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View Session
- Front Matter: Volume 7564
- Flow and Dynamic Imaging
- Intravascular and Endoscopic Imaging
- Algorithms and Models
- Novel Detectors and Methods
- 3D Microscopy
- Contrast Agents and Nanoparticles
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Sensing and Characterization
- Molecular Imaging
- Multimodality Imaging
- Computed Tomography
- Novel Systems and Applications
- Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 7564
Front Matter: Volume 7564
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 7564, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, Introduction, and the Conference Committee listing.
Flow and Dynamic Imaging
Transverse flow measurement using photoacoustic Doppler bandwidth broadening: phantom and in vivo studies
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In photoacoustic (PA) imaging of microvascular networks, the transverse component of the blood flow that
is perpendicular to the acoustic probing beam is usually dominant. We propose a new method to measure
the transverse flow, based on the Doppler bandwidth broadening. The bandwidth broadening is inversely
proportional to the transit time spent by the absorbers passing through the focus. Because the photoacoustic
signal in one A-scan has a wide band, multiple successive A-scans are used to estimate the relatively small
signal variance. Then the bandwidth broadening can be calculated from the standard derivation of the
Doppler spectrum. By exploiting the pulse excitation and bidirectional raster motor scanning, threedimensional
structural and flow information can be obtained simultaneously. From a flow of a suspension
of carbon particles (diameter: 6 μm), transverse flow speeds from 0 to 2.5 mm/s were measured using
optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. The bandwidth broadening at each speed was in good
agreement with the theoretical prediction. The blood flow in a mouse brain was also imaged.
Ultrasound array photoacoustic microscopy for dynamic in vivo 3D imaging
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Using realtime ultrasound array photoacoustic microscopy (UA-PAM), we demonstrated the feasibility of
noninvasive in vivo imaging of human pulsatile dynamics, as well as
3-D dynamic imaging of sentinel
lymph nodes (SLNs) in a murine model. The system, capable of realtime B-scan imaging at 50 Hz and
high-speed 3-D imaging, was validated by imaging the subcutaneous microvasculature in rats and humans.
After the validation, a human superficial palmar was imaged, and its pulsatile dynamics monitored, with
20-ms B-scan imaging temporal resolution. In addition, noninvasive photoacoustic sentinel lymph node
(SLN) mapping with high spatial resolution has the potential to reduce the false negative rate and eliminate
the use of radioactive tracers. Upon intra-dermal injection of Evans blue, the system maps SLNs accurately
in mice and rats. Furthermore, the ~6 s 3-D imaging temporal resolution offers the capability to
quantitatively and noninvasively monitor the dye dynamics in SLNs in vivo through sequential 3-D
imaging. The demonstrated capability suggests that high-speed 3-D photoacoustic imaging should facilitate
the understanding of the dynamics of various dyes in SLNs, and potentially help identify SLNs with high
accuracy. With the results shown in this study, we believe that
UA-PAM can potentially enable many new
possibilities for studying functional and physiological dynamics in both preclinical and clinical imaging
Combined photoacoustic and high-frequency power Doppler ultrasound imaging
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Photoacoustic imaging has emerged as a promising technique for visualizing optically absorbing structures with
ultrasonic spatial resolution. Since it relies on optical absorption of tissues, photoacoustic imaging is particularly
sensitive to vascular structures even at the micro-scale. Power Doppler ultrasound can be used to detect moving blood
irrespective of Doppler angles. However, the sensitivity may be inadequate to detect very small vessels with slow flow
velocities. In this work, we merge these two synergistic modalities and compare power Doppler ultrasound images with
high-contrast photoacoustic images. We would like to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each technique
for assessing microvascular density, an important indicator of disease status. A combined photoacoustic and highfrequency
ultrasound system has been developed. The system uses a swept-scan 25 MHz ultrasound transducer with
confocal dark-field laser illumination optics. A pulse-sequencer enables ultrasonic and laser pulses to be interlaced so
that photoacoustic and Doppler ultrasound images are co-registered. Experiments have been performed on flow
phantoms to test the capability of our system and signal processing methods. Work in progress includes in vivo color
flow mapping. This combined system will be used to perform blood oxygen saturation and flow estimations, which will
provide us with the parameters to estimate the local rate of metabolic oxygen consumption, an important indicator for
many diseases.
Dynamic optical angiography of mouse anatomy using radial projections
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We demonstrate the feasibility of optical angiography on live mice using a new photoacoustic computed tomography
(PCT) scanner. The scanner uses a sparse array of discrete ultrasound detectors geometrically arranged to capture 128
simultaneous radial "projections" through a 25-mm-diameter volume of interest. Denser sets of interleaved radial
projections are acquired by rotating the sparse array continuously about its vertical axis during data acquisition. The
device has been designed specifically for imaging laboratory mice, which remain stationary during data collection.
Angiographic data are acquired at a rate of 1280 radial projections per second following a bolus injection of 2 mg/mL of
indocyanine green (ICG).
Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy of angiogenesis in a transgenic mouse model
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A major obstacle in studying angiogenesis is the inability to noninvasively image neovascular development in an
individual animal. We applied optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) to determine the kinetics of
hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)-mediated angiogenesis in a transgenic mouse model. During continuous 30-day
activation of HIF-1α, we used OR-PAM to monitor alterations in microvasculature in transgenic mice compared to nontransgenic
mice. OR-PAM has demonstrated the potential to precisely monitor antiangiogenic therapy of human cancers,
allowing for rapid determinations of therapeutic efficacy or resistance.
Invasive and transcranial photoacoustic imaging of the vascular response to brain electrical stimulation
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Advances in the brain functional imaging greatly facilitated the understanding of neurovascular coupling. For monitoring
of the microvascular response to the brain electrical stimulation in vivo we used optical-resolution photoacoustic
microscopy (OR-PAM) through the cranial openings as well as transcranially. Both types of the vascular response,
vasoconstriction and vasodilatation, were clearly observed with good spatial and temporal resolution. Obtained results
confirm one of the primary points of the neurovascular coupling theory that blood vessels could present vasoconstriction
or vasodilatation in response to electrical stimulation, depending on the balance between inhibition and excitation of the
different parts of the elements of the neurovascular coupling system.
Intravascular and Endoscopic Imaging
Integrated catheter for intravascular ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging
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The vulnerability of atherosclerotic plaques that are formed in the arterial walls due to atherosclerosis depends on both
their distribution and composition. The distribution of the plaques can be imaged using an intravascular ultrasound
(IVUS) imaging which is a clinically approved minimally-invasive method. The recently introduced intravascular
photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging may be used to obtain the necessary information about the composition of the plaques.
Previous studies using excised rabbit arteries have demonstrated that the combined IVUS/IVPA imaging may
simultaneously provide the morphology and functional information of plaques. However, for in-vivo IVUS/IVPA
imaging, an integrated IVUS/IVPA imaging catheter capable both of delivering light into a vessel lumen with
consequent detection of photoacoustic transients and of probing the arterial walls in pulse-echo mode is required. In the
current study, an advanced prototype of the integrated IVUS/IVPA imaging catheter based on a 40-MHz single-element
ultrasound transducer and a 600-μm-core single optical fiber is introduced. Unlike previously reported prototypes, the
current integrated IVUS/IVPA imaging catheter is capable of
cross-sectional imaging of vessel walls via mechanical
rotation of the catheter. The performance of the integrated IVUS/IVPA catheter was evaluated in tissue-mimicking
phantoms with and without the presence of blood in a lumen. The results of our study suggest that the approach used to
develop integrated IVUS/IVPA imaging catheter can be successfully translated to the clinical environment for in-vivo
combined IVUS/IVPA imaging.
Design and fabrication of an integrated intravascular ultrasound/photoacoustic scan head
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The combination of intravascular ultrasound and intravascular photoacoustic imaging has been proposed. In
this study, we propose a scan head design that is sufficiently small to fit in the tip of the catheter. In
addition, the design is also suitable for ultra high frame rate imaging. The scan head consists of a single
element, ring-shaped transducer for sideward ultrasound transmission. The transducer has a diameter of
3mm. On acoustic detection, we propose the use of a polymer microring array. For demonstration purposes,
a single micro-ring is used with mechanical scanning in this study. For optical illumination, a multimode
fiber with a cone-shaped mirror is used. Note that only a single ultrasound/laser pulse is required to acquire
an ultrasound/photoacoustic image frame. Phantom imaging results are demonstrated.
Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of macrophages using molecularly targeted gold nanoparticles
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Using contrast agents with desired targeting moiety and optical absorption, intravascular photoacoustic imaging may
be used to identify various biomarkers expressed during the progression of atherosclerotic lesions. In this paper, we
present intravascular photoacoustic imaging of macrophages in the atherosclerotic lesions using bio-conjugated gold
nanoparticles as the contrast agent. Atherosclerotic lesions were created in the aorta of a New Zealand white rabbit
subjected to a high cholesterol diet and balloon injury. The rabbit was injected with 20 nm spherical gold
nanoparticles conjugated with antibodies. The macrophages with internalized gold nanoparticles were imaged by
intravascular photoacoustic imaging in the near infrared range; this was possible because of plasmon resonance
coupling between closely spaced gold nanoparticles internalized by macrophages. The multi-wavelength
intravascular photoacoustic images of the diseased aorta were analyzed to identify the presence and location of
macrophages labeled with gold nanoparticles. Spectroscopic intravascular photoacoustic image showing the
distribution of gold nanoparticles was further confirmed by the gold-specific silver staining of the tissue crosssection.
The results of our study suggest that molecular intravascular photoacoustic imaging can be used to image
macrophages in atherosclerosis.
Application of limited-view image reconstruction method to intravascular photoacoustic tomography
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Intravascular photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging that aims to detect atherosclerotic plaques with differential
composition is studied computationally and experimentally. IVPA images are usually reconstructed by simply aligning
photoacoustic signals with scan conversion, which results in images with severe blurring and increases the difficulty in
signal detection. The scanning aperture in IVPA, in contrast to other photoacoustic tomography applications, is enclosed
within the imaged object. Consequently, quantitative image reconstruction becomes infeasible, as the data sufficiency
condition for stable image reconstruction is not satisfied in such a limited-view scanning. However, useful information
regarding certain plaque boundaries can still be reconstructed, which can facilitate plaque detection. In this study,
strategies for limited-view reconstruction will be investigated for the IVPA scanning geometry. Computer simulations are
carried out to validate the developed method.
Photoacoustic imaging of lipid rich plaques in human aorta
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Recently it has been shown that multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging has the potential to discriminate between
normal and atheromatous areas of arterial tissue when operating in the 740-1300nm wavelength range. At this
wavelength range the absorption spectrum of lipids and normal arterial tissue are significantly different allowing
discrimination between one another. Also, this wavelength range has the advantage of being relatively weakly
absorbed by blood. This obviates the need for a saline flush if implemented using an intravascular imaging
probe. In this study we investigate the possibility of identifying regions of high lipid concentration from 2D
multiwavelength photoacoustic images of vascular tissue by exploiting the unique spectral features of lipids.
Recognising regions of high lipid concentration would be useful to identify plaques which are likely to rupture
(vulnerable plaques). To investigate this, samples of post mortem human aortas were imaged at a range of
near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths and compared to histology. Photoacoustic images were also obtained when
illuminating the sample through blood. This study demonstrated that lipid rich atheromatous plaques can
clearly be identified using multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging.
Volumetric photoacoustic endoscopy of internal organs: a phantom and in situ study
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In this study, we further developed our photoacoustic endoscopic system to produce three-dimensional images of
internal organs by performing pullback C-scans. Employing the side-scanning photoacoustic endoscopic probe
discussed in the Optical Society of America's journal Optics Letters, we could acquire successive B-scan images by
pulling back the probe with a motorized linear stage. We demonstrate the endoscopic system's volumetric imaging
ability through imaging of a metal wire phantom and an in situ rat rectum.
Algorithms and Models
Monte Carlo modeling for photoacoustic-based transport-regime optical property estimation
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We developed a unique reflection-mode photoacoustic technique sensitive to optical scattering in turbid media. We
focused a small laser spot on to the surface of a turbid medium and captured the photoacoustic signal by a focused
ultrasound transducer. The amplitude of the photoacoustic signal for different surface illumination spot locations is an
effective estimate of the Green's function of light transport in turbid media. Our results for different concentrations of
Intralipid indicate that this method is capable of distinguishing small changes in the reduced scattering coefficient. In
this work, we present experimental measurements for an Intralipid phantom with reduced scattering coefficients of 3, 4,
and 5 cm-1, and show that Monte Carlo simulations of light transport accurately reproduce experimental curves. This
means that we can estimate transport-regime optical properties of the media given a suitable fitting algorithm.
Photon propagation correction in 3D photoacoustic image reconstruction using Monte Carlo simulation
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a new 3-D iterative Monte Carlo algorithm to recover the
heterogeneous distribution of molecular absorbers with a solid tumor.
Introduction: Spectroscopic imaging (PCT-S) has the potential to identify a molecular species and quantify its
concentration with high spatial fidelity. To accomplish this task, tissue attenuation losses during photon propagation in
heterogeneous 3D objects is necessary. An iterative recovery algorithm has been developed to extract 3D
heterogeneous parametric maps of absorption coefficients implementing a MC algorithm based on a single source
photoacoustic scanner and to determine the influence of the reduced scattering coefficient on the uncertainty of
recovered absorption coefficient.
Material and Methods: This algorithm is tested for spheres and ellipsoids embedded in simulated mouse torso with
optical absorption values ranging from 0.01-0.5/cm, for the same objects where the optical scattering is unknown
(μs'=7-13/cm), and for a heterogeneous distribution of absorbers.
Results: Systemic and statistical errors in ma with a priori knowledge of μs' and g are <2% (sphere) and <4%
(ellipsoid) for all ma and without a priori knowledge of ms' is <3% and <6%. For heterogenenous distributions of ma,
errors are <4% and <5.5% for each object with a prior knowledge of ms' and g, and to 7 and 14% when μs' varied
from 7-13/cm.
Conclusions: A Monte Carlo code has been successfully developed and used to correct for photon propagation effects
in simulated objects consistent with tumors.
Photoacoustic image reconstruction for linear scanning geometry using particle swarm optimization method
Yae-Lin Sheu,
Weichung Wang,
Yukai Hung,
et al.
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Photoacoustic reconstruction for linear scanning geometry includes the delay-and-sum method, the
spectral-domain method and the time-domain based method. In practice, the data collection using the planar detection
geometry is not full-view, causing the details of the reconstructed object to be blurred and distorted. In addition to the
exact formulation, we adopt a heuristic reconstruction method. In this paper, we demonstrate photoacoustic
reconstruction for linear scanning geometry by formulating the image reconstruction into an optimization problem, and
solve the problem with the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. In this method, first we guess the initial optical
energy distribution. According to photoacoustic model, described by the Helmholtz equation, the generated
photoacoustic wave can be collected with planar detection geometry. The spherical Radon transform is adopted for the
simulation of arbitrarily guessed optical energy distribution. Next we compare the collected signals generated from the
guessed optical energy distribution with the measured signals by the sum of squared differences. By minimizing the error
sum among various guesses, the initial optical energy distribution is obtained. In this regard, no limited-view is
encountered. To guess the initial distribution efficiently such that the sum of the squared differences is minimized is an
optimization problem with the dimension of unknowns being the size of the initial optical energy distribution. PSO is a
derivative-free and population-based stochastic method that has been used to solve various optimization problems due to
its simplicity and efficiency. High computational costs aroused from a large number of particles required can be
alleviated with the use of the graphic processing units (GPUs). The proposed reconstruction method based on the PSO
algorithm along with the spherical Radon transform is implemented on a NVIDIA Telsa C1060 GPU.
Effect of sensor directionality on photoacoustic imaging: a study using the k-wave toolbox
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Most image reconstruction algorithms for biomedical photoacoustic tomography make the assumption that the
optically-generated ultrasonic waves are recorded by pressure detectors with an omni-directional response. In
other words, the detectors are assumed to sample the pressure field exactly at a point. In practice this is
rarely the case as real detectors have a finite size and often respond not purely to pressure changes but to some
combination of acoustic pressure and pressure gradient (or other derivatives). This can make them less sensitive
to pressure waves at some angles. The effect of this sensor directionality on photoacoustic tomography was
considered here for the case of time-reversal image reconstruction. The ultrasound simulation toolbox k-Wave
was used to perform the study.
Compressed sensing in photoacoustic tomography with in vivo experiments
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The data acquisition speed in photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is limited by the laser repetition
rate and the number of parallel ultrasound detecting channels. Reconstructing PACT image with a less number of
measurements can effectively accelerate the data acquisition and reduce the system cost. Recently emerged
Compressed Sensing (CS) theory enables us to reconstruct a compressible image with a small number of projections.
This paper adopts the CS theory for reconstruction in PACT. The idea is implemented as a non-linear conjugate
gradient descent algorithm and tested with phantom and in vivo experiments.
Monte Carlo simulations of acousto-optics with microbubbles
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Acousto-optic (AO) signals can be very weak and the aim of this work was to investigate their amplification using
microbubbles. The acoustic pressure radiated by the microbubbles produces refractive index changes in the surrounding
medium, and this is proposed as an additional mechanism which modulates the phase of photons. The analytical form of
this additional modulation is derived based on the Rayleigh-Plesset equation, which describes microbubble oscillations,
in the case where the microbubble oscillations are linear under low applied ultrasound pressure. We show that
microbubbles can increase the modulation depth of the AO signal using Monte Carlo simulations. The increase in
modulation depth is dependent on the applied ultrasound frequency and the resonance frequency of the microbubbles.
Prediction of sensitivity thresholds in optoacoustic tomography
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Since optoacoustic tomography is considered a high-resolution modality, determination of the absolute detection limit, as
it relates to the sensitivity of biomarker detection is not straightforward. This is due to the fact that experimental
determination of the sensitivity as a function of target size remains difficult since no established technique exists so far to
reproducibly create very small targets containing well-defined concentrations of markers. We combine theoretical
analysis with imaging results for large amounts of the marker and place the measured value on the appropriate
parameter-dependent signal intensity curve. A performance estimate of the particular experimental system and the
expected signal-to-noise-ratio for smaller amounts of markers can then be made.
Novel Detectors and Methods
Polymer fiber detectors for photoacoustic imaging
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Photoacoustic imaging is a novel imaging method for medical and biological applications, combining the advantages
of Diffuse Optical Imaging (high contrast) and Ultrasonic Imaging (high spatial resolution). A short laser
pulse hits the sample. The absorbed energy causes a thermoelastic expansion and thereby launches a broadband
ultrasonic wave (photoacoustic signal). The distribution of absorbed energy density is reconstructed from
measurements of the photoacoustic signals around the sample. For collecting photoacoustic signals either point
like or extended, integrating detectors can be used. The latter integrate the pressure at least in one dimension,
e.g. along a line. Thereby, the three dimensional imaging problem is reduced to a two dimensional problem.
For a tomography device consisting of a scanning line detector and a rotating sample, fiber-based detectors
made of polymer have been recently introduced. Fiber-based detectors are easy to use and possess a constant,
high spatial resolution over their entire active length. Polymer fibers provide a better impedance matching and
a better handling compared with glass fibers which were our first approach. First measurement results using
polymer fiber detectors and some approaches for improving the performance are presented.
Novel fiber optic interferometric sensors for optoaoustic imaging
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A non-metallic interferometric silica optical fiber ultrasonic wideband sensor is presented for optoacustic imaging
applications. We characterized the ultrasonic sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor within the frequency range of 1 to 5
MHz. We compared detection of real world optoacoustic signals, generated from an optically absorbing object embedded
in a tissue mimicking phantom, between our sensor and an array of piezoelectric transducers. Reconstructed two
dimensional acoustic images of the phantom are presented and compared with images obtained with the Laser
Optoacoustic Imaging System, LOIS-64B, demonstrating the feasibility of our fiber optic sensor as a wideband
ultrasonic sensor.
Image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography using integrating detectors accounting for frequency-dependent attenuation
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Photoacoustic Imaging (also known as thermoacoustic or optoacoustic imaging) is a novel imaging method which
combines the advantages of Diffuse Optical Imaging (high contrast) and Ultrasonic Imaging (high spatial resolution). A
short laser pulse excites the sample. The absorbed energy causes a thermoelastic expansion and thereby launches a
broadband ultrasonic wave (photoacoustic signal). This way one can measure the optical contrast of a sample with
ultrasonic resolution. For collecting photoacoustic signals our group introduced so called integrating detectors a few
years ago. Such integrating detectors integrate the pressure in one or two dimensions -a line or a plane detector,
respectively. Thereby the three dimensional imaging problem is reduced to a two or a one dimensional problem for the
projections and a two or three dimensional inverse radon transform as a second step to get the three dimensional initial
pressure distribution. The integrating detectors are mainly optical detectors and thus can provide a high bandwidth up to
several 100 MHz. Using these detectors the resolution is often limited by the acoustic attenuation in the sample itself,
because attenuation increases with higher frequencies.
Stoke's equation describes the attenuation of photoacoustic generated waves in liquids very well, which results in an
increase of the acoustic attenuation with the square of the frequency. For fat tissue an absorption coefficient which is
approximately linear proportional to frequency is reported. Presented measurements give an exponential power law
dependency with an exponent between 1.31 and 1.36 in fat tissue near the skin of a pig.
These equations describing frequency dependent acoustic attenuation have been solved in the past by decomposing the
pressure wave into plane waves damped in space, described by the complex part of the wave number equal to the
attenuation coefficient. One main result of this paper is that for Photoacoustic Tomography another description seems to
be very useful: like for a standing wave in a resonator the wave number is real but the frequency is complex. The
complex part of the frequency is the damping in time. Both descriptions are equivalent, but with the complex frequency
description acoustic attenuation can be included in all "k-space" methods well known in Photoacoustic Tomography just
by introducing a factor describing the exponential decay in time.
Compensation for transducer effects in optoacoustic tomography
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Optoacoustic Tomography (OAT) is a hybrid imaging modality that combines the advantages of both optical
imaging and ultrasound imaging techniques. Most existing reconstruction algorithms for OAT assume pointlike
transducers, which may result in conspicous image blurring and distortions in certain applications. In this
work, a new imaging model that incorporates the transducer response is employed for image reconstruction.
Computer-simulation studies demonstrate that the new reconstruction method can effectively compensate for
image resolution degradation associated with the transducer response.
Using a phase contrast imaging method in photoacoustic tomography
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To speed up the data acquisition in photoacoustic tomography full field detection can be used to avoid the time
consuming scanning around the object. The full field detection is realized using a phase contrast method like commonly
used in optical microscopy. An expanded light beam considerably larger than the object size illuminates the sample
placed in the middle of the propagating light beam. Images obtained with a CCD-camera at a certain time show a
projection of the instantaneous pressure field (phase object) in a given direction. The reconstruction method is related to
imaging with integrating line detectors, but has to be matched to the specific information in the recorded images, which
is now purely spatially resolved as opposed to spatiotemporally for a single scanning detector. The reconstruction of the
projection images of the initial pressure distribution is done by back propagating the observed wave pattern in Radon
space. Numerical simulations and experiments are performed to show the overall adaptability of this technique in
photoacoustic tomography.
Improved contrast optoacoustic imaging of deep breast tumors using displacement-compensated averaging: phantom studies
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For real-time optoacoustic imaging of the human body, a linear array transducer and reflection mode optical
irradiation is usually preferred. Such a setup, however, results in significant image background, which prevents
imaging structures at the ultimate depth limited only by the signal noise level. Therefore we previously
proposed a method for image background reduction, based on displacement-compensated averaging (DCA) of
image series obtained when the tissue sample under investigation is gradually deformed. Optoacoustic signals
and background signals are differently affected by the deformation and can thus be distinguished. The proposed
method has now been applied to imaging artificial tumors embedded inside breast phantoms. Optoacoustic
images are acquired alternately with pulse-echo images using a combined optoacoustic/ echo-ultrasound device.
Tissue deformation is accessed via speckle tracking in pulse echo images, and optoacoustic images are
compensated for the local tissue displacement. In that way optoacoustic sources are highly correlated between
subsequent images, while background is decorrelated and can therefore be reduced by averaging. We show that
breast image contrast is strongly improved and detectability of embedded tumors significantly increased, using
the DCA method.
Sparse signal representation at the service of quantitative optoacoustic tomography
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We report on a new method for extraction of quantified optical absorption maps of scattering and absorbing media
using sparse representation, a relatively recent and fast emerging technique in the field of signal processing. The
tomographic reconstruction is facilitated by assuming slow spatial variations of illuminating optical field along with
relatively sharp changes in optical absorption coefficient. As opposed to previous approaches that utilize photon
transport equation in order to correct images for inhomogeneous light distribution within the imaged object, the method
herein provides an estimate for photon fluence directly from the recorded optoacoustic signals. In this way a robust
quantitative performance is achieved without prior knowledge of illumination geometry and optical properties of the
The integration of photoacoustic imaging and high intensity focused ultrasound
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We have developed an integrated photoacoustic imaging (PAI) and high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) system for
solid tumor treatment. A single-element, spherically focused ultrasonic transducer, with a central frequency of 5MHz,
was used to generate a HIFU field in soft tissue. The same ultrasonic transducer was also used as a detector during
photoacoustic imaging before and after HIFU treatments. During each experiment, targeted soft tissue was first imaged
by PAI. The resulted image was used for the planning of subsequent HIFU treatment. After HIFU treatment, the sample
was imaged again by PAI to evaluate the treatment result. Good contrast was obtained between photoacoustic images
before and after HIFU treatment. It is concluded that PA imaging technology may potentially be combined with HIFU
treatment for imaging-guided therapy.
3D Microscopy
Multimodal simultaneous photoacoustic tomography, optical resolution microscopy, and OCT system
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A novel combined photoacoustic tomography (PAT), optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (ORPAM) and
optical coherence tomography (OCT) instrument has been developed for imaging biological tissues. The system is
based on the use of a Fabry-Perot (FP) polymer film ultrasound sensor. This is designed to be transparent to
wavelengths between 590nm and 1200nm so that photoacoustic excitation laser pulses in this spectral range can be
transmitted through the sensor into the underlying tissue to allow backward mode operation. The dual PAT-ORPAM
capability of the system was demonstrated by imaging a tissue phantom composed of 7μm diameter carbon fibres
immersed in an optically scattering liquid. The lateral and vertical spatial resolutions in ORPAM mode are
approximately 7μm and 10μm respectively for sub-mm depths. In PAT mode, the lateral spatial resolution is less than
50μm for depths up to 5mm and the vertical resolution is approximately 10μm. The transparent nature of the FP
polymer film ultrasound sensor offers a convenient platform for combining other optical imaging modalities with PAT
and ORPAM. To illustrate this, a frequency-domain OCT system operating at 1060nm was integrated into the system
and combined PAT/OCT images of the skin of a mouse were obtained in vivo.
Photoacoustic microtomography: system characterization and first results on biological specimens
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A device for three-dimensional (3D) photoacoustic tomography with resolution in the range of tens of micrometers is
presented. It is based on a focused laser beam as detector, which propagates near the imaging object in a water bath and
is part of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. By scanning the beam relative to the object, data for 3D image reconstruction
are acquired. Using a phantom consisting of human hairs, the resolution of the setup is demonstrated. Using a flea and an
excised mouse heart as samples, the imaging capabilities of the device for complex biological objects are shown.
Photoacoustic microscopy with submicron resolution
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We show that it is possible to obtain high optical contrast photoacoustic images of tissue with 0.55 μm transverse
resolution. To achieve high sensitivity, we used a high NA (0.85), 125 MHz spherically focused ultrasonic transducer in
a confocal arrangement with a high resolution optical objective (NA=0.6). Laser pulses of a few nJ in pulse energy with
durations of 1.5 ns at a 20 KHz pulse repetition rate were used to generate photoacoustic waves. Although the
penetration depth is limited to hundreds of microns by both optical scattering and ultrasonic absorption, the developed
technique can compete with optical microscopy, for example, in quantitative spectral measurements, in microcirculation
research, or in nanoparticle detection.
High repetition rate passively Q-switched fiber and microchip lasers for optical resolution photoacoustic imaging
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Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy is a novel imaging technology for visualizing optically-absorbing
superficial structures in vivo with lateral spatial resolution determined by optical focusing rather than acoustic detection.
Since scanning of the illumination spot is required, the imaging speed is limited by the scanning speed and the laser
pulse repetition rate. Unfortunately, lasers with high-repetition rate and suitable pulse durations and energies are
difficult to find. We are developing compact laser sources for this application. Passively Q-switched fiber and microchip
lasers with pulse repetition rates up to 300 kHz are demonstrated. Using a diode-pumped microchip laser fiber-coupled
to a large mode-area Yb-doped fiber amplifier we obtained 60μJ
1-ns pulses at the frequency-doubled 532-nm
wavelength. The pulse-repetition rate was determined by the power of the microchip laser pump source at 808nm and
may exceed 10 kHz. Additionally, a passively Q-switched fiber laser utilizing a Yb-doped double-cladding fiber and an
external saturable absorber has shown to produce 250ns pulses at repetition rates of 100-300 KHz. A photoacoustic
probe enabling flexible scanning of the focused output of these lasers consisted of a 45-degree glass prism in an optical
index-matching fluid. Photoacoustic signals exiting the sample are deflected by the prism to an ultrasound transducer.
Phantom studies with a 7.5-micron carbon fiber demonstrate the ability to image with optical rather than acoustic
resolution. We believe that the high pulse-repetition rates and the potentially compact and fiber-coupled nature of these
lasers will prove important for clinical imaging applications where realtime imaging performance is essential.
Fine-resolution photoacoustic imaging of the eye
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Purpose: Ultrasound and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are widely used techniques for diagnostic imaging
of the eye. OCT provides excellent resolution, but limited penetration. Ultrasound provides better penetration, but an
order-of-magnitude poorer resolution than OCT. Photoacoustic imaging is relatively insensitive to scattering, and so
offers a potential means to image deeper than OCT. Furthermore, photoacoustic imaging detects optical absorption,
a parameter that is independent of that detected by conventional ultrasound or OCT. Our aim was to develop a
photoacoustic system suitable for imaging the eye.
Methods: We developed a prototype system utilizing a focused 20 MHz ultrasound probe with a central aperture
through which optics were introduced. The prototype system produced 1-μJ, 5-nsec pulses at 532 or 1064 nm with a
20-μm spot size at a 500 Hz repetition rate. The photoacoustic probe was mounted onto computer-controlled linear
stages and pulse-echo ultrasound and photoacoustic images obtained on ex vivo pig eyes and in vivo mouse eyes.
Results: Lateral resolution was significantly improved by use of a laser spot size much smaller than the acoustic
beamwidth. Photoacoustic signals were obtained primarily from melanin in ex vivo tissues and from melanin and
hemoglobin in vivo. Image fusion allowed superposition of photoacoustic signals upon the anatomic features
detected by conventional ultrasound.
Conclusion: Photoacoustic imaging detects the presence of clinically relevant pigments, such as melanin and oxyand
deoxy-hemoglobin, and, potentially, from other pathologic pigments occurring in disease conditions (tumors,
nevii, macular degeneration). Fine-resolution photoacoustic data provides information not detected in current
ophthalmic imaging modalities.
In vivo functional human imaging using photoacoustic microscopy: response to ischemic and thermal stimuli
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We report results of two in vivo functional human imaging experiments using photoacoustic microscopy. In Experiment
1, the hemodynamic response to an ischemic event was measured. The palm of a volunteer was imaged and a single
cross-section was monitored while periodic arterial occlusions were administered using a blood pressure cuff wrapped
around the upper arm and inflated to ~280 mmHg. Significant relative decreases in oxygen saturation (sO2) and total
hemoglobin (HbT) were observed during periods of ischemia. Upon release of the occlusion, significant relative
increases in sO2 and HbT due to post-occlusive reactive hyperemia were recorded. Experiment 2 explored the vascular
response to a local, external thermal stimulus. Thermal hyperemia is a common physiological phenomenon and
thermoregulation function in which blood flow to the skin is increased to more efficiently exchange heat with the
ambient environment. The forearm of a volunteer was imaged and a single cross-section was monitored while the
imaged surface was exposed to an elevated temperature of ~46°C. Due to thermal hyperemia, relative increases in sO2
and HbT were measured as the temperature of the surface was raised. These results may contribute as clinically relevant
measures of vascular functioning for detection and assessment of vascular related diseases.
Off-axis photoacoustic microscopy
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Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) is a high-contrast, high-resolution imaging modality used primarily for imaging
hemoglobin and melanin. Important applications include mapping of the microvasculature and melanoma tumor
margins. We have developed a novel photoacoustic microscope design, which substantially simplifies construction by
enabling the use of unmodified commercial optics and ultrasonic transducers. Moreover, the simple design may be
readily incorporated into a standard light microscope, thus providing a familiar imaging platform for clinical researchers.
A proof-of-concept Off-Axis PAM system with a lateral resolution of 26 μm and a modest axial resolution of 410 μm
has been assembled and characterized using tissue samples. We have derived the appropriate equations to describe the
relevant design parameters and verified the equations via measurements made on our prototype Off-Axis PAM system.
A consequence of the simple design is a reduction in axial resolution compared to coaxial designs. The reduction is
inversely proportional to the cosine of the angle between excitation and detection and equal to 15% and 41% for angles
of 30º and 45º, respectively. While resolution is negatively affected by off-axis detection, the ability to measure weak
signals at depth is enhanced. Off-axis detection has an inherent dark-field quality; chromophores excited outside the
numerical aperture of the ultrasonic detector will not be detected. The physical geometry of Off-Axis PAM enables the
placement of the ultrasonic transducer at the minimum distance from the sample with no obstructions between the
sample and transducer. This may prove to be an additional advantage of Off-Axis PAM over designs that incorporate
long working distance ultrasonic transducers and/or require the propagation of the acoustic wave through the laser
excitation optics to achieve co-axial detection.
Gigahertz optoacoustic imaging for cellular imaging
Min Rui,
Sankar Narashimhan,
Wolfgang Bost,
et al.
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Photoacoustic imaging exploits contrast mechanisms that depend on optical and thermomechanical properties of
optical absorbers. The photoacoustic signal bandwidth is dictated by the absorber size and the laser pulse width. In this
work we demonstrate that photoacoustic signals can be detected from micron and sub-micron particles. We anticipate
applications to include cellular imaging with nanometer sized contrast agents such as gold nanoshells, nanorods, and
An existing acoustic microscopy system was used (the SASAM 1000, kibero GmbH). This platform is developed on
an Olympus IX81 optical microscope with a rotating column that has an optical condenser for transmission optical
microscopy and an acoustic module for the acoustic microscopy. The adapted optoacoustic module consists of a Qswitched
Nd:YAG solid-state-laser (Teem Photonics, France) generating
sub-nanosecond pulses. Scans were acquired of
microparticles (1 μm black Toner particles) and cells.
The confocal arrangement allowed high signal to noise ratio photoacoustic signals (>30 dB) to be detected at
approximately 400 MHz. The particles of various sizes produced signals of different frequency content. In imaging
mode, the full width half maximum (FWHM) was measured to be 3.6 μm for the 400 MHz transducer which is in
general agreement theory for a 0.3 NA objective (4.3μm). Moreover, images are generated from single melanoma cells,
generated by the endogenous contrast from the intracellular melanin.
Contrast Agents and Nanoparticles
Quantitative photoacoustic measurement of blood oxygen saturation in vivo aided by an optical contrast agent
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The characteristic absorption spectrum of hemoglobin depends upon the amount of oxygen the hemoglobin carries. This
property of the hemoglobin enables one to image blood oxygen saturation distribution in biological tissues by using
spectroscopic photoacoustic tomography. In photoacoustic imaging, the amplitude of photoacoustic signal induced by
optical absorption is proportional to light energy deposition which is the product of the optical absorption coefficient and
local light fluence at the imaging target. Since the attenuation of light in biological tissues are wavelength dependent, the
spectrum of local light fluence at a target tissue beneath the sample surface is different from the spectrum of the incident
light fluence above the surface. An unknown spectrum of the light fluence in the sample prevents us from obtaining
quantitative functional images such as oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration in the sample by photoacoustic
tomography. We developed a new technique of using an optical contrast agent with known optical absorption spectrum
to obtain the accurate spectrum of light fluence at a subsurface target tissue such as a blood vessel beneath the sample
surface. The technique has been validated by obtaining an accurate absorption spectrum of a micro-flow vessel buried in
strong optical scattering media including diluted whole milk and chicken breast tissue. In this work, we further explored
the capability of this technique through the experiments on tissue mimicking phantoms and living animals. By using this
technique we were able to obtain accurate blood oxygen saturation in vessels buried at different depths in an optical
scattering medium. Also, the oxygenation levels in main arteries in rat tails have been quantified more accurately in a
noninvasive manner.
Enhanced detection of circulating melanoma cells using gold nanoparticles as photoacoustic contrasting agents
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Nanotechnology and the various properties of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are quickly changing the field of cancer
detection and treatment. Photoacoustic detection methods show an increase in sensitivity using gold nanoparticle
antibody conjugation, which selectively targets melanoma cancer cells. Instead of targeting melanoma tumors,
we tag single cells, analogous to circulating metastatic melanoma cells. Using an in vitro, stationary cell system
and planar samples, we demonstrate an average of 24% improved optical detectability of melanoma cells tagged
with AuNPs over unprocessed melanoma cells. Tagged cells showed a raised plateau of absorbance from 470nm
to 550nm. Untagged cells showed a general decline in absorption as wavelength increased. The results of our
study have the potential to not only better develop photoacoustic detection of melanoma, but also extend the
viability and use of photoacoustics into detection of otherwise unpigmented cancers.
Nanoparticle-targeted photoacoustic cavitation for tissue imaging
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Photoacoustic tomography is a non-invasive imaging technique based on the detection of broadband acoustic emissions
generated by the absorption of light in tissue. This technique utilises the high contrast of optical imaging with high
resolution from ultrasound imaging. However, the ability to detect these emissions above the noise level ultimately limits
the depth to which imaging can be performed. Introduction of light-absorbing gold nanoparticles can improve the
signal-to-noise ratio in tissue, through greater optical absorption and targeting specific cell populations, thereby
enhancing contrast and the ability to delineate tissue types. For sufficiently high laser fluence incident on a nanoparticle,
a transient vapour cavity is formed and undergoes inertial collapse, generating a broadband emission and possibly
additional contrast. However, the laser fluence required to achieve this typically exceeds the maximum permissible
exposure (MPE) for tissue. Through the combination of ultrasonic and optical pulses, the light and sound thresholds
required to repeatedly generate inertial cavitation were reduced to 11.1 mJ/cm2 and 1.5 MPa respectively. Experiments
employed a transparent acrylamide gel possessing a small (<600 μm) spherical region doped with 80 nm diameter gold
nanoparticles and simultaneously exposed to pulsed laser light (532 nm) and pulsed ultrasound (1.1 MHz). The
amplitude of broadband emissions induced by both light and sound exceeded that produced by light alone by almost two
orders of magnitude, thereby facilitating imaging a deeper depth within tissue. 2D images of doped regions generated
from conventional photoacoustic and ultrasound-enhanced emissions are presented and compared.
Integration of photoacoustic, ultrasound, and magnetomotive system
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Ultrasonic (US) imaging is the most common real-time modality, providing multiple dimensional changes in
morphology for clinical practice. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging has demonstrated great promise as a new functional and
molecular imaging tool. However, absorption in background tissue also generates a PA signal and limits the specific
contrast of molecular contrast agents. To increase the linear range of these agents, the background must be suppressed.
Magnetic nanoparticles provide a new possibility to increase contrast by magnetomotive manipulation during imaging.
A multi-functional imaging system integrating US and PA imaging with magnetic manipulation can take advantage of
each single modality by providing anatomical images and molecular function with greater contrast. However, one key
issue for multi-functional imaging is how to spatially combine and temporarily synchronize US and PA imaging with
magnetomotive instrumentation. In this study, we built a simple system to integrate US and PA imaging with
magnetomotive capability. We evaluated this system by measuring the motion of a phantom including magnetic
nanoparticles (MNPs) using US when these particles were subjected to a time-varying magnetic field.
Carbon nanotubes for thermoacoustic contrast enhancement: preliminary results
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The unique electrical properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes make them good candidates for thermoacoustic
contrast agents. Theoretical considerations suggest that nanotubes are capable of greatly increasing a material's
absorption of electromagnetic radiation. We describe these properties and discuss our measurements of aqueous
nanotube solutions and nanotube-infused tissue mimicking phantoms. We discuss results and the difficulties currently
associated with making these measurements on nanotubes.
Diagnostic Imaging
In vivo photoacoustic and ultrasonic mapping of rat sentinel lymph nodes with a modified commercial ultrasound imaging system
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Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has become the standard method for axillary staging in breast cancer patients,
relying on invasive identification of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) following injection of blue dye and radioactive tracers.
While SLNB achieves a low false negative rate (5-10%), it is an invasive procedure requiring ionizing radiation. As an
alternative to SLNB, ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy has been tested clinically. However, ultrasound
alone is unable to accurately identify which lymph nodes are sentinel. Therefore, a non-ionizing and noninvasive
detection method for accurate SLN mapping is needed.
In this study, we successfully imaged methylene blue dye accumulation in vivo in rat axillary lymph nodes using a
Phillips iU22 ultrasound imaging system adapted for photoacoustic imaging with an Nd:YAG pumped, tunable dye
laser. Photoacoustic images of rat SLNs clearly identify methylene blue dye accumulation within minutes following
intradermal dye injection and co-registered photoacoustic/ultrasound images illustrate lymph node position relative to
surrounding anatomy. To investigate clinical translation, the imaging depth was extended up to 2.5 cm by adding
chicken breast tissue on top of the rat skin surface. These results raise confidence that photoacoustic imaging can be used
clinically for accurate, noninvasive SLN mapping.
Imaging hypoxia using 3D photoacoustic spectroscopy
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Purpose: The objective is to develop a multivariate in vivo hemodynamic model of tissue oxygenation
(MiHMO2) based on 3D photoacoustic spectroscopy.
Introduction: Low oxygen levels, or hypoxia, deprives cancer cells of oxygen and confers resistance to
irradiation, some chemotherapeutic drugs, and oxygen-dependent therapies (phototherapy) leading to
treatment failure and poor disease-free and overall survival. For example, clinical studies of patients with
breast carcinomas, cervical cancer, and head and neck carcinomas (HNC) are more likely to suffer local
reoccurrence and metastasis if their tumors are hypoxic. A novel method to non invasively measure tumor
hypoxia, identify its type, and monitor its heterogeneity is devised by measuring tumor hemodynamics,
Material and Methods: Simulations are performed to compare tumor pO2 levels and hypoxia based on
physiology - perfusion, fractional plasma volume, fractional cellular volume - and its hemoglobin status -
oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration - based on in vivo measurements of breast, prostate, and
ovarian tumors. Simulations of MiHMO2 are performed to assess the influence of scanner resolutions and
different mathematic models of oxygen delivery.
Results: Sensitivity of pO2 and hypoxic fraction to photoacoustic scanner resolution and dependencies on
model complexity will be presented using hemodynamic parameters for different tumors.
Conclusions: Photoacoustic CT spectroscopy provides a unique ability to monitor hemodynamic and
cellular physiology in tissue, which can be used to longitudinally monitor tumor oxygenation and its
response to anti-angiogenic therapies.
Photoacoustic imaging of vascular networks in transgenic mice
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The preferential absorption of near infrared light by blood makes photoacoustic imaging well suited to visualising
vascular structures in soft tissue. In addition, the spectroscopic specificity of tissue chromophores can be exploited by
acquiring images at multiple excitation wavelengths. This allows the quantification of endogenous chromophores, such
as oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin, and hence blood oxygenation, and the detection of exogenous chromophores, such as
functionalised contrast agents. More importantly, this approach has the potential to visualise the spatial distribution of
low concentrations of functionalised contrast agents against the strong background absorption of the endogenous
chromophores. This has a large number of applications in the life sciences. One example is the structural and functional
phenotyping of transgenic mice for the study of the genetic origins of vascular malformations, such as heart defects. In
this study, photoacoustic images of mouse embryos have been acquired to study the development of the vasculature
following specific genetic knockouts.
Optoacoustic imaging of an animal model of prostate cancer
Michelle P. Patterson,
Michel Arsenault,
Chris Riley D.V.M.,
et al.
Show abstract
Prostate cancer is currently the most common cancer among Canadian men. Due to an increase in public awareness and
screening, prostate cancer is being detected at earlier stages and in much younger men. This is raising the need for better
treatment monitoring approaches. Optoacoustic imaging is a new technique that involves exposing tissues to pulsed light
and detecting the acoustic waves generated by the tissue. Optoacoustic images of a tumour bearing mouse and an agematched
control were acquired for a 775 nm illumination using a reverse-mode imaging system. A murine model of
prostate cancer, TRAMP (transgenetic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate), was investigated. The results show an
increase in optoacoustic signal generated by the tumour compared to that generated by the surrounding tissues with a
contrast ratio of 3.5. The dimensions of the tumour in the optoacoustic image agreed with the true tumour dimensions to
within 0.5 mm. In this study we show that there are detectable changes in optoacoustic signal strength that arise from
the presence of a tumour in the prostate, which demonstrates the potential of optoacoustic imaging for the monitoring of
prostate cancer therapy.
Photoacoustic diagnosis of edema in rat burned skin
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Diagnosis of edema, abnormal accumulation of water in tissue, is important for managing various traumatic injuries and
diseases. However, there is no established method for real-time, noninvasive monitoring of edema. In severe extensive
burn injuries, edema develops both topically and systemically due to the increased permeability of blood vessels. In this
study, we examined photoacoustic (PA) monitoring of edema formed in rat burn models. Deep dermal burn with a 20%
total body surface area was made in the dorsal skin of rats. Burn and its adjacent nonburn tissues were irradiated with
6-ns light pulses at 1430 nm, which is one of the absorption peak wavelengths of water in the near infrared. The PA signal
amplitude increased until 12 - 24 hr postburn, and thereafter it gradually decreased to its initial level; the latter phase
(after 24 hr postburn) coincided with a diuretic phase in the rats. There was a significant correlation between the PA
signal amplitudes and water contents in the tissue measured by wet/dry weight method. These findings demonstrate the
validity of PA measurement for real-time, noninvasive monitoring of edema.
Detection and capture of single circulating melanoma cells using photoacoustic flowmetry
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Photoacoustic flowmetry has been used to detect single circulating melanoma cells in vitro. Circulating melanoma cells
are those cells that travel in the blood and lymph systems to create secondary tumors and are the hallmark of metastasis.
This technique involves taking blood samples from patients, separating the white blood and melanoma cells from whole
blood and irradiating them with a pulsed laser in a flowmetry set up. Rapid, visible wavelength laser pulses on the order
of 5 ns can induce photoacoustic waves in melanoma cells due to their melanin content, while surrounding white blood
cells remain acoustically passive. We have developed a system that identifies rare melanoma cells and captures them in
50 microliter volumes using suction applied near the photoacoustic detection chamber. The 50 microliter sample is then
diluted and the experiment is repeated using the new sample until only a melanoma cell remains. We have tested this
system on dyed microspheres ranging in size from 300 to 500 microns. Capture of circulating melanoma cells may
provide the opportunity to study metastatic cells for basic understanding of the spread of cancer and to optimize patient
specific therapies.
Optoacoustic 13C-breath test analyzer
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The composition and concentration of exhaled volatile gases reflects the physical ability of a patient. Therefore, a breath
analysis allows to recognize an infectious disease in an organ or even to identify a tumor. One of the most prominent
breath tests is the 13C-urea-breath test, applied to ascertain the presence of the bacterium helicobacter pylori in the
stomach wall as an indication of a gastric ulcer. In this contribution we present a new optical analyzer that employs a
compact and simple set-up based on photoacoustic spectroscopy. It consists of two identical photoacoustic cells
containing two breath samples, one taken before and one after capturing an isotope-marked substrate, where the most
common isotope 12C is replaced to a large extent by 13C. The analyzer measures simultaneously the relative CO2
isotopologue concentrations in both samples by exciting the molecules on specially selected absorption lines with a
semiconductor laser operating at a wavelength of 2.744 μm. For a reliable diagnosis changes of the 13CO2 concentration
of 1% in the exhaled breath have to be detected at a concentration level of this isotope in the breath of about 500 ppm.
Photoacoustic detection of hemozoin in human mononuclear cells as an early indicator of malaria infection
Jonathan R. Custer,
Michael Kariuki,
Brenda T. Beerntsen,
et al.
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Malaria is a blood borne infection affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide2. The parasites reproduce within
the blood cells, eventually causing their death and lysis. This process releases the parasites into the blood, continuing the
cycle of infection. Usually, malaria is diagnosed only after a patient presents symptoms, including high fever, nausea,
and, in advanced cases, coma and death. While invading the bloodstream of a host, malaria parasites convert hemoglobin
into an insoluble crystal, known as hemozoin. These crystals, approximately several hundred nanometers in size, are
contained within red blood cells and white blood cells that ingest free hemozoin in the blood. Thus, infected red blood
cells and white blood cells contain a unique optical absorber that can be detected in blood samples using static
photoacoustic detection methods. We separated the white blood cells from malaria infected blood and tested it in a
photoacoustic set up using a tunable laser system consisting of an optical parametric oscillator pumped by an Nd:YAG
laser with pulse duration of 5 ns. Our threshold of detection was 10 infected white blood cells per microliter, which is
more sensitive than current diagnosis methods using microscopic analysis of blood.
Sensing and Characterization
Noninvasive optoacoustic monitoring platform: clinical studies
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We developed a multiparameter, noninvasive, optoacoustic diagnostic platform that will accurately and continuously
measure total hemoglobin concentration, venous oxyhemoglobin saturation (both cerebral and internal jugular), and
other important physiological parameters in large populations of patients. We built optoacoustic systems for monitoring
of these parameters and performed clinical tests of the systems including highly-portable laser diode-based systems. We
will report results of the clinical studies performed by our group to demonstrate the capabilities of the optoacoustic
platform for noninvasive monitoring of multiple physiological parameters. Our data indicate that the accuracy of the
optoacoustic measurements is approaching that of "gold standard" invasive techniques.
Novel focused optoacoustic transducers for accurate monitoring of total hemoglobin concentration and oxyhemoglobin saturation: pre-clinical and clinical tests
Show abstract
We developed an optoacoustic technique for noninvasive, accurate, and continuous monitoring of total hemoglobin
concentration and venous oxyhemoglobin saturation by probing specific blood vessels. In this work we report the
development and tests of novel, focused optoacoustic transducers that provide blood vessel probing with sub-millimeter
lateral resolution. The focused transducers were incorporated in our highly portable, laser diode-based optoacoustic
monitoring system for pre-clinical and clinical tests. Our studies demonstrated that: 1) the focused transducer response is
linearly dependent on blood total hemoglobin concentration with a high correlation coefficient; and 2) the sub-millimeter
lateral resolution provided higher specificity of blood vessel probing, in particular, for smaller blood vessels such as the
radial artery (diameter 2-3 mm).
Effects of radiation on tumor hemodynamics and NF-kappaB in breast tumors
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to monitor in vivo the IR dose dependent response of NF-κB and tumor
hemodynamics as a function of time.
Material and Methods: An MDA-231 breast cancer cell line was stably transfected with a firefly luciferase gene
within the NF-kappaB promoter. Tumors on the right flank irradiated with a single fractionated dose of 5Gy or 10Gy.
Over two weeks, photoacoustic spectroscopy (PCT-S), bioluminescence imaging (BLI), and dynamic contrast
enhanced CT (DCE-CT) was used to monitor hemoglobin status, NF-kappaB expression, and physiology, respectively.
Results: From the BLI, an increase in NF-kappaB expression was observed in both the right (irradiation) and left (nonirradiated)
tumors, which peaked at 8-12 hours, returned to basal levels after 24 hours, and increased a second time
from 3 to 7 days. This data identifies both a radiation-induced bystander effect and a bimodal longitudinal response
associated with NF-κB-controlled luciferase promoter. The physiological results from DCE-CT measured an increase
in perfusion (26%) two days after radiation and both a decrease in perfusion and an increase in fp by week 1 (10Gy
cohort). PCT-S measured increased levels of oxygen saturation two days post IR, which did not change after 1 week.
Initially, NF-κB would modify hemodynamics to increase oxygen delivery after IR insult. The secondary response
appears to modulate tumor angiogenesis.
Conclusions: A bimodal response to radiation was detected with NF-kappaB-controlled luciferase reporter with a
concomitant hemodynamic response associated with tumor hypoxia. Experiments are being performed to increase
Effects of optical energy distribution on the generation of acoustic plane waves
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We have investigated the limitations of our laser ultrasonic plane wave δ-source. In theory, the device is capable of
producing an acoustic impulse with a bandwidth exceeding 30 MHz. However, a bandwidth of 12 MHz is measured with
a calibrated wideband hydrophone. A test setup was designed and built. It permits the investigation of experimental
parameters that alter the generated acoustic impulse: laser pulse duration, laser spatial profile, and absorber opacity.
Laser energy spatial profile is the main contributor to the narrowing of the frequency band. Our findings are presented,
along with further justifications for a device with very large effective area.
Toward characterizing the size of microscopic optical absorbers using optoacoustic emission spectroscopy
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To assess the malignancy and progression of a tumour, parameters such as the size and number density of the
microvessels are expected to be important. The optical absorption due to the blood that fills the microvessels can be
visualised by optoacoustic imaging (OA). We have previously reported that increasing the inhomogeneity of absorption
within a large absorbing volume produces evidence of reduced acoustic coherence which results in improved contrast
and boundary detectability. Here we propose to take advantage of the expectation that the detailed nature of the
inhomogeneity should influence the frequency spectrum of the OA signal. The overall aim of this work is to determine
whether an analysis of the frequency spectrum of the emitted optoacoustic signal can be used to determine the scale of
this absorption inhomogeneity, in particular parameters such as the characteristic size and separation of the absorbers
(microvessels). In the preliminary study reported here, various gelatine-intralipid phantoms containing cylindrical wallless
tubes filled with an ink solution were measured in water with a linear array ultrasound detector, using pulsedillumination
that had been adjusted for an optimal distribution of light fluence with depth. Simulations of the
experiments were also conducted, using a time domain acoustic propagation method. The results confirm that
optoacoustic signals bear information on the sizes and distribution of the absorbers in their frequency spectra. It is shown
that a simple way to determine the diameter of a single cylindrical absorber is to estimate the quefrency of the peak in the
cepstrum of the measured signal. Further work is proposed to extend this to the statistical estimation of mean diameter
and mean separation for an ensemble of similar absorbers and to absorbers with a diameter that is smaller than the axial
resolution of the acoustic receiver.
Dynamics of thermoelastic expansion for native and coagulated ex vivo bovine liver tissues
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Dynamics of the thermoelastic expansion of native and coagulated
ex-vivo bovine liver tissues after their irradiation
by short laser pulses were studied. The differences in optical and thermo-mechanical properties of the native and
coagulated samples such as their Gruneisen coefficient and optical attenuation depth were quantitatively determined. It
was found that for coagulated ex-vivo bovine liver samples, the optical attenuation depth decrease by an average of 47%.
Also significant differences were observed in the dynamics of thermoelastic expansion of the tissue surface. These
differences can be potentially linked to differences in
thermo-mechanical properties between native and coagulated
samples. The changes in these properties may be
Molecular Imaging
Molecular imaging of neutropilin-1 receptor using photoacoustic spectroscopy in breast tumors
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Purpose: Our purpose is to develop and test a molecular probe that can detect the expression of neutropilin-1 receptor
(NPR-1) in vivo using fluorescence imaging and photoacoustic spectroscopy.
Introduction: NPR-1 is expressed on endothelial cells and some breast cancer cells, and binds to vascular endothelial
growth factor VEGF165, a growth factor associated with pathological tumor angiogenesis. This receptor is coexpressed
with VEGFR2 and shown to enhance the binding of VEGF165; therefore, it has the potential to be used as a
marker of angiogenic activity and targeted for therapy.
Material and Methods: A peptide specific to NPR-1 receptor was synthesized and conjugated to a NIR fluorochrome
(IRDye800CW) and was intravenously injected into mice with breast tumors (MCF7VEGF). Probe kinetics was
monitored in vivo via near infrared fluorescence (NIRF) within an optical imager for up to 72 hours within the tumor
and compared to other organs (liver, muscle) for binding specificity. A multivariate fitting algorithm was used to
spectrally deconvolve the IRDye800CW from endogenous hemoglobin signature (hemoglobin concentration and
oxygen saturation).
Results: Dynamics of the NIR fluorescence signal within the first hour after injection indicates specific binding
compared to muscle, with an average tumor-to-muscle ration of 2.00 (+/- 0.27). Spectral analysis clearly indentified
the presence of the NPR-1 probe. Based on calibration data, the average tumor concentration from both NIRF and
PCT-S was measured to be ~200-300nM.
Conclusion: These preliminary results show the capability of PCT to image an exogenous probe in vivo in addition to
its hemoglobin state.
Multi-wavelength approach to optoacoustic molecular imaging (OMI) using Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB)
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Several papers recently have addressed the issue of estimating chromophore concentration in PAT using multiple wavelengths.
The question is how does one choose the multiple wavelengths for imaging in PAT that would give the most
accurate results. Previous work was based on the knowledge of the wavelength dependence of the extinction coefficient
of chromophores but did not directly address this question. One would assume that the wavelength that maximizes the
extinction coefficient of the chromophorewould be the most suitable. However, this may not always be the case, especially
if the extinction peak of the chromophore is fairly broad. In this paper, we derive an expression for the variance of the
measured signal based on the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). This lower bound on variance can be evaluated numerically
for different wavelengths using the variation of the extinction coefficients and scattering coefficients with wavelength.
The wavelength that gives the smallest variance will be optimal for multi-wavelength PAT to estimate the chromophore
concentration. The expression for CRLB has been derived analytically for estimating the concentration of a oxy or deoxyhemoglobin
contained in a background tissue-like solution using the knowledge of the illumination function in a specific
geometry using a photoacoustic microscope. This approach could also be extended to the estimation of concentrations of
multiple chromophores and for other geometries.
On stability of molecular therapeutic agents for noninvasive photoacoustic and ultrasound image-guided photothermal therapy
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Image-guided molecular photothermal therapy using targeted gold nanoparticles acting as photoabsorbers can be used to
noninvasively treat various medical conditions including cancer. Among different types of gold nanoparticles, gold
nanorods are an attractive candidate for both photothermal therapy and photoacoustic imaging due to their high and
tunable optical absorption cross-section. However, nanorods are not thermodynamically stable; under laser exposure, the
nanorods can easily transform to spheres, thus changing their desired optical properties. In this study, gold-silica coreshell
nanorods were prepared by coating silica directly onto the surface of PEGylated gold nanorods using a modified
Stöber method. The nanorods were exposed to 800 nm wavelength, 7 ns pulses of light at a 10 Hz pulse repetition rate.
For different fluences ranging from 0 to 8 mJ/cm2, the optical extinction spectrum was measured before and after the
exposure to investigate their photothermal stability. Finally, the effectiveness of gold-silica core-shell nanoparticles as a
photoacoustic contrast agent and photothermal nanoabsorber was tested using inclusion-embedded phantoms and a
combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging system. The results of our study suggest that gold-silica core-shell
nanorods are excellent candidates for image-guided molecular photothermal therapy.
Fluorescent protein imaging with multispectral optoacoustic tomography
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In this work, we have developed a selective-plane illumination multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT)
technique for high-resolution whole-body visualization of intact optically diffusive organisms whose sizes may vary
from sub-millimeter up to a centimeter range and beyond. By combining multi-wavelength illumination, the method is
shown capable of resolving tissue-specific expression of fluorescent proteins and other molecular biomarkers located
deep in living optically diffuse tissues.
Design and synthesis of new gold nanoparticles for enhanced photoacoustic response
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Gold nanoparticles have been used as contrast agent in photoacoustic imaging to increase the detection sensitivity. For
example, gold nanorods (AuNRs) have been used in time-intensity based flow estimation and used as nanoprobes to
target cancer cells for early diagnosis and effective treatment. In this study, we aimed at the design and synthesis of a
new type of gold nanoparticles with enhanced photoacoustic response. The key hypothesis is to create a nanostructure
that allows anisotropic heat release. Specifically, such a structure results in higher heat flux transmitting outwards from
the ends of the particle and therefore a greater temperature gradient can be created. To achieve this, a layer of SiO2 was
coated along the longer axis of the gold nanorods, leaving both ends uncovered. These new particles are labeled as
AuNR@nu-SiO2 with non-uniform ("nu") coating of silica. Experiments were performed to demonstrate the enhanced
photoacoustic response from AuNR@nu-SiO2. The optical illumination was delivered by a Ti: Sapphire laser pumped by
an Nd:YAG laser. A home-made photoacoustic transducer with a center frequency of 20 MHz detected the resulted
acoustic signal. First, new types of particles coated with and without SiO2 were compared to bare AuNR in order to show
the ability of the new nanostructure to enhance photoacoustic response. Second, the shape stability of the new particles
was evaluated by measuring the photoacoustic responses versus time after high power laser irradiation. Third, the effect
of thickness of SiO2 of AuNR@nu-SiO2 ranges from 1 nm to 15 nm was also evaluated. Results show that the mean
intensity in photoacoustic image increase about 5 dB for AuNR@nu-SiO2 compared to bare AuNR. Also, it reveals that
the normalized intensity for AuNR drops to below 0.6 while it is mostly larger than 0.7 in the case of AuNR@nu-SiO2
under pulse laser irradiation. In other words, the new type of nanoparticles is less susceptible to shape transformation.
Moreover, it is indicated that the photoaocustic response increases slightly with the thickness of SiO2 and approach to an
maximum response at 9 nm thickness. In short, these new particles can be used to achieve the same level of
photoacoustic response with a fewer amount of particles, which means that there is less toxicity.
In vitro testing of a protease-sensitive contrast agent for optoacoustic imaging
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We have designed a protease-sensitive imaging probe for optoacoustic imaging whose absorption spectrum changes
upon cleavage by a protease of interest. The probe comprises an active site, a derivative of chlorophyll or natural
photosynthetic bacteriochlorophyll that absorbs in the near infrared, conjugated to a peptide backbone specific to the
protease being imaged. The uncleaved molecules tend to aggregate in dimers and trimers causing a change in the
absorption spectrum relative to that of the monomer. Upon cleavage, the probe molecules de-aggregate giving rise to a
spectrum characteristic of monomers. We show using photospectrometry that the two forms of the probe have markedly
different absorption spectra, which could allow for in vivo optoacoustic identification using a multiwavelength imaging
strategy. Optoacoustic measurements using a narrow-band dye laser find spectral peaks in the two forms of the probe at
the expected location. The optoacoustic signal from the uncleaved probe is found to be considerably weaker than that of
the cleaved probe, perhaps due to poor optical-acoustic coupling in the aggregated molecules. However, ultimately, it is
detection of the cleaved probe that is of the greatest import since it reports on the protease activity of interest. PUBLISHERS NOTE 9/1/2010: The figure numbers are corrected. If you downloaded the incorrect version of Paper 75641T and no longer have access to download the correct paper, please contact for assistance.
Molecular photoacoustic imaging using gold nanoparticles as a contrast agent
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Gold nanoparticles have received much attention due to their potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Gold
nanoparticles are attractive in many biomedical applications because of their biocompatibility, easily modifiable
surfaces for targeting, lack of heavy metal toxicity, wide range of sizes (35-100 nm), tunable plasmonic resonance
peak, encapsulated site-specific drug delivery, and strong optical absorption in the near-infrared regime. Specifically,
due to their strong optical absorption, gold nanoparticles have been used as a contrast agent for molecular photoacoustic
(PA) imaging of tumor. The plasmonic resonance peak of the gold nanocages (AuNCs) was tuned to the near-infrared
region, and the ratio of the absorption cross-section to the extinction cross-section was approximately ~70%, as
measured by PA sensing. We used PEGylated gold nanocages (PEG-AuNCs) as a passive targeting contrast agent on
melanomas. After 6-h intravenous injection of PEG-AuNCs, PA amplitude was increased by ~14 %. These results
strongly suggest PA imaging paired with AuNCs is a promising diagnostic tool for early cancer detection.
Multimodality Imaging
Real-time optoacoustic imaging of breast cancer using an interleaved two laser imaging system coregistered with ultrasound
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We present results from a clinical case study on imaging breast cancer using a real-time interleaved two laser
optoacoustic imaging system co-registered with ultrasound. The present version of Laser Optoacoustic Ultrasonic
Imaging System (LOUIS) utilizes a commercial linear ultrasonic transducer array, which has been modified to include
two parallel rectangular optical bundles, to operate in both ultrasonic (US) and optoacoustic (OA) modes. In OA mode,
the images from two optical wavelengths (755 nm and 1064 nm) that provide opposite contrasts for optical absorption of
oxygenated vs deoxygenated blood can be displayed simultaneously at a maximum rate of 20 Hz. The real-time aspect of
the system permits probe manipulations that can assist in the detection of the lesion. The results show the ability of
LOUIS to co-register regions of high absorption seen in OA images with US images collected at the same location with
the dual modality probe. The dual wavelength results demonstrate that LOUIS can potentially provide breast cancer
diagnostics based on different intensities of OA images of the lesion obtained at 755 nm and 1064 nm. We also present
new data processing based on deconvolution of the LOUIS impulse response that helps recover original optoacoustic
pressure profiles. Finally, we demonstrate the image analysis tool that provides automatic detection of the tumor
boundary and quantitative metrics of the optoacoustic image quality. Using a blood vessel phantom submerged in a
tissue-like milky background solution we show that the image contrast is minimally affected by the phantom distance
from the LOUIS probe until about 60-65 mm. We suggest using the image contrast for quantitative assessment of an OA
image of a breast lesion, as a part of the breast cancer diagnostics procedure.
Fast-scanning ultrasonic-photoacoustic biomicroscope: in vivo performance
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The combination of ultrasonic and photoacoustic imaging modalities has yet to be realized in the high-frequency
regime (>20MHz) where spatial resolution may permit visualization of the microvasculature. In this work,
we characterize the in-vivo performance of a custom ultrasound-photoacoustic B-scanning imaging system. This
system utilizes a combined ultrasound/photoacoustic probe attached to a voice-coil capable of approximately 1cm
lateral translation at a rate of up to 15Hz. The probe is comprised of a 25MHz ultrasound transducer, configured
confocally with a conical mirror-based dark-field laser delivery system. The fast-scanning mode permits realtime
ultrasound imaging. The imaging speed of the photoacoustic mode is limited by the repetition rate of the
532nm laser (up to 20Hz). Signals from the transducer are amplified by a 39dB preamp with an additional
time-gain compensation stage of up to 24dB. Control of the system is through a digital input-output PCI card,
which acts as a pulse-sequencer and permits software control of time-gain compensation. This setup permits
interlaced pulse sequences for excellent registration of ultrasonic and photoacoustic data, as well as separate timegain
compensation curves for photoacoustic and ultrasound modalities. We have managed to achieve a lateral
resolution of 155 μm and an axial resolution of 40 μm. The system is used to visualize the finger and palm of a
hand to almost 1cm ultrasound depths and multiple millimeter-scale photoacoustic depths. Photoacoustic images
are overlaid on the ultrasound images for simultaneous visualization of the microvasculature and surrounding
Tissue temperature monitoring using thermoacoustic and photoacoustic techniques
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Real-time temperature monitoring with high spatial resolution (~1 mm) and high temperature sensitivity (1 °C or better)
is needed for the safe deposition of heat energy in surrounding healthy tissue and efficient destruction of tumor and
abnormal cells during thermotherapy. A temperature sensing technique using thermoacoustic and photoacoustic
measurements combined with a clinical Philips ultrasound imaging system (iU22) has been explored in this study. Using
a tissue phantom, this noninvasive method has been demonstrated to have high temporal resolution and temperature
sensitivity. Because both photoacoustic and thermoacoustic signal amplitudes depend on the temperature of the source
object, the signal amplitudes can be used to monitor the temperature. The signal is proportional to the dimensionless
Grueneisen parameter of the object, which in turn varies with the temperature of the object. A temperature sensitivity of
0.5 °C was obtained at a temporal resolution as short as 3.6 s with 50 signal averages.
Fast-scanning reflection-mode integrated photoacoustic and optical-coherence microscopy
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We previously demonstrated that multimodal microscopy combining photoacoustic microscopy and
optical coherence tomography can provide comprehensive insight into biological tissue at μm-level
resolution by exploiting both optical absorption and scattering contrasts. Recently, we have developed a
second-generation integrated photoacoustic and optical-coherence microscope, which can potentially be
adapted for clinical applications. In this new system, we can perform photoacoustic and optical-coherence
imaging simultaneously at a speed of 5,000 A-lines per second with real-time on-screen display. Also, both
modalities now work in reflection mode instead of transmission mode, allowing easy access to various
anatomical locations of interest. Imaging of skin and eye has been demonstrated in living small animals.
Co-registered photoacoustic, thermoacoustic, and ultrasound mouse imaging
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We have constructed and tested a prototype test bed that allows us to form 3D photoacoustic CT images using
near-infrared (NIR) irradiation (700 - 900 nm), 3D thermoacoustic CT images using microwave irradiation
(434 MHz), and 3D ultrasound images from a commercial ultrasound scanner. The device utilizes a vertically
oriented, curved array to capture the photoacoustic and thermoacoustic data. In addition, an 8-MHz linear array
fixed in a horizontal position provides the ultrasound data. The photoacoustic and thermoacoustic data sets are
co-registered exactly because they use the same detector. The ultrasound data set requires only simple
corrections to co-register its images.
The photoacoustic, thermoacoustic, and ultrasound images of mouse anatomy reveal complementary anatomic
information as they exploit different contrast mechanisms. The thermoacoustic images differentiate between
muscle, fat and bone. The photoacoustic images reveal the hemoglobin distribution, which is localized
predominantly in the vascular space. The ultrasound images provide detailed information about the bony
structures. Superposition of all three images onto a co-registered hybrid image shows the potential of a trimodal
photoacoustic-thermoacoustic-ultrasound small-animal imaging system.
Integrated photoacoustic and oblique incidence diffuse reflectance system for quantitative optical sensing in turbid media
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The photoacoustic signal of an optical absorber in a turbid medium is proportional to the local laser fluence, the optical
absorption coefficient and the Gruneisen parameter. The local fluence at a subsurface absorber is determined by the
initial incident fluence and optical properties of the media. Knowledge of laser fluence at subcutaneous tissue locations
will improve our ability to estimate local chromophore concentrations and will lead to more quantitative estimates of
blood oxygen saturation with photoacoustics. By integrating an oblique incidence reflectance (OIR) system in a
photoacoustic imaging system, we are able to estimate optical properties of the turbid medium. To do this, we use a
unique photoacoustic probe consisting of a 45-degree optical prism in an optical index-matching fluid. An oblique CWlaser
beam interrogates the tissue surface at the same location as a pulsed laser, used for photoacoustic interrogation.
Photoacoustic signals collected from the tissue are deflected by the prism to a focused 10 MHz ultrasound transducer.
Diffuse light from the CW-laser is collected by a CCD camera and analyzed to estimate the bulk absorption and
scattering coefficients. We fixed a tube filled with known concentrations of an absorbing dye below the probe in an
Intralipid bath. We obtained the OIR and photoacoustic measurements for different Intralipid concentrations (providing a
μs' between 1 and 10 cm-1). The OIR measurements were used to estimate the bulk optical parameters. Using these
values, models of light transport were then used to calculate the local laser fluence to normalize the photoacoustic
measurements. The corrected photoacoustic signals show direct proportionality to the tube dye concentrations
irrespective of bulk turbid medium properties.
Computed Tomography
In vivo 3D visualization of peripheral circulatory system using linear optoacoustic array
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In this work we modified light illumination of the laser optoacoustic (OA) imaging system to improve the 3D
visualization of human forearm vasculature. The computer modeling demonstrated that the new illumination design that
features laser beams converging on the surface of the skin in the imaging plane of the probe provides superior OA
images in comparison to the images generated by the illumination with parallel laser beams. We also developed the
procedure for vein/artery differentiation based on OA imaging with 690 nm and 1080 nm laser wavelengths. The
procedure includes statistical analysis of the intensities of OA images of the neighboring blood vessels. Analysis of the
OA images generated by computer simulation of a human forearm illuminated at 690 nm and 1080 nm resulted in
successful differentiation of veins and arteries. In vivo scanning of a human forearm provided high contrast 3D OA
image of a forearm skin and a superficial blood vessel. The blood vessel image contrast was further enhanced after it was
automatically traced using the developed software. The software also allowed evaluation of the effective blood vessel
diameter at each step of the scan. We propose that the developed 3D OA imaging system can be used during
preoperative mapping of forearm vessels that is essential for hemodialysis treatment.
Toward functional imaging using the optoacoustic 3D whole-body tomography system
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In this report we demonstrate improved three-dimensional optoacoustic tomography in test samples. High quality
tomographic data and images were obtained from phantom of mice being 2.5 cm in diameter. Capillaries filled with
cupric sulfate, ferrous sulfate and nickel sulfate solutions, and immersed in a scattering medium were used for these
tests. The brightness of reconstructed phantom images was found to match accurately the absorption profiles of test
solutions. Hence, optoacoustic imaging can be applied in preclinical research to perform in vivo absorptivity
measurements to deduce functional information on blood oxygen levels or concentration of contrast agents.
A high-speed photoacoustic tomography system based on a commercial ultrasound and a custom transducer array
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Building photoacoustic imaging systems by using stand-alone ultrasound (US) units makes it convenient to take
advantage of the state-of-the-art ultrasonic technologies. However, the sometimes limited receiving sensitivity and the
comparatively narrow bandwidth of commercial US probes with elements driving long cables may not be sufficient for
high quality photoacoustic imaging. In this work, a high-speed photoacoustic tomography (PAT) system has been
developed using a commercial US unit and a custom built 128-element PVDF transducer array. Since the US unit
supports simultaneous signal acquisition from 64 parallel receive channels, PAT data for synthetic image formation from
a 64 or 128 element array aperture can be acquired after a single or dual laser firing, respectively. The PVDF array
provides satisfactory receiving sensitivity and uniquely broad detection bandwidth, which enables good image quality
for tomographic photoacoustic imaging. A specially designed
128-channel preamplifier board that connects the preamps
directly to the PVDF elements not only enables impedance matching but also further elevates the signal-to-noise ratio in
detecting weak photoacoustic signals. To examine the performance of this imaging system, experiments on phantoms
were conducted and the results were compared with those acquired with commercial US probes.
Pulsed photoacoustic Doppler flowmetry using a cross correlation method
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The feasibility of making spatially resolved measurements of blood flow using pulsed photoacoustic Doppler techniques
has been explored. Doppler time shifts were quantified via
cross-correlation of pairs of photoacoustic waveforms
generated within a blood-simulating phantom using pairs of laser light pulses. The photoacoustic waves were detected
using a focussed or planar PZT ultrasound transducer. This approach was found to be effective for quantifying the linear
motion of micron-scale absorbers imprinted on an acetate sheet moving with velocities in the range 0.15 to 1.50 ms-1.
The effect of the acoustic spot diameter and the time separation between the laser pulses on measurement resolution and
the maximum measurable velocity is discussed. The distinguishing advantage of pulsed rather than continuous-wave
excitation is that spatially resolved velocity measurements can be made. This offers the prospect of mapping flow within
the microcirculation and thus providing insights into the perfusion of tumours and other pathologies characterised by
abnormalities in flow status.
Real-time monitoring of small animal cortical hemodynamics by photoacoustic tomography
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For the first time, the hemodynamics within the entire cerebral cortex of a mouse were studied by using photoacoustic
tomography (PAT) non-invasively and in real time. The PAT system, based on a 512-element full-ring
array with cylindrical focusing, received the PA signal primarily from a slice of about 2 mm thickness. This
system can provide not only high resolution brain vasculature images but also hemodynamic functional images.
We recorded the wash-in process of a photoacoustic contrast agent in a mouse brain in real time. Our results
demonstrated that PAT is a powerful imaging modality to study real-time small animal neurofunctional activities
that cause changes in hemodynamics.
Point spread function of array transducers in 2D optoacoustic tomography
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In this work the spatial resolution provided by the array transducers in 2D optoacoustic (OA) imaging is considered
numerically. The resolution is determined from the point spread function (PSF) of an array, that is a 2D OA image of a
point source of the spherical acoustic wave. Numerical simulations consisted of the following steps. First, the OA signals
excited by the point source and detected by each element of the array calculated using the Rayleigh integral. Radial
backprojection algorithm was then employed to obtain the image of the point source in the imaging plane. The influence
of the geometrical parameters of array elements, number of the detectors and a single detector bandwidth on the PSF was
studied in detail. It was shown that the spatial resolution provided by the array transducer in the imaging plane can be
unambiguously determined from the detector frequency band, array aperture angle and the width of a single array
detector, and does not depend on the number of the detectors.
Continuous acquisition scanner for whole-body multispectral optoacoustic tomography
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An essential problem dealing with three-dimensional optoacoustic imaging is the long data acquisition times associated
with recording signals from multiple spatial projections, where signal averaging for each projection is applied to obtain
satisfying signal-to-noise-ratio. This approach complicates acquisition and makes imaging challenging for most
applications, especially for in vivo imaging and multispectral imaging. Instead we employ a herein introduced
continuous data acquisition methodology that greatly shortens recording times over multiple projection angles and
acquires high quality tomographic data without averaging. By this means a two dimensional image acquisition having
270 angular projections only takes about 9 seconds, while a full multispectral three dimensional image can normally take
about 15 minutes to acquire with a single ultrasonic detector. The system performance is verified on tissue-mimicking
phantoms containing known concentrations of fluorescent molecular agent as well as small animals.
Novel Systems and Applications
Spatial resolution of ultrasound-modulated optical tomography used for the detection of absorbing and scattering objects in thick scattering media
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Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography (UOT) combines the spatial resolution of ultrasonic waves and the
spectroscopic properties of light to detect optically absorbing and/or scattering objects in highly scattering media. In this
work, a double-pass confocal Fabry-Perot interferometer is used as a bandpass filter to selectively detect the ultrasoundtagged
photons. The limited etendue of the confocal Fabry-Perot interferometer is compensated by using a singlefrequency
laser emitting high-peak-power optical pulses. Compared to photoacoustic tomography, UOT is not only
sensitive to optical absorption but also to scattering properties. In this paper, we consider the detection of absorbing and
scattering objects embedded in thick (30 to 60 mm) tissue-mimicking phantoms and biological tissues. The experimental
evaluation of the spatial resolution of the technique is compared to that expected from the ultrasonic beam intensity
profile. Preliminary results indicate that the edge spread function is influenced by the level of absorption of the
embedded object.
Monitoring and guidance of high intensity focused ultrasound exposures in real time using acousto-optic imaging: feasibility and demonstration ex vivo
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High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a powerful noninvasive tool for targeted tissue ablation. Monitoring of the
treatment process and efficacy in real time, however, remains challenging. The tissue necrosis during the HIFU exposure
leads to changes in optical absorption and scattering coefficients. In this paper, we explore the use of acousto-optic
imaging (AOI), a hybrid technique that combines ultrasound with diffuse light to obtain deep-tissue optical contrast at
ultrasound resolution, to sense the changes in optical contrast at depth in tissue associated with the onset formation and
development of the necrosed tissue region. In this technique, the tissue to be treated is illuminated with near-infrared
light and a continuous, amplitude-modulated focused ultrasound beam is used to induce thermal tissue necrosis as well
as the acousto-optic (AO) interaction. The AOI signal is detected via a photorefractive crystal (PRC)-based
interferometer, and then fed into a lock-in amplifier tuned to the ultrasound modulation frequency. As a thermal lesion
forms in the ultrasound focal zone, which is also the zone of AO interaction, the AOI signal diminishes in amplitude
owing to enhanced optical attenuation. It is further shown that the reduction of the AOI signal is correlated with the
volume of ensuing lesion. Therefore, the evolution of AOI signal as a function of time provides a means for continuous
monitoring of HIFU treatment process as well as exposure guidance.
Polarization effects in thermoacoustic CT of biologic tissue at 434 MHz
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Thermoacoustic image contrast is dependent on the dielectric and thermoacoustic properties of the tissue being imaged,
its spatial distribution, and the polarization of the incident microwave radiation. We have designed and constructed a
thermoacoustic computed tomography (TCT) test platform to study these effects in phantoms and biologic tissue (e.g.,
beefsteak and mice). Our results indicate that muscle and fat are easily differentiated, but the relative thermoacoustic
absorption is strongly dependent upon the polarization angle of the microwave radiation and the morphology of fat and
muscle tissues.
Femtosecond photoacoustics: integrated two-photon fluorescence and photoacoustic microscopy
Martijn E. van Raaij,
Mike Lee,
Emmanuel Chérin,
et al.
Show abstract
Conventional photoacoustic imaging systems excite a photoacoustic wave by illuminating an area on the order of square
centimeters with millijoule laser pulses. Spatial resolution is then determined by the ultrasound transducer and is
typically on the order of 100 μm. We report on a system that focuses femtosecond, nanojoule pulses to a spot with a
diameter of ~ 1 μm to perform laser-scanning photoacoustics with micrometer resolution.
Near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses with a pulse energy of 2.4 nanojoules excite a train of photoacoustic waves at the
repetition rate of the pulsed laser (80 MHz). These photoacoustic waves are detected by an unfocused single-element
ultrasound transducer tuned to 80 MHz. A radiofrequency lock-in amplifier recovers the amplitude of the frequency
component of the photoacoustic signal at the pulse repetition frequency. This amplitude is an indicator of the absorption
coefficient of the sample at the laser focus and at the laser wavelength.
Initial experiments using a graphite rod as absorber reproducibly yield signals in the 0.2 - 2 microvolt range with a
signal-to-noise ratio of 18 dB, recovered from 10 mV of broadband noise.
The photoacoustic imaging system is integrated in a commercial
laser-scanning two-photon fluorescence microscope,
enabling simultaneous three-dimensional fluorescence- and photoacoustic imaging. One major application will be to
image both morphology and oxygen saturation of microvasculature in the cerebral cortex of anesthetized rodents in vivo
in the context of tumor angiogenesis.
In this paper we describe the physics of femtosecond photoacoustics and demonstrate initial results.
Photothermal heterodyne phase imaging of gold seed and germanium nanowire
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Photothermal heterodyne imaging has demonstrated a high sensitivity of seeing single metallic nanoparticles of diameter
down to 5 nm. However, rare attention has been paid to the phase of the photothermal heterodyne signal relative to that
of the modulated pump beam. We show that the phase of the photothermal heterodyne signal from semiconducting
nanomaterials such as silicon and germanium nanowires is around 0 degree, while that from metallic nanomaterials such
as silver and gold nanoparticles (NPs) is around 180 degrees. Using this property we have been able to distinguish gold
seeds from germanium nanowire (GeNW) body in a label-free and contact-free manner. A theoretical model based on
light scattering by a fluctuating dielectric material was used to explain the origin of different phases in the photothermal
heterodyne signal.
Poster Session
Novel laser-induced cavitation: the constrained ring bubble
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Using high speed photography at sub-microsecond temporal resolution, we observed laser-induced cavitation within a
thin film of liquid. In accordance with the literature, focusing a pulse of a gaussian-like intensity distribution into the
liquid, instigated a disk-shaped cavity. The propagation of an acoustic transient, generated during the formation and
expansion of the cavity, is evidenced by secondary cavitation stimulated in the surrounding liquid. Introducing a
laguerre-gauss holographic diffractive optic element into the beam path, re-distributes the optical energy into the socalled
'doughnut mode', with an axial intensity minimum. Focusing this modulated pulse into the liquid induced a ringshaped
cavity with a notably different dynamic to that of the disk cavity, due primarily to the encapsulated droplet,
which is present from cavity initiation through expansion and subsequent deflation. In this paper we present initial
observations on the novel dynamics of the ring-shaped cavity and discuss several of the distinctive features. Particularly
the secondary cavitation induced in the surrounding liquid, and the implicated multiplexing of the acoustic transient
generated during the ring-cavity expansion, is of interest.
Photoacoustic correlation technique for low-speed flow measurement
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A photoacoustic correlation spectroscopy (PACS) technique was proposed for the first time. This technique is inspired
by its optical counterpart-the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), which is widely used in the characterization
of the dynamics of fluorescent species. The fluorescence intensity is measured in FCS while the acoustic signals are
detected in PACS. To proof of concept, we demonstrated the flow measurement of light-absorbing beads probed by a
pulsed laser. A PACS system with temporal resolution of 0.8 sec was built. Polymer microring resonators were used to
detect the photoacoustic signals, which were then signal processed and used to obtain the autocorrelation curves. Flow
speeds ranging from 249 to 15.1 μm/s with corresponding flow time from 4.42 to 72.5 sec were measured. The
capability of low-speed flow measurement can potentially be used for detecting blood flow in relatively deep capillaries
in biological tissues. Moreover, similar to FCS, PACS may have many potential applications in studying the dynamics of
photoacoustic beads.
Photoacoustic microscopy using Evans Blue dye as a contrast agent
Show abstract
Complete and continuous imaging of microvascular networks is crucial for a wide variety of biomedical
applications. Photoacoustic tomography can provide high resolution microvascular imaging using
hemoglobin within red blood cells (RBC) as an endogenous contrast agent. However, intermittent RBC
flow in capillaries results in discontinuous and fragmentary capillary images. To overcome this problem,
we used Evans Blue (EB) dye as a contrast agent for in vivo photoacoustic imaging. EB has strong optical
absorption at 610 nm and distributes uniformly in the blood stream by chemically binding to albumin. By
intravenous injection of EB (6%, 200 μL), complete and continuous microvascular networks-especially
capillaries-of the ears of nude mice were imaged. The diffusion of EB (3%, 100 μL) leaving the blood
stream was monitored for 2 hours. At lower administration dose of EB (3%, 50 μL), the clearance of the
EB-albumin complex was imaged for 10 days and quantitatively investigated using a two-compartment
Clinical combination of multiphoton tomography and high frequency ultrasound imaging for evaluation of skin diseases
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For the first time, high frequency ultrasound imaging, multiphoton tomography, and dermoscopy were combined in a
clinical study. Different dermatoses such as benign and malign skin cancers, connective tissue diseases, inflammatory
skin diseases and autoimmune bullous skin diseases have been investigated with (i) state-of-the-art and highly
sophisticated ultrasound systems for dermatology, (ii) the femtosecond-laser multiphoton tomograph DermaInspectTM
and (iii) dermoscopes. Dermoscopy provides two-dimensional color imaging of the skin surface with a magnification up
to 70x. Ultrasound images are generated from reflections of the emitted ultrasound signal, based on inhomogeneities of
the tissue. These echoes are converted to electrical signals. Depending on the ultrasound frequency the penetration depth
varies from about 1 mm to 16 mm in dermatological application. The 100-MHz-ultrasound system provided an axial
resolution down to 16 μm and a lateral resolution down to 32 μm. In contrast to the wide-field ultrasound images,
multiphoton tomography provided horizontal optical sections of 0.36×0.36 mm2 down to 200 μm tissue depth with
submicron resolution. The autofluorescence of mitochondrial coenzymes, melanin, and elastin as well as the secondharmonic-
generation signal of the collagen network were imaged. The combination of ultrasound and multiphoton
tomography provides a novel opportunity for diagnostics of skin disorders.
Photoacoustic concave transmitter for generating high frequency focused ultrasound
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We present a photo-acoustic concave transmitter to generate and subsequently focus high frequency ultrasound. Owing
to a short time-duration of pulse laser beam, high frequency acoustic waves and tight focusing can be easily achieved.
The transmitter consists of a light-absorbing film coated on a concave spherical structure. For detection, we used an
optical microring ultrasound detector capable of covering a broadband and high frequency spectrum of photo-acoustic
source. A spot width of ~44 μm was obtained at the focal plane. As the finite size and the specific shape of the microring
cause a geometrical effect on the detection process, especially for high frequency components, we performed a 2-D
spatial signal processing to remove this effect and extract a pure pressure distribution. The aperture for acoustic focusing
could be optically controlled by changing the size of pulse laser beam.
Design and characterization of acoustic 4f imaging system by using an optical microring ultrasound detector
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We propose an acoustic 4f imaging system by using a pair of acoustic lens and an optical microring ultrasound detector
(OMUD). The system was designed to have a long range imaging, and the signal strength was enhanced by a factor of
~13 by using an acryl-based acoustic lens at an imaging distance of close to 10 cm. The acoustic signal had a broadband
and high frequency spectrum for a given focal distance owing to the unique characteristic of the OMUD. The imaging
was obtained without using any reconstruction algorithms. Several performances of the designed system have been
investigated by using photo-acoustic microspheres (301 μm in diameter) which are excited by pulsed laser beam. The
resolution of images were compared, which consist of full frequency spectrum and harmonic frequency components.
With high frequency (10 MHz and 15 MHz), the images showed consistently better resolutions (440 μm and 370 μm)
for the microsphere. Frequency analysis of a time-domain signal waveform showed that the signal spectrum of the
current system extends up to 20 MHz.
Frequency-selective multiphoton-excitation-induced photoacoustic microscopy (MEPAM) to visualize the cross sections of dense objects
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Multiphoton excitation-induced photoacoustic microscopy (MEPAM) can be used to investigate the interior of dense
objects precisely and directly because the multiphoton excitation occurs only at the focal point. This method makes it
possible to avoid the strong signal from the surface of dense objects. However, in the case of tissue imaging, one-photon
photoacoustic signals affect the image constructed from MEPAM signals, owing to the smaller cross section of
multiphoton absorption compared with that of one-photon absorption. Thus, in order to apply MEPAM for precise
investigation in living tissues, it is important to enhance (or extract) only the photoacoustic signals induced by
multiphoton excitation.
In this study, we examined the use of frequency-selective detection (frequency filtering) in multiphotonphotoacoustic
imaging by evaluating the depth discrimination and penetration. Because MEPAM signals are generated in
a very small region, they include higher frequency components compared with one-photon photoacoustic signals. We
measured the images at the cross sections of blood-vessel phantoms visualized by MEPAM using the high-frequency
components. We found that the images visualized using only
high-frequency components showed better contrast
compared with those visualized using all frequency components. We conclude that the combination of frequency
filtering and MEPAM demonstrates great potential for precise observation of cross sections of blood vessels in living
Photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging contrast enhancement using a dual contrast agent
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The complementary information provided by the ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging modalities has sparked their use
in combination in recent years. We introduce a dual contrast agent capable of providing image contrast enhancement for
both modalities simultaneously. The dual contrast agent is a small liquid perfluorocarbon droplet encased with bovine
serum albumin and loaded with plasmonic nanoparticles. The plasmonic metal nanoparticles themselves act as a
photoacoustic contrast agent. Furthermore, the perfluorocarbon droplet creates acoustic impedance mismatch between
itself and the surrounding tissue, allowing it to act as an ultrasound contrast agent. Experiments demonstrating the
performance of this dual contrast agent in ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging are presented. Differences in contrast
mechanisms of the dual agent are highlighted, and finally, the applications for the agent are discussed.
Photoacoustic microscopy of collagenase-induced Achilles tendinitis in a mouse model
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Assessments of vascularity are important when assessing inflammation changes in tendon injuries since Achilles
tendinitis is often accompanied with neovascularization or hypervascularity. In this study, we have investigated the
feasibility of photoacoustic imaging in noninvasive monitoring of morphological and vascular changes in Achilles
tendon injuries. Collagenase-induced Achilles tendinitis model of mice was adopted here. During collagenase-induced
tendinitis, a 25-MHz photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) was used to image micro-vascular changes in Achilles tendons
longitudinally up to 23 days. The positions of vessels imaged by PAM were identified by co-registration of PAM Bmode
images with 25-MHz ultrasound (USM) ones. Morphological changes in Achilles tendons due to inflammation and
edema were revealed by the PAM and USM images. Proliferation of new blood vessels within the tendons was also
observed. Observed micro-vascular changes during tendinitis were similar to the findings in the literatures. This study
demonstrates that photoacoustic imaging, owning required sensitivity and penetration, has the potential for high sensitive
diagnosis and assessment of treatment performance in tendinopathy.
Tissue classification by wavelet modified generic Fourier descriptor and their recognition using hybrid correlator
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Segmentation in Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is a widely studied problem, and techniques
(supervised and unsupervised) are discussed in the literature. The basic approaches to image segmentation are
based upon: (a) boundary representation, (b) regional characteristics and (c) a combination of boundary and
region-based features. In this paper, we report classification of brain tissue based objects employing one of
combination of boundary and region-based features as wavelet modified generic Fourier descriptor (WGFD)
technique. This technique have been applied to a database consisting of 3 different class's tissues, each class
consist of 50 shapes. The Euclidean distance has been calculated as a similarity measure parameter for tissue
shape classification. The classification results have been carried out and it is inferred that WGFD performs for
brain tissue classification. For brain tissue recognition, a simulation experiment employing hybrid correlator
architecture has been carried out. We have used Wavelet modified maximum average correlation hight
(MACH) filter for hybrid correlator. Mexican-hat wavelet has used to synthesize the wavelet MACH filter for
simulation experiment.
Reconstruction of photoacoustic tomography with finite-aperture detectors: deconvolution of the spatial impulse response
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In this study, we introduce a new reconstruction method developed to reduce the finite aperture effect in
photoacoustic tomography with finite-aperture detectors. The finite aperture effect and degradation in tangential
resolution result from the spatial impulse response of the
finite-size flat transducer. The proposed method is based on a
linear, discrete model of the photoacoustic tomography system in matrix formalism. Using this model, a spatiotemporal
deconvolution filter designed in minimum mean square error sense is used to compensate the spatial impulse responses
associated with a finite-size flat transducer at each imaging point; thus restoration of the tangential resolution can be
achieved retrospectively. The performance of the proposed reconstruction method is verified using simulation data.
Compared with that reconstructed by the backprojection algorithm, the proposed method provides uniform tangential
resolution over the imaging area while retaining the radial resolution because the full geometry of the flat transducer,
instead of the simplified point-detector approximation is taken into consideration.
Multispectral photoacoustic microscopy using a photonic crystal fiber supercontinuum source
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Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) provides excellent image contrast based on optical absorption. Microchip lasers are
attractive optical sources for PAM, as they are compact and provide nanosecond pulse durations at several kHz
repetition rates. However, spectroscopic imaging is not possible with microchip lasers due to their fixed wavelength
output. We are investigating multispectral PAM with a supercontinuum source based on a photonic crystal fiber (PCF)
pumped with a microchip laser. The Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser produces 0.6 ns duration pulses at 1064 nm
with 8 uJ of energy at a 6.6 kHz repetition rate. These pulses are sent through 7 meters of PCF with a 5 um diameter core
and a zero dispersion wavelength of 1040 nm. The supercontinuum is sent through a tunable band-pass filter before
being focused into the object. Photoacoustic detection is performed with a 25 MHz spherically focused f/2 transducer.
En-face imaging experiments were performed on ink phantoms. Images are acquired at seven different wavelengths from
575 to 875 nm. A simple discriminant analysis of the multispectral photoacoustic data produces images that clearly
distinguish the different absorbing regions of the sample. These preliminary results suggest the potential of the
supercontinuum PCF source for multispectral PAM.
Photoacoustic micro-imaging of focused ultrasound induced blood-brain-barrier opening in a rat model
Po-Hsun Wang,
Po-Hung Hsu,
Hao-Li Liu,
et al.
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Blood brain barrier (BBB) prevents most of the drug from transmitting into the brain tissue and decreases the treatment
performance for brain disease. One of the methods to overcome the difficulty of drug delivery is to locally increase the
permeability of BBB with high-intensity focused ultrasound. In this study, we have investigated the feasibility of
photoacoustic microscopy of focused-ultrasound induced BBB opening in a rat model in vivo with gold nanorods
(AuNRs) as a contrast agent. This study takes advantage of the strong near-infrared absorption of AuNRs and their
extravasation tendency from BBB opening foci due to their nano-scale size. Before the experiments, craniotomy was
performed on rats to provide a path for focused ultrasound beam. Localized BBB opening at the depth of about 3 mm
from left cortex of rat brains was achieved by delivering 1.5 MHz focused ultrasound energy into brain tissue in the
presence of microbubbles. PEGylated AuNRs with a peak optical absorption at ~800 nm were then intravenously
administered. Pre-scan prior to BBB disruption and AuNR injection was taken to mark the signal background. After
injection, the distribution of AuNRs in rat brains was monitored up to 2 hours. Experimental results show that imaging
AuNRs reveals BBB disruption area in left brains while there are no changes observed in the right brains. From our
results, photoacoustic imaging plus AuNRs shows the promise as a novel monitoring strategy in identifying the location
and variation of focused-ultrasound BBB-opening in a rat model.
Multicolor photoacoustic imaging by a single transducer with piezoelectric copolymer film in a wide frequency range
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We built a photoacoustic tomographic (PAT) imaging system by scanning a single detector (φ 3.5 mm) made of
piezoelectric copolymer poly(vinylidene
difluoride-trifluoroethylene), P(VDF-TrFE), which had been fabricated for
diagnostic photoacoustic measurement of cartilage tissues in our group. The PAT images of a phantom were obtained at
two excitation wavelength of 687.5 nm and 795 nm. The phantom was made of agar including a black hair and agarose
gels dissolving indocyanine green (ICG) and methylene blue (MB). Laser pulses (685-900 nm) were generated from a
Ti:Sappire tunable laser to excite ICG and MB molecules. The PAT image at 687.5 nm shows signals due to all
absorption sources. This is good agreement with dimension of the phantom. The PAT image at 795 nm shows a strong
signal due to the ICG-dyed gel and almost no signal due to the
MB-dyed gel. This result indicated that absorption
sources were extracted by excitation wavelength according to their absorption spectra. The signal/noise ratio of the PAT
images were compared between the P(VDF-TrFE) transducer in our group and a PZT transducer (Parametrics V309, 5
MHz, φ 12.7 mm) which is commercially available. The P(VDF-TrFE) transducer was more sensitive by 9 times (120
times per area) than the PZT transducer. By using this imaging system with a P(VDF-TrFE) transducer which is highly
sensitive in a wide frequency range, we will achieve frequency analysis of the PAT images to associate photoacoustic
waveforms with physical properties of sample tissues.
In vivo dual-modality imaging of lymphatic systems using indocyanine green in rats: three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging and planar fluorescence imaging
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The purpose of this study is to map non-invasively sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) and lymphatic vessels of rats in vivo
using FDA-approved indocyanine green (ICG) and two non-ionizing imaging modalities: volumetric spectroscopic
photoacoustic (PA) imaging, which measures optical absorption, and planar fluorescence imaging, which measures
fluorescent emission. SLNs and lymphatic vessels were clearly visible after a 0.2 ml-intradermal-injection of 1 mM ICG
in both imaging systems. We also imaged deeply positioned lymph nodes in vivo by layering biological tissues on top of
rats. These two modalities, when used together with ICG, have the potential to map SLNs in axillary staging and to
study tumor metastasis in breast cancer patients.
Photoacoustic tomography of pathological tissue in ex vivo mouse hearts
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In the present study, we evaluate the applicability of ex-vivo photoacoustic imaging (PAI) in organs of small animals.
We used photoacoustic tomography (PAT) to visualize infarcted areas within mouse hearts and compared it to other
imaging techniques (MRI and μCT).
In order to induce ischemia an in-vivo ligation of the Ramus interventricularis anterior (RIVA, left anterior descending,
LAD) was performed on nine wild type C41 mice. After varying survival periods the mice were sacrificed. The hearts
were excised and immediately transferred into a formaldehyde solution for conservation.
Various wavelengths in the visible and near infrared region (500 nm - 1000 nm) had been tested to find the best
representation of the ischemic regions. Samples were illuminated with nanosecond laser pulses delivered by an Nd:YAG
pumped optical parametric oscillator. Ultrasound detection was achieved by an optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer
working as an integrating line detector. For acoustic coupling the samples were located inside a water tank. The voxel
data are computed from the measurement data by a Fourier-domain based reconstruction algorithm, followed by a
sequence of inverse Radon transforms.
Results clearly show the capability of PAI to detect pathological tissue and the possibility to produce three-dimensional
images with resolutions well below 100 μm. Different wavelengths allow the representation of structure inside an organ
or on the surface even without contrast enhancing tracers.
Multiparametric optimization of multispectral optoacoustic tomography for deep tissue imaging
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Over the last decade fluorescent reporter technologies (both fluorescent probes and proteins) have become a
very powerful imaging tool in everyday biomedical research. Multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT)
is an emerging imaging technology that can resolve fluorophore concentration in small animals situated in deep
tissue by multispectral acquisition and processing of optoacoustic signals. In this work, we study the optimum
operating conditions of MSOT in imaging fluorescence activity in small animals. The performance of various
fluorochromes / fluorescent proteins is examined and it is shown that the new infrared fluorescent protein is an
order of magnitude brighter than the red ones. Finally, wavelength reduction after principle component analysis
shows, that accurate unmixing and 3D reconstruction of the distribution of fluorochromes is possible only with
2 or 3 wavelengths.
Photoacoustic quantification of the optical absorption cross-sections of gold nanostructures
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This study demonstrates a method for measuring the optical absorption cross-sections (σa) of Au-Ag nanocages and Au
nanorods using photoacoustic (PA) sensing. PA signals are directly proportional to the absorption coefficient (μa) of the
nanostructure. For each type of nanostructure, we first obtained μa from the PA signal by benchmarking against a linear
calibration curve (PA signal vs. μa) derived from a set of methylene blue solutions with different concentrations. We
then calculated σa by dividing the μa by the corresponding concentration of the Au nanostructure. Additionally, we
obtained the extinction cross-section (σe, sum of absorption and scattering cross-sections) from the extinction spectrum
recorded using a conventional UV-vis-NIR spectrometer. From the measurements of σa and σe, we were able to easily
derive both the absorption and scattering cross-sections for each type of gold nanostructure. This method can potentially
provide the optical absorption and scattering properties of gold nanostructures and other types of nanomaterials.
Optimization of the acousto-optic signal detection in cylindrical geometry
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The use of ultrasonic tagging of multiple scattered photons within turbid media for tomographic imaging is typically
performed using optical detection in transmission mode. This study aimed to optimize the detection of the acousto-optic
(AO) signal in cylindrical geometry, with a view to using the technique to measure blood oxygenation in the internal
jugular vein of infants in the future. In our experiments, homogeneous phantoms of multiple transport scattering
coefficients were constructed for the described geometry mimicking the infant neck. The optical source was
systematically repositioned at different angles relative to the optical detector and the resulting AO signal was measured.
The experimental results were also compared to focused ultrasound AO Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results. It was
found that the optimal modulation depth and noise variance were highly dependent on the overlap region between the
optical path length of the optical source-detector pair and the ultrasound focal zone. Therefore the optimal positions for
both the optical and ultrasound probes could be estimated from both experimental and simulation results for a given
Analysis of a photoacoustic imaging system by singular value decomposition
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Photoacoustic imaging is a hybrid imaging modality capable of producing contrast similar to optical
imaging techniques but with increased penetration depth and resolution in turbid media by encoding the information
as acoustic waves. In general, it is important to characterize system performance by parameters such as sensitivity,
resolution, and contrast. However, system characterization can extend beyond these metrics by implementing
advanced analysis via singular value decomposition. A method was developed to experimentally measure a matrix
that represented the imaging operator for the system. Analysis of the imaging operator was done via singular value
decomposition so that the capability of the system to reconstruct objects and the inherent system sensitivity to those
objects could be understood. The results provided by singular value decomposition were compared to simulations
performed on an ideal system with matching transducer arrangement and defined object space.
Combined photoacoustic and magneto-motive ultrasound imaging
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Ultrasound imaging can provide excellent resolution at reasonable depths while retaining the advantages of being nonionizing,
cost-effective and portable. However, the contrast in ultrasound imaging is limited, and various ultrasoundbased
techniques such as photoacoustic (PA) and magneto-motive ultrasound (MMUS) imaging have been developed to
augment ultrasound imaging. Photoacoustic imaging enhances imaging contrast by visualizing the optical absorption of
either tissue or injected contrast agents (e.g., gold or silver nanoparticles). MMUS imaging enhances the sensitivity and
specificity of ultrasound based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles perturbed by an external magnetic field. This
paper presents integrated magneto-photo-acoustic (MPA) imaging - a fusion of complementary ultrasound-based
imaging techniques. To demonstrate the feasibility of MPA imaging, porcine ex-vivo tissue experiments were performed
using a dual contrast (magnetic/plasmonic) agent. Spatially
co-registered and temporally consecutive ultrasound,
photoacoustic, and magneto-motive ultrasound images of the same
cross-section of tissue were obtained. Our ex-vivo
results indicate that magneto-photo-acoustic imaging can be used to detect magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles with high
resolution, sensitivity and contrast. Therefore, our study suggests that magneto-photo-acoustic images can identify the
morphological properties, molecular information and complementary functional information of the tissue.
Comparison of reconstruction algorithms for sparse-array detection photoacoustic tomography
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A photoacoustic tomography (PAT) imaging system based on a sparse 2D array of detector elements and an
iterative image reconstruction algorithm has been proposed, which opens the possibility for high frame-rate 3D
PAT. The efficacy of this PAT implementation is highly influenced by the choice of the reconstruction algorithm.
In recent years, a variety of new reconstruction algorithms have been proposed for medical image reconstruction
that have been motivated by the emerging theory of compressed sensing. These algorithms have the potential
to accurately reconstruct sparse objects from highly incomplete measurement data, and therefore may be highly
suited for sparse array PAT. In this context, a sparse object is one that is described by a relatively small number
of voxel elements, such as typically arises in blood vessel imaging. In this work, we investigate the use of a
gradient projection-based iterative reconstruction algorithm for image reconstruction in sparse-array PAT. The
algorithm seeks to minimize an 1-norm penalized least-squares cost function. By use of computer-simulation
studies, we demonstrate that the gradient projection algorithm may further improve the efficacy of sparse-array
Evaluation of Her2 status using photoacoustic spectroscopic CT techniques
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of using photacoustic CT spectroscopy(PCT-s) to track
a near infrared dye conjugated with trastuzumab in vivo.
Materials and Methods: An animal model was developed which contained both high and low Her2 expression tumor
xenografts on the same mouse. The tumors were imaged at multiple wavelengths (680- 950nm) in the PCT scanner one
day prior to injection of the near infrared conjugated probe. Baseline optical imaging data was acquired and the probe
was then injected via the tail vein. Fluorescence data was acquired over the next week, PCT spectroscopic data was also
acquired during this timeframe. The mice were sacrificed and tumors were extirpated and sent to pathology for IHC
staining to verify Her2 expression levels. The optical fluorescence images were analyzed to determine probe uptake
dynamics. Reconstructed PCT spectroscopic data was analyzed using IDL routines to deconvolve the probe signal from
endogenous background signals, and to determine oxygen saturation.
Results: The location of the NIR conjugate was able to be identified within the tumor utilizing IDL fitting routines, in
addition oxygen saturation, and hemoglobin concentrations were discernible from the spectroscopic data.
Conclusion: Photacoustic spectroscopy allows for the determination of in vivo tumor drug delivery at greater depths than
can be determined from optical imaging techniques.
Biodegradable plasmonic nanoclusters as contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging
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Metallic nanoparticles have been widely used in a variety of imaging and therapeutic applications due to their unique
optical properties in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) regions - for example, various plasmonic nanoparticles are used
for molecular photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy. However, there are concerns that these agents may not
be safe under physiological conditions, because these nanoparticles are not biodegradable, could accumulate and,
therefore, could be toxic long-term. We investigate the feasibility of using biodegradable gold nanoclusters as a contrast
agent for highly sensitive photoacoustic imaging. The size of these biodegradable nanoclusters, consisting of sub-5 nm
primary gold particles and a biodegradable polymer binder, is less than 100 nm. Due to plasmon coupling, these
nanoclusters are characterized by a broad extinction spectrum that extends to the near infrared (NIR) spectral range.
Photoacoustic imaging of tissue models containing inclusions with different concentrations of nanoparticles was
performed using a tunable pulsed laser system. The results indicate that the biodegradable nanoclusters, comprised of
small gold nanoparticles, can be used as contrast agents in photoacoustic imaging.
Characterization of sparse-array detection photoacoustic tomography using the singular value decomposition
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A photoacoustic tomography (PAT) method that employs a sparse
two-dimentional (2D) array of detector
elements has recently been employed to reconstruct images of simple objects from highly incomplete measurement
data. However, there remains an important need to understand what type of object features can be reliably
reconstructed from such a system. In this work, we numerically compute the singular value decomposition
(SVD) of different system matrices that are relevant to implementations of sparse-array PAT. For a given number
and arrangement of measurement transducers, this will reveal the type of object features that can reliably be
reconstructed as well as those that are invisible to the imaging system.
Monitor hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation in living mouse tail using photoacoustic CT scanner
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to use PCT spectroscopy scanner to monitor the hemoglobin concentration and
oxygen saturation change of living mouse by imaging the artery and veins in a mouse tail.
Materials and Methods: One mouse tail was scanned using the PCT small animal scanner at the isosbestic wavelength
(796nm) to obtain its hemoglobin concentration. Immediately after the scan, the mouse was euthanized and its blood was
extracted from the heart. The true hemoglobin concentration was measured using a co-oximeter. Reconstruction
correction algorithm to compensate the acoustic signal loss due to the existence of bone structure in the mouse tail was
developed. After the correction, the hemoglobin concentration was calculated from the PCT images and compared with
co-oximeter result. Next, one mouse were immobilized in the PCT scanner. Gas with different concentrations of oxygen
was given to mouse to change the oxygen saturation. PCT tail vessel spectroscopy scans were performed 15 minutes
after the introduction of gas. The oxygen saturation values were then calculated to monitor the oxygen saturation change
of mouse.
Results: The systematic error for hemoglobin concentration measurement was less than 5% based on preliminary
analysis. Same correction technique was used for oxygen saturation calculation. After correction, the oxygen saturation
level change matches the oxygen volume ratio change of the introduced gas.
Conclusion: This living mouse tail experiment has shown that NIR
PCT-spectroscopy can be used to monitor the oxygen
saturation status in living small animals.
Ex vivo hemoglobin status study using photoacoustic computed tomography small animal scanner
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to calibrate the PCT scanner to quantify the hemoglobin status utilizing a blood
flow phantom.
Materials and Methods: A blood circulation system was designed and constructed to control the oxygen saturation and
hemoglobin concentration of blood. As a part of the circulation system, a 1.1mm FEP tube was placed in the center of
imaging tank of PCT scanner as the imaging object. Photoacoustic spectra (690-950 nm) was acquired for different
hemoglobin concentrations (CtHb) and oxygen saturation levels (SaO2), where the formers was formed by diluting
blood samples with PBS and the latter by mixing blood with gases at different oxygen content. Monte Carlo simulations
were performed to calculate the photon energy depositions in the phantom tube, which took into account photon losses in
water and blood. A Kappa value which represents the energy transfer efficiency of hemoglobin molecule was calculated
based on the PCT measurement and simulation result. The final SaO2 value of each blood sample was calculated based
on the PCT spectrum and Kappa value. These oxygen saturation results were compared with co-oximeter measurements
to obtain systematic errors.
Results and Conclusion: The statistic error of calculating Kappa value from hemoglobin concentration experiment was
less than 5%. The systematic error between PCT spectra analysis and co-oximeter analysis for hemoglobin oxygen
saturation was -4.5%. These calibration techniques used to calculate Kappa and hemoglobin absorption spectra would be
used in hypoxia measurements in tumors as well as for endogenous biomarkers studies.
In vivo multi-modality photoacoustic and pulse echo tracking of prostate tumor growth using a window chamber
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Understanding the tumor microenvironment is critical to characterizing how cancers operate and predicting how they
will eventually respond to treatment. The mouse window chamber model is an excellent tool for cancer research,
because it enables high resolution tumor imaging and cross-validation using multiple modalities. We describe a novel
multimodality imaging system that incorporates three dimensional (3D) photoacoustics with pulse echo ultrasound for
imaging the tumor microenvironment and tracking tissue growth in mice. Three mice were implanted with a dorsal skin
flap window chamber. PC-3 prostate tumor cells, expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP), were injected into the skin.
The ensuing tumor invasion was mapped using photoacoustic and pulse echo imaging, as well as optical and fluorescent
imaging for comparison and cross validation. The photoacoustic imaging and spectroscopy system, consisting of a
tunable (680-1000nm) pulsed laser and 25 MHz ultrasound transducer, revealed near infrared absorbing regions,
primarily blood vessels. Pulse echo images, obtained simultaneously, provided details of the tumor microstructure and
growth with 100-μm3 resolution. The tumor size in all three mice increased between three and five fold during 3+ weeks
of imaging. Results were consistent with the optical and fluorescent images. Photoacoustic imaging revealed detailed
maps of the tumor vasculature, whereas photoacoustic spectroscopy identified regions of oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood vessels. The 3D photoacoustic and pulse echo imaging system provided complementary information to track the
tumor microenvironment, evaluate new cancer therapies, and develop molecular imaging agents in vivo. Finally, these
safe and noninvasive techniques are potentially applicable for human cancer imaging.
Real-time pulse echo and photoacoustic imaging using an ultrasound array and in-line reflective illumination
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Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that photoacoustic (PA) imaging, in conjunction with pulse echo (PE)
ultrasound is a promising modality for diagnosing breast cancer. However, existing devices are unwieldy and are hard to
integrate into the clinical environment. In addition, it is difficult to illuminate thick samples because light must be
directed around the transducer. Conventional PA imaging designs involve off-axis illumination or transillumination
through the object. Whereas transillumination works best with thin objects, off-axis illumination may not uniformly
illuminate the region of interest. To overcome these problems we have developed an attachment to an existing clinical
linear array that can efficiently deliver light in line with the image plane. This photoacoustic enabling device (PED)
exploits an optically transparent acoustic reflector to co-align the illumination with the acoustic waves, enabling realtime
PA and PE imaging. Based on this concept, we describe results from three types of PEDs in phantoms and rat
tissue. The most recent version is fabricated by rapid prototyping, and attached to a 10 MHz linear array. Real-time PA
and PE images of a 127-μm diameter wire were consistent with our expectations based on the properties of the
ultrasound transducer. Comparisons with and without the PED of another test phantom printed on transparency
demonstrated that the PED does not appreciably degrade or distort image quality. The PED offers a simple and
inexpensive solution towards a real-time dual-modality imaging system for breast cancer detection. It could also be
adapted for virtually any kind of ultrasound transducer array and integrated into routine ultrasound exams for detection
of cancerous lesions within 1-2 cm from the probe surface.
Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy of amyloid-β deposits in vivo
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Advances in high-resolution imaging have permitted microscopic observations within the brains of living animals.
Applied to Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse models, multiphoton microscopy has opened a new window to study the
real-time appearance and growth of amyloid plaques. Here, we report an alternative technology-optical-resolution
photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM)-for in vivo imaging of amyloid plaques in a transgenic AD mouse model. In vivo
validation using multiphoton microscopy shows that OR-PAM has sufficient sensitivity and spatial resolution to identify
amyloid plaques in living brains. In addition, with dual-wavelength OR-PAM, the three-dimensional morphology of
amyloid plaques and the surrounding microvasculature are imaged simultaneously through a cranial window. In vivo
transcranial OR-PAM imaging of amyloid plaques is highly likely once the imaging parameters are optimized.
In vivo label-free photoacoustic microscopy of the anterior segment of the mouse eye
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Both iris fluorescein angiography (IFA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) provide ophthalmologists imaging
tools in studying the microvasculature structure and hemodynamics of the anterior segment of the eye in normal and
diseased status. However, a non-invasive, endogenous imaging modality is preferable for the monitoring of
hemodynamics of the iris microvasculature. We investigated the in vivo, label-free ocular anterior segment imaging
with photo-acoustic microscopy (PAM) in mouse eyes. We demonstrated the unique advantage of endogenous contrast
that is not available in both IFA and ICGA. The laser radiation was maintained within the ANSI laser safety limit. The
in vivo, label-free nature of our imaging technology has the potential for ophthalmic applications.
In vivo functional photoacoustic micro-imaging of the electrically stimulated rat brain with multiwavelengths
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In this study, we report on using multi-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy to image hemodynamic changes of
total hemoglobin concentration (HbT) (i.e., blood volume) and oxygenation (SO2) in rat brain cortex vessels with
electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation of the rat left forelimb was applied to evoke changes in vascular dynamics of
the rat somatosensory cortex. The applied current pulses were with a pulse frequency of 3 Hz, pulse duration of 0.2 ms,
and pulse amplitude of 5 mA, respectively. The imaging target of rat brains was demarcated at AP 0 - -2.5 mm and ML
± 6 mm with respect to bregma. HbT changes were probed by images acquired at 570 nm, a hemoglobin isosbestic point
while SO2 changes were imaged by those acquired at 560 nm or 600 nm and their derivatives, which were normalized to
those with 570 nm wavelengths. Correlation between the electrical stimulation paradigm and images acquired at 570,
560, and 600 nm in contralateral and ipsilateral vasculature was statistically analyzed, showing that the HbT and SO2
changes revealed by multi-wavelength photoacoustic images spatially correlated with contralateral vasculature.
Photoacoustic characterization of human ovarian tissue
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Ovarian cancer has a five-year survival rate of only 30%, which represents the highest mortality of all
gynecologic cancers. The reason for that is that the current imaging techniques are not capable of detecting ovarian
cancer early. Therefore, new imaging techniques, like photoacoustic imaging, that can provide functional and molecular
contrasts are needed for improving the specificity of ovarian cancer detection and characterization. Using a coregistered
photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging system we have studied thirty-one human ovaries ex vivo, including
normal and diseased. In order to compare the photoacoustic imaging results from all the ovaries, a new parameter using
the RF data has been derived. The preliminary results show higher optical absorption for abnormal and malignant
ovaries than for normal postmenopausal ones. To estimate the quantitative optical absorption properties of the ovaries,
additional ultrasound-guided diffuse optical tomography images have been acquired. Good agreement between the two
techniques has been observed. These results demonstrate the potential of a co-registered photoacoustic and ultrasound
imaging system for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
Photoacoustic tomography of foreign bodies in soft biological tissue
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Ultrasound imaging suffers from poor sensitivity (~50%) and specificity in detecting small foreign bodies
in tissue. Hence, alternative imaging methods are needed. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging takes advantage of
strong optical absorption contrast and high ultrasonic resolution. This work employed a PA imaging system
to detect foreign bodies in biological tissues. To achieve deep penetration, we used near-infrared light and a
5-MHz spherically focused ultrasonic transducer. PA images were obtained from objects (glass, wood,
cloth, plastic, and metal) embedded in chicken tissue. The location and size of the targets from the PA
images agreed well with those of the actual samples. Objects were imaged more than 1 cm deep.
Spectroscopic PA imaging was also performed on the objects. These results suggest PA imaging can
potentially be a useful intraoperative imaging tool to identify foreign bodies and discriminate viable tissues
in wounded patients.
Optoacoustic imaging of HIFU-induced thermal lesions in tissue
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A 3-D optoacoustic imaging system was used to visualize thermal lesions produced in excised tissue
specimens and in vivo mice using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). A 7.5 MHz surgical,
focused transducer with a radius of curvature of 35 mm and an aperture diameter of 23 mm was used
to generate HIFU. A pulsed laser, which could operate at 755 nm and 1064 nm, was used to
illuminate excised tissue and mice using a bifurcated fiber bundle resulting in two wide beams of
light. Tomographic images were obtained while the specimens were rotated within a sphere outlined
by a concave arc-shaped array of 64 piezo-composite transducers. These images were then combined
to reconstruct 3-D volume images (voxel resolution 0.5 mm), which were acquired before and after
HIFU exposure. Optoacoustic images acquired at 1064 nm provided visualization of HIFU lesions.
The lesion in excised tissue was indicated by an increase in the optoacoustic signal; the in vivo lesion
was indicated by a decrease in the optoacoustic signal. The location and the extent of the lesions
were confirmed upon dissection. The discrepancy between the ex vivo and the in vivo results might
be attributed to the different effective thermal deposition in the two cases. These preliminary results
demonstrate the potential of optoacoustic imaging to assess and monitor the progress of HIFU
Effect of ultrasound transducer face reflectivity on light fluence distribution inside turbid medium
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For photoacoustic imaging in reflection geometry, the front-face reflectivity of the ultrasound transducers imposes
different boundary conditions on the light fluence distribution inside the tissue. Understanding and characterizing the
boundary effects on the fluence distribution is critical for optimizing the light illumination and therefore the signal-tonoise
ratio (SNR) of the photoacoustic measurements. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were performed to quantify the
fluence distribution under different reflectivity boundary conditions and the results were validated by experiments. It is
demonstrated that the light fluence obtained due to a highly reflective boundary, for instance, white-colored transducer
face, is higher and more uniformly distributed than that of lower reflectivity boundaries such as red, gray, or black face
colors. Both simulations and experiments were performed with near-infrared (NIR) light as the illumination source.
Time-resolved photoacoustic Doppler characterization of flow using pulsed excitation
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A new approach for implementing pulsed excitation enables
time-resolved characterization of flow, using the
photoacoustic Doppler effect. The method yields two-dimensional maps of the Doppler shift vs. axial position of flowing
absorbing particles. It takes advantage of the unique flexibility and accuracy of external modulation which offers
excellent control over the parameters of the pulsed optical excitation. The experimental setup comprised a CW tunable
laser source operating in the fiber optic communications band
(1510-1620nm) followed by an electro-optic modulator,
electronically driven by an arbitrary waveform generator. Using the technique the flow of a suspension of carbon
particles in a C-flex tube was measured over a wide range of velocities from 18 mm/sec up to 200mm/sec.