSWs) in a chain of steel
beads excited by means of laser pulses. Ablative generation of mechanical stress was induced on the bead at one end of
the chain in order to enhance the amplitude of the stress waves generated. Compared to the use of a mechanical striker,
the laser-based generation of stress waves is fully non-contact and allows for the broadest energy spectrum. In this study
the amplitude, duration, and velocity of the solitary waves propagating along the chain of beads as a function of the laser
pulse energy is investigated. Moreover the application of HNSW as a pulse generator for the NDE of bulk structures is
Magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) enhanced biosensing by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for portable devices
Jianlong Wang,
Zanzan Zhu,
Ahsan Munir,
et al.
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The use of magnetic nanparticles in microfluidic systems is emerging and is receiving growing attention due to the
synergistic advantages of microfluidics and magnetic nanoparticles. Biomagnetic separation techniques based on
magnetic nanoparticles are becoming increasingly important with a wide range of possible applications. However, the
separation products are difficult to be detected by general method due to the small size of MNPs. Here, we demonstrate
magnetic nanoparticles can greatly enhance the signal of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR). Features of
MNPs-aptamer conjugates as a powerful amplification reagent for ultrasensitive immunoassay are explored for the first
time. Our results confirm that MNPs is a powerful sandwich element and an excellent amplification reagent for SPR
based sandwich immunoassay and SPR has a great potential for the detection of magnetic nanoparticles-based separation
Sensors I
Optical fiber sensors for high temperature harsh environment applications
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This paper summarizes our recent research progresses in developing optical fiber harsh
environment sensors for various high temperature harsh environment sensing applications
such as monitoring of the operating conditions in a coal-fired power plant and in-situ
detection of key gas components in coal-derived syngas. The sensors described in this paper
include a miniaturized inline fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) fabricated by one-step fs
laser micromachining, a long period fiber grating (LPFG) and a fiber inline core-cladding
mode interferometer (CMMI) fabricated by controlled CO2 laser irradiations. Their operating
principles, fabrication methods, and applications for measurement of various physical and
chemical parameters in a high temperature and high pressure coexisting harsh environment
are presented.
Micro-machinable polymer-derived ceramic sensors for high-temperature applications
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Micro-sensors are highly desired for on-line temperature/pressure monitoring in turbine engines to improve
their efficiency and reduce pollution. The biggest challenge for developing this type of sensors is that the sensors have to
sustain at extreme environments in turbine engine environments, such as high-temperatures (>800 °C), fluctuated
pressure and oxidation/corrosion surroundings. In this paper, we describe a class of sensors made of polymer-derived
ceramics (PDCs) for such applications. PDCs have the following advantages over conventional ceramics, making them
particularly suitable for these applications: (i) micromachining capability, (ii) tunable electric properties, and (iii) hightemperature
capability. Here, we will discuss the materials and their properties in terms of their applications for hightemperature
micro-sensors, and microfabrication technologies. In addition, we will also discuss the design of a heat-flux
sensor based on polymer-derived ceramics.
Non-contact torque measurement using rolled single crystal-like Galfenol patches
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Galfenol is an iron-gallium alloy that exhibits magnetostrictive behavior up to approximately 350
ppm. It has been shown that Galfenol exhibits a linear response in strain that follows commercially
available strain gauges when a magnetic bias field is placed near the Galfenol patch in a bending
test. In this study we extend these results to use of a Galfenol patch for measuring torque. The
benefits of Galfenol-based torque sensors over existing strain sensors for measuring torque are (1)
the potential for use of stray magnetic fields for non-contact torque measurement; (2) ease of
integration and/or retrofit of the proposed torque measuring capability into existing hardware; and
(3) an inexpensive yet mechanically robust alternative to torque sensors that require slip rings or
wireless signal transmission.
This research will show that when placed on a circular shaft at ± 45o relative to the shaft axis,
Galfenol will exhibit a linear response to shear strain produced when a torque is applied to the shaft.
By showing that measurement of shear strain is possible it is evident that the torque on the shaft can
also be determined. A Hall Effect sensor will be rigidly attached to a non-rotating component of the
measurement frame supporting the shaft, and used to determine the change in the magnetic field
above the patch. While the shaft is rotating the response from the Hall Effect sensor is monitored to
determine the torque load on the shaft.
Smart Sensors and Materials I
Smart pavement sensor based on thermoelectricity power
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The aging infrastructure requires a proactive strategy to ensure their functionality and
performance. Innovative sensors are needed to develop infrastructures that are intelligent
and adaptive. A power supply strategy is among the crucial components to reduce the
instrument cost and to ensure the long term function of these embedded sensors. This
paper introduces the results of a preliminary study on using thermo-electricity generation
to power sensors. This presents an innovative strategy for long term monitoring of
pavement performance.
Experimental testing of a smart FRP-concrete composite bridge superstructure
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A new kind of smart fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-concrete composite bridge superstructure, which consists of two
bridge decks and each bridge deck is comprised of four FRP box sections combined with a thin layer of concrete in the
compression zone, was developed by using eight embedded FBG sensors in the top and bottom flanges of the FRP box
sections at mid-span section of one bridge deck along longitudinal direction, respectively. The flexural behavior of the
proposed smart composite bridge superstructure was experimentally studied in four-point loading. The longitudinal
strains of the composite bridge superstructure were recorded using the embedded FBG sensors as well as the surfacebonded
electric resistance strain gauges. Test results indicate that the FBG sensors can faithfully record the longitudinal
strain of the composite bridge superstructure in tension at bottom flange of the FRP box sections or in compression at top
flange over the entire loading range, as compared with the surface-bonded strain gauges. The proposed smart FRPconcrete
composite bridge superstructure can monitor its longitudinal strains in serviceability limit state as well as in
strength limit state, and will has wide applications for long-term monitoring in civil engineering.
Foot angle determination using conductive polymer sensors
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A study was carried out to assess the possibility of monitoring of joint angles, foot posture and foot motion through the
use of conductive polymer sensors. The sensors are composed of a carbon polymer coating on an elastic fabric and they
behave like strain gauges. A mechanically driven hinge was used to simulate joint motion by generating an angle change
between its wings. A sensor strip was clamped longitudinally across the hinge in order for it to stretch when the angle
between the wings increases. An electrogoniometer was used to monitor the angle spanned by the two wings of the
hinge. Series of simultaneous measurements of angle and resistance were conducted at different speeds. Results indicate
that a unique rate of change of voltage can be assigned to a specific angular velocity. This idea allows the tabulation of a
database of voltages and time derivatives of voltages with corresponding angles and angular velocities. Angular velocity
information was obtained by computing the derivatives of sensor output voltages in real time and comparing both
voltage and their time derivatives to values in the database, with linear interpolation used as necessary. Angular
displacement was then obtained by numerically integrating velocity information. Three carbon sensors were then applied
on socks and were placed on different locations of maximum strain on the foot. Wireless data transmission was added in
order to enable unhindered foot motion for future applications.
Sensors II
Multifunctional sensor network for structural state sensing and structural health monitoring
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In order to take full advantages of composites and enable future composite structures to operate at their physical limits
rather than limits predetermined from computational design assumptions and safety factors, there is a need to develop an
embeddable sensing system to allow a structure to "feel" and "think" its structural state. In this paper, the concept of
multi-modal sensing capabilities using a network of multifunctional sensors integrated with a structure has been
developed. Utilizing this revolutionary concept, future structures can be designed and manufactured to provide multiple
modes of information that when synthesized together can provide capabilities for intelligent sensing, environmental
adaptation and multi-functionality. To demonstrate the feasibility of multi-modal sensing capabilities with built-in sensor
network, one single type of piezoelectric sensor was selected to perform the measurements of dynamic strain,
temperature, damage detection and impact monitoring. The uniqueness of the sensing system includes (1) Flexible,
multifunctional sensor networks for integration with any type of composite structural component, (2) Scalable sensor
network for monitoring of a large composite structure, (3) Reduced number of connecting wires for sensors, (4) Hybrid
diagnostics with multiple sensing capabilities, (5) Sensor network self-diagnostics and self-repair for damaged sensor
SMART composite high pressure vessels with integrated optical fiber sensors
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In this paper application of integrated Optical Fiber Sensors for strain state monitoring of composite high pressure
vessels is presented. The composite tanks find broad application in areas such as: automotive industry, aeronautics,
rescue services, etc. In automotive application they are mainly used for gaseous fuels storage (like CNG or compressed
Hydrogen). In comparison with standard steel vessels, composite ones have many advantages (i.e. high mechanical
strength, significant weight reduction, etc). In the present work a novel technique of vessel manufacturing, according to
this construction, was applied. It is called braiding technique, and can be used as an alternative to the winding method.
During braiding process, between GFRC layers, two types of optical fiber sensors were installed: point sensors in the
form of FBGs as well as interferometric sensors with long measuring arms (SOFO®). Integrated optical fiber sensors
create the nervous system of the pressure vessel and are used for its structural health monitoring. OFS register
deformation areas and detect construction damages in their early stage (ensure a high safety level for users). Applied
sensor system also ensured a possibility of strain state monitoring even during the vessel manufacturing process.
However the main application of OFS based monitoring system is to detect defects in the composite structure. An idea of
such a SMART vessel with integrated sensor system as well as an algorithm of defect detection was presented.
On electrostatically actuated microsensors
Dumitru I. Caruntu,
Martin W. Knecht
Show abstract
Mass deposition changes resonance frequencies of structures. Resonator sensitivity, defined as a fraction of change in
frequency per unit deposited mass, is found for microcantilever sensors electrostatically actuated to include fringe and
Casimir effects. These actuation forces produce nonlinear parametric oscillations. Constant thickness mass deposition on
all four lateral surfaces of the cantilever of rectangular cross-section was assumed. The Euler-Bernoulli theory was used
under the assumption that the beams are slender. Mass deposition on the free end surface of the cantilever was neglected.
The deposition thickness was considered uniform and very small compared to any beam dimension. The deposited mass
had no contribution to the stiffness, only to the mass. Analytical expression of the sensitivity of electrostatically
actuated uniform microcantilever resonators sensor near natural frequency is determined.
Magnetostrictive unimorph transducer network model
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A new rotational magnetomechanical transducer network model for a magnetostrictive unimorph is presented.
Often these laminated structures define an operating point about which the mechanical, magnetic and electrical
quantities show only small variations and the behavior can be decribed by a linear model. It is shown how
the magnetomechanical transduction coefficient in actuation direction, which is obtained via classical laminated
plate theory, holds also for the sensing relation. The magnetomechanical model is combined with electromagnetic
coil models. The electromagnetic and the magnetomechanical transducer are connected by a magnetic voltage
divider which takes demagnetization or the planar coil field distribution into account. The presented models can
be used for a fast analysis of existing systems and also for the optimization of new designs. The resulting circuit
description can be simplified, e.g. to a single impedance, by transforming network elements into other domains.
Embedded Data Processing in Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring I
Energy efficient wireless sensor network for structural health monitoring using distributed embedded piezoelectric transducers
Show abstract
Piezoceramic based transducers are widely researched and used for structural health monitoring (SHM) systems due
to the piezoceramic material's inherent advantage of dual sensing and actuation. Wireless sensor network (WSN)
technology benefits from advances made in piezoceramic based structural health monitoring systems, allowing easy
and flexible installation, low system cost, and increased robustness over wired system. However, piezoceramic
wireless SHM systems still faces some drawbacks, one of these is that the piezoceramic based SHM systems require
relatively high computational capabilities to calculate damage information, however, battery powered WSN sensor
nodes have strict power consumption limitation and hence limited computational power. On the other hand,
commonly used centralized processing networks require wireless sensors to transmit all data back to the network
coordinator for analysis. This signal processing procedure can be problematic for piezoceramic based SHM
applications as it is neither energy efficient nor robust. In this paper, we aim to solve these problems with a
distributed wireless sensor network for piezoceramic base structural health monitoring systems. Three important
issues: power system, waking up from sleep impact detection, and local data processing, are addressed to reach
optimized energy efficiency. Instead of sweep sine excitation that was used in the early research, several sine
frequencies were used in sequence to excite the concrete structure. The wireless sensors record the sine excitations
and compute the time domain energy for each sine frequency locally to detect the energy change. By comparing the
data of the damaged concrete frame with the healthy data, we are able to find out the damage information of the
concrete frame. A relative powerful wireless microcontroller was used to carry out the sampling and distributed data
processing in real-time. The distributed wireless network dramatically reduced the data transmission between
wireless sensor and the wireless coordinator, which in turn reduced the power consumption of the overall system.
The combined use of low-cost smart sensors and high accuracy sensors to apprehend structural dynamic behavior
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Wireless smart sensors equipped with computational and wireless communication capabilities are expected to provide
rich information for structural health monitoring (SHM); inexpensive nature of sensors nodes and wireless
communication allow dense sensor instrumentation over structures. While dense measurement is advantageous with
regard to spatially characterizing structural dynamic behaviors, limited sensing accuracy of inexpensive wireless sensor
nodes possibly bounds applications. For example, small ambient vibration may not be captured by smart sensor nodes.
This paper proposes a combined use of low-cost smart sensors and high accuracy sensors for dynamic measurement of
bridges to alleviate the influence of this limitation.
SHMTools: a new embeddable software package for SHM applications
Eric B. Flynn,
Samory Kpotufe,
Dustin Harvey,
et al.
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This paper describes a new software package, SHMTools, for prototyping algorithms for various structural health
monitoring (SHM) applications. The software includes a set of standardized MATLAB routines covering three
main stages of SHM: data acquisition, feature extraction, and feature classification for damage identification. A
subset of the software in SHMTools is embeddable, which consists of Matlab functions that can be cross-compiled
into generic "C" programs to be run on a target hardware. The software is designed to accommodate multiple
sensing modalities, including piezoelectric active-sensing, which have become widely used in SHM practice. The
software package, standardized datasets, and detailed documentation are publicly available for use by the SHM
community. The details of this software will be discussed, along with several example processes to demonstrate
its utility.
Efficient decentralized data aggregation in wireless smart sensor networks
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Smart sensors have been recognized as a promising technology with the potential to overcome many of the inherent
difficulties and limitations associated with traditional wired structural health monitoring (SHM) systems. The unique
features offered by smart sensors, including wireless communication, on-board computation, and cost effectiveness,
enable deployment of the dense array of sensors that are needed for monitoring of large-scale civil infrastructure.
Despite the many advances in smart sensor technologies, power consumption is still considered as one of the most
important challenges that should be addressed for the smart sensors to be more widely adopted in SHM applications.
Data communication, the most significant source of the power consumption, can be reduced by appropriately selecting
data processing schemes and the related network topology. This paper presents a new decentralized data aggregation
approach for system identification based on the Random Decrement Technique (RDT). Following a brief overview of
the RDT, which is an output-only system identification approach, a decentralized hierarchical approach is described and
shown to be suitable for implementation in the intrinsically distributed computing environment found in wireless smart
sensor networks (WSSNs). RDT-based decentralized data aggregation is then implemented on the Imote2 smart sensor
platform based on the Illinois Structural Health Monitoring Project (ISHMP) Services Toolsuite. Finally, the efficacy of
the RDT method is demonstrated experimentally in terms of the required data communication and the accuracy of
identified dynamic properties.
Validation of a wireless sensor network using local damage detection algorithm for beam-column connections
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There has been a rapid advancement in wireless sensor network (WSN) technology in the past decade and its application
in structural monitoring has been the focus of several research projects. The evaluation of the newly developed hardware
platform and software system is an important aspect of such research efforts. Although much of this evaluation is done
in the laboratories and using generic signal processing techniques, it is important to validate the system for its intended
application as well. In this paper the performance of a newly developed accelerometer sensor board is evaluated by using
the data from a beam-column connection specimen with a local damage detection algorithm. The sensor board is a part
of a wireless node that consists of the Imote2 control/communication unit and an advanced antenna for improved
connectivity. A scaled specimen of a steel beam-column connection is constructed in ATLSS center at Lehigh University
and densely instrumented by synchronized networked systems of both traditional piezoelectric and wireless sensors. The
column ends of the test specimen have fixed connections, and the beam cantilevers from the centerline of the column.
The specimen is subjected to harmonic excitations in several test runs and its acceleration response is collected by both
systems. The collected data is then used to estimate two sets of system influence coefficients with the wired one as the
reference baseline. The performance of the WSN is evaluated by comparing the quality of the influence coefficients and
the rate of convergence of the estimated parameters.
Sensors III
Compact sensitive piezoelectric mass balance for measurement of unconsolidated materials in space
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In many in-situ instruments information about the mass of the sample could aid in the interpretation of the data and
portioning instruments might require an accurate sizing of the sample mass before dispensing the sample. In addition,
on potential sample return missions a method to directly assess the captured sample size would be required to determine
if the sampler could return or needs to continue attempting to acquire sample. In an effort to meet these requirements
piezoelectric balances were developed using flextensional actuators which are capable of monitoring the mass using two
methods. A piezoelectric balance could be used to measure mass directly by monitoring the voltage developed across
the piezoelectric which is linear with force, or it could be used in resonance to produce a frequency change proportional
to the mass change. In the case of the latter, the piezoelectric actuator/balance would be swept in frequency through its
fundamental resonance. If a mass is added to the balance the resonance frequency would shift down proportionally to
the mass. By monitoring the frequency shift the mass could be determined. This design would allow for two
independent measurements of the mass. In microgravity environments spacecraft thrusters could be used to provide
acceleration in order to produce the required force for the first technique or to bring the mass into contact with the
balance in the second approach. In addition, the measuring actuators, if driven at higher voltages, could be used to
fluidize the powder to aid sample movement. In this paper, we outline some of our design considerations and present the
results of a few prototype balances that we have developed.
Mechanisms of sliding friction studied with an array of industrial conical piezoelectric sensors
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We use a new design of high-fidelity nanoseismic sensors to detect the stress waves produced at the initiation of sliding
during stick-slip friction. The piezoelectric sensors can detect radiated waves just a few pm in amplitude in the frequency
range of 10 kHz to over 2 MHz. The reported experiments are designed to provide insights that may be applicable to
both fault scales and micro contact junctions. The sensors used are packaged in a hardened steel case to facilitate their
use in the field. The transducer's small size (14 mm threaded body, 30 mm long) permits a dense population of sensors
to be installed on laboratory-sized samples, or surrounding localized centers of damage on structural applications. The
closely spaced sensor array facilitates the localization of individual load releases from tiny asperities on a cm-scale
frictional interface. At the same time, the broadband response of the conical piezoelectric sensors makes possible the
study of source dynamics using theory developed for the study of earthquake source mechanisms via radiated seismic
Direct measurement sensor of the boundary shear stress in fluid flow
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The flow fields and boundary erosion that are associated with scour at bridge piers are very complex. Direct
measurement of the boundary shear stress and boundary pressure fluctuations in experimental scour research has always
been a challenge and high spatial resolution and fidelity have been almost impossible. Most researchers have applied an
indirect process to determine shear stress using precise measured velocity profiles. Laser Doppler Anemometry and
Particle Image Velocimetry are common techniques used to accurately measure velocity profiles. These methods are
based on theoretical assumptions to estimate boundary shear stress. In addition, available turbulence models cannot very
well account for the effect of bed roughness which is fundamentally important for any CFD simulation. The authors have
taken on the challenge to advance the magnitude level to which direct measurements of the shear stress in water flow can
be performed. This paper covered the challenges and the efforts to develop a higher accuracy and small spatial resolution
sensor. Also, preliminary sensor designs and test results are presented.
SHM/Damage Detection Method I
Corrosion monitoring of reinforcing steel in concrete by electrochemical sensors
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Health degradation by corrosion of steel in civil engineering, especially in rough environment, is a persistent problem.
Structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques can lead to improved estimates of structural safety and serviceability. A
novel all solid state-current confined corrosion sensor has been developed to provide the platform for corrosion
monitoring of the steel bar in concrete beam by electrochemical method. Finite element method has been used to certify
the current confined effect of the sensor. The sensors have been used in concrete beams to monitor the corrosion of the
steel bar. Also, half-cell potential of the beam has obtained. The results shows that the corrosion sensor can effectively
confine the current in the fixed area which is 45mm×π×Dsteel bar and the monitoring results of the corrosion sensor are
Prestress-force monitoring of PSC girder bridges using wireless impedance sensor nodes
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In this study, a technique using wireless impedance sensor node and interface washer is proposed to monitor prestressforce
in PSC girder bridges. In order to achieve the goal, the following approaches are implemented. Firstly, a wireless
impedance sensor node is designed for automated and cost-efficient prestress-force monitoring. Secondly, an
impedance-based algorithm is embedded in the wireless impedance sensor node for autonomous prestress-force
monitoring. Thirdly, a prestress-force monitoring technique using an interface washer is proposed to overcome
limitations of the wireless impedance sensor node such as measureable frequency ranges with narrow band. Finally, the
feasibility and applicability of the proposed technique are evaluated in a lab-scaled PSC girder model for which several
prestress-loss scenarios are experimentally monitored by the wireless impedance sensor node.
Application of smart BFRP bars with distributed fiber optic sensors into concrete structures
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In this paper, the self-sensing and mechanical properties of concrete structures strengthened with a novel type of smart
basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) bars were experimentally studied, wherein the sensing element is Brillouin
scattering-based distributed optical fiber sensing technique. First, one of the smart bars was applied to strengthen a 2m
concrete beam under a 4-points static loading manner in the laboratory. During the experiment, the bar can measure the
inner strain changes and monitor the randomly distributed cracks well. With the distributed strain information along the
bar, the distributed deformation of the beam can be calculated, and the structural health can be monitored and evaluated
as well. Then, two smart bars with a length of about 70m were embedded into a concrete airfield pavement reinforced by
long BFRP bars. In the field test, all the optical fiber sensors in the smart bars survived the whole concrete casting
process and worked well. From the measured data, the concrete cracks along the pavement length can be easily
monitored. The experimental results also confirmed that the bars can strengthen the structures especially after the
yielding of steel bars. All the results confirm that this new type of smart BFRP bars show not only good sensing
performance but also mechanical performance in the concrete structures.
Coordinated sensing and autonomous repair of pressure vessels and structures
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Self-repairing structural systems can potentially improve performance ranges and lifetimes compared to those of
conventional systems without self-healing capability. Self-healing materials have been used in automotive and
aeronautical applications for over a century. The bulk of these systems operate by using the damage to directly initiate
the repair response without any supervisory coordination. Integrating sensing and supervisory control technologies with
self-healing may improve the safety and reliability of critical components and structures. This project used laboratory
scale test beds to illustrate the benefit of an integrated sensing, control and self-healing system. A thermal healing
polymer embedded with resistive heating wires acted as the sensing-healing material. Sensing duties were performed
using an impedance, capacitance, and resistance testing device and a PC acted as the controller. As damage occurs to the
polymer it is detected, located, and characterized. Based on the sensor signal, a decision is made as to whether to
execute a repair and then to subsequently monitor the repair process to ensure completeness. The second demonstration
was a self-sealing pressure vessel with integrated sensing and healing capability. These proof-of-concept prototypes can
likely be expanded and improved with alternative sensor options, sensing-healing materials, and system architecture.
Detection and assessment of wood decay in glulam beams using a decay rate approach
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A glulam beam retired from the field and without visible indications of wood decay was used. Towards detection and
assessing wood decay, X-ray computer tomography and ultrasonic measurements were carried out. It was observed that
decrease in mass density with increasing levels of wood decay affects x-rays attenuation and allows radioscopy to detect
and assess wood decay. To detect and assess decay when only one lateral side of the beam is available, a modified
impulse-echo is presented. The modified impulse-echo approach is based on observing the dynamic response of each
lamina in the glulam beam to the drop of a steel sphere onto a steel plate coupled to the glulam beam lamina and upon a
decay rate analysis of the corresponding time domain signal in a frequency band of interest. The selection of the
frequency band of interest only requires knowledge of the nominal transverse dimensions of each lamina in the beam and
of the corresponding wood species. It was observed that decay rate analysis allows detection and assessment of wood
decay. The decay rate approach leads to an overall rate of false calls of 7.2%. Considering the variability that exists in
wood including the presence of splits, orientation and thickness of growth rings, etc., this relative low rate of false calls
makes this approach very attractive. Results show that results from both X-ray computer tomography and impulse-echo
decay-rated based measurements are consistent with each other and can be used to detect and assess wood decay in
structural lumber.
Signal Processing
An emerging time-domain sensing technique for large scale, multi-function fiber optic sensor networks
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Fiber loop ringdown (FLRD), a uniform time-domain sensing scheme, has potential to help address the three key
issues: Power losses, light intensity fluctuations, and high terminal equipment costs, in the development of fiber
optic sensor networks for simultaneously sensing multiple quantities, including pressure, temperature, strain,
chemical species, etc. with fast response, high sensitivity, and significantly reduced costs. Performance and design
of a cluster of individual FLRD-based fiber optic sensors are presented. Multiplexing those individual FLRD sensor
units into a large scale sensor system for multi-function sensing is proposed. System configuration, operation, and
advantages are discussed.
Noise effects on localization of mobile sensor platforms
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In this article, localization of a static source by using a mobile sensor platform is studied. With appropriate
assumptions on the system dynamics, the noise robustness of a previously proposed localization algorithm1 is
examined. By using Lyapunov analysis, it is demonstrated that if the noise uncertainty is constant and bounded,
the adaptive localization algorithm results in bounded localization errors. The analytical results are validated
through numerical simulations.
Object identification by multispectral fusion and Haar classification
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An approach to identify and classify objects in real time by multispectral imaging, wavelets based fusion, and Haar
classification is presented. The specific object of interest is a cardboard box placed on the roadside. The proposed
approach involves capturing a scene in the visible and infra red spectrum. Fusing the spectra is performed by using the
wavelet transform. Further, Haar training is performed using sample positives and negatives prior to classification. The
presented approach is tested to work in real time with very good accuracy. If successful, the method will be applied to
the detection of a variety of anomalous objects placed at the roadside.
A survey to control uncertainties by comprehensive monitoring of load-carrying structures
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This paper gives a general view on some aspects of the influence of uncertainty in model-based monitoring of loadcarrying
structures. The advantages and relevance of monitoring for the prediction of reliability will be clarified and the
difference between uncertainty and reliability is discussed. Solving inverse Problems is a particular challenge in
monitoring systems. Therefore, different categories of inverse problems are discussed. A generally valid extended
difference equation, which describes the transfer behavior of the structure, will be derived as the basis for digital signal
processing of model-based monitoring. This equation also considers changes in the structures dynamic properties, e.g
due to damage or temperature. With this equation, the influence of uncertainty due to measurement noise to the
functionability of monitoring is discussed and some possibilities are shown to control this uncertainty when determining
ideal sensor-positions for monitoring.
Signal Processing and Damage Detection I
Detecting seismic response signals using singular spectrum analysis
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Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is a novel non-parametric technique based on principle of multivariate statistics. The
original time series is decomposed into a number of additive time series, each of which can be easily identified as being
part of the modulated signals, or as being part of the random noise. It shows that the embedding dimension m of a
dynamical time series can be conducted by the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) experiments. This SVD scheme
was used to detect low-dimensionally dynamic signals and the residuals. It provides trend extraction involves a
decomposition of a time series into low-frequency trends and high-frequency variability. In this study, first, SSA is used
to decompose the nonlinear seismic responses of reinforced concrete frames and to elucidate permanent deformation.
Then, damage feature extraction is conducted using the high-frequency variability of SSA to identify the occurrence of
damage. Comparison the results with the Holder exponent and the Level-1 detail of the discrete wavelet component to
detect the damage occurrence was made. Finally, using SSA to estimate the permanent deformation using recorded
acceleration data was also discussed. In this study, four reinforced concrete frame test data collected in response to
various degrees of seismic excitation are used to demonstrate the application of SSA in damage detection.
Support vector machine for abnormality detection on a cable-stayed bridge
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This paper applies support vector machine (SVM) to the field of structural health monitoring. SVM is a data processing
technique that performs binary classification. The machine in its name indicates its association with machine learning, a
category of algorithms that are able to solve classification problems by learning from example data given in a training
process. This paper uses SVM for abnormality detection on data from a cable-stayed bridge's health monitoring system.
The goal is to investigate whether the east end expansion joint is constraining the longitudinal motion of the bridge's
main girder, which is suspected due to the results of a finite element updating procedure. Regarding the training process,
distinct examples of the normal and abnormal expansion joint are unavailable from the health monitoring system. For
this reason training examples are obtained from a finite element model. Accordingly, since SVM accuracy is highly
dependent on the similarity between the training data and data being classified, the finite element modeling is a primary
challenge of the paper's approach. The contributions of this paper include an application of SVM to an in-service
structure, as well as a discussion on its performance and some limitations that affect its accuracy.
Adaptive noise variance identification for data fusion using subspace-based technique
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The Kalman filter is commonly employed to fuse the measured information from displacement and acceleration
responses. This fusion technique can mitigate the noise effect and produce more accurate response estimates. The fusion
performance however significantly depends on the accuracy of noise estimation. The noise variances are generally
estimated empirically a priori and assumed to be fixed throughout the calculation. Hence some estimation error might
occur when the noise characteristics are time-varying. In this study, an adaptive subspace-based technique is developed
to identify the noise variances. The approach is based on the principal component analysis which decomposes noisecontaminated
signals into the signal subspace and the noise subspace. The variances of the noise and signals can then be
estimated independently. To track the time variations of the noise and signal variances in an on-line fashion, a projection
approximation subspace tracking technique is employed. The proposed technique can be incorporated into an adaptive
Kalman filter and provide a more accurate estimation for data fusion.
Nano and MEMS
Design and fabrication of a sensor integrated MEMS/NANO-skin system for human physiological response measurement
Hongjie Leng,
Yingzi Lin
Show abstract
Human state in human-machine systems highly affects the system performance, and should be monitored. Physiological
cues are more suitable for monitoring the human state in human-machine system. This study was focused on developing
a new sensing system, i.e. NANO-Skin, to non-intrusively measure physiological cues from human-machine contact
surfaces for human state recognition. The first part was to analyze the relation between human state and physiological
cues. Generally, heart rate, skin conductance, skin temperature, operating force, blood alcohol concentration, sweat rate,
and electromyography have close relation with human state, and can be measured from human skin. The second part was
to compare common sensors, MEMS sensors, and NANO sensors. It was found that MEMS sensors and NANO sensors
can offer unique contributions to the development of NANO-Skin. The third part was to discuss the design and
manufacture of NANO-Skin. The NANO-Skin involves five components, the flexible substrate, sensors, special
integrated circuit, interconnection between sensors and special integrated circuit, and protection layer. Experiments were
performed to verify the measurement accuracy of NANO-Skin. It is feasible to use NANO-Skins to non-intrusively
measure physiological cues from human-machine contact surfaces for human state recognition.
DNA decorated carbon nanotube sensors on CMOS circuitry for environmental monitoring
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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with their large surface area, high aspect ratio are one of the novel
materials which have numerous attractive features amenable for high sensitivity sensors. Several nanotube based
sensors including, gas, chemical and biosensors have been demonstrated. Moreover, most of these sensors require
off chip components to detect the variations in the signals making them complicated and hard to commercialize.
Here we present a novel complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated carbon nanotube sensors for
portable high sensitivity chemical sensing applications. Multiple zincation steps have been developed to ascertain
proper electrical connectivity between the carbon nanotubes and the foundry made CMOS circuitry. The SWNTs
have been integrated onto (CMOS) circuitry as the feedback resistor of a Miller compensated operational amplifier
utilizing low temperature Dielectrophoretic (DEP) assembly process which has been tailored to be compatible with
the post-CMOS integration at the die level. Building nanotube sensors directly on commercial CMOS circuitry
allows single chip solutions eliminating the need for long parasitic lines and numerous wire bonds. The carbon
nanotube sensors realized on CMOS circuitry show strong response to various vapors including Dimethyl
methylphosphonate and Dinitrotoluene. The remarkable set of attributes of the SWNTs realized on CMOS electronic
chips provides an attractive platform for high sensitivity portable nanotube based bio and chemical sensors.
Reconfigurable multivariable MEMS sensor array
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Research into operational aspects of mini (<5kg) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and structural health monitoring
systems (SHM) is being conducted at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation and La Trobe University. A
fundamental area of interest is investigating the problems associated with robustness of the control and health monitoring
sensors for such systems.
While many technologies for UAV and SHM systems can be, and have been, adapted from those currently available in
large manned aircraft; cost, weight, and size constraints have prevented mini UAVs from including many of the robust
mechanisms common to larger aircraft. Moreover, the ubiquitous nature of the sensing requirements for SHM systems
has limited their uptake, due mainly to the same issues of cost, weight and size.
This paper details the design of a reconfigurable multivariable MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) array to
address these issues. This array is composed of multiple instances of identical sensors, which can be dynamically
reconfigured to achieve the desired measurand(s) with tradeoffs against accuracy. The available measurands include such
items as; accelerations, rotational rates, magnetic fields (X, Y and Z directions), temperature and pressure. The paper
presents the design of a reconfigurable multivariable MEMS sensor array together with simulation results.
Piezo Sensors and Applications
Steel bridge fatigue crack detection with piezoelectric wafer active sensors
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Piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) are well known for its dual capabilities in structural health
monitoring, acting as either actuators or sensors. Due to the variety of deterioration sources and locations
of bridge defects, there is currently no single method that can detect and address the potential sources
globally. In our research, our use of the PWAS based sensing has the novelty of implementing both
passive (as acoustic emission) and active (as ultrasonic transducers) sensing with a single PWAS network.
The combined schematic is using acoustic emission to detect the presence of fatigue cracks in steel
bridges in their early stage since methods such as ultrasonics are unable to quantify the initial condition of
crack growth since most of the fatigue life for these details is consumed while the fatigue crack is too
small to be detected. Hence, combing acoustic emission with ultrasonic active sensing will strengthen the
damage detection process. The integration of passive acoustic emission detection with active sensing will
be a technological leap forward from the current practice of periodic and subjective visual inspection, and
bridge management based primarily on history of past performance.
In this study, extensive laboratory investigation is performed supported by theoretical modeling
analysis. A demonstration system will be presented to show how piezoelectric wafer active sensor is used
for acoustic emission. Specimens representing complex structures are tested. The results will also be
compared with traditional acoustic emission transducers to identify the application barriers.
Monitoring concrete by means of embedded sensors and electromechanical impedance technique
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This paper describes the use of embedded and surface bonded piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) to monitor concrete by
means of the electromechanical impedance (EMI) method. The main objective of the present study is the design and
utilization of a rugged and embeddable sensing system capable to monitor curing, stress and damage in concrete
structures. Three concrete cylinders with in-house designed sensors were cast and tested. Surface bonded PZT were also
used to compare the response of conventional PZT patch to the response of the embedded system. After the conventional
28-days curing, two cylinders were subjected to a compression test and the third cylinder was subjected to induced
damage. The EM signatures were processed using a statistical index and a slope gradient. The results show that the
sensing system and the EMI method are suitable to monitor curing progression and to detect applied stress, damage
onset, and damage propagation.
Impedance-based monitoring of bonding between steel rebar and concrete
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An impedance-based monitoring technique is used to detect the gradual bonding between steel reinforcing
bar and fresh concrete. The method, which has made significant progress in the fields of structural health
monitoring (SHM) and non-destructive evaluation (NDE), is essentially based on the application of
piezoelectric transducers as collocated sensors and actuators utilizing their direct and converse
piezoelectric effects simultaneously. In this study, a piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) transducer bonded to a
steel rebar was embedded in concrete and the changes in the conductance signature of the transducer were
monitored by exciting it at high frequencies. The monitoring was carried out up to 72 hours to investigate
the influence of setting and initial hardening of concrete.
Structural Life Prognosis
Estimation of fatigue life using electromechanical impedance technique
Show abstract
Fatigue induced damage is often progressive and gradual in nature. Structures subjected to large
number of fatigue load cycles will encounter the process of progressive crack initiation, propagation
and finally fracture. Monitoring of structural health, especially for the critical components, is therefore
essential for early detection of potential harmful crack.
Recent advent of smart materials such as piezo-impedance transducer adopting the
electromechanical impedance (EMI) technique and wave propagation technique are well proven to be
effective in incipient damage detection and characterization. Exceptional advantages such as
autonomous, real-time and online, remote monitoring may provide a cost-effective alternative to the
conventional structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques.
In this study, the main focus is to investigate the feasibility of characterizing a propagating fatigue
crack in a structure using the EMI technique as well as estimating its remaining fatigue life using the
linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach. Uniaxial cyclic tensile load is applied on a
lab-sized aluminum beam up to failure. Progressive shift in admittance signatures measured by the
piezo-impedance transducer (PZT patch) corresponding to increase of loading cycles reflects
effectiveness of the EMI technique in tracing the process of fatigue damage progression. With the use
of LEFM, prediction of the remaining life of the structure at different cycles of loading is possible.
Life cycle structural health monitoring of airframe structures by strain mapping using FBG sensors
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The purpose of this research is to develop the structural health monitoring system for composite airframe structures by
strain mapping through their life cycles. We apply FBG sensor networks to CFRP pressure bulkheads and monitor the
strain through their life cycles: molding, processing, assembly, operation and maintenance. Damages, defects and
deformations which occurred in each stage are detected using the strain distribution. At first, we monitored the strain of
CFRP laminates during molding and processing with FBG sensors. As a result, not only the thermal strain on curing
process but also strain change due to demolding was measured precisely. In addition, we analyzed the change in strain
distribution due to damages of CFRP pressure bulkhead such as stringer debonding and impact damage of skin under
operational load in flight. On the basis of these results, the location of FBG sensors suitable for the detection of damages
was determined.
In-situ determination of stress intensity factors for the prediction of fatigue crack growth using piezoelectric polymer coatings
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A new sensor concept for fatigue crack growth monitoring in technical structures is presented. It allows the in-situ
determination of the position of the crack tip as well as the fracture mechanical quantities. The required data are obtained
from a piezoelectric polymer film, which is attached to the surface of the monitored structure. The stress intensity factors
and the crack tip position are calculated from electrical potentials obtained from a sensor array by solving the non-linear
inverse problem.
Continuous piezoelectric health monitoring systems based on ultrasonic guided waves
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Continuous strip transducers are investigated to generate ultrasonic guided waves for structural health monitoring of
plate and shell structures. A theoretically driven approach, based on the application of wave mechanics principles, will
be used to research and design a network of strip transducers. The initial transducer concept is that the strips will
function like comb transducers and generate planar Lamb waves that travel normal to the longitudinal axis of the strip.
Fibrous piezoelectric composites are considered for the comb elements, expanding the design space of these elements to
include fiber orientation and volume fraction in addition to size, configuration, and location of the electrodes. This paper
presents results from wave propagation studies of continuous strip actuators. As intended, the strip transducer excites
Lamb waves that are reasonably planar with little interaction with the energy that propagates in the direction of the strip.
Micromechanical modeling results for overall material properties of piezoelectric fiber composites are presented and
demonstrate the wide design space for these types of devices.
Embedded Data Processing in Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring II
Autonomous smart sensor network for full-scale structural health monitoring
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The demands of aging infrastructure require effective methods for structural monitoring and maintenance. Wireless
smart sensor networks offer the ability to enhance structural health monitoring (SHM) practices through the utilization of
onboard computation to achieve distributed data management. Such an approach is scalable to the large number of
sensor nodes required for high-fidelity modal analysis and damage detection. While smart sensor technology is not new,
the number of full-scale SHM applications has been limited. This slow progress is due, in part, to the complex network
management issues that arise when moving from a laboratory setting to a full-scale monitoring implementation. This
paper presents flexible network management software that enables continuous and autonomous operation of wireless
smart sensor networks for full-scale SHM applications. The software components combine sleep/wake cycling for
enhanced power management with threshold detection for triggering network wide tasks, such as synchronized sensing
or decentralized modal analysis, during periods of critical structural response.
Discovery of emerging patterns with immune network theory
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This paper presents an immune network-based emergent pattern recognition method. The artificial immune network
provides more flexible learning tools than neural networks and clustering technologies. With a neural network, a
network structure has to be defined first. The immune network allows their components to change and learn patterns by
changing the strength of connections between individual components. The presented computational model achieves
emergent pattern recognition by dynamically constructing a network of feature vectors to represent the internal image of
input data patterns. The immune network-based emergent pattern recognition approach has tested using a benchmark
civil structure. The test result shows the feasibility of using the presented method for the emergent structural damage
pattern recognition.
Development of multi-functional wireless impedance sensor nodes for structural health monitoring
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This study presents the development of a multi-functional wireless sensor node for the impedance-based SHM. The
bottom line is to provide multifunctional wireless sensor nodes for low cost and low power excitation/sensing, structural
damage detection/sensor self-diagnosis using embedded algorithms, temperature/power monitoring, and energy
scavenging. A miniaturized impedance measuring chip is utilized for low cost and low power structural excitation/selfsensing.
Then, structural damage detection/sensor self-diagnosis are executed on the on-board microcontroller.
Moreover, it can use the harvested power from solar energy to measure and analyze the impedance data. Simultaneously
it can monitor temperature and power consumption. In order to validate the feasibility of this multi-functional wireless
impedance sensor node, a series of experimental studies have been carried out for detecting loose bolts and crack
damages on a lab-scale steel structure as well as on real steel bridge/building structures. As a result, it has been found
that the proposed wireless impedance sensor nodes can be effectively used for local health monitoring of structural
components and for constructing a low-cost and low-power but multifunctional SHM system as "place and forget"
Embedded transmissibility function analysis for damage detection in a mobile sensor network
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Structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage detection have attracted great interest in recent decades, in meeting the
challenges of assessing the safety condition of large-scale civil structures. By wiring remote sensors directly to a
centralized data acquisition system, traditional structural health monitoring systems are usually costly and the installation
is time-consuming. Recent advances in wireless sensing technology have made it feasible for structural health
monitoring; furthermore, the computational core in a wireless sensing unit offers onboard data interrogation. In addition
to wireless sensing, the authors have recently developed a mobile sensing system for providing high spatial resolution
and flexible sensor deployment in structural health monitoring. In this study, transmissibility function analysis is
embedded in the mobile sensing node to perform onboard and in-network structural damage detection. The system
implementation is validated using a laboratory 2D steel portal frame. Simulated damage is applied to the frame
structure, and the damage is successfully identified by two mobile sensing nodes that autonomously navigate through the
Automated mode shape estimation in agent-based wireless sensor networks
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Recent advances in wireless sensing technology have made it possible to deploy dense networks of sensing transducers
within large structural systems. Because these networks leverage the embedded computing power and agent-based
abilities integral to many wireless sensing devices, it is possible to analyze sensor data autonomously and in-network. In
this study, market-based techniques are used to autonomously estimate mode shapes within a network of agent-based
wireless sensors. Specifically, recent work in both decentralized Frequency Domain Decomposition and market-based
resource allocation is leveraged to create a mode shape estimation algorithm derived from free-market principles. This
algorithm allows an agent-based wireless sensor network to autonomously shift emphasis between improving mode
shape accuracy and limiting the consumption of certain scarce network resources: processing time, storage capacity, and
power consumption. The developed algorithm is validated by successfully estimating mode shapes using a network of
wireless sensor prototypes deployed on the mezzanine balcony of Hill Auditorium, located on the University of
Michigan campus.
Smart Materials
Pressure adaptive honeycomb: a new adaptive structure for aerospace applications
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A new type of adaptive structure is presented that relies on pressurized honeycomb cells that extent a significant
length with respect to the plane of the hexagons. By varying the pressure inside each of the cells, the stiffness can
be altered. A variable stiffness in combination with an externally applied force field results in a fully embedded
pressure adaptive actuator that can yield strains well beyond the state-of-the-art in adaptive materials. The
stiffness change as a function of the pressure is modeled by assigning an equivalent material stiffness to the
honeycomb walls that accounts for both the inherent material stiffness as the pressure-induced stiffness. A finite
element analysis of a beam structure that relies on this model is shown to correlate well to experimental results of
a three-point bend test. To demonstrate the concept of embedded pressure adaptive honeycomb, an wind tunnel
test article with adaptive flap has been constructed and tested in a low speed wind tunnel. It has been proven
that by varying the cell pressure the flap changed its geometry and subsequently altered the lift coefficient.
Detailed studies on the formation of piezoelectric β-phase of PVDF at different hot-stretching conditions
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The β-phase of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is well known for its piezoelectric properties. PVDF films have been
developed using solvent cast method. The films thus produced are in β-phase . The β-phase films are transformed to
piezoelectric β-phase , when films are hot-stretched at different temperature, and with different stretching factors. Films are
characterized for structural, tensile and surface morphological changes during the transformation from α- to β-phase by using
X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter, Raman spectra, Infrared spectra, tensile testing, and scanning electron
microscopy. The films showed increased crystallinity with stretching up to 80oC. The optimum conditions to achieve β-phase
have been discussed in detail. The fabricated PVDF sensors have been tested for free vibration and impact on plate structure,
and its response is compared with conventional piezoelectric wafer type sensor. The resonant and anti-resonant peaks in the
frequency response of PVDF sensor match well with that of PZT.
Thermodynamic modeling of martensitic phase transformations
Venkata Suresh Guthikonda,
Ryan S. Elliott
Show abstract
The unusual properties of shape memory alloys (SMAs) are due to solid-to-solid martensitic phase transformations
(MPTs) which correspond to a lattice level instability of the crystal structure. The high temperature phase
is usually a high symmetry structure and is called the austenite phase whereas the low temperature phase has a
low symmetry and is called the martensite phase. Currently, there exists a shortage of material models of MPTs
based on the material's atomic composition and crystal structure that would lead to computational discovery
of new improved SMAs. The present work develops a lattice dynamics model using a first-order self-consistent
approach based on statistical perturbation theory that aims to capture the qualitative and ultimately quantitative
behavior of MPTs. In particular, the atomic interactions are modeled using Morse pair potentials. The
effects of atomic vibrations on the material properties are captured by renormalizing the frequencies of atomic
vibration using self-consistent equations. These renormalized frequencies are dependent on both configuration
and temperature.
The model is applied for the case of a one dimensional bi-atomic chain. The constant Morse pair potential
parameters are chosen to demonstrate the usefulness of the current model. The resulting model is evaluated by
generating stress-free equilibrium paths with temperature as the loading parameter. These plots are generated
using branch-following and bifurcation techniques. A second-order phase transformation (PT) is predicted which
involves transformation from a high symmetry phase to a low symmetry phase as the temperature is decreased.
Thus, the current model is able to capture the important aspect in MPTs, i.e., transformation from high symmetry
phase to low symmetry phase as temperature is decreased. We believe that this model applied to three
dimensional structures will be able to capture first-order MPTs that occur in SMAs.
This qualitative prediction of a temperature-induced PT indicates the likely hood that the current model
can be used for the computational discovery of new shape memory alloys. Such an undertaking would involve,
first, determining the potential parameters of new alloys from first-principles calculations and, second, using
these parameter values with the current self-consistent model to evaluate the shape memory behavior of the new
previously unstudied materials.
Novel fabrication technology for three-dimensional high surface area pyrolized structures
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High specific surface area structures are used in a variety of applications including production of highly sensitive
biosensors, fabrication of separation membranes, manufacturing of high throughput catalytic microreactors, and
development of efficient electrodes for batteries and fuel cells. In many electrochemical applications (i.e. sensors and
batteries) it's also critical to have good conductive properties of the fabricated high surface area structures.
For energy harvesting technologies such as batteries and fuel cells, careful design of surface-to-volume ratio of the
electrode surface is important, because while high specific surface area facilitates electrochemical reaction rates, it also
increases overall electrode resistance. Thus, it is desirable to construct electrodes with a range of hierarchical features
(for example with fractal structures).
We invented a novel fabrication technology for creating three-dimensional conductive high surface area structures based
on the deposition and subsequent processing of the electroactive polymers (EAP). The proposed fabrication technique is
capable of fast and inexpensive production of high surface area structures with the designed geometry, porosity, and
Fiber Optice Sensors and Applications I
Pavement roughness monitoring method using fiber optic vibration sensors
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Fiber optic sensor system, which is not corrosible semi-permanent, no influence by electromagnetic waves, and able to
multiplex, can be expect to take an important part to assess the safety and residual estimate the life span of the highway
pavement structure.
In this research, as in situ monitoring of roughness of pavement, we propose the vibration monitoring method using fiber
optic sensors. We designed and produced prototype fiber optic vibration sensor packages. Laboratory impact tests with
the sensors were performed. The sensors showed very good responsibility to the impact and nice damping shape like
other ordinary accelerometers. Actual road tests with the prototype vibration sensor were also performed. The ambient
vibration by the vehicles was used for the experiment.
Measures for identifying cracks within reinforced concrete beams using BOTDR
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BOTDR is one of the strain measurement technologies that is suitable for smart monitoring of civil engineering
infrastructures. While the technology has the advantage of supplying spatially distributed data, it is currently
limited to a spatial resolution of about 1m. This infers that the technology may lack the ability to identify
the exact type and source of damage; that is, different geometrical configurations of cracking within a concrete
beam may lead to similar BOTDR readings, and hence the exact nature of cracking might not be resolved by the
BOTDR. This study suggests different crack indicators, and examines, both analytically and experimentally, their
correlation with BOTDR readings of damaged reinforced concrete beams. The analytical part entails statistical
analysis of hundreds of cracking cases in fractured reinforced concrete beams and their effect on the simulated
BOTDR readings. The analysis is conducted within COMSOL-Multiphysics, and is aimed to understand the
correlation between different crack indicators and the beam curvature as would be obtained by the BOTDR.
The experimental part consists of a controlled load test of a reinforced beam instrumented by BOTDR fibers,
and is aimed to support the analytical findings.
Monitoring of stress distribution along a ground anchor using BOTDA
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For the understanding of the bearing behavior of a loaded ground anchor, the measuring and monitoring of the stress
distribution in the anchor tendon is essential. This paper proposes a novel monitoring ground anchor using embedded
optical fibers for the continuous strain assessment along the anchor tendon. In a first step, optical sensors have been
integrated into short tendons using different methods and laboratory strain testing was performed on these instrumented
tendons. The evaluation of the laboratory testing enabled the design and development of an 8m long monitoring ground
anchor for field application. In 2009, this anchor has been placed into a wall supporting an excavation pit and
subsequently, anchor pullout test was carried out. The anchor was loaded stepwise up to 470kN, almost reaching its
ultimate bearing capacity. Optical measurements were taken successfully at each load step. Comparison of the optical
data with data acquired using conventional methods indicated good consistency of the results. To a geotechnical
engineer, this proposed monitoring anchor provides a powerful tool for the measuring of the pullout load, the anchor
head displacement and the load distribution in the anchor tendon.
Study on the creep properties of distributed optical fiber sensors
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In this paper, based on the distributed optical fiber strain sensing technology of pulse-pre-pump Brillouin Optical Time
Domain Analysis (PPP-BOTDA), the creep properties of two types of optical fiber sensors, i.e. single mode optical fiber
with jacket (Type-A) and optical fiber with UV resin coating (Type-B), were studied at different load (60g~600g)
amplitudes. Experimental results show that there exists some creep for both types in initial loading period and tend to
level off with time. But for Type-B, the strain variation is 5% of initial strain, and the stabilization time is about 48h,
both of which are obviously smaller than those of Type-A. As a result, it is revealed that Type-B is characterized by a
smaller creep, suitable for the long-term monitoring of infrastructures.
Multi-domain Modeling
Modeling and simulation of heterogeneous electronic system based on smart sensors for aerospace structures health monitoring
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This paper presents a top-down design methodology for a behavioral modeling System, based on smart sensors for
aerospace structures monitoring, implemented on a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The modeled acquisition platform
in this aeronautic health monitoring systems (AHMS) is built using the following specific sensors: humidity, pressure,
temperature, stress and acceleration. For this application it has been implemented frequency acquisition techniques
ensuring optimum noise immunity, particularly: a signal acquisition technique based on voltage to frequency converter,
capacitance to frequency and frequency to code converters (VtoF-cC, CtoF-cC). The Simulink model presents a high
accuracy level in signal acquisition and conditioning compared to the electrical system simulation behavior.
On the combination of asymptotic and direct approaches to the modeling of plates with piezoelectric actuators and sensors
Yury Vetyukov,
Michael Krommer
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We suggest a method for the mathematical modeling of the response of a thin structure with integrated piezoelectric
sensors and actuators under mechanical and electrical loads. The plate with attached piezoelectric patches is
considered as a two-dimensional material surface with mechanical and electrical degrees of freedom of particles.
The model is complemented with an asymptotic analysis of the three-dimensional problem. For the equations of
a layered piezoelectric plate, we seek those terms in the solution, which dominate as the thickness tends to zero.
The results serve as a basis for the analysis of geometrically nonlinear shell structures as well as for model-based
monitoring and optimal sensor and actuator placement.
Modeling of power and energy transduction of embedded piezoelectric wafer active sensors for structural health monitoring
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This paper presents a systematic investigation of power and energy transduction in piezoelectric wafer active sensors
(PWAS) for structural health monitoring (SHM). After a literature review of the state of the art, the paper develops a
simplified pitch-catch model of power and energy transduction of PWAS attached to structure. The model assumptions
include: (a) 1-D axial and flexural wave propagation; (b) ideal bonding (pin-force) connection between PWAS and
structure; (c) ideal excitation source at the transmitter PWAS and fully-resistive external load at the receiver PWAS.
Frequency response functions are developed for voltage, current, complex power, active power, etc.
First, we examined PWAS transmitter and determined the active power, reactive power, power rating of electrical
requirement under harmonic voltage excitation. It was found that the reactive power is dominant and defines the power
requirement for power supply / amplifier for PWAS applications. The electrical and mechanical power analysis at the
PWAS structure interface indicates all the active electrical power provides the mechanical power at the interface. This
provides the power and energy for the axial and flexural waves power and energy that propagate into the structure. The
sum of forward and backward wave power equals the mechanical power PWAS applied to the structure. The parametric
study of PWAS transmitter size shows the proper size and excitation frequency selection based on the tuning effects.
Second, we studied the PWAS receiver structural interface acoustic and electrical energy transduction. The parametric
study of receiver size, receiver impedance and external electrical load gives the PWAS design guideline for PWAS
sensing and power harvesting applications.
Finally we considered the power flow for a complete pitch-catch setup. In pitch-catch mode, the power flows from
electrical source into piezoelectric power at the transmitter; the piezoelectric conduction converts the electrical power
into the mechanical interface power at the transmitter PWAS and then into the acoustic wave power travelling in the
structure. The wave power arrives at the receiver PWAS and is captured at the mechanical interface between the
receiver PWAS and the structure; the captured mechanical power is converted back into electrical power at the receiver
PWAS and measured by the receiver electrical instrument. Our numerical simulation and graphical chart show the
trends in the power and energy flow behavior with remarkable peaks and valleys that can be exploited for optimum
Shear lag solution for structurally attached active sensors
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Piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) have been used as actuators in structural health monitoring system of beams,
plates, and truss elements. This paper presents a shear lag solution for the transfer of stress and strain between a
structurally attached piezoelectric wafer active sensor and the support structure. We will derive a shear lag solution not
limited to the low frequency approximation, i.e., a generic solution. Both the low frequency approximation and the
generic solution will be applied to the computation of PWAS-structure tuning curves.
Conductor width independence case of the self-resonance quality factor of semiadditive planar coils on a magnetoelastic substrate
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A magnetostrictive bending sensor with rectangular planar coil is investigated. Its purpose is to measure contactlessly
mechanical quantities of non-vibrating structures using an alternating magnetic field. The coil turns are electrodeposited
by pattern plating on top of a magnetostrictive Galfenol layer and a thin isolation layer. The coil turns investigated in this
paper were manufactured with a constant height of 10 μm and gap of 20 μm but variable width.
The sensor is operated near its electrical self-resonance between 5 and 40 MHz and requires a high quality factor. FEMsimulations
show that the quality factor of circular planar coils is almost independent on the conductor width under the
given design restrictions when skin and proximity effects are included.
Analytical calculations of rectangular coil parameters with three different turn numbers and conductor widths depending
on the turn number predict an almost constant self-resonance quality factor in the DC case. Measured self-resonance
quality factors are up to 59 % lower. The main reason for the disagreement is the current crowding by the proximity
effect since analytical calculation show a significant influence of the skin effect only at higher frequencies with respect
to the investigated self-resonance frequencies. Compared to the results of an FEM analysis obtained for circular coils the
proximity effect is much smaller as well as the achievable low frequency quality factor.
Electromechanical network modeling applied to magnetoelastic gyro sensor design
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Electromechanical network models are used in this paper to analyze a prototype micro-gyro sensor that employs the
magnetostrictive alloy GalFeNOL for transduction of Coriolis induced forces into an electrical output at a given angular
velocity. The sensor is designed as a tuning fork structure which reacts with vibration of the prongs in tangential
direction due to an excited vibration in radial direction. A GalFeNOL patch attached to the axial-radial-surface changes
its permeability depending on the bending. When it is surrounded by a solenoid coil and a magnet creates a bias
magnetic field in the sensor patch, then this field fluctuates with the prong vibration. The induced voltage in the sensor
coil is used as sensor output. A sinusoidal angular velocity being effective on the tuning fork structure causes an
amplitude modulation of the excitation frequency which is the carrier frequency.
A circuit representation of the electromechanical system is derived where the prongs are modeled as dynamic bending
beams. The network model enables an understanding and explanation of the behavior of this system involving different
physical domains, as well as fast analytical and numerical calculations, e.g. with pSpice. Experiments confirm the
predicted sidebands of the sinusoidal rotation.
Optical fiber chemical sensors with sol-gel derived nanomaterials for monitoring high temperature/high pressure reactions in clean energy technologies
Shiquan Tao
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The development of sensor technologies for in situ, real time monitoring the high
temperature/high pressure (HTP) chemical processes used in clean energy technologies is a tough
challenge, due to the HTP, high dust and corrosive chemical environment of the reaction systems. A
silica optical fiber is corrosive resistance, and can work in HTP conditions. This paper presents our
effort in developing fiber optic sensors for in situ, real time monitoring the concentration of trace
ammonia and hydrogen in high temperature gas samples. Preliminary test results illustrate the
feasibility of using fiber optic sensor technologies for monitoring HTP processes for next generation
energy industry.
Energy Harvesting
Modeling and analysis of hybrid energy storage systems for wireless sensor networks
Hengzhao Yang,
Ying Zhang
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Various energy harvesting technologies have been employed to extend the lifetime of wireless sensor networks.
However, the network lifetime is still limited by the cycle life of rechargeable batteries (RBs) for the traditional RB-only
storage system. Alternatively, supercapacitors (SCs) have extremely long cycle life-on the order of millions of cycles. A
hybrid storage system combining RB and SC can leverage the complementary strengths of RB and SC and therefore
significantly extend the lifetime of wireless sensors. This paper presents a generalized model of energy harvesting and
hybrid storage system in order to evaluate the performance of hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) with different
energy source and consumer profiles. Since high energy conversion efficiency is desired for most energy harvesting
systems in addition to the lifetime, the system performance is analyzed in terms of two metrics: wireless sensor lifetime
and energy conversion efficiency. A tradeoff is usually observed between the two performance metrics. However, under
certain circumstances some specific HESS configurations can outperform the RB-only storage system in terms of both
metrics. The results also suggest that an adaptive HESS that dynamically configures the storage devices based on the
energy source and consumer profiles may have better performance comparing with a fixed HESS configuration.
Microbial power house: design and optimization of a single chamber microbial fuel cell
Cassandra McFadden,
Xiong Yu
Show abstract
Microbial Fuel cells (MFCs) are batteries driven by bacteria. MFCs have the potential of powering small
sensors in remote areas and disposing of organic waste safely as they harvest the energy stored in the waste
products. From previous research in this field, a few important factors for MFC performance have been identified.
These include the internal resistance of MFC, the surface area of anode with catalyst for the biofilm development,
the type and number of bacteria, and the abundance of nutritional supplies to the bacteria. With internal resistance as
the focus of this MFC research, this experiment uses previous discoveries to develop and optimize the single
chambered fuel cell for large-scale applications. A variety of methods were applied to improve MFC efficiency.
Mainly, the researchers employed design techniques to increase the surface area of the electrodes, so that more of
the generated electrons could be transported to the anode. In addition to that, several other measures were
implemented to reduce the internal resistance, namely, adding ionic content, as well as introducing conductive
particles such as carbon powder. These resulted in findings crucial to MFC technology.
Smart Sensors and Materials II
New tunable mechanical monolithic horizontal seismometer for low frequency seismic noise measurement
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This paper describes a version of the mechanical horizontal monolithic sensor for geophysical applications developed
at the University of Salerno. The instrument is basically a monolithic tunable folded pendulum, shaped
with precision machining and electric-discharge-machining, that can be used both as seismometer and, in a forcefeedback
configuration, as accelerometer. It is a very compact instrument, very sensitive in the low-frequency
seismic noise band, with a very good immunity to environmental noises, whose main characteristics are the tunability
of the resonance frequency, a high mechanical quality factor and a very sensitive interferometric readout.
In this paper we describe the results of the first tests performed on this new instrument, comparing the results
with a previous version of the instrument.
Development of nanowell based sensors for the detection of improvised explosive devices
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World events have called for a need for fast, reliable, and more deployable methods of detection of improvised explosive
devices (IEDs) than trained canines and visible detection by X-ray screening technologies. Anodized Aluminum Oxides
(AAOs) are ideal substrates for chemical sensor developments. The nanoporous structure provides small pore-to-pore
distance and large surface areas. These unique qualities allow optical interference in the visible spectrum when the thin
film thickness is in the proper range. By coating the nanowells of the oxide surface first with a thin film of a noble metal
followed by a monolayer of a target-specific chemical, detection of trace amounts of explosive materials becomes
possible. Research has shown that the carboxyl group of 6-mercaptopyridine-3-carboxylic acid (6-MNA) has an
attraction to the nitro groups of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) while the thiol group of 6-MNA creates a self-assembled
monolayer on the substrate. By utilizing these chemical properties together, UV-vis spectrometry can detect a shift in the
visible spectrum on the coated AAO substrate as the 6-MNA structure attracts trace amounts of TNT particles.
Modeling and Mechanics
Field vibration tests-based model update for system identification of railway bridge
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In this study, a multi-phase model update approach for system identification of real railway bridge using vibration test
results is present. First, a multi-phase system identification scheme designed on the basis of eigenvalue sensitivity
concept is proposed. Next, the proposed multi-phase approach is evaluated from field vibration tests on Wondongcheon
bridge which is a steel girder railway bridge located in Yangsan, South Korea. On the bridge, a few natural frequencies
and mode shapes are experimentally measured under the excitation of trains, ambient vibration and free vibration. The
corresponding modal parameters are numerically calculated from a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model which is
established for the target bridge. Eigenvalue sensitivities are analyzed for potential model-updating parameters of the FE
model. Then, structural subsystems are identified phase-by-phase using the proposed model update procedure. Based on
model update results, a baseline model of the Wondongcheon railway bridge is identified.
Application of nonlinear observers in hysteretic model updating
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Identification of the changes in the properties of a structure are a potential indication of damage in that structure. In
nonlinear systems, hysteretic models are often used to represent structural deterioration as well. Thus, the updating of
such nonlinear hysteretic models using measured responses from a monitoring system is one approach to identify
structural properties and thus damage. Nonlinear observer theory provides the tools to update such models, potentially
online and in real-time. This paper examines several nonlinear observers that can be applied as online hysteretic model
updating tools, and compares the results by using a Bouc-Wen model updating case. The online updating feature also
demonstrates the potential application in providing state feedback to nonlinear structural control.
Signal Processing and Damage Detection II
Damage identification of a plane steel truss with incomplete measurements
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The detection of structural damages, either on-line or almost on-line, based on vibration data measured from sensors,
is essential for the structural health monitoring system. The problem is quite challenging, in particular when the external
excitations are not completely measured and when the structural system is complex. In practical applications, external
excitations (inputs), such as seismic excitations, wind loads, traffic loads, etc., may not be measured or may not be
measurable, and the structure may not always be shear-beam type which can be easily represented as spring-mass
system. In this paper, a newly proposed damage detection method, referred to as the adaptive quadratic sum-squares
error with unknown inputs (AQSSE-UI), is used for the detection of structural damages of a plane steel truss with finite
element model. In this approach, external excitations and some structural responses may not be measured. Analytical
recursive solution for the proposed AQSSE-UI method will be presented. The accuracy and effectiveness of the
proposed approach will be demonstrated by numerical simulations where the structure is excited by different external
loads. The simulation results indicate that the proposed approach is a viable damage detection technique capable of: (i)
identifying structural parameters, (ii) tracking the changes of parameters leading to the detection of structural damages,
and (iii) identifying the unknown external excitations.
Identification of modal macro-strain vector based on distributed long-gage FBG sensors under ambient vibration
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Recent reports show that modal macro-strain vector (MMSV) obtained by using distributed long-gage FBG sensors is an
effective indicator for damage detection. However, in previous researches, MMSV was always obtained under impulsive
load such as hammer impact. In structural health monitoring of real large-scale structures, however, it is often very
difficult to apply such impulsive load. This paper therefore introduces a new method to abstract MMSV under ambient
excitation. Theoretical deduction reveals that MMSV can be uniquely determined by auto-spectrum of dynamic
macro-strain responses under ambient excitation. Both numerical simulation and experiment were conducted to verify
the proposed methods. Simulation results showed that that the identified frequencies and MMSV vectors under random
excitation are in good agreement with those obtained from theoretical analysis, while experimental results showed the
identified frequencies and MMSV agreed well with those obtained using point impulsive excitation.
Haptic interfaces using dielectric electroactive polymers
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Quality, amplitude and frequency of the interaction forces between a human and an actuator are essential traits for haptic
applications. A variety of Electro-Active Polymer (EAP) based actuators can provide these characteristics
simultaneously with quiet operation, low weight, high power density and fast response. This paper demonstrates a rolled
Dielectric Elastomer Actuator (DEA) being used as a telepresence device in a heart beat measurement application. In the
this testing, heart signals were acquired from a remote location using a wireless heart rate sensor, sent through a network
and DEA was used to haptically reproduce the heart beats at the medical expert's location. A series of preliminary human
subject tests were conducted that demonstrated that a) DE based haptic feeling can be used in heart beat measurement
tests and b) through subjective testing the stiffness and actuator properties of the EAP can be tuned for a variety of
Design of a quick response SMA actuated segmented nut for space release applications
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Spacecrafts require a variety of separation and release devices to accommodate separation from the launch vehicle or
deployment of heat radiation panels, solar arrays and other appendages. In order to overcome drawbacks of the current
release devices, this paper proposes a design scheme of release device with a form of segmented nut and actuated with
SMA (Shape Memory Alloy) wire. In order to validate the release device's function and performance, ground tests
including single device response time tests, synchronous tests of two devices, fatigue life tests were carried out. Tests
results show that the innovative space release device developed in this paper owning the advantages of small size, quick
response, long fatigue life, high simultaneity and auto-reset has a potential use in space engineering.
Ultrasonic/sonic drill for high temperature application
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Venus is one of the many significant scientific targets for NASA. New rock sampling tools with the ability to be
operated at high temperatures of the order of 460°C are required for surface in-situ sampling/analysis missions.
Piezoelectric materials such as LiNbO3 crystals and Bismuth Titanate are potentially operational at the temperature range
found on the surface of Venus. A study of the feasibility of producing piezoelectric drills for a temperature up to 500°C
was conducted. The study includes investigation of the high temperature properties of piezoelectric crystals and ceramics
with different formulas and doping. Several prototypes of Ultrasonic/Sonic Drill/Corers (USDC) driven by transducers
using the high temperate piezoelectric ceramics and single LiNbO3 crystal were fabricated. The transducers were
analyzed by scanning the impedance at room temperature and 500°C under both low and high voltages. The drilling
performances were tested at temperature up to 500°C. Preliminary results were previously reported [Bao et al, 2009]. In
this paper, the progress is presented and the future works for performance improvements are discussed.
Shape memory polymer (SMP) actuation technology
Frank Auffinger,
Michael Fisher,
Michael Maddux
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Cornerstone Research Group Inc. (CRG) is developing low-cost, lightweight, shape memory polymer (SMP)
actuators for use in the deployment of rigid aeroshells. The SMP actuator technology has been selected for use
because of its ability to store energy, within a very small volume, and release that energy on demand with little
requirement for power. During the Phase I SBIR effort, CRG demonstrated the feasibility of using a thermally
activated SMP actuator for the deployment of a subscale, rigid, deployable aeroshell. The follow-on Phase II effort
improved upon the Phase I actuator technology through the application of finite element analysis and testing. This
work resulted in the fabrication of a full-scale actuator (0.127m long, 0.102m diameter) that was able to develop
more than 40 ft-lb of torque during actuation. A conformal cartridge heater (CCH) was developed in parallel to solve
the problem of efficiently transferring heat stimulus into the SMP materials. The CCH maintains surface contact
with the walls of the SMP actuator throughout the actuator's range of motion to optimize the heat transfer between
the heating surface and the SMP material surface. The SMP actuator also has the potential of moving or deploying
mechanisms simply through environmental stimulus. Since CRG is able to custom tailor the material properties of
the SMP, broad application of this technology is possible.
Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications II
A high speed, portable, multi-function, weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensing system and a high performance optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) demodulator
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A high speed, portable, multi-function WIM sensing system based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) technology is reported
in this paper. This system is developed to measure the total weight, the distribution of weight of vehicle in motion, the
distance of wheel axles and the distance between left and right wheels. In this system, a temperature control system and a
real-time compensation system are employed to eliminate the drifts of optical fiber Fabry-Pérot tunable filter. Carbon
Fiber Laminated Composites are used in the sensor heads to obtain high reliability and sensitivity. The speed of tested
vehicles is up to 20 mph, the full scope of measurement is 4000 lbs, and the static resolution of sensor head is 20 lbs. The
demodulator has high speed (500 Hz) data collection, and high stability. The demodulator and the light source are packed
into a 17'' rack style enclosure. The prototype has been tested respectively at Stevens' campus and Army base. Some
experiences of avoiding the pitfalls in developing this system are also presented in this paper.
Study on the wavelet decomposed details of impact induced AE signals in composite laminates using fiber Bragg grating sensors
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Because of the higher attenuation of AE signal in composite materials, it is required to develop a damage assessment
technique less affected by the signal intensity in order to use AE signals for damage detection. In this research, we
investigated impact induced AE signals using FBG sensors on carbon epoxy composite panel. The frequency
characteristics of impact AE signals were examined with wavelet decomposition focused on the leading wave.
Consequently, we established a damage assessment technique using the sharing percentage of the wavelet detail
components of AE signal, and conducted a low-velocity impact test on composite laminates to confirm the feasibility of
the damage assessment method with FBG sensors.
Bridge Inspection and Monitoring Systems
Dynamic characteristics of a thousands-meter scale cable-stayed bridge
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Some dynamic topics have become of increasing concern for the large bridges' safety. However, precise dynamic
characteristics of the bridges are the foundation to solve these topics. In addition, the numerical model can be updated by
exact parameters to serve as the baseline model for the following health monitoring and damage detection. This paper
describes the experimental and theoretical modal analysis performed on the Sutong Bridge in China, which is the firstbuilt
thousand-meter scale cable-stayed bridge in the world. Ambient vibration tests are carried out with dense sensor
arrays and the acceleration responses of the deck and the two towers are obtained for processing. Some global vibration
modes of the bridge are identified in the frequency range lower than 1.0Hz using both the FFT-based method and the
random decrement technique combined with Ibrahim time domain method. The scattering ranges of the extracted modal
damping ratios of all modes are narrow and the results contribute to the following research. Theoretical analysis is
conducted on the three-dimentional finite element model developed from the design drawings combined with some
measured material properties. A good correlation is achieved between the theoretical and the experimental analysis. So
the main assumptions adopted in the FE model for dynamic analysis are assessed and summarized. Based on the study,
some useful guidelines for dynamic analysis are presented.
Small-format fly-over photography for highway bridge monitoring
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Current bridge visual inspections are time-consuming, subjective, and rely heavily on personal experiences. The
resulting ratings may be inconsistent. This paper discusses using remote-sensing technologies for bridge assessment,
specifically, the use of high-resolution aerial imagery. The Small-Format Aerial Photography (SFAP) is a low-cost
solution for bridge surface imaging. Providing top-down views, the airplanes flying at 1000 ft, can allow visualization
of sub-inch (< 0.5 inch) cracks and joint openings on bridge decks or highway pavements. However, the site lighting
may influence the quality of the images; surrounding tree shades and the highway wear surface reflectivity. Several
examples of bridge evaluation using SFAP aerial photography are presented to demonstrate the capability of remote
sensing as an effective tool for bridge construction monitoring and condition assessment. Several imaging issues are
raised about analytical techniques that are necessary to ensure proper quantification of bridge problems, which include
crack detection, movement determination, heavy trucking assessment, debris detection, channel width determination and
environment assessment.
A computer vision-based approach for structural displacement measurement
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Along with the incessant advancement in optics, electronics and computer technologies during the last three decades,
commercial digital video cameras have experienced a remarkable evolution, and can now be employed to measure
complex motions of objects with sufficient accuracy, which render great assistance to structural displacement
measurement in civil engineering. This paper proposes a computer vision-based approach for dynamic measurement of
structures. One digital camera is used to capture image sequences of planar targets mounted on vibrating structures. The
mathematical relationship between image plane and real space is established based on computer vision theory. Then, the
structural dynamic displacement at the target locations can be quantified using point reconstruction rules. Compared with
other tradition displacement measurement methods using sensors, such as accelerometers,
linear-variable-differential-transducers (LVDTs) and global position system (GPS), the proposed approach gives the
main advantages of great flexibility, a non-contact working mode and ease of increasing measurement points. To
validate, four tests of sinusoidal motion of a point, free vibration of a cantilever beam, wind tunnel test of a cross-section
bridge model, and field test of bridge displacement measurement, are performed. Results show that the proposed
approach can attain excellent accuracy compared with the analytical ones or the measurements using conventional
transducers, and proves to deliver an innovative and low cost solution to structural displacement measurement.
Decentralized bridge health monitoring using wireless smart sensors
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Wireless Smart Sensor Networks (WSSN) facilitates a new paradigm to structural health monitoring (SHM) for civil
infrastructure. Conventionally, SHM systems employing wired sensors and central data acquisition have been used to
characterize the state of a structure; however, wide-spread implementation has been limited due to difficulties in cabling,
high equipment cost, and long setup time. WSSNs offer a unique opportunity to overcome such difficulties. Recent
advances in sensor technology have realized low-cost, smart sensors with on-board computation and wireless
communication capabilities, making deployment of a dense array of sensors on large civil structures both feasible and
economical. Wireless smart sensors have shown their tremendous potential for SHM in recent full-scale bridge
monitoring examples. However, structural damage identification in WSSNs, a primary objective of SHM, has yet to
reach its full potential. This paper presents an implementation of the stochastic dynamic damage locating vector
(SDDLV) method on the Imote2 sensor platform and experimental validation in a laboratory environment. The WSSN
application is developed based on the Illinois SHM Project (ISHMP) Services Toolsuite (,
combining decentralized data aggregation, system identification, receptance-based damage detection, and global damage
assessment. The laboratory experiment uses a three-dimensional truss structure with a network of Imote2 sensors for
decentralized damage identification. Future efforts to deploy a long-term structural health monitoring system for a fullscale
steel truss bridge are also described.
US-Korea collaborative research for bridge monitoring test beds
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This paper presents an interim report on an international collaborative research project between the United States and
Korea that fundamentally addresses the challenges associated with integrating structural health monitoring (SHM)
system components into a comprehensive system for bridges. The objective of the project is to integrate and validate
cutting-edge sensors and SHM methods under development for monitoring the long-term performance and structural
integrity of highway bridges. A variety of new sensor and monitoring technologies have been selected for integration
including wireless sensors, EM stress sensors and piezoelectric active sensors. Using these sensors as building blocks,
the first phase of the study focuses on the design of a comprehensive SHM system that is deployed upon a series of
highway bridges in Korea. With permanently installed SHM systems in place, the second phase of the study provides
open access to the bridges and response data continuously collected as an internal test-bed for SHM. Currently, basic
facilities including Internet lines have been constructed on the test-beds, and the participants carried out tests on bridges
on the test road section owned by the Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC) with their own measurement and
monitoring systems in the local area network environment. The participants were able to access and control their
measurement systems by using Remote Desktop in Windows XP through Internet. Researchers interested in this test-bed
are encouraged to join in the collaborative research.
Image-based Sensing
Luminescent photoelastic coating image analysis and strain separation on a three-dimensional grid
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The luminescent photoelastic coating (LPC) technique is an optical technique to measure the full-field strain on
three-dimensional (3D) structural components. A luminescent dye within a photoelastic binder is excited with circular
polarized light, and the corresponding coating emission intensity is detected via a digital camera for loaded and unloaded
states of the specimen to which the coating is applied. Images are processed to find the relative change in emission with
respect to camera analyzer position, and, subsequently, analyzed to determine maximum in-plane shear strain and the
principal strain directions. For 3D structures with moderate movement or deflection in the field-of-view, especially when
implementing an oblique excitation approach to separate the principal strains while accounting for non-strain related
polarization changes due to surface inclination, the image analysis is preferably performed on a 3D grid. This study
describes such an approach and discusses the analysis procedures to separate the principal strains and to obtain full-field
strain distribution. The theoretical results are compared to experimental data from a 3D test specimen.
Progress on developing acoustic-infrared imaging NDE: studying motions in crack faces
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In this paper, we present our progress in the CAREER project "Investigation of Hybrid Acoustic-Infrared NDE Imaging
Mechanisms" supported by NSF Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation Division, Sensors & Sensing Systems
program directed by Dr. Shih-Chi Liu. The project ended in September, 2009. During the project, the PIs and her
graduate students had investigated on several aspects of the innovative Sonic Infrared Imaging technology. Sonic
Infrared Imaging is a novel technique which implements the concept of combining infrared (IR) sensing and imaging
with pulsed (typically a fraction of a second) sonic/ultrasonic excitation. This technique has significant advantages over
traditional NDE techniques as an effective, fast, and wide-area NDE method. The PI has studied the fundamental issues
related to this technology, such as the non-linear vibration behavior induced in the target materials and structures
through both experimental study and theoretical calculation.
Broad-area detection of structural irregularities in composites using fibre Bragg gratings
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The Structural Irregularity and Damage Evaluation Routine (SIDER) is a broadband vibration-based technique that uses
features in complex curvature operating shapes to locate damage and other areas with structural stiffness variations. It is
designed for the inspection of large-scale composite structures not amenable to more conventional inspection methods.
The current SIDER methodology relies on impact excitation at a series of grid points on the structure and records the
response using a small number of accelerometers to determine the operational curvature shapes.
This paper reports on a modification to the SIDER technique whereby the acceleration measurements are replaced with
in-plane strain measurements using Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs). One of the major challenges associated with using
Bragg gratings for this type of response measurement is that the strains induced by structural vibrations tend to be low,
particularly at higher frequencies. This paper also reports on the development of an intensity-based, swept wavelength
interrogation system to facilitate these measurements.
The modified SIDER system was evaluated on an E-glass/vinyl ester composite test beam containing a machined notch.
The measurements accurately detected the presence and location of the notch.
The distributive capacity of FBGs means that these sensors have the potential to replace the excitation grid with a
measurement grid, allowing for single point or environmental excitation. The spatially separated measurements of strain
can be used to provide the curvature shapes directly. This change in approach could potentially transition SIDER from an
interval-based, broad-area inspection tool to an in-service structural health monitoring system.
Real time NDE 3D image sensor for harsh electromagnetic environment
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The vital demand for contemporary industry of real time NDE sensors is in field operation, which often
surrounded by harsh electromagnetic environment such as high level EMI fields or high level of X-Ray or nuclear
Contemporary CCD image sensors are highly vulnerable even for 0.5 volt EMI fields and highly vulnerable for x-ray
and gamma radiation.
The high lever radiation such as 50keV, 100kev, 150keV, 200keV, 300keV, 420keV, is extremely dangerous for human
body. CCD image sensors are vulnerable to that radiation level.
We proposed doped single crystal 3D image sensor for the real time NDE measurement.
Proposed sensor was not vulnerable to electromagnetic field produced by High Voltage Tesla generator and to the high
level X-ray radiation: 50keV, 100kev, 150keV
200keV, 300keV, 420keV.
Vulnerability and degradation of CCD image sensor to 40keV and 50keV
X-Ray radiation was demonstrated and documented.
Opportunity to use that sensor for real time NDE of protective coating layers, under high level radiation and EMI fields
is discussed.
An optical fiber-based corrosion sensor based on laser light reflection
Manjunatha Shenoy,
Haiying Huang
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The development of an optical fiber corrosion sensor based on the principle of light reflection is presented in this paper.
The sensor consists of an optical fiber reflection sensor and a tube/film subassembly, formed by welding a sacrificial
metallic film to a steel tube. One side of the sacrificial metallic film is finely polished and isolated from the environment
while the other side is exposed to the corrosive environment. The corrosion pits initiated at the exposed film surface
slowly penetrate into the sacrificial film as the exposure time increases. Once the corrosion pits reach the polished
surface, its surface reflectivity decreases. This decrease in reflectivity is monitored by the optical fiber reflectivity
sensor. Since the corrosion sensor detects the corrosion pits only after the corrosion is severe enough to penetrate
through the film, the sensitivity of the corrosion sensor is determined by the film thickness. The principle of operation,
packaging, and characterization of the corrosion sensors are presented.
Wave Propagation and Damage Detection
Experimental research on crack damage detection of concrete beam based on PZT wave method
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Concrete cracks which are gradually extended, damaged and destructed by the load have become difficult to be solved in
engineering. Due to the advantages of convenient production, high sensitivity, reasonable performance-price ratio, selfsensing,
piezoelectric ceramic (such as PZT) smart aggregates used as sensor and actuator are embedded in the
reinforced concrete beams to generate sin-sweep excitation signals on-line and detect real-time signals with digital
oscilloscope before and after damage. The optimal extraction damage signals are extracted and statistical pattern
recognition algorithm of wavelet decomposition about the detection signals is established by wavelet analysis and
statistical characteristics analysis. The statistical distribution of signal amplitude and the relevant damage indicators are
proposed for the use of active health monitoring and energy damage principles. The results of loading tests show that the
amplitude of active monitoring signal produced a larger attenuation after damage and sweep wave signals used in active
health monitoring are effective in identifying the different health status of structure. The statistical pattern recognition
algorithm based on wavelet packet decomposition can effectively detect crack damages of concrete structure. This
technology may open a new road for active and permanent monitoring and damage detection on line as well as
development of active health monitoring system based on probability statistics of piezoelectric concrete.
Experimental validations of a baseline-free crack detection technique using dual-PZTs
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Guided wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques have been widely studied by many
researchers. Recently, a new damage detection technique without comparison with baseline data is developed by
the author's group. Since the baseline-free technique does not require the baseline data obtained from the
healthy condition of a structure, this technique may reduce false alarms due to operational and environmental
variations of the structure. However, the previously developed technique requires the placements of two pairs of
collocated lead zirconate titanate transducers (PZTs), and each pair of PZTs should be properly collocated and
identical. These constraints make the previous technique susceptible to varying PZT conditions, and they cannot
be applied to structures such as pipelines and aircrafts where access to both surfaces of the structures is limited.
In this study, a new PZT called dual-PZT is designed so that the limitations of the previous baseline-free
technique can be overcome. To validate the applicability and robustness against undesirable variations in the
system, experimental studies with an aluminum plate subjected to varying temperature as well as loading
conditions are performed. Furthermore, the proposed baseline-free technique is applied to a decommissioned
bridge (Ramp-G Bridge in Korea) to verify the feasibility of the proposed techniques in a real bridge structure.
Time reversal for damage detection in pipes
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Monitoring the structural integrity of vast natural gas pipeline networks requires continuous and economical inspection
technology. Current approaches for inspecting buried pipelines require periodic excavation of sections of pipe to assess
only a couple of hundred meters at a time. These inspection systems for pipelines are temporary and expensive. We
propose to use guided-wave ultrasonics with Time Reversal techniques to develop an active sensing and continuous
monitoring system.
Pipe environments are complex due to the presence of multiple modes and high dispersion. These are treated as adverse
effects by most conventional ultrasonic techniques. However, Time Reversal takes advantage of the multi-modal and
dispersive behaviors to improve the spatial and temporal wave focusing. In this paper, Time Reversal process is
mathematically described and experimentally demonstrated through six laboratory experiments, providing
comprehensive and promising results on guided wave focusing in a pipe with/without welded joint, with/without internal
pressure, and detection of three defects: lateral, longitudinal and corrosion-like. The experimental results show that Time
Reversal can effectively compensate for multiple modes and dispersion in pipes, resulting in an enhanced signal-to-noise
ratio and effective damage detection ability. As a consequence, Time Reversal shows benefits in long-distance and lowpower
pipeline monitoring, as well as potential for applications in other infrastructures.
Cognitive sensor networks for structure defect monitoring and classification using guided wave signals
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This paper develops a framework of a cognitive sensor networks system for structure defect monitoring and classification
using guided wave signals. Guided ultrasonic waves that can propagate long distances along civil structures have been
widely studied for inspection and detection of structure damage. Smart ultrasonic sensors arranged as a spatially distributed
cognitive sensor networks system can transmit and receive ultrasonic guided waves to interrogate structure defects such
as cracks and corrosion. A distinguishing characteristic of the cognitive sensor networks system is that it adaptively
probes and learns about the environment, which enables constant optimization in response to its changing understanding
of the defect response. In this paper, we develop a sequential multiple hypothesis testing scheme combined with adaptive
waveform transmission for defect monitoring and classification. The performance is verified using numerical simulations
of guided elastic wave propagation on a pipe model and by Monte Carlo simulations for computing the probability of
correct classification.
Damping and Response Modification
An experimental study of active base isolation control for seismic protection
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Structural control technology has been widely accepted for the protection of structures against seismic hazards. Passive
base isolation is one of structural control techniques that can be employed to enhance the performance of structures
subjected to severe earthquake excitations. Isolation bearings employed at the base of structures naturally increase the
structural flexibility, but concurrently result in large base displacements. The combination of base isolation with active
control, i.e., an active base isolation, creates the possibility to achieve a balanced level of control performance in
reductions of either floor accelerations or base displacements. Many theoretical papers have been written by researchers,
on active base isolation for buildings and some experiments have been conducted for unidirectional excitations.
However, earthquakes are intrinsically multi-dimensional, resulting in out of plane responses, including torsion
responses of the structures. Hence, the focus of this paper is the development and experimental verification of active
base isolation for buildings subjected to bi-directional seismic excitations. First, solutions to this control-orientated
problem are given by a series of procedures in system identification using the proposed system identification procedure,
control designs with considerations of realization based on the H2/LQG control algorithm, and methods to evaluate this
control performance. Designed controllers for achieving balanced performance are validated on a six degree-of-freedom
shake table in the Smart Structures Technology Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Performance evaluation of shape memory alloy/rubber-based isolation systems for seismic response mitigation of bridges
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Base isolation is an effective method of reducing seismic response of bridges during an earthquake. Rubber isolators are
one of the most common types of base isolation systems. As an alternative to conventional rubber isolators such as high
damping rubber bearing and lead rubber bearing, smart rubber bearing systems with shape memory alloys (SMAs) have
been proposed in recent years. As a class of smart materials, shape memory alloys shows excellent re-centering and
considerable damping capabilities which can be exploited to obtain an efficient seismic isolation system. This paper
explores effectiveness of shape memory alloy/rubber-based isolation systems for protecting bridges against seismic loads
by performing a sensitivity analysis. The isolation system considered in this study consists of a laminated rubber bearing
which provides lateral flexibility while supplying high vertical load-carrying capacity and an auxiliary device made of
multiple loops SMA wires. The SMA device offers additional energy dissipating and re-centering capability. A threespan
continuous bridge is modeled with SMA/rubber-based isolation system. Numerical simulations of the bridge are
conducted for various historical ground motions that are spectrally matched to a target design spectrum. The normalized
yield strength, yield displacement and pre-stress level of the SMA device and ambient temperature are selected as
parameters of the sensitivity study. The variation of seismic response of the bridge with considered parameters is
assessed. The optimum values of the normalized yield strength and the yield displacement of the SMA device is found
to be in the range of 0.20-0.25 and 40-50 mm, respectively. Also, the SMA/rubber-based isolation system is observed to
be more effective when the SMA device is pre-stressed. In addition, it is found that ambient temperature considerably
affects the performance of the bridge isolated by SMA/rubber-based isolators.
Controllable outrigger damping system for high rise building with MR dampers
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A novel energy dissipation system that can achieve the amplified damping ratio for a frame-core tube structures is
explored, where vertical dampers are equipped between the outrigger and perimeter columns. The modal characteristics
of the structural system with linear viscous dampers are theoretically analyzed from the simplified finite element model
by parametric analysis. The result shows that modal damping ratios of the first several modes can increase a lot with this
novel damping system. To improve the control performance of system, the semi-active control devices,
magnetorheological (MR) dampers, are adopted to develop a controllable outrigger damping system. The clipped optimal
control with the linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) acceleration feedback is adopted in this paper. The effectiveness of
both passive and semi-active control outrigger damping systems is evaluated through the numerical simulation of a
representative tall building subjected to two typical earthquake records.
A general numerical solution to optimal nonlinear stochastic structural control problem
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Civil engineering structural systems exhibit hysteretic behavior when under extreme loading conditions as well as when
energy dissipation devices are employed. To investigate the optimal control strategy for reducing the system response
under random excitations (earthquakes, wind gust or sea waves), a general control solution is proposed in this paper.
The approach considers the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for general nonlinear stochastic systems,
under the assumption that the evolution of the state of the stochastic system can be described by a Markov diffusion
process. Several numerical examples are provided to verify the efficacy of the optimal control solution obtained from the
proposed method. First, a linear oscillator is used to verify that the obtained solution is indeed the optimal solution by
comparing it to the closed form solution. Then the proposed method is applied to several nonlinear systems including
Van der Pol and Duffing oscillators and a Bouc-Wen system. In each case, optimality is demonstrated by comparing the
system responses and costs under optimal control with the ones obtained using linearized optimal control.
Wireless Sensors and Energy Harvesting
Design of a miniature wind turbine for powering wireless sensors
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In this paper, a miniature wind turbine (MWT) system composed of commercially available off-the-shelf components
was designed and tested for harvesting energy from ambient airflow to power wireless sensors. To make MWT operate
at very low air flow rates, a 7.6 cm thorgren plastic Propeller blade was adopted as the wind turbine blade. A sub watt
brushless DC motor was used as generator. To predict the performance of the MWT, an equivalent circuit model was
employed for analyzing the output power and the net efficiency of the MWT system. In theory, the maximum net
efficiency 14.8% of the MWT system was predicted. Experimental output power of the MWT versus resistive loads
ranging from 5 ohms to 500 ohms under wind speeds from 3 m/s to 4.5 m/s correlates well with those from the predicted
model, which means that the equivalent circuit model provides a guideline for optimizing the performance of the MWT
and can be used for fulfilling the design requirements by selecting specific components for powering wireless sensors.
Unpowered antenna sensor for crack detection and measurement
Srikar Deshmukh,
Irshad Mohammad,
Xiang Xu,
et al.
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This paper presents an unpowered wireless sensor for crack detection and monitoring. The sensor is based on the
principle of microstrip patch antenna, which is essentially an electromagnetic cavity that radiates at certain resonant
frequencies. These resonant frequencies are sensitive to the dimensions of the antenna patch as well as the electrical
properties of its ground plane. If a metallic structure serves as the ground plane of the patch antenna, crack development
in the metallic structure will cause the resonant frequencies of the patch antenna to shift. Therefore, by measuring the
resonant frequencies of the antenna, crack presence in a metallic structure can be quantitatively characterized. Remote
interrogation of the antenna sensor using a microwave radar system is explained. Fabrication and characterization of the
antenna sensor for crack monitoring is presented.
Surface acoustic wave devices for wireless strain measurement
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Strain monitoring is a nondestructive inspection method that can reveal the redistribution of internal forces, or the
presence of anomalous loadings, in structures. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices are small, robust, inexpensive
solid-state components in which a wave propagates along the surface of a piezoelectric material, and such devices are
used in large numbers commercially as delay devices and as filters. Changes in strain or temperature cause shifts in the
acoustic wave speed, by which such SAW devices can also serve as sensors. We present analytical, FEM simulation,
and experimental studies on SAW devices fabricated in our laboratory on lithium niobate wafers, with an inter-electrode
spacing of 8 micrometers. We discuss the change in wave speed with temperature and with strain, we outline the
influence of rotated cuts for the piezoelectric substrate, and we show results of laboratory sensing experiments.
Moreover, an electrode on a SAW device can be terminated as an antenna and interrogated with a wireless RF probe to
act as a passively-powered device, and we present laboratory results incorporating such wireless performance in our
research investigation. We pattern one set of electrodes on the SAW device as a transducer connected to the antenna,
and other sets of electrodes on the device acting as reflectors of the surface acoustic wave. At the RF frequencies used
for SAW devices, it is realistic to use directional antennas on the probe unit to achieve reasonable stand-off distances.
Composite materials with self-contained wireless sensing networks
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The increasing demand for in-service structural health monitoring, particularly in the aircraft industry, has stimulated
efforts to integrate self sensing capabilities into materials and structures. This work presents efforts to develop structural
composite materials which include networks of sensors with decision-making capabilities that extend the functionality of
the composite materials to be information-aware. Composite panels are outfitted with networks of self-contained
wireless sensor modules which can detect damage in composite materials via active nondestructive testing techniques.
The wireless sensor modules will communicate with one another and with a central processing unit to convey the sensor
data while also maintaining robustness and the ability to self-reconfigure in the event that a module fails. Ultimately,
this research seeks to create an idealized network that is compact in size, cost efficient, and optimized for low power
consumption while providing a sufficient data transfer rate to a local host.
Detachable acoustic electric feedthrough
Scott Moss,
Jeremy Skippen,
Michael Konak,
et al.
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This paper outlines the development and characterisation of a detachable acoustic electric feedthrough (DAEF) to
transfer power and data across a metal (or composite) plate. The DAEF approach is being explored as a potential means
of wirelessly powering in-situ structural health monitoring systems embedded within aircraft and other high value
engineering assets. The DAEF technique operates via two axially aligned piezoelectric-magnet structures mounted on
opposite sides of a plate. Magnetic force is used to align the two piezoelectric-magnet structures, to create an acoustic
path across a plate. The piezoelectric-magnet structures consisted of Pz26 piezoelectric disk elements bonded to NdFeB
magnets, with a standard ultrasonic couplant (High-Z) used between the magnet and plate to facilitate the passage of
ultrasound. Measured impedance curves are matched to modeled curves using the Comsol multi-physics software
coupled with a particle-swarm approach, allowing optimised Pz26 material parameters to be found (i.e. stiffness,
coupling and permittivity matrices). The optimised Pz26 parameters are then used in an axi-symmetric Comsol model to
make predictions about the DAEF power transfer, which is then experimentally confirmed. With an apparent input power
of 1 VA and 4.2 MHz drive frequency, the measured power transfer efficiency across a 1.6 mm Al plate is ~34%. The
effect of various system parameters on power transfer is explored, including bondline thickness and plate thickness.
DAEF data communication is modelled using LTspice with three-port one-dimensional piezoelectric models, indicating
that data rates of 115 kBit/s are feasible.
Infrasonic energy harvesting for embedded structural health monitoring micro-sensors
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Many signals of interest in structural engineering, for example seismic activity, lie in the infrasonic range
(frequency less than 20Hz). This poses a significant challenge for developing self-powered structural health
monitoring sensors that are required not only to monitor rare infrasonic events but also to harvest the energy
for sensing, computation and storage from the signal being monitored. In this paper, we show that a linear
injection response of our previously reported piezo-floating-gate sensor is ideal for self-powered sensing and
computation of infrasonic signals. Our experimental results demonstrate that the sensor fabricated in a 0.5-
μm CMOS technology can compute and record level crossing statistics of an input infrasonic event with total
current less than 10nA.
Feasibility study of wind generator for smart wireless sensor node in cable-stayed bridge
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Long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) systems using wireless smart sensors for civil infrastructures such as
cable-stayed bridges has been researched due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Wireless smart sensors are
usually powered by high capacity batteries because they consume low power. However, theses batteries require regular
replacements for long-term continuous and stable operation. To overcome this limitation of wireless smart sensor-based
SHM, considerable attention has been recently paid to alternative power sources such as solar power and vibration-based
energy harvesting. Another promising alternative ambient energy source might be a wind-generated power; in particular,
it can be very useful for structures in windy area such as coastal and mountainous area. In this study, the feasibility of the
wind-powered generation for wireless smart senor nodes is investigated by through experimental and analytical
approaches, and the possibility of practical application to actual SHM system of a cable-stayed bridge is discussed.
SHM/Damage Detection Methods II
Environmental urban runoff monitoring
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Urban stormwater runoff has been a critical and chronic problem in the quantity and quality of receiving waters,
resulting in a major environmental concern. To address this problem engineers and professionals have developed a
number of solutions which include various monitoring and modeling techniques. The most fundamental issue in these
solutions is accurate monitoring of the quantity and quality of the runoff from both combined and separated sewer
systems. This study proposes a new water quantity monitoring system, based on recent developments in sensor
technology. Rather than using a single independent sensor, we harness an intelligent sensor platform that integrates
various sensors, a wireless communication module, data storage, a battery, and processing power such that more
comprehensive, efficient, and scalable data acquisition becomes possible. Our experimental results show the feasibility
and applicability of such a sensor platform in the laboratory test setting.
Magneto-inductive waveguide as a passive wireless sensor net for structural health monitoring
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This paper summarizes ongoing work to develop low-cost, wireless, resonant sensor nets that can be used to monitor
corrosion in infrastructure systems. A magnetically coupled sensor array is analyzed using a circuit model. The array
acts as a magneto-inductive waveguide and the impedance discontinuities caused by corrosion (or other defects) lead to
reflection. The relationship between the relative position of defects and pass band ripples is investigated, providing a
technique to determine the location of targets. A configuration for increased sensitivity and a method for defect
localization are presented.
Impedance-based damage identification: a numerical study using spectral elements
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This paper presents a numerical simulation study on electromechanical impedance technique for structural damage
identification. The basic principle of impedance based damage detection is structural impedance will vary with the
occurrence and development of structural damage, which can be measured from electromechanical admittance curves
acquired from PZT patches. Therefore, structure damage can be identified from the electromechanical admittance
measurements. In this study, a model based method that can identify both location and severity of structural damage
through the minimization of the deviations between structural impedance curves and numerically computed response is
developed. The numerical model is set up using the spectral element method, which is promised to be of high numerical
efficiency and computational accuracy in the high frequency range. An optimization procedure is then formulated to
estimate the property change of structural elements from the electric admittance measurement of PZT patches. A case
study on a pin-pin bar is conducted to investigate the feasibility of the proposed method. The results show that the
presented method can accurately identify bar damage location and severity even when the measurements are polluted by
5% noise.
Detection and assessment of wood decay using x-ray computer tomography
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Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) wood cube specimens were exposed to Gloeophyllum fungus (Gloeophyllum trabeum) for
increasing periods of time ranging from one week to twelve weeks. The corresponding mass of each of these specimens
was recorded before and after they were subjected to the controlled decay. X-ray computed tomography (CT) was then
carried out. From the CT scans and recorded mass data, the specimens' corresponding volumes and densities were
calculated. Blocks decayed for twelve weeks experienced, on the average, the greatest loss of mass (≈40%), volume
(≈30%), and density (≈37%). The observations quantified the well-known effect of non-uniform decay, with the greatest
occurring at the surface in contact with the fungi and decreasing to the opposite surface. Wood blocks subjected to
controlled decay for twelve weeks lost 47% of density at the surface in contact with the fungi and 28% at the opposite
surface, while blocks subjected to only one week of decay experienced over 5% density loss at the surface in contact
with fungi and nearly 0% at the opposite surface. While the mass loss of specimens exposed to only one week of
controlled decay was difficult to evaluate because of initial moisture absorption, these results indicate that x-ray CT can
detect decay in wood specimens exposed to only one week of controlled decay using density measurements.
Experimental demonstration of the AQSSE damage detection technique based on finite-element approach
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It is well-known that the damage in a structure is a local phenomenon. Based on measured vibration data from sensors,
the detection of a structural damage requires the finite-element formulation for the equations of motion, so that a change
of any stiffness in a structural element can be identified. However, the finite-element model (FEM) of a complex
structure involves a large number of degree-of-freedom (DOFs), which requires a large number of sensors and involves a
heavy computational effort for the identification of structural damages. To overcome such a challenge, we propose the
application of a reduced-order model in conjunction with a recently proposed damage detection technique, referred to as
the adaptive quadratic sum-square error with unknown inputs (AQSSE-UI). Experimental data for the shake table tests
of a 1/4-scal 6-story steel frame structure, in which the damages of the joints were simulated by loosening the connection
bolts, have been available recently. Based on these experimental data, it is demonstrated that the proposed combination
of the reduced-order finite-element model and the adaptive quadratic sum-square error with unknown inputs is quite
effective for the damage assessment of joints in the frame structure. The proposed method not only can detect the
damage locations but also can quantify the damage severities.
A study on building an experimental system of PVDF sensor for structural local monitoring on a bridge model
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Smart material structure originated from aerospace area has been a research hotspot in the application of civil
engineering, shipping, and so on. For structural health monitoring of civil engineering, the research about highperformance
sensing unit of smart material structure is very important, and this will possibly push further the
development of health monitoring and diagnosis technique. As one of the piezoelectric materials belonging to smart
materials, PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) film is widely concerned for its property advantages of low cost, good
mechanical ability, high sensibility, resistance of corrosion.
In this paper, for the validation of using PVDF for sensing unit for structural local monitoring of civil engineering, an
experimental system of PVDF sensor for structural local monitoring on a bridge model is built. Based on the operating
mechanism of PVDF, its measure circuit and characteristics(quasi-static and dynamic strain responding) are introduced.
A bridge model is designed, and experiments have also been done for structural local health monitoring using PVDF.
The experimental results show that, PVDF can finish impact response monitoring and damage detection of a bridge
model, and the developed experimental system with simple and easy implement can be used for practical monitoring
Experimental research on damage detection of large thin aluminum plate based on Lamb wave
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Time reversal active sensing using Lamb waves is investigated for health monitoring of a metallic structure. Experiments
were conducted on an aluminum plate to study the time reversal behavior of A0 and S0 Lamb wave modes under narrow
band pulse excitation. Damage in the form of a notch was introduced in the plate to study the changes in the
characteristics of the time reversed Lamb wave modes experimentally. Time-frequency analysis of the time reversed
signal was carried out to extract the damage information. A measure of damage based on wavelet transform was derived
to quantify the hidden damage information in the time reversed signal. This is demonstrated by picking up the reflection
of waves from the edge of the plate, from a defect close to the edge of the plate and from defects located near to each
other. This study shows the effectiveness of Lamb wave time reversal for temporal recompression of dispersive Lamb
waves for damage detection in health monitoring applications.
Mechanical monolithic tiltmeter for low frequency measurements
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The paper describes the application of a monolithic folded pendulum (FP) as a tiltmeter for geophysical applications,
developed at the University of Salerno. Both the theoretical model and the experimental results of a
tunable mechanical monolithic FP tiltmeter prototype are presented and discussed. Some of the most important
characteristics, like the possibility of tuning its resonance frequency to values as low as 70mHz and its measured
resolution of ≈ 0.1 nrad at 100mHz, are detailed. Among the scientific results, earth tilt tides have been already
observed with a monolithic FP tiltmeter prototype.
Low frequency seismic noise acquisition and analysis in the Homestake Mine with tunable monolithic horizontal sensors
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In this paper we describe the scientific data recorded along one month of data taking of two mechanical monolithic
horizontal sensor prototypes located in a blind-ended (side) tunnel 2000 ft deep in the Homestake (South
Dakota, USA) mine chosen to host the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL). The
two mechanical monolithic sensors, developed at the University of Salerno, are placed, in thermally insulating
enclosures, onto concrete slabs connected to the bedrock, and behind a sound-proofing wall. The main goal of
this experiment is to characterize the Homestake site in the frequency band 10-4 - 30Hz and to estimate the
level of Newtonian noise in a deep underegropund laboratory. The horizontal semidiurnal Earth tide and the
Peterson's New Low Noise Model have been measured.
Structural health monitoring of a composite wind turbine blade using fiber Bragg grating sensors
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In this study, a down-scaled wind turbine blade was designed and fabricated using glass and carbon fiber materials for
the skin and stiffener, respectively. In the course of its fabrication, an array of FBG (fiber Bragg grating) sensors was
embedded in the composite laminates. The embedded FBG sensor array was used to measure the residual strain in the
stiffener before and after the curing process, and after fabrication of the blade, the FBG array was used to monitor the
structural conditions, including structural dynamic behavior during the structural testing of the blade. The results of the
tests showed that the FBG sensor array effectively measured the residual strain distribution of the blade stiffener before
and after the curing process. And the measured natural frequencies and mode shapes by the FBG array matched the
results obtained from the FE analysis and conventional accelerometers.
Adaptive optics system for fast automatic control of laser beam jitters in air
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Adaptive Optics (AO) Systems can operate fast automatic control of laser beam jitters for several applications of basic
research as well as for the improvement of industrial and medical devices. We here present our theoretical and
experimental research showing the opportunity of suppressing laser beam geometrical fluctuations of higher order
Hermite Gauss modes in interferometric Gravitational Waves (GW) antennas. This in turn allows to significantly reduce
the noise that originates from the coupling of the laser source oscillations with the interferometer asymmetries and
introduces the concrete possibility of overcoming the sensitivity limit of the GW antennas actually set at 10-23 1 Hz
We have carried out the feasibility study of a novel AO System which performs effective laser jitters suppression in the
200 Hz bandwidth. It extracts the wavefront error signals in terms of Hermite Gauss (HG) coefficients and performs the
wavefront correction using the Zernike polynomials. An experimental Prototype of the AO System has been
implemented and tested in our laboratory at the University of Salerno and the results we have achieved fully confirm
effectiveness and robustness of the control upon first and second order laser beam geometrical fluctuations, in good
accordance with GW antennas requirements. Above all, we have measured 60 dB reduction of astigmatism and defocus
modes at low frequency below 1 Hz and 20 dB reduction in the 200 Hz bandwidth.
Development of NDT system with image reconstruction capabilities of flaws
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EMAT, which is based on magnetostrictive effects, was employed to detect flaws in a sample with surface oxide scale. Chromium molybdenum steel (SCM415) was annealed at 600C to 900C from two to eight hours and subjected to EMAT to survey its signal properties. Oxide scales has ferromagnetism. The data from these samples were compared to an actually used samples. The EMAT signal derived from the actual sample was found to be too noisy due to Barkhausen effect to identify reflections from internal flaws and to reconstruct flaw images in a computer. This study proposes spectrum analysis and statistical methods based on noise probability to decrease this noise.
Oblique excitation of nearly-longitudinal waves in thick plates
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Our earlier research has studied the generation of nearly-longitudinal waves in thick plates by edge excitation at
relatively high frequency-thickness products. These nearly-longitudinal waves, also known as trailing pulses, are
promising for flaw detection due to their shorter wavelength and the capability of retaining the pulse characteristics after
scattering from defects. However, in reality, the edges of the structures may not be accessible. This paper explores
exciting ultrasonic waves using a wedge transducer at oblique incidence. We first describe a simple model for the
formation of trailing pulses by oblique excitation. We then use simulations to examine the creation of nearly-longitudinal
waves in a thick plate, study the effect of incidence angles and discuss the energy distribution through the thickness.
Next we provide experimental results from both pitch-catch and pulse-echo tests to validate the characteristics of the
nearly-longitudinal waves excited by oblique incidence. The good agreement between the simulation and experiments
shows oblique excitation can also produce nearly-longitudinal waves with uniformly-spaced trailing pulses over a range
of incidence angles. The amplitude level of such pulses reaches its maximum when the incidence angle approaches to the
critical angle at the plexiglass-steel interface. The responses by oblique excitation are weaker than those by edge
excitation, but can still illuminate the plate through the thickness when the incidence angle is close to the critical angle.
The results show that the nearly-longitudinal waves by oblique excitation are a good alternative for infrastructure
inspection, especially for plates limiting edge access or permitting only surface access.
Development and performance research of FBG strain sensor for monitoring on asphalt concrete pavement
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Stiffness of asphalt concrete is very low, so ordinary FRP or steel packaged sensors are not suitable for measuring its
strain accurately. In view of the problem, one innovative kind of optical fiber Bragg grating sensor packaged with
polypropylene, a thermoplastic resin, was proposed in this article. Firstly, a conveniently assembled and dissembled steel
die was designed and fabricated. Then, after characteristics study of polypropylene during heating and cooling
repeatedly, the reliable grouting technique was formed. After this, real-time monitor of the entire sensor packaging
process including die apartness was performed, and then, the sensor mechanics performance, the microscopic structure
and other properties were studied thoroughly. Results of SEM indicate that interface of optical fiber and polypropylene is
considerable tight. Measured strain during sensor making is reasonable. The FBG sensor was also embedded into a
concrete column to measure its strain during continuously 7 day-long early-age solidification and compressive strain.
Additionally, the FBG was also used to measure strain of asphalt concrete beam. Linearity and repeatability of the
sensors are quit well and measured strains are quite believable. So, we can say that due to deformation compatibility
between packaged material and FBG, FBG sensor and be measured material, especially low modulus of packaging
materials, the strain of asphalt pavement can be monitored reliably by the sensor.
An optimal design of magnetostrictive material (MsM) based energy harvester
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In this study, an optimal vibration-based energy harvesting system using magnetostrictive material (MsM) has been
designed to power the Wireless Intelligent Sensor Platform (WISP), developed at North Carolina State University. A
linear MsM energy harvesting device has been modeled and optimized to maximize the power output. The effects of
number of MsM layers and glue layers, and load matching on the output power of the MsM energy harvester have been
analyzed. From the measurement, the open circuit voltage can reach 1.5 V when the MsM cantilever beam operates at
the 2nd natural frequency 324 Hz. The AC output power is 0.97 mW, giving power density 279 μW/cm3. Since the MsM
device has low open circuit output voltage characteristics, a full-wave quadrupler has been designed to boost the rectified
output voltage. To deliver the maximum output power to the load, a complex conjugate impedance matching between the
load and the MsM device has been implemented using a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) buck-boost converter.
The maximum output power after the voltage quadrupler is now 705 μW and power density reduces to 202.4 μW/cm3,
which is comparable to the piezoelectric energy harvesters given in the literature. The output power delivered to a
lithium rechargeable battery is around 630 μW, independent of the load resistance.
Structural phase transition path-following and stable phase scouting through a coupled DFT-BFB algorithm
Dipta Bhanu Ghosh,
Matteo Cococcioni,
Ryan S. Elliott
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Understanding structural phase transformations in solid-state materials is of great scientific and technological
interest. These phenomena are governed by electronic degrees of freedom and thus, in principle, can be described
with quantum mechanics alone. However, any realistic material has multiple length and time scales and access
to these scales is a formidable task to deal with using quantum mechanics. On the contrary, for the continuum
regime, empirical constitutive models have severe difficulties capturing material properties that ultimately arise
from (sub-)atomic effects, and further, must be fit to experimental data. Thus, in order to obtain a predictive,
complete understanding of a material subjected to different external loading parameters, the two regimes-
atomistic and continuum-must be coupled.
The present work formulates a coupled quantum-continuum model for scanning phase-space in order to
determine the material's stable structure at any given pressure. This is accomplished by coupling quantumbased
Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations (employing periodic boundary conditions) with Branch-
Following and Bifurcation (BFB) techniques. BFB is capable of mapping out equilibrium paths (stable and
unstable) as a function of the applied pressure and ultimately creates "bifurcation maps" that identify the
material's stable structures and connections between them, including: soft deformation directions, transition
states, transformation mechanisms, etc..
This study shows that the coupled DFT-BFB methodology is capable of efficiently mapping out equilibrium
paths. This includes the identification of stable and unstable pressure ranges and the identification of the
deformation modes that first become soft-resulting in the structure's loss of stability. Example computations
are provided for iron and silicon. The results obtained so far indicate that the new DFT-BFB methodology has
the potential to provide a significant new insight on the mechanisms that drive structural phase transitions in a
wide range of technologically important materials.
In-situ geo-characterization using wireless functional signals
Xu Li,
Tae Sup Yun,
Liang Cheng,
et al.
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The effective in-situ characterization and hazard monitoring in the subsurface are key issues that can be addressed by use
of wireless sensor networks. The conventional methods deployed in practice present limitations in acquisition of spatially
localized and/or temporally discrete data. The concept of functional signal that takes advantage of the variations of signal
strength of the radio waves transmitted among distributed sensor nodes is explored to perform geo-technical
characterization in a spatial and temporal continuous fashion in this paper. Simulation and experimental results show that
this new approach can provide simple and robust sensing methodology for geo-characterization as well as identifying
indiscriminate geo-events by sensing the spatial and temporal evolution of physical conditions in the subsurface.
Low-cost self-cleaning room temperature SnO2 thin film gas sensor on polymer nanostructures
Haibin Huo,
Fadong Yan,
Cong Wang,
et al.
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We have successfully fabricated SnO2 thin film CO gas sensors on nanospiked polyurethane (PU) polymer surfaces
that are replicated with a low-cost soft nanolithography method from nanospiked silicon surfaces formed with
femtosecond laser irradiations. The sensors show sensitive responses to the CO gas at room temperature because of the
sharp structures of the nanospikes. This is much different from the sensors of SnO2 thin film coated on smooth surfaces
that show no response to the CO gas at room temperature. To make the nanostructure sensor surface behave self-cleaning
like lotus leaves, we deposited a silane monolayer on the surface of the sensors with the
1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyltrichlorosilane (PFOTS) which has low surface energy. The contact angle measurement
conducted on the PFOTS monolayer-coated SnO2 gas sensors indicates that a super-hydrophobic surface formed on the
nanospike sensor. The CO gas response sensitivity of the PFOTS-coated SnO2 sensors is almost the same to that of the
as-fabricated SnO2 sensors without the PFOTS coating. Such a super-hydrophobic surface can protect the sensors
exposed to moisture and heavy particulates, and can perform cleaning-in-place operations to prolong the lifetime of the
sensors. These results show a great potential to fabricate thousands of identical gas sensors at low cost.
Classification of damage in structural systems using time series analysis and supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition techniques
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Developed for studying long, periodic records of various measured quantities, time series analysis methods are
inherently suited and offer interesting possibilities for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. However, their
use in SHM can still be regarded as an emerging application and deserves more studies. In this research, Autoregressive
(AR) models were used to fit experimental acceleration time histories from two experimental structural systems, a 3-
storey bookshelf-type laboratory structure and the ASCE Phase II SHM Benchmark Structure, in healthy and several
damaged states. The coefficients of the AR models were chosen as damage sensitive features. Preliminary visual
inspection of the large, multidimensional sets of AR coefficients to check the presence of clusters corresponding to
different damage severities was achieved using Sammon mapping - an efficient nonlinear data compression technique.
Systematic classification of damage into states based on the analysis of the AR coefficients was achieved using two
supervised classification techniques: Nearest Neighbor Classification (NNC) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ),
and one unsupervised technique: Self-organizing Maps (SOM). This paper discusses the performance of AR coefficients
as damage sensitive features and compares the efficiency of the three classification techniques using experimental data.