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- Front Matter: Volume 7644
- Phase Field Modeling of Ferroelectrics
- Modeling of Constitutive Behavior of Smart Materials
- Piezoelectric Single Crystals
- Shape Memory Materials I
- Shape Memory Materials II: Shape Memory Alloys
- Magneto-Active Materials I: Magnetostriction
- Magneto-Active Materials II: Magnetic Shape Memory Effect
- Magneto-Active Materials III: Magnetoelectric Effect
- Active Polymers I
- Active Nanocomposites
- Active Composites I
- Active Composites II
- Active Polymers II
- Mechanics of Composites
- Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 7644
Front Matter: Volume 7644
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 7644, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, Introduction, and the Conference Committee listing.
Phase Field Modeling of Ferroelectrics
An examination of the structure and the gradient terms used in phase field modeling
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Phase field modeling in ferroelectric materials is used to study the formation and evolution of domain structures. These domain structures evolve in a manner that reduces the free energy of the system. An important goal of phase field modeling is to develop computational techniques that can be used in the design of materials with improved properties. This requires accurate determination of each of the terms used in the Time-Dependent Ginzburg Landau equation. This work presents a discussion of the crystal structure and the gradient terms used in phase field models and proposes several modifications that will be implemented in the near future. This includes a discussion of why a constitutive law written in terms of quadratic electrostriction is appropriate and a suggestion that the Ginzburg term (energy proportional to the square of the gradient) has some overlap with the dipole-dipole interaction term.
Modeling of Constitutive Behavior of Smart Materials
New unifying concepts for modeling smart materials
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Material modeling techniques for active materials include a broad number of approaches that are often
focused on predicting a specific field-coupled constitutive relation. This field-coupled material behavior may
include electro-mechanical, magnetostrictive, thermal or light induced phase transformations, or ionic deformation.
Limited work has been conducted on developing a unified theory. Such theories are useful for quantifying
underlying field-coupled mechanics concepts that may otherwise be neglected in phenomenological models. The
theoretical approach presented here employs nonlinear continuum mechanics coupled to a set of microscale order
parameters that describe microstructure evolution and phase changes. Unifying concepts are obtained which
illustrate how material constants such as piezoelectric coefficients depend on the choice of the order parameter
and mechanical energy function without introducing explicit phenomenological coupling parameters.
Proper orthogonal decomposition with updates for efficient control design in smart material systems
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Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a basis reduction technique that allows simulations of complicated
systems to be calculated at faster speeds with minimal loss of accuracy. The reduced order basis is created from
a set of system data called snapshots. The speed and information retention of POD make it an attractive
method to implement reduced-order models of smart material systems. This can allow for the modeling of
larger systems and the implementation of real time control, which may be impossible when using the full-order
system. There are times when the dynamics of a system can change during a simulation, and the addition of
more information to the set of snapshots would be beneficial. The implementation of control on a system is a
time when adding new snapshots to the collection can increase the accuracy of the model. Using updates allows
more flexibility when trying to balance the accuracy and the speed of the simulation. By updating the POD
basis at specific times throughout the interval, we can increase the accuracy of the model and control by using
a greater amount of the information given by the snapshots, while we can increase the speed of the simulation
during times when using less information will still result in sufficient accuracy.
Analysis of poling induced cracking in thick walled cylinders
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Stresses and electric fields induced in the poling processes of both polycrystalline and single crystal thick
walled cylinders are investigated and compared using a finite element analysis together with a micromechanical
ferroelectric constitutive law. The analysis reveals that the polarization process begins at the
inner diameter and spreads outward through the cylinder as the applied electric potential is increased. The
piezoelectric strain and the remnant strain produce strain fields that are not compatible with the geometry.
In the single crystal material the poling is not uniform. It is affected by the angle between the crystal
orientation and the electric field direction.
Piezoelectric Single Crystals
Mapping of domain structure in Barium Titanate single crystals by synchrotron x-ray topography
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Imaging of domains is a key step in understanding the microstructure and hence the properties of ferroelectric single
crystals. This understanding is essential for exploiting engineered domain configurations to achieve enhanced
performance. In this paper, single crystals of Barium Titanate are observed by reflection topography using unfocussed
monochromatic synchrotron X-ray light. A 10 x 10 mm polished surface of an unpoled crystal was mapped to form a
composite image, indicating a fine structure of a- and c-domains. By making use of the angular separation of the
diffracted reflections and specimen rocking, the relative tilts between adjacent domains about two orthogonal axes were
found. Angular resolution better than 0.1mrad in tilt measurements allowed the local elastic curvature of lattice planes to
be observed. The resulting composite images show well defined boundaries between regions of distinct microstructure,
and give an indication of the proportion of the domain types present. Over large regions of the crystal the domain
structure was finer than the X-ray camera resolution of 6.5μm; AFM and SEM imaging of domains was then used to
confirm the typical domain spacing. The results are interpreted in the context of models of compatible microstructure in
tetragonal crystals using microscopy of etched crystals to assist the interpretation. The technique shows promise for
mapping fine microstructure in single crystals, through the use of high resolution X-ray cameras, and is successful in
revealing lattice orientation information that is not normally available in optical or AFM measurements.
A variational model of ferroelectric rank-2 laminate domain structures
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The equilibrium domain arrangements of ferroelectric single crystals are significantly affected by loads and boundary conditions.
Domain structures evolve towards a minimum energy state. In this paper, a variational method, which minimizes
a functional based on free energy and dissipation, is developed to model the evolution of several typical rank-2 laminate
domain patterns in the tetragonal crystal system. Periodic laminates which satisfy compatibility at every domain wall are
studied. These domain patterns include herringbone and vortex array structures. The unit cells for both types of domain
pattern dictate a set of domain walls whose positions may vary while maintaining the same topology. The positions of
domain walls are treated as thermodynamic variables in the formulation, and the total dissipation rate is then a function of
the velocities of the domain walls. By using this model, many features normally observed in ferroelectric single crystals
can be reproduced, such as the dielectric hysteresis loop and butterfly loop. The characteristics of the hysteresis loop for
different topologies, as well as under different applied loads and boundary conditions are discussed. The model can readily
be extended to higher rank laminate structures and other crystal systems.
Enhanced piezoelectric properties of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) sol-gel derived ceramics using single crystal PZT cubes
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Piezoceramic materials have attracted much attention for sensing, actuation, structural health monitoring and energy
harvesting applications in the past two decades due to their excellent coupling between energy in the mechanical and
electrical domains. Among all piezoceramic materials, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) has been the most broadly studied
and implemented, in industrial applications due to its high piezoelectric coupling coefficients. Piezoceramic materials
are most often employed as thin films or monolithic wafers. While there are numerous methods for the synthesis of PZT
films, the sol-gel processing technique is the most widely used due to its low densification temperature, the ease at which
the film can be applied without costly physical deposition equipment and the capability to fabricate both thin and thick
films. However, the piezoelectric properties of PZT sol-gel derived films are substantially lower than those of bulk
materials, which limit the application of sol-gel films. In comparison, single crystal PZT materials have higher
piezoelectric coupling coefficients than polycrystalline materials due to their uniform dipole alignment. This paper will
introduce a novel technique to enhance the piezoelectric properties of PZT sol-gel derived ceramics through the use of
single crystal PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 microcubes as an inclusion in the PZT sol-gel. The PZT single crystal cubes are
synthesized through a hydrothermal based method and their geometry and crystal structure is characterized through
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). A mixture of PZT cubes and sol-gel will then be
sintered to crystallize the sol-gel and obtain full density of the ceramic. XRD and SEM analysis of the cross section of
the final ceramics will be performed and compared to show the crystal structure and microstructure of the samples. The
P-E properties of the samples will be tested using a Sawyer-Tower circuit. Finally, a laser interferometer will be used to
directly measure the piezoelectric strain-coupling coefficient of the PZT sol-gel ceramics with and without PZT cube
inclusions. The results will show that with the integration of PZ0.52T0.48 crystal inclusions the d33 coupling coefficient
will increase more than 200% compared to that of pure PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 sol-gel.
Triple-scale analysis and fabrication of new biocompatible MgSiO3 piezoelectric thin films
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Recently, the lead free piezoelectric material, which should be used for medical devices, such as health monitoring
system (HMS) and drug delivery system (DDS), is strongly required. In this study, we discovered a newly designed
MgSiO3 thin film, as a biocompatible piezoelectric actuator, by using the first-principles calculation and process
crystallography simulation algorithm. At first, crystal structure was calculated by using the first-principles density
functional theory. Secondly, the best substrate for MgSiO3 was searched by using the process crystallography simulation.
Next, MgSiO3 thin film was generated in our laboratory by using the RF magnetron sputtering apparatus. Finally,
crystallographic orientation was obtained by using X-ray diffractometer and the piezoelectric property of thin film was
measured by the ferroelectric measurement system. As a result, lattice parameters of MgSiO3 with tetragonal structure
were obtained as a=b=0.3449nm and c=0.3538nm, and its aspect ratio was 1.026. Au(111) was chosen as the best
substrate, on which MgSiO3 thin film with minimum total energy could be grown. Then, MgSiO3(111) was generated on
Au(111)/SrTiO3(110) by using the RF magnetron sputtering apparatus. The piezoelectric strain constant d33 of MgSiO3
thin film generated at 400°C was measured as 219.8pm/V and it was higher than one of the existing piezoelectric
material BaTiO3. Consequently, we succeeded the generation of a new biocompatible MgSiO3 piezoelectric thin film,
which can be applied to medical devices in the future.
Shape Memory Materials I
Thermomechanical characterization of environmentally conditioned shape memory polymer using nanoindentation
J. T. Fulcher,
Y. C. Lu,
G. P. Tandon,
et al.
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Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are an emerging class of active polymers that have dual-shape capability, and are
therefore candidate materials for multifunctional reconfigurable structures (i.e., morphing structures). However, the
SMPs have not been fully tested to work in relevant environments (variable activation temperature, fuel and water swell,
UV radiation, etc.) required for Air Force missions. In this study, epoxy-based SMPs were conditioned separately in
simulated service environments designed to be reflective of anticipated performance requirements, namely, (1) exposure
to UV radiation for 125 cycles, (2) immersion in jet-oil at ambient temperature, (3) immersion in jet-oil at 49°C, and (4)
immersion in water at 49°C. The novel high-temperature indentation method was used to evaluate the mechanical
properties and shape recovery ability of the conditioned SMPs. Results show that environmentally conditioned SMPs
exhibit higher moduli in comparison to an unconditioned one. During free recovery, the indentation impressions of all
SMPs disappeared as temperature reached above Tg, indicating that the material's ability to regain shape remains
relatively unchanged with conditioning.
JetSum: SMA actuator based undersea unmanned vehicle inspired by jellyfish bio-mechanics
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Previously, we reported an undersea unmanned vehicle (UUV) termed as JetSum, inspired by the
locomotion of medusa jellyfish, [12]. The propulsion of JetSum was based on shape memory alloy (SMA) wires
replicating the contraction-relaxation cycle of natural jellyfish locomotion. In this paper, we report modified design
of JetSum that addresses problems related to electrical isolation and power consumption. The modifications lead to
significant improvement in functionality, providing implementation of a full continuous bell, bolstering critical
sealing junctions, and reducing the overall power requirement. A LabVIEW controller program was developed to
automate and optimize the driving of JetSum enabling reduction in power consumption for full contraction of SMA.
JetSum locomotion in underwater conditions was recorded by using a high-speed camera and analyzed with image
processing techniques developed in MatLab. The results show that JetSum was able to achieve velocity of 7 cm/s
with power consumption of 8.94 W per cycle.
Development of a McKibben artificial muscle using a shape-memory polymer
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When McKibben artificial muscle actuators are applied to robotic joints, the joints are driven by pairs of actuators
located antagonistically to increase the joint stiffness. However, the force for shape fixity is not large. Therefore, the
objective of this study is to develop a McKibben artificial muscle using a shape-memory polymer (SMP). SMPs can be
deformed above their glass transition temperature (Tg) by applying a small load. They maintain their shape after they
have been cooled to below Tg. They then return to the predefined shape when heated above Tg. Exploiting these
characteristics, we coated the braided mesh shell of a commercial McKibben artificial muscle and made a prototype of
the actuator using the SMP. When this new actuator is warmed above Tg, the SMP deforms. Then, when the internal
bladder is pressurized, the actuator shortens and/or produces a load. After the actuator becomes the desirable length, the
actuator is cooled to below Tg and the SMP is fixed in a rigid state even without the air supply. Consequently, this
actuator can maintain its length more rigidly and accurately. The experimental results conducted on this prototype
confirm the feasibility of this new actuator.
Shape Memory Materials II: Shape Memory Alloys
Phase transformations and shape memory effects in finite length nanostructures
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We discuss a relatively simple and computationally inexpensive model that has recently been developed to study phase
transformations and shape memory effects in finite nanostructures. Our major focus is given to nanowires of finite length
and other nanostructures where size effects are pronounced. The main tool used here is based on mesoscopic models
developed with the phase-field approach which we and other authors have applied before to study ferroelectrics at the
nanoscale. We study the cubic-to-tetragonal transformations in which case the 2D analogue of the model describes the
square-to-rectangle phase transformations. The actual model is based on a coupled system of partial differential equations
and is solved with a combination of the Chebyshev collocation method and the extended proper orthogonal decomposition.
The developed model and its numerical implementation allow us to study properties of nanostructures and several
representative examples of mechanical behavior of nanostructures are discussed.
Passive damping of composites with embedded shape memory alloy wires
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NiTi alloy wires were embedded during the infusion processing of woven carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
composite plates with the purpose to passively increase their damping. Two types of NiTi wires, having the same
diameter of 203 μm, were considered, one superelastic at room temperature, the other one martensitic. For the first one, a
martensitic transformation was induced by applying a pre-strain of 2.5% before embedding the wires. The coexistence of
austenite and martensite should provide damping through the mobility of boundaries between the two phases. For the
second type of wires, the enhancement of damping was based on the presence of martensite.
The passive damping effect produced by the shape memory alloy (SMA) wires was evaluated from free vibration tests
on composite plates, neat or with 5% of volume fraction of SMA wires. Resonance frequency and damping ratio were
measured as a function of temperature. Improvement in damping was verified, at room temperature, for both types of
SMA wires and was observed to be dependent on vibration amplitude. For small-amplitude free vibrations, pre-strained
superelastic wires presented more interest as they provided a damping increase of around 87%. The effect however
depends on temperature.
3D finite element analysis of indentation recovery due to the shape memory effect
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The potential use of Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) as micro-actuators promotes study of the behaviors of these
materials at small length scales. The recovery of micro-indentations due to the shape memory effect has recently
become an area of particular interest. Experimental observation indicates promising microactuation ability in
SMAs subject to indentation. In order to better understand the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, 3-
D Finite Element Analysis incorporating a new SMA transformation-plastic yield constitutive model is used to
simulate a unique experimental indentation procedure. This process involves the indentation of an SMA material
and the planarization of the material surface to remove all visible traces of the indent region; upon subsequent
heating, a protrusion (exdent) is created in the indented zone. Key results of an analysis that simulates this
experimental procedure are discussed, along with possibilities for future work.
Processing and characterization of composite shape memory alloy (SMA) thin film structures for microactuators
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The high work to volume ratio and the stress recovery of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) thin films with temperature
makes them an ideal choice for microactuators. However, these materials have not gained widespread acceptance due to
issues associated with phase transformation. Primary concerns are rapid change in stress at the transformation
temperature giving the actuator a step function like response and a significant shift in transformation temperatures due to
a wide hysteresis. In the present research, TiNiCu (53.59at%Ti, 39.05at%Ni), TiNi (50.32at%Ti) and TiNiHf
(39.56at%Ti, 48.63at%Ni) composite SMA thin films that display close to linear stress temperature behavior (slope: 2-7
MPa/°C) with high stress recovery (300-550MPa), wide transformation range (60-130°C) and low hysteresis (10-30°C)
were fabricated. Properties were achieved through the deposition of SMA thin films with varying composition in a
layered (composite) format on Si wafers. The TiNi+TiNiCu composite exhibited a two-step transformation (slopes of 2.5
and 3.9 MPa/°C) without a significant impact on stress recovery. Displaying identical recovery stresses, the TiNiHf film
possessed a 65°C transformation range and the TiNiHf+TiNi composite exhibited a wider range of 120°C. A strong
correlation between deposition conditions, annealing parameters and transformation characteristics was observed for all
the SMA films.
Phase transformation and creep behavior in Ti50Pd30Ni20 high temperature shape memory alloy in compression
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The creep behavior and the phase transformation of Ti50Pd30Ni20 High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy
(HTSMA) is investigated by standard creep tests and thermomechanical tests. Ingots of the alloy are induction
melted, extruded at high temperature, from which cylindrical specimens are cut and surface polished. A
custom high temperature test setup is assembled to conduct the thermomechanical tests. Following preliminary
monotonic tests, standard creep tests and thermally induced phase transformation tests are conducted on the
The creep test results suggest that over the operating temperatures and stresses of this alloy, the microstructural
mechanisms responsible for creep change. At lower stresses and temperatures, the primary creep mechanism
is a mixture of dislocation glide and dislocation creep. As the stress and temperature increase, the mechanism
shifts to predominantly dislocation creep. If the operational stress or temperature is raised even further, the
mechanism shifts to diffusion creep.
The thermally induced phase transformation tests show that actuator performance can be affected by rate
independent irrecoverable strain (transformation induced plasticity + retained martensite) as well as creep.
The rate of heating and cooling can adversely impact the actuators performance. While the rate independent
irrecoverable strain is readily apparent early in the actuators life, viscoplastic strain continues to accumulate
over the lifespan of the HTSMA. Thus, in order to get full actuation out of the HTSMA, the heating and cooling
rates must be sufficiently high enough to avoid creep.
Magneto-Active Materials I: Magnetostriction
One and three dimensional models for the dynamical sensing response of Galfenol with applications to energy harvesting
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One and three-dimensional computational models for the dynamical sensing response of Galfenol based magnetostrictive
devices are developed. The sensing model calculates the fraction of magnetic moments oriented along each of the
energetically preferred directions of the crystal as a function of time, which can then be used to determine the time
evolution of the total magnetization. Results from the sensing model are compared to quasi-static loading experiments
for validation and extraction of phenomenological parameters. As a sample application, the sensing model is
incorporated into an AC energy harvesting circuit to predict the magnetization and energy harvested under dynamical
loading conditions.
Influence of a non-uniform stress on the electromechanical transduction coefficient of a magnetostrictive unimorph
E. Starke,
U. Marschner,
G. Pfeifer,
et al.
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In this paper an electromechanical network model of a magnetostrictive unimorph structure, acting as solenoid
coil core, is developed. For typical applications a non-uniform stress distribution in the magnetostrictive layer
results which is simulated via FEM. This phenomenon leads to a spatial varying electromechanical transduction
coefficient for large deflections and was taken into account by coupled finite electromechanical network elements.
By simplifying the finite network model an easy to use new network model is obtained which enables the fast
analysis of the system and optimization of sensor and actor properties.
Power generating by high pulse mechanical stimulation of magnetic coupled NdFeB and Terfenol-D
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Rising requirements for a new constructions, devices and machines force engineers to monitor them all day long.
An attractive solution seems to be applications of wireless sensors. However, there is a barrier limiting their
application, which is the need to supply them with an electrical power over extended period of time without
using additional wiring or batteries. The potential solution of this problem seems to be an energy harvesting.
Most methods of obtaining the energy from the external sources e.g. vibrations, is to use piezoelectric materials.
However, the amount of energy generated by piezoelectric materials is smaller than most electronic devices
need. Therefore a new method for generating a pulse of energy and conditioning for other loads devices must
be developed. This paper proposes a new energy harvesting device based on magnetostrictive material. In the
course of the experiments with using Terfenol-D rods as actuators and sensors it has been observed interesting
phenomenon. Mechanical impact ( between 1J and 10J in infinite time) to magnetic core based on
Terfenol-D rod (diameter 5mm, length 10 mm), NdFeB permanent magnets and coil allowed get electric power
signal enough to supply device of 100 Ohm load on their active state (typical low power controller). In comparison
to the same magnetic circuit built with other typical ferromagnetic materials e.g. Armco iron, showed effect
10 times lower or none. Tests and experiments showed the important role of coupling Terfenol-D and NdFeB
permanent magnets, their configuration and variable coil parameters determined this effect. In regard to the
results the authors proposed the construction of a new impulse harvesting method based on Terfenol-D material
for low impedance load.
Image analysis of the microstructure of pseudo-1-3 magnetostrictive composites
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Previous studies did by some scholars proved applying a magnetic field during the manufacture process
of polymer-bonded Terfenol-D could orient the magnetic easy direction of the particles along the field
direction and form a pseudo-1-3 structure. Compared to the 0-3 composites composed of Terfenol-D
particles dispersed randomly in a polymer matrix, pseudo-1-3 magnetostrictive composites present
much larger magnetostrictive performance. In this paper, magnetostrictive composites based on
Terfenol-D particles in an unsaturated polyester resin matrix were fabricated under different magnetic
fields. Magentostriction was tested and compared to get the detail effects of orientation fields on
magnetostrictive properties of magnetostrictive composites. Scanning electron microscopy was used to
observe their microstructures. Image analysis was applied to describe the microstructures. The
distribution of the angles between the major axis of the particles and the magnetic field direction was
used to evaluate the arrangement of particles in the matrix quantitatively. The results confirm particle
chain-like structures in composites prepared under larger magnetic field, and show that particle
arrangement changes with the strength of the orientation field, which is result in the changes of
magnetostrictive performance.
Magnetostrictive properties of Tb0.24Dy0.76Fe2-xNix thin films for wireless micro actuators and application to array type micro transporter
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In this paper, wireless optical system was developed by using array type TbDyFeNi thin film actuator. The effect of Ni
content on the magneto-mechanical properties of the Tb0.24Dy0.76Fe2 system, for wireless micro actuator with the effect of
deposited film thickness of TbDyFeNi on silicon substrate, was also investigated. To create the device, array shape
silicon substrates were bulk micromachined, and Tb0.24Dy0.76Fe2-xNix, (x=0, 0.5, 1.2, 2.0) films were sputter-deposited on
the back side of substrate by selective DC magnetron sputtering techniques. After the sputter process, magnetization and
effective mgnetoelastic coupling coefficient and magnetostriction of the sample were measured for the magnetomechanical
characterizaztion. For the operation, each branch of the array type actuator has different length and out-ofplane
motion. Each branch was actuated by externally applied magnetic fields up to 0.5T and motion of the branches
made inclined movement. As a result, deflected angle of the actuator due to the movement of array type actuator to
external magnetic fields were observed.
Magneto-Active Materials II: Magnetic Shape Memory Effect
Stability of the magnetomechanical problem in magnetic shape memory alloys
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In this work we study the unstable phenomena that occur on Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys (MSMAs) during
compression tests. Solving the coupled magnetomechanical problem we observe that during the reorientation
process the material presents strong non-uniformity, in the form of localized zones, in the distribution of the
magnetic, the stress and the strain field. This non-uniformity is due to loss of ellipticity of the coupled problem
during the martensitic reorientation and affects significantly the reorientation process. The identification of the
stability conditions of the magnetomechanical problem is achieved by performing stability analysis.
Constitutive modeling of magneto-mechanical coupling response of magnetic field-induced phase transformations in NiMnCoIn magnetic shape memory alloys
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The unique characteristic of magnetic field induced phase transformation of NiMnCoIn magnetic shape memory
alloys (MSMAs) lies in the generation of large transformation strains under high constant stress levels. Motivated
by experiments, a constitutive model is proposed to take into account magnetic field induced phase transformation
from austenitic to martensitic phase. The working principle of such materials is described by the deformation
of continua due to mechanical and magnetic forces. The cross coupling of mechanical and magnetic variables is
captured by introducing nonlinear kinematics. In the present work, microstructure dependence of martensitic
phase transformation is taken into account by introducing internal variables into the model. The constitutive
response is derived in a consistent thermodynamic way.
Magneto-Active Materials III: Magnetoelectric Effect
Static and dynamic characterization of a magnetoelectric cantilever cutting tool
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A magnetoelectric self-sensing cantilever actuator is under investigation for use as a remotely driven self-sensing
actuator. The cantilever is fabricated from Galfenol and Lead Zirconate Titanate strips as a laminate composite. An
applied magnetic field generates strain in the magnetostrictive layer, thereby creating a bending moment in the
composite and generating an electrical signal in the piezoelectric layer. A force-deflection model and equation of motion
for the self-sensing magnetoelectric material in cantilever configuration is developed in this paper. An equivalent mass
and stiffness matrix derived for the cantilever in terms of generalized coordinates is used to predict the bending behavior
of the cantilever in its linear range of operation. In addition, the electrical boundary condition of the piezoelectric layer is
varied to determine its influence on the actuation properties of the cantilever tool. Cantilever specimens measuring
40mm x 20mm and 20mm x 10mm are excited using a remote magnetic field of up to 2.8x104 A/m and free tip
displacements of 200μm and 60 μm are observed, respectively. The model predicts the slope of the magnetic field/tip
displacement curve with an error of 7% and 33%, respectively. The sensing current generated by the smaller specimen is
5x10-7 A.
Thickness ratio effects on quasistatic actuation and sensing behavior of laminate magnetoelectric cantilevers
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In this work, the magnetoelectric cantilever composed of a layer of Galfenol and a layer of PZT-5H is studied for
novel applications such as surgical ablation tools and cutting tools for machining applications. For developing a
suitable model for the magnetoelectric cantilever, an energy based approach for the non-linear constitutive behavior of
the magnetostrictive material and linear piezoelectric constitutive equations will be coupled with Euler Bernoulli
model for composite beams. The cantilever is held in a uniform magnetic field and the magnetic field is measured by a
Gaussmeter. The tip-deflection of the cantilever is detected by a laser triangulation sensor. The piezoelectric response
can be studied with low noise preamplifier. Four PZT-5H layers with different thickness are separately bonded on the
top of the same Galfenol layer and characterized to study the thickness ratio effects on the quasistatic actuation and
sensing behavior of the composite cantilever.
Magnetoelectric laminate composites with prestress consideration
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The converse magnetoelectric effect of an asymmetric Piezo-fiber/Metglas bilayer laminate composite subjected to
mechanical prestress is presented. The mechanical prestress is applied by either dc electric voltage bias or direct
mechanical load bias. It is found that a mechanical prestress strongly influences the converse magnetoelectric coupling
response. The optimum dc magnetic field bias shifts with different prestress and compressive stress requires higher dc
magnetic field bias. Additionally, an optimum prestress exists to maximize the converse magnetoelectric response under
certain dc magnetic field bias ranges. Therefore, in order to integrate magnetoelectric composite into actual structures, a
proper prestress needs to be employed to maximize the CME coefficient.
Active Polymers I
Actuation and ion transportation of polyelectrolyte gels
Wei Hong,
Xiao Wang
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Consisting of charged network swollen with ionic solution, polyelectrolyte gels are known for their salient characters
including ion exchange and stimuli responsiveness. The active properties of polyelectrolyte gels are mostly due to the
migration of solvent molecules and solute ions, and their interactions with the fixed charges on the network. In this
paper, we extend the recently developed nonlinear field theory of polyelectrolyte gels by assuming that the kinetic
process is limited by the rate of the transportation of mobile species. To study the coupled mechanical deformation, ion
migration, and electric field, we further specialize the model to the case of a laterally constrained gel sheet. By solving
the field equations in two limiting cases: the equilibrium state and the steady state, we calculate the mechanical
responses of the gel to the applied electric field, and study the dependency on various parameters. The results recover
the behavior observed in experiments in which polyelectrolyte gels are used as actuators, such as the ionic polymer metal
composite. In addition, the model reveals the mechanism of the selectivity in ion transportation. Although by assuming
specific material laws, the reduced system resembles those in most existing models in the literature, the theory can be
easily generalized by using more realistic free-energy functions and kinetic laws. The adaptability of the theory makes it
suitable for studying many similar material systems and phenomena.
Simulation of the effect of different parameters on the swelling characteristics of a pH-sensitive hydrogel
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Hydrogels are 3-D network polymeric materials that exhibit a large volume phase-transition due to a of change
in their environment so that the response causes the hydrogel to swell or shrink. Since hydrogels have been
found to be useful for chemical sensing and delivery, there is a growing interest in their use for medicine. This
,requires a thorough understanding of the hydrogels characteristic response to pH. The hydrogel response can be
explained by various physical equations which are often challenging to solve. We discuss the simulation of such
phase-transitions in steady-state conditions emphasizing the response to solvent pH and other environmental
stimuli. We demonstrate a method for simulating pH response of hydrogels and describe numerical model
and its implementation in detail. Though a few models have been developed for simulation of these hydrogel
characteristics, these have been based on custom programs implemented in individual laboratories and often
not generally accessible. Hence, our modeling effort is implemented using the generic finite element software
COMSOL and the method can be used with any software having similar capabilities. The effect of buffer
solution concentration, fixed charge density, the solution pH on the swelling characteristics are studied. Results
are compared with published experimental data.
Fabrication and characterization of ionic polymer gel actuators
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Poly-AMPS (PAMPS) gel was fabricated and its electroactive behavior was studied. A weakly cross-linked anionic
PAMPS gel was produced by radical polymerization using 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS)
monomers, where N,N'-methlenebisacrylamide (MBAA) and α -ketoglutaric acid were used as a cross-linking agent
and a radical initiator, respectively. The polymerization was carried out at 55°C for at least 24 hours. Density and the
degree of swelling of gel samples were investigated as physical properties. Also, swelling experiments were conducted in
a surfactant solution using 1-dodecylpyridinium chloride hydrate. The chemo-mechanical properties of PAMPS gel were
studied in a dilute surfactant solution under the electric field. The effect of material parameters on the bending
deformation was investigated. As design parameters, sample thickness, current density, ion concentration of the
surfactant solution, and cross-linking degree of gel were chosen, and the effect of these parameters on the actuation was
Piezoelectric polymer foams: transducer mechanism and preparation as well as touch-sensor and ultrasonic-transducer properties
M. Wegener
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Different materials provide a mechanical-electrical energy conversion and are thus interesting candidates for
piezoelectric sensors and actuators. Beside ferroelectric ceramics and polymers, also polymer foams, so-called
ferroelectrets, are developed as piezoelectric active materials. Their piezoelectricity originates from optimized structural
and elastic-foam properties accompanied with an optimized charge trapping at the polymer layers within the foam
structure. The piezoelectric activity arises if mechanical stimuli lead to a thickness variation of the electrically charged
voids which results in an electrical signal between the connected electrodes on the film surfaces due to the change of
internal electric fields. The concept of such a piezoelectric transducer was developed by investigating cellular
polypropylene films with different foam structures and thus different elastic properties. Recently, ferroelectrets were
prepared from other polymers following the same concept. Different kind of new foaming procedures are developed in
order to broaden the range of usable materials as well as to optimize the adjustment of piezoelectric and ultrasonictransducer
properties. The paper provides an overview about ferroelectrets, their underlying working mechanism as well
as their preparation possibilities. In detail, piezoelectric properties of polypropylene ferroelectrets are described which
are usable for pushbutton or touch-pad applications as well as in ultrasonic-transducer applications.
Characterization of healable polymers
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Materials with an internal mechanism for damage repair would be valuable in isolated environments where access is
difficult or impossible. Current work is focused on characterizing neat polymers with reformable cross-linking bonds.
These bonds are thermally reversible, the result of a Diels-Alder cycloaddition between furan and maleimide monomers.
Candidate polymers are examined using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to confirm the presence of
reversible bonding. One polymer, 2MEP3FT, was expected to have these bonds, but none were observed. A second
polymer, 2MEP4FS, with a modified furan monomer does exhibit reversible bonding. Further DSC testing and dynamic
mechanical thermal analyses (DMA) are conducted to determine material properties such as glass transition temperature,
storage modulus and quality of the polymerization. Healing efficiency is established using the double cleavage drilled
compression (DCDC) fracture test. A column of material with a central hole is subjected to axial compression, driving
cracks up and down the sample. After unloading, the cracks are healed, and the sample is retested. Comparing the results
gives a quantitative evaluation of healing.
Active Nanocomposites
Non-linear actuation response of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based nanocomposites
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Recent research on overcoming inherent limitations on the electromechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride
(PVDF) and copolymers has been directed towards adding nanoinclusions to take advantage of their scale and properties.
This research shows that adding single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) creates a quadratic electromechanical
response in PVDF. Enhanced effective dielectric constant and formation of polar microstructure suggests an
electrostrictive response. Contributions from Joule heating will be assessed next, as they may be significant at higher
SWNT content.
Microwave absorbing properties of structural nanocomposites with surface treated Co ferrite nanoparticles as filler (Withdrawal Notice)
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This paper was presented at the SPIE conference indicated above and has been withdrawn from publication at the request of the authors.
Nano-clay/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composite films as sensor and actuator element
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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a piezoelectric polymer material. In general, it is necessary to give large stretch to PVDF film when PVDF film is used as sensor or actuator element. However, we recently found that PVDF shows piezoelectricity without large stretch if nano-clays are uniformly dispersed into it.
The aim of present study is to investigate the possibilities of nano-clay/PVDF composite film as sensor and actuator element. Firstly, PVDF films and nano-clay/PVDF composite film are fabricated by solvent casting. Also, commercial PVDF film is prepared as comparative material. Secondarily, we investigate the change of electrical displacement according to the input voltage of triangle wave by using Sawyer-tower bridge circuit for PVDF films and nano-clay/PVDF composite film. Then, the change of impedance is also measured at broad frequency by using impedance analyzer. Thirdly, we apply the voltage of sine wave to fabricated films, and measure the output oscillation generated from films. Finally, we discuss the possibilities of nano-clay/PVDF composite film as sensor and actuator element.
Investigations of the key mechanism of carbon-nanotube actuators and their dependencies
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Future adaptable applications require electro-mechanical actuators with a high weight-related energy. Among
modern multi-functional materials carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have some special characteristics which give them
the potential to solve this demand. On the one hand raw CNTs have excellent mechanical properties like their
low density (1330kg/m3) and very high estimated stiffness of about 1TPa. On the other hand CNTs have the
ability under presence of ions, wired like a capacitor and activated by a charge injection to perform a dimensionchange
(length of C-C bondings). Calculations and experiments present achievable active strains of 1% at low
voltage of ±1V what qualifies CNT-based materials for leightweight powerful actuators.
In this paper the former work done with actuators using CNT-containing mats and Nafion as solid electrolyte
is evaluated by analyzing the two main-components in more detail. On the one hand the CNT-based modelmaterial
SWCNT-mats called Bucky-paper (BP) and on the other hand ion donating electrolytes in liquid-phase
like a NaCl-solution and its solid equivalent Nafion as thin-foils are tested. Additional methods of fabrication,
preparation and characterization of the CNT-powder and the manufactured BPs containing randomly oriented
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are presented which provide a deeper system-understanding. Both
materials (BPs and Nafion-foils) are intensively investigated in different deflection-test-rigs due to their structural
assembly. This paper presents a method for electro-mechanical measurements of BPs in an in-plain test set-up
which avoids sensing secondary effects like thermal expansion or mass-transport and confirm that BP-deflection
should only be a capacity-driven effect. Nafion as solid electrolyte will be tested in an out-of-plane facility
to measure its possible actuation within the lamellar-direction. With this approach the dependencies of each
component and their individual characters on the deflection can be estimated. The active response can be
referred to the internal structure of both components as well as of the whole structural assembly.
The results give a certain direction to a BP-optimization referring to active strain, density, structural integrity
and conductibility. In addition to these facts the active character of BPs using CNTs of different suppliers and
Nafion is analyzed. These investigations are of particular importance for detection of global dependencies and
using both materials in a hybrid-assembly like solid actuators which are needed for structural applications.
Study of carbon nanotubes/short carbon fiber nanocomposites for lightning strike protection
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Currently aircraft structural composites are commonly protected using approaches such as laying of metallic meshes and
foils. However, these are not ideal solutions because they add significant weight and may be difficult to repair. In this
paper, we used multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWNTs) and short carbon fiber(SCF) as reinforcement, and epoxy resin
as matrix, prepared conductive nanocomposites for lightning protection of aircraft. MWNTs and SCF as conductive
filler, they via acidification and surface treatment, mechanical milling, ultrasonic dispersion method, the CNTs/SCF
Epoxy (EP) conductive nanocomposites were prepared by casting method. The characterizations of materials
microstructure, electrical and mechanical properties were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM),
resistance instrument, and tensile test machine and indentation experiments. Result proved that surface treatment carbon
nanotubes and short carbon fiber can be evenly spread over the epoxy matrix, and form three-dimensional conductive
network in the epoxy matrix. This makes the resistance of composite materials greatly reduced, improved conductive
performance. The characterization of materials mechanical properties also showed that the addition of nano-conductive
filler, but also significantly enhanced the material elastic modulus and hardness.
Measuring SWNT depth in electroactive polymer nanocomposite films using electric force microscopy
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Although a number of hypotheses have been presented to explain the enhanced electromechanical performance observed
in electroactive polymer nanocomposite materials, many of the underlying mechanisms responsible for this behavior
remain unclear. In this report, electric force microscopy (EFM) is used to investigate the near surface morphology of an
electroactive polyimide-based nanocomposite film containing SWNTs in an effort to gain insight into the electrical
interactions occurring at the polymer-electrode interface. As a means of measuring the proximity of SWNTs to this
interface, the depths of SWNTs buried beneath a processing-induced polymer skin layer are determined using EFM
measurements derived from a sample standard. In this way, evaluation of the ability for embedded SWNT structures to
behave as extensions of surface electrodes is possible, a scenario that could potentially reduce the applied field required
to elicit electromechanical actuation.
Active Composites I
Inverse model construction for control implementation of macro fiber composite actuators operating in hysteretic regimes
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Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) actuators utilize PZT fibers embedded in an epoxy matrix for structural actuation.
Due to their construction, they are lightweight and provide broadband inputs. Significant advantages of
MFC actuators are their high performance, durability, and flexibility when compared to traditional piezoceramic
actuators. They are presently being considered for a range of applications including positioning of membrane
mirrors and structural control in the aerospace and automotive industry. However, they exhibit varying degrees of
hysteresis and constitutive nonlinearities throughout their operating range that must be incorporated in models
to achieve the full capabilities of the materials. In this paper, hysteresis is modeled using the homogenized energy
model. The inverse model is then used to construct an inverse compensator framework suitable for subsequent
control design. The performance of the inverse compensator is illustrated through a numerical example.
Micromechanical analysis of damping performance of piezoelectric structural fiber composites
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Recent studies showed that the active piezoelectric structural fiber (PSF) composites may achieve
significant and simultaneous improvements in sensing/actuating, stiffness, fracture toughness and vibration
damping. These characteristics can be of particular importance in various civil, mechanical and aerospace
structures. This study firstly conducted the micromechanical finite element analysis to predict the elastic
properties and piezoelectrical coupling parameters of a special type of an active PSF composite laminate.
The PSF composite laminates are made of longitudinally poled PSFs that are unidirectionally deployed in
the polymer binding matrix. The passive damping performance of these active composites was studied
under the cyclic force loadings with different frequencies. It was found that the passive electric-mechanical
coupling behavior can absorb limited dynamic energy and delay the structure responses with minimum
viscoelastic damping. The actuating function of piezoelectric materials was then applied to reduce the
dynamic mechanical deformation. The step voltage inputs were imposed to the interdigital electrodes of
PSF laminate transducer along the poled direction. The cyclic pressure loading was applied transversely to
the composite laminate. The electromechnical interaction with the 1-3 coupling parameter generated the
transverse expansion, which can reduce the cyclic deformation evenly by shifting the response waves. This
study shows the promise in using this type of active composites as actuators to improve stability of the
structure dynamic.
Magnetomechanical properties of magnetostrictive composites with high volume of fraction Terfenol-D powder
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The role of Smart Magnetic Materials (SMM) is still increasing. One type of SMM are Giant Magnetostrictive Materials (GMM) which can be represented by i.e. Terfenol-D. The biggest difficulty with mechanical application of GMM is its brittleness. On the other hand, increase of frequency generate meaningfully eddy currents. These disadvantages tend to search new solutions in a form of composite materials with giant magnetostriction (GMMC). The matrix for GMMC most often is an epoxy resin with magnetostrictive material inside (in a form of powder, flakes or tiny rods made of i.e. Terfenol-D). Several composites, with outstanding magnetostrictive properties, have been synthesized combining an epoxy resin with polycrystalline powders of Terfenol-D. Application of appropriate way of compression allowed to achieve composites consisting near 70% volume fraction of Terfenol-D powder in comparison with about 48% volume fraction of reinforcement in traditional production way. Composites had random and preferential grain orientation which was obtained by curing the material respectively with or without a magnetic field. The quasistatic magnetomechanical properties of the composites were investigated and compared with monolithic Terfenol-D alloy. The highest response was obtained for a perpendicular polarized composite. Investigated composite are promising magnetostrictive material enable to create a new type of actuators and magnetic field sensor.
Active Composites II
Mechanically-tunable composite filter at low frequencies
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Previous studies into the possibility of a plasmonic medium of a coiled conductor array in air have shown promise.
This work serves to evaluate the possibility of creating a mechanically-tunable composite filter at low frequencies.
Copper springs were created with varying starting pitches using a coil winder. These springs were then embedded
into a flexible host polymer. The mechanical and electromagnetic properties of each spring design were predicted
and tested. Two horn antennas were used to characterize the overall electromagnetic (EM) properties of the
composite. The pitch of each spring was increased mechanically through application of force to the entire polymermetal
composite at equal intervals, with an EM test completed at each step. Using an Agilent 8510C Vector
Network Analyzer (VNA), the frequency spectrum within the microwave range was scanned. Relative amplitude
and phase measurements were taken at equal frequency and pitch steps. With no polymer surrounding the springs,
plasmon turn-on frequencies were observed to span the microwave bands as the pitch of the springs were increased.
Similar results are expected with the springs embedded in a polymeric matrix. These results suggest a method of
creating a mechanically-tunable composite filter for use at low frequencies.
Active Polymers II
A voltage creep effect on actuation behavior of cellulose electro-active paper (EAPap)
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The voltage creep behavior on actuation performance of cellulose based electro-active paper (EAPap) has been studied.
Because the actuation of EAPap is originated from both the inner ionic movement in cellulose and its piezoelectric
behavior, the actuation can be affected by the external field. When the external field applied, cyclic hysteresis of P-E
loop is observed. In order to investigate the detail of actuation behavior of EAPap actuator, the detail actuation response
- called voltage creep- is required. The voltage creep which can reduce the response and the actuating accuracy of
actuator is one important issue in order to control the micro/nano scaled positioning of smart material devices. In this
paper, we present the voltage creep phenomena of EAPap, which will give more detail information to understand EAPap
as well as other polymer based smart materials.
Modeling the transduction of IPMC in 3D configurations
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The Finite Element Analyze (FEA) methods have proven to be applicable for modeling the basic transduction
sheets(cantilevers) of ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC). Physical models can simulate ion transport and
corresponding strain. More complicated models also add the effect of the electrode, both surface and electrochemical
ones. In this work we propose a FEA model for IPMC materials of different shapes. The new model
is three dimensional. When dealing with 3D transduction, the electrode surface geometrical properties of IPMC
becomes more important as well. For instance, there are several ways how to attach the electrodes to a cylindrical
IPMC to get various deformation modes. The proposed model considers the electrode placement and provides
sufficiently accurate transduction estimate for more complicated IPMC structures.
Finite element modeling of the electromechanical coupling in ionic polymer transducers
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Several researchers are actively studying Ionomeric polymer transducers (IPT) as a large strain low voltage Electro-
Active Polymer (EAP) actuator. EAPs are devices that do not contain any moving parts leading to a potential large life
time. Furthermore, they are light weight and flexible. An IPT is made of an ion saturated polymer usually Nafion,
sandwiched between two electrodes made of a mixture of Nafion and electrically conductive particles usually RuO2 or
platinum. Nafion is an acid membrane in which the cations are mobile while the anions are covalently fixed to the
polymer structure. Upon the application of an electric potential on the order of 2V at the electrodes the mobile positive
ions migrate towards the cathode leading to bending strains in the order of 5%. Our earlier studies demonstrate that the
cations develop thin boundary layers around the electrode. Later developments in this finite element model captured the
importance of adding particles in the electrode. This study presents the electromechanical coupling in ionic polymer
transducers. Since all our earlier models were restricted to the electro-chemical part, here we will introduce the chemomechanical
coupling. This coupling is performed based on previous studies (Akle and Leo) in which the authors
experimentally showed that the mechanical strain in IPTs is proportional to a linear term and a quadratic term of the
charge accumulated at the electrode. The values of the linear and quadratic terms are extracted from experimental data.
Mechanics of Composites
The effect of scaling on the performance of elastomer composite actuators
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Compact actuation that is integrated into a structure's material system has the potential to provide rapid structural
reconfiguration while reducing weight. The effect of scale (diameter, overall length and segment length) on the
performance of cylindrical fiber-reinforced McKibben-like Rubber Muscle Actuators (RMA) was investigated. An
"activation" pressure was observed for all actuators at a value that depended upon the actuation construction. Upon
pressurization past the activation threshold, the overall force, stroke, and work capacity increased with increasing
actuation length and diameter. The actuation force per unit RMA cross-sectional area was predicted, and experimentally
observed, to be roughly constant after activation. By segmenting a longer actuator, a larger contraction and lower
actuation force could be achieved. Though actuation forces decreased as actuator diameter and length decreased, the
force per unit actuator volume was shown to increase with decreasing diameter including a roughly 4-fold increase in
force/volume between the 0.5" and 0.05" actuators. However, due to the small amount of total contraction for the smaller
diameter actuators, the relative work per actuation volume was decreased by roughly 35% in comparing those same
actuators. Thus, small diameter RMAs have great potential to provide needed linear actuation force within adaptive
material systems.
Effect of particle size and volume fraction on tensile properties of fly ash/polyurea composites
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Fly ash, which consists of hollow particles with porous shells, was introduced into polyurea elastomer. A one-step
method was chosen to fabricate pure polyurea and the polyurea matrix for the composites based on Isonate® 2143L
(diisocyanate) and Versalink® P-1000 (diamine). Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the fracture
surfaces of the composites. Particle size and volume fraction were varied to study their effects on the tensile properties
of the composites. The tensile properties of the pure polyurea and fly ash/polyurea (FA/PU) composites were tested
using an Instron load frame with a 1 kN Interface model 1500ASK-200 load cell. Results showed that fly ash particles
were distributed homogeneously in the polyurea matrix, and all of the composites displayed rubber-like tensile behavior
similar to that of pure polyurea. The tensile strength of the composites was influenced by both the fly ash size and the
volume fraction. Compared to the largest particle size or the highest volume fraction, an increase in tensile strength was
achieved by reducing particle size and/or volume fraction. The strain at break of the composites also increased by using
fine particles. In addition, the composites filled with 20% fly ash became softer. These samples showed lower plateau
strength and larger strain at break than the other composites.
Ballistic performance of polyurea-coated armor grade ceramic tiles
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The use of ceramics as energy absorbents has been studied by many researchers and some improvements
in the ballistic performance of ceramic tiles have been made by coating them with different classes of
materials (e.g. E-glass/epoxy, carbon-fiber/epoxy, etc.). Using ceramics for energy absorbing applications
leads to a significant weight reduction of the system. Therefore, any modification to the ceramic
configuration in the system which leads to more energy absorption with the same or less areal density
is significant. On the other hand, polyurea has been proved to be an excellent energy dissipating agent
in many applications. Inspired by this, we are studying the effect of coating ceramics with polyurea
and other materials, on the energy absorption and ballistic performance of the resulting ceramic-based
In this study, we investigate the effect of polyurea on ballistic efficiency of ceramic tiles. To this end,
we have performed a set of penetration tests on polyurea-ceramic composites. In our experiments, a high
velocity projectile is propelled to impact and perforate the ceramic-polyurea composite. The velocity
and mass of the projectile are measured before and after the penetration. The change in the kinetic
energy of the projectile is evaluated and compared for different polyurea-ceramic configurations (e.g.,
polyurea on front face, polyurea on back face, polyurea between two ceramic tiles, etc.). The experimental
results suggest that polyurea is not as effective as other restraining materials such as E-glass/epoxy and
Three-dimensional piezoelasticity solution for piezolaminated angle-ply cylindrical shells featuring imperfect interfacial bonding
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The work presents an analytical three-dimensional solution for simply supported angle-ply piezoelectric (hybrid)
laminated cylindrical shells in cylindrical bending with interlaminar bonding imperfections, in an electro-thermomechanical
loading environment. The jumps in displacements, electric potential and temperature at the imperfect
interfaces are modeled using linear spring-layer model. The solution includes the case when, besides at inner
and outer surfaces, electric potentials are prescribed at layer interfaces also for effective actuation/sensing.
The entities for each layer are expanded in Fourier series in circumferential coordinate to satisfy the boundary
conditions at the simply supported ends. The resulting ordinary differential equations in thickness coordinate
with variable coefficients are solved by the modified Frobenius method. Numerical results are presented for
hybrid composite and sandwich shells with varying imperfection compliance. The effect of location of imperfect
interface on the response is studied for cross-ply panels while the effect of ply angle on the sensitivity towards
imperfection is studied for angle-ply panels. The effect of weak bonding at actuator/sensor interface on the
actuation/sensing authority is investigated. The presented results would also help assessing 2D shell theories
that incorporate interlaminar bonding imperfections.
Tensile mechanical properties of metal honeycomb sandwich structure with interface connection defects
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Thermal protection system is one of the key technologies of reusable launch vehicle (RLV). The ARMOR TPS is one of
important candidate structure of RLV. ARMOR TPS has many advantages, for example: fixing easily, longer life, good
properties, short time of maintenance and service. In comparison with traditional TPS, the ARMOR TPS will be the best
selection for all kinds of RLV. So the ARMOR thermal protection system will be used in aviation and spaceflight field
more and more widely because of its much better performance. ARMOR TPS panel is above the whole ARMOR TPS,
and the metal honeycomb sandwich structure is the surface of the ARMOR TPS panel. So the metal honeycomb
sandwich structure plays an important role in the ARMOR TPS, while it bears the flight dynamic pressure and stands
against the flight dynamic calefaction. Because the active environment of metal honeycomb sandwich structure is very
formidable, it can produce interface connection defects which can exist in the process of manufacture as well. Tensile
mechanical properties of the metallic honeycomb sandwich structure with defects are analyzed to obtain damage
tolerance of the structure. The effect of shape, dimension and location of defects on the tensile mechanical properties is
conducted by experimental study. Then finite element analysis is performed to validate the experimental results.
Haynes214 which is a kind of super alloy materials with high performances is chosen as both face sheet and core in this
Poster Session
Shape-memory polymer composite filled with carbon nanotube
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In addition to the preparation of carbon nanotube (CNT)/epoxy shape memory composites, the thermo-mechanical
properties of the composites are focused on. Furthermore, the factors which would influence thermo-mechanical
properties of the composites are studied too. Four types of test were carried out, namely, differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) test, quasi-static tension test and shape memory behavior. The
results of DSC show that CNT decreases the glass transition temperature of the composites. From DMA test, a sharp
drop can be found in each composite, which indicates that the composites are typical shape memory polymer materials.
And elastic ratio of the composites decreases with increasing CNT content. Tensile test indicates that tensile strength
increases and then decreases with the increasing CNT content ranging from 1 wt% to 3 wt%. Study on shape recovery
behaviors of the composites showed that each composite can reach a shape recovery ratio near 99%.
EMI shielding performance study of tri-layer nano stealth composites
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In this paper, a method for preparing tri-layer nano stealth composite film is proposed. Using H2SO4, HNO3 mixture for
MWCNTs carboxylation, dispersant CTAB is added into surface-treated CNTs, nano Fe and nano Fe3O4 respectively.
These three mixtures are dispersed by ultrasonic vibration so that they form homogeneous films in epoxy matrix. Vector
network analyzer is utilized for EMI SE measurements. According to experiment data, EMI shielding performance
curves are generated when CNTs vary from 5%-10%wt, nano Fe 10%-15%wt, nano Fe3O4 10%-15%wt respectively in
the frequency bands of 3.22-40GHz. Simultaneously, variation trends of these curves are analyzed. A new type of multilayer
nano stealth composite film is fabricated by superposing the three films prepared above. The tri-layer
nanocomposites of which matching layer of is 15%wt nano Fe3O4 or 15%wt nano Fe, absorbing layer is 5%wt CNTs and
reflecting layer is 10%wt CNTs has good EMI shielding performance. The peak values of the two layered material all
achieve more than -100dB.
Nonlinear bending response of Terfenol-D/PZT laminated devices under electromagnetic fields
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This work presents the nonlinear bending response of magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated devices under
electromagnetic fields both numerically and experimentally. The devices are fabricated using thin Terfenol-D and PZT
layers. The magnetostriction of the Terfenol-D layer bonded to the PZT layer is measured, and a nonlinear finite element
analysis is performed to evaluate the second-order magnetoelastic constants in Terfenol-D layer using measured data.
The deflection, internal stresses and induced voltage/magnetic field for the laminated devices under magnetic/electric
fields are then discussed in detail.
Modeling and simulation of corrosion mechanism for glass fiber reinforced plastic in sea water
Jinying Yin,
Dihong Li,
Zaiwen Lin,
et al.
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Through summarizing and analyzing the physical corrosion theories of polymer, a theoretical model is constructed to
depict the relationship between relaxation time with temperature, stress and humidity. The correlation between physical
corrosion behavior and external factors is predicted from semi-experimental profile. In sequence, the morphology of
polymer and fiber was investigated by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in comparison with that of nonimmersed
samples. The dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) methods were used to study the evolution of
thermomechanical properties against immersed time. It is found that the glass transition temperature (Tg) and storage
modulus were significantly reduced with immersion time increase. Then the hardness, tensile strength and bending
strength of GFRP were tested by their corresponding mechanical measurements.
Study on thermo-mechanical behaviors of shape memory alloy torsion tube
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Shape memory alloy (SMA) tube is an perfect candidate used to design the torsion actuator in the self-adaptive wings.
In this paper, the thermo-mechanical property of SMA torsion thin-walled tube is investigated based on Zhou's threedimensional
constitutive model of SMA, which include the three-dimensional phase transformation equation and the
three-dimensional mechanical constitutive equation, and material mechanics. The phase transformation equation
describing the relationship between torque and martensitic volume fraction of SMA torsion thin-walled tube is
established based on Zhou's three-dimensional phase transformation of SMA. The mechanical equation is established to
express the relationship of torque, temperature and torsion angle of the SMA torsion thin-walled tube based on Zhou's
three-dimensional mechanical constitutive equation and material mechanics. The thermo-mechanical behaviors of SMA
torsion thin-walled tube are numerically simulated by using the established mechanical equation and phase
transformation equation together. Numerical results show the established mechanical equation and phase transformation
equation well predict the thermo-mechanical behaviors of SMA torsion thin-walled tube.
Simulation models for design and production of active structural parts with deformed piezoceramic-metal-compounds
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The behavior of piezo-metal-compounds made of laminar piezo-modules and sheet metal which are formed by
various forming processes is simulated. To evaluate the formability of the piezo-modules strains and stresses
have to be known. Otherwise finite element models with a discretization in the dimension of the piezomaterial
are not suitable for forming simulation concerning the size of the model. The simulation method of unit cells is
used to homogenize the material parameters. In order to achieve the real strains and stresses of the piezomaterial
the strains/stresses obtained with the homogenous material parameters are superimposed with the phase
concentrations from the unit load cases.
Characterization of a Pt-core PZT fiber/Al matrix composite
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The objective of this study is to design and characterize a piezoelectric composite and evaluate its suitability for
viscosity-measuring applications, i.e., monitoring the coagulation rate of blood. The composite is manufactured of a
platinum-core lead zirconate titanate (PZT) fiber inserted into an aluminum matrix. This study characterizes the
described composite by testing its impedance, capacitance, voltage sensitivity response to vibrational inputs, and
deformation due to electrical input. As actuators, different voltage inputs are fed into the probes and displacement is
measured with results on the range of nanometers. As sensors, the devices are used to monitor cantilever beam
vibrations. The probe's response is in the mV range and follows the same pattern as an accelerometer. Additional
tests in air, water, and deionized water are carried out to evaluate the sensor's suitability for measuring viscosity
using two probes: one as an actuator and the other as a sensor. Results of the gain and phase between the two probes
indicate that the phase shift may be used as an indicator of viscosity changes. The first significant phase shift was
measured as 2.45, 2.77, and 4.065x107Hz, for water, air, and oil, respectively, which is directly proportional to the
kinematic viscosity of each fluid.
Bio-inspired unmanned undersea vehicle
Colin F. Smith,
Shashank Priya
Show abstract
Biological systems in ocean environment provide all the desired features required for design of unmanned undersea
vehicles. We noticed the uniqueness and simplicity in the design of rowing medusa and have successfully demonstrated
working prototypes of Aurelia Aurita. In this study, we demonstrate the effect of bell joints in reducing the contraction
force required for deformation. The study is based on observations made for the sub-umbrella features of jellyfish.
Artificial jellyfish unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) was fabricated consisting of silicone as the matrix material and
shape memory alloy (SMA) as the actuation material. UUV was characterized for its performance and tailored to achieve
vertical motion. SMAs were selected for actuation material because they are simple current-driven device providing
large strain and blocking force. However, electrical power requirements were found to be quite high in the underwater
conditions. It was identified that by including "joints" in the structural material forming the bell, the overall power
requirement can be reduced as it lowers the resistance to compression. An analytical model was developed that correlates
the deformation achieved with the morphology of the joints. Experiments were conducted to characterize the effect of
both joint shapes and structural materials on the motion. Results are compared with that of natural medusa gastrodermal
lamella and analyzed using the theoretical model. By including the features inherently present in natural jellyfish, the
required compression force was found to be decreased.
Design of RF MEMS switches without pull-in instability
W. Cyrus Proctor,
Gregory P. Richards,
Chongyi Shen,
et al.
Show abstract
Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) switches for radio-frequency (RF) signals have certain advantages
over solid-state switches, such as lower insertion loss, higher isolation, and lower static power dissipation.
Mechanical dynamics can be a determining factor for the reliability of RF MEMS. The RF MEMS ohmic
switch discussed in this paper consists of a plate suspended over an actuation pad by four double-cantilever
springs. Closing the switch with a simple step actuation voltage typically causes the plate to rebound from
its electrical contacts. The rebound interrupts the signal continuity and degrades the performance, reliability
and durability of the switch. The switching dynamics are complicated by a nonlinear, electrostatic pull-in
instability that causes high accelerations. Slow actuation and tailored voltage control signals can mitigate
switch bouncing and effects of the pull-in instability; however, slow switching speed and overly-complex input
signals can significantly penalize overall system-level performance. Examination of a balanced and optimized
alternative switching solution is sought. A step toward one solution is to consider a pull-in-free switch design.
In this paper, determine how simple RC-circuit drive signals and particular structural properties influence
the mechanical dynamics of an RF MEMS switch designed without a pull-in instability. The approach is to
develop a validated modeling capability and subsequently study switch behavior for variable drive signals and
switch design parameters. In support of project development, specifiable design parameters and constraints
will be provided. Moreover, transient data of RF MEMS switches from laser Doppler velocimetry will be
provided for model validation tasks. Analysis showed that a RF MEMS switch could feasibly be designed
with a single pulse waveform and no pull-in instability and achieve comparable results to previous waveform
designs. The switch design could reliably close in a timely manner, with small contact velocity, usually with
little to no rebound even when considering manufacturing variability.
Mechanical behavior of a bi-stable negative-rate bias spring system
Micah Hodgins,
Stefan Seelecke
Show abstract
When a high electric field is applied across a dielectric electro-active polymer, the stiffness, in the in-plane direction,
decreases. This change in stiffness can be used to generate linear actuation in the out-of-plane direction if the dielectric
electro-active polymer (DEAP) is subject to a suitable bias force. This bias force is commonly provided by a linear
spring, but a recent research work suggests the use of so-called negative-rate bias springs (NBS) to increase the
achievable stroke. These systems are geometrically non-linear systems with bi-stable mechanical characteristics with a
negative stiffness between equilibrium points that can be efficiently matched to the DEAP load/deformation behavior.
This paper provides an overview of current work performed using NBS and discusses why NBS provide more
displacement output. In addition, this paper presents a simple analytical model and a FE simulation of a negative-rate
bias spring (NBS). The simple model is introduced to explain the non-linear snap-through behavior of the bi-stable NBS.
FE simulated results obtained with bi-stable buckled beam are examined and compared with a linear spring model. The
beam buckling and stiffness are identified to be analogous to the simple linear spring model's pre-compression and
spring stiffness. These parameters can be used to tune a mechanism to appropriately match with a DEAP film. Future
work includes NBS mechanism design and their coupling with circular DEAPs.