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- Front Matter: Volume 7434
- Laser Ignition/Initiation Systems
- Radiation Effects
- Laser/Fiber Advances
- Novel Applications
Front Matter: Volume 7434
Front Matter: Volume 7434
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE
Proceedings Volume 7434, including the Title Page, Copyright
information, Table of Contents, and the Conference Committee listing.
Laser Ignition/Initiation Systems
An evaluation of the T-6A Texan (JPATS) initial functional performance of the CFIS laser assemblies
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The Indian Head Division, Naval
Surface Warfare Center (IHDIV, NSWC) CAD
Engineering Division is conducting a program to
evaluate the laser components which comprise
the Canopy Fracturing Initiation System (CFIS)
currently installed on the T-6A Texan or JPATS
(Joint Primary Aircraft Training System) aircraft.
The T-6A Texan is the first aircraft used by the
military to train future pilots. The CFIS is an
element of the pilot emergency escape system
which weakens the canopy in the path of the
ejection seat. The CFIS is comprised of three
differing configurations (Internal, External, and
Seat Motion) which generate a laser pulse that is
distributed through a fiber optic energy
transmission system. This pulse, in turn, initiates
explosive components which weaken the
respective canopies. All of the CFIS laser types
are flashlamp-pumped, neodymium glass lasers
which are located at various positions in the
aircraft cockpit area. This paper builds on the
previous 2008 SPIE paper (Conference 7070)
and presents further CAD Engineering Division
test results and analysis which were utilized to
evaluate the functional performance of the three
CFIS laser signal generators after their being
installed fleet applications over a period of time.
Optimisation of laser-driven flyer velocity using photonic Doppler velocimetry
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Laser-driven flyer plates offer a convenient, laboratory-based method for generating extremely high pressure shocks, in
excess of 30 GPa, in a variety of materials. They comprise of one or more thin layers forming a foil, coated onto a
transparent substrate. By irradiating the interface between foil and substrate with a moderate-energy, short-duration laser
pulse, it is possible to form a flyer plate, which can reach velocities in excess of 5 km/s. These flyer plates have several
applications, from micrometeorite simulation to initiation of secondary explosives.
The flyer plates considered here have up to four layers: an absorption layer, to absorb the laser energy; an ablation layer,
to form a plasma; an insulating layer; and a final, thicker layer that forms the final flyer plates.
By careful selection of both layer material and thickness, it is possible to increase the maximum velocity achieved for a
given laser pulse energy by increasing the proportion of laser energy coupled into flyer kinetic energy. Photonic Doppler
Velocimetry (PDV) is used to measure the flyer velocity.
Reliability assessment of GaAs- and InP-based diode lasers for high-energy single-pulse operation
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With the maturing of high-power diode laser technology, studies of laser-assisted ignition of a variety of substances are
becoming an increasingly popular research topic. Its range of applications is wide - from fusing in the defense,
construction and exploration industries to ignition in future combustion engines. Recent advances in InP-based
technology have expanded the wavelength range that can be covered by multi-watt GaAs- and InP-based diode lasers to
about 0.8 to 2 μm. With such a wide range, the wattage is no longer the sole defining factor for efficient ignition.
Ignition-related studies should include the interaction of radiation of various wavelengths with matter and the reliability
of devices based on different material systems. In this paper, we focus on the reliability of pulsed laser diodes for use in
ignition applications. We discuss the existing data on the catastrophic optical damage (COD) of the mirrors of the GaAsbased
laser diodes and come up with a non-destructive test method to predict the COD level of a particular device. This
allows pre-characterization of the devices intended for fusing to eliminate failures during single-pulse operation in the
field. We also tested InP-based devices and demonstrated that the maximum power is not limited by COD. Currently,
devices with >10W output power are available from both GaAs- and InP-based devices, which dramatically expands the
potential use of laser diodes in ignition systems.
Assembly and characterization of a prototype laser-optical firing system
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The design, assembly and characterization of the latest generation of a small, ruggedized laser-optical firing system will
be discussed. This work builds upon earlier results in an effort to continue the development of robust fiber-coupled laseroptical
firing systems.[1][2] This newest prototype strives to improve on earlier designs, while continuing to utilize many
of the environmentally proven opto-mechanical sub-assemblies.[2][3] One area of improvement involves the
implementation of a second optical safing and arming component. Several additional design improvements were also
incorporated to address shortcomings uncovered during environmental testing.[4][5] These tests and the subsequent failure
analysis were performed at the laser sub-system level. Four identical prototypes were assembled and characterized. The
performance of the units were evaluated by comparing a number of parameters including laser output energy, slope
efficiency, beam divergence, spatial intensity profile, fiber injection and splitter-coupler transmission efficiency. Other
factors evaluated were the ease of alignment, repeatability of the alignment process and the fabrication of the fiberoptical
cables. The experimentally obtained results will be compared and contrasted to the performance of earlier
Waveguide sensor for detection of HNS degradation
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Hexanitrostilbene (HNS) is a secondary explosive widely used in a variety of commercial and military applications, due
in part to its high heat resistivity. Degradation of HNS is known to occur through exposure to a variety of sources
including heat, UV radiation, and certain chemical compounds, all of which may lead to reduced performance.
Detecting the degradation of HNS within a device, however, has required destructive analyses of the entire device while
probing the HNS in only an indirect fashion. Specifically, the common methods of investigating this degradation include
wet chemical, surface area and performance testing of the devices incorporating HNS rather than a direct interrogation of
the material itself. For example, chemical tests frequently utilized, such as volatility, conductivity, and contaminant
trapping, provide information on contaminants present in the system rather than the chemical stability of the HNS. To
instead probe the material directly, we have pursued the use of optical methods, in particular infrared (IR) spectroscopy,
in order to assess changes within the HNS itself. In addition, by successfully implementing miniature silicon (Si)
waveguides fabricated at Sandia National Laboratories to facilitate this spectroscopic approach, we have demonstrated
that HNS degradation monitoring may take place in a non-destructive, in-situ fashion. Furthermore, as these waveguides
may be manufactured in a variety of configurations, this direct, non-destructive, approach holds promise for
incorporation into a variety of devices.
Enhanced functionality and reliability testing of laser-initiated systems
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Laser initiation of explosive material requires consistent achievement of specific optical power densities and extremely
high reliability under a wide variety of harsh environmental conditions. Ensuring successful and timely detonation
drives laser diode-based systems towards testing algorithms that far exceed the standard Telcordia GR-468
qualifications. As diode technology advances, options for increased power density and alternate system configurations
expand. An understanding of the basis of diode laser reliability in this application will be provided, along with key
optical system metrics for a variety of current and future LIO systems.
Radiation Effects
The effect of high dose rate transient gamma radiation on high-energy optical fibers
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High power laser systems have a number of uses in a variety of scientific and defense applications, for example laser
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) or laser-triggered switches. In general, high power optical fibers are used to
deliver the laser energy from the source to the target in preference to free space beams. In certain cases, such as nuclear
reactors, these optical systems are expected to operate in ionizing radiation environments. In this paper, a variety of
modern, currently available commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) optical fiber designs have been assessed for successful
operation in the transient gamma radiation environment produced by the HERMES III accelerator at Sandia National
Laboratories, USA.
The performance of these fibers was evaluated for high (~1 MW) and low (<1 W) optical power transmission during
high dose rate, high total dose gamma irradiation. A significant reduction in low optical power transmission to 32% of
maximum was observed for low OH- content fibers, and 35% of maximum for high OH- fibers. The high OH- fibers were
observed to recover to 80% transmission within 1 μs and 100% transmission within 1 ms. High optical power
transmission losses followed generally similar trends to the low optical power transmission losses, though evidence for
an optical power dependent recovery was observed. For 10-20 mJ, 15 ns laser pulses, around 46% was transmitted
coincident with the radiation pulse, recovering to 70% transmission within 40 ns of the radiation pulse.
All fibers were observed to completely recover within a few minutes for high optical powers. High optical power
densities in excess of 1 GW/cm2
were successfully transmitted during the period of highest loss without any observed
damage to the optical fibers.
Dynamics of the optical response of Nd:YAG to ionizing radiation: testing for radiation hardness using UV laser radiation
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The optical response of single-crystal Nd:YAG and Cr3+:YAG to ionizing radiation has been previously studied
using intense pulses of gamma-rays at the HERMES III facility at Sandia National Laboratory, where samples'
transmission at 1064 nm was observed during exposure to gamma radiation. A further study of similar samples
when exposed to 10-ns UV laser pulses reveals nearly identical dynamics, with both tests producing similar transient
and permanent response in the medium. This strongly suggests that the material response to UV radiation can be
used to gauge its gamma-radiation hardness, therefore yielding a material testing technique that is much simpler and
less costly than gamma-radiation tests.
Gamma-radiation-induced photodarkening in actively pumped Yb[sup]3+[/sup]-doped optical fiber and investigation of post-irradiation transmittance recovery
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Fibers doped with rare-earth constituents such as Yb3+ and Er3+, as well as fibers co-doped with these species, form an
essential part of many optical systems requiring amplification. This study consists of two separate investigations
examining the effects of gamma-radiation-induced photodarkening on the behavior of rare-earth doped fibers. In one
part of this study, a suite of previously irradiated rare-earth doped fibers was heated to an elevated temperature of 300°C
and the transmittance monitored over an 8-hour period. Transmittance recoveries of ~10 - 20% were found for Er 3+-
doped fiber, while recoveries of ~5 - 15% and ~20% were found for Yb3+- and Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped fibers, respectively.
In the other part of this study, an Yb3+-doped fiber was actively pumped by a laser diode during a gamma-radiation
exposure to simulate the operation of an optical amplifier in a radiation environment. The response of the amplified
signal was observed and monitored over time. A significant decrease in amplifier output was observed to result from the
gamma-radiation exposure.
Laser/Fiber Advances
Q-switching technologies: limitations and opportunities: finding the right Q-switch
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Q-switches for laser ignition applications must meet a unique set of requirements. The inherent challenges to providing
extremely reliable, compact, practical, and cost effective devices are daunting. The capabilities and limitations of various
passive and active technologies will be explored and compared against generic laser driven ignition requirements.
Emphasis will be placed on providing practical limits of operation to guide systems design. These include alignment
sensitivity, voltage/power requirements, laser induced damage, the effects of extreme temperature, shock and vibration,
mechanical mounting strain, and piezoelectric driven ringing. An example of a new Q-switch suitable for mid-IR lasers,
which may improve ignition, will be described.
Novel Applications
Extracting ballistic forensic intelligence: microstamped firearms deliver data for illegal firearm traffic mapping: technology, implementation, and applications
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Over the years law enforcement has become increasingly complex, driving a need for a better level of
organization of knowledge within policing. The use of COMPSTAT or other Geospatial Information Systems
(GIS) for crime mapping and analysis has provided opportunities for careful analysis of crime trends. By
identifying hotspots within communities, data collected and entered into these systems can be analyzed to
determine how, when and where law enforcement assets can be deployed efficiently. This paper will
introduce in detail, a powerful new law enforcement and forensic investigative technology called Intentional
Firearm Microstamping (IFM). Once embedded and deployed into firearms, IFM will provide data for
identifying and tracking the sources of illegally trafficked firearms within the borders of the United States and
across the border with Mexico. Intentional Firearm Microstamping is a micro code technology that leverages
a laser based micromachining process to form optimally located, microscopic "intentional structures and
marks" on components within a firearm. Thus when the firearm is fired, these IFM structures transfer an
identifying tracking code onto the expended cartridge that is ejected from the firearm. Intentional Firearm
Microstamped structures are laser micromachined alpha numeric and encoded geometric tracking numbers,
linked to the serial number of the firearm. IFM codes can be extracted quickly and used without the need to
recover the firearm. Furthermore, through the process of extraction, IFM codes can be quantitatively verified
to a higher level of certainty as compared to traditional forensic matching techniques. IFM provides critical
intelligence capable of identifying straw purchasers, trafficking routes and networks across state borders and
can be used on firearms illegally exported across international borders. This paper will outline IFM
applications for supporting intelligence led policing initiatives, IFM implementation strategies, describe the
how IFM overcomes the firearms stochastic properties and explain the code extraction technologies that can
be used by forensic investigators and discuss the applications where the extracted data will benefit geospatial
information systems for forensic intelligence benefit.
New midwave infrared laser sources for defense and security needs
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Strain-balanced, InP-based quantum cascade laser structures, designed for light emission at 4.6 μm
using a new non-resonant extraction design approach, were grown by molecular beam epitaxy.
Removal of the restrictive two-phonon resonance condition, currently used in most structure designs,
allows simultaneous optimization of several structure parameters influencing laser performance.
Following the growth, the structure was processed to yield buried heterostructure lasers. Maximum
single-ended continuous-wave optical power of 3 W was obtained at 293 K for devices with stripe
dimensions of 5 mm by 11.6 μ;m. Corresponding maximum wallplug efficiency and threshold current
density were measured to be 12.7% and 0.86 kA/cm2. Fully packaged, air-cooled lasers with the same
active region/waveguide design and increased laser core doping delivered approximately 2.2 W in
collimated beam. The high performance and level of device integration make these quantum cascade
lasers the primary choice for various defense applications, including directional infrared
countermeasures, infrared beacons/target designators and free space optical communications.
Compact, rapid, and rugged detector of military and improvised explosives based on external grating cavity quantum cascade lasers
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Early detection of explosive substances is the first and most difficult step in defeating explosive
devices. Many currently available methods suffer from fundamental failure modes limiting their realworld
suitability. Infrared spectroscopy is ideal for reliable identification of explosives since it probes
the chemical composition of molecules. Quantum cascade lasers rapidly became the light source of
choice of IR spectroscopy due to their wavelength agility, relatively high output power, and small size
and weight. Our compact, rapid, and rugged multi-explosives sensor based on external grating cavity
QCLs simultaneously detects TNT, TATP, and acetone while being immune to ammonium nitrate
interference. The instrument features low false alarm rate, and low probability of false negatives.
Receiver operation characteristics curves are presented.