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- Front Matter: Volume 6997
- High-performance Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers I
- Coupled lasers, Chaos, and Synchronisation
- Optical Injection and Dynamics
- Semiconductor Lasers II
- VCSELs and Micro-Optics: Joint Session with Conference 6992
- Vertical cavity Lasers
- Ring lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers III
- Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 6997
Front Matter: Volume 6997
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This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE
Proceedings Volume 6997, including the Title Page, Copyright
information, Table of Contents, Introduction (if any), and the
Conference Committee listing.
High-performance Lasers
GaSb-based VECSEL exhibiting multiple-watt output power and high beam quality at a lasing wavelength of 2.25 um
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We report the realization of GaSb-based optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs)
emitting at 2.25 μm which are capable of multiple-Watt output power. VECSEL structures were grown on GaSb-substrates
by molecular beam epitaxy. SiC heat spreaders were capillary bonded onto the surface of the VECSEL chip in
order to facilitate efficient heat removal. A continuous-wave output power of more than 3.4 W was recorded at a heat
sink temperature of -10 °C. At room temperature (20 °C) we still obtained more than 1.6 W output power. A beam
propagation factor in the range of M2≤5 was measured at maximum output power. In adjusting the fundamental mode
diameter on the VECSEL chip to the pump spot diameter the beam quality could be further improved resulting in a beam
propagation factor of M2~1.5. Furthermore, initial results on a GaSb-based dual-chip VECSEL are reported, capable of
delivering a maximum output power of 3.3 W for a heat sink temperature of 20 °C and an emission wavelength of
2.25 μm.
The physics of catastrophic optical damage in high-power AlGaInP laser diodes
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An innovative combination of concepts, namely microphotoluminescence (μPL) mapping, focused ion beam (FIB)
microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and high-speed thermal imaging, was employed to reveal the physics behind
catastrophic optical damage (COD), its related temperature dynamics, as well as associated defect and near-field
μPL mapping showed that COD-related defects are composed of highly nonradiative complex dislocations, which start
from the output facet and propagate deep inside the cavity. Moreover, FIB analysis confirmed that those dark line defects
are confined to the active region, including the quantum wells and partially the waveguide. In addition, the COD
dependence on temperature and power was analyzed in detail by
micro-Raman spectroscopy and real-time thermal
imaging. For AlGaInP lasers in the whole spectral range of 635 to 650 nm, it was revealed that absorption of stimulated
photons at the laser output facet is the major source of facet heating, and that a critical facet temperature must be reached
in order for COD to occur. A linear relationship between facet temperature and near-field intensity has also been
established. This understanding of the semiconductor physics behind COD is a key element for further improvement in
output power of AlGaInP diode lasers.
Diffraction coupling of semiconductor tapered lasers in a very compact external Talbot cavity
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This work relates to combining a phase corrected array of tapered laser diodes, emitting at λ = 975 nm, coherently
using the Talbot effect. Diffractive coupling of semiconductor lasers by use of the Talbot effect provides a means for
coherent beam addition of multiple elements in laser diode arrays and makes possible a very compact external
cavity. We have used, in this work, fully index guided tapered laser diodes. They contain a
ridge waveguide, which acts as a
modal filter, and a tapered section of increasing width, which provides high power. We have realized arrays of
several emitters (N=10), which are not optically coupled to each other. First, to improve the beam quality of the array, a phase correcting micro system, achieving collimation in the fast
axis, correction of the wave front tilts in both directions and also a slow axis collimation, was added. The FWHM
divergences of the array were reduced from 34 ° to 0.17 ° in the fast-axis and from 3.5 ° to 0.7 ° in the slow-axis at
6A, 3.7 W. Then, to be close to diffraction limit, we have combined this corrected array coherently using the Talbot effect. We
have obtained quasi-monolobe slow axis far field profile for the in phase mode with a central peak divergence of
only 0.27 ° at 1.5 A, 315 mW under CW operation and of only 0.20 ° at 2.5 A, 787 mW under pulsed operation.
Semiconductor Lasers I
Applications of Gunn lasers
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The principle of the operation of a Gunn laser is based on the band to band recombination of impact
ionized non-equilibrium electron-hole pairs in propagating high field space-charge domains in a
Gunn diode, which is biased above the negative differential resistance threshold and placed in a
Fabry-Perot or a vertical micro cavity (VCSEL).
In conventional VCSEL structures, unless specific measures such as the addition of oxide apertures
and use of small windows are employed, the lack of uniformity in the density of current injected
into the active region can reduce the efficiency and delay the lasing threshold. In a vertical-cavity
structured Gunn device, however, the current is uniformly injected into the active region
independently of the distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) layers. Therefore, lasing occurs from the
entire surface of the device.
The light emission from Gunn domains is an electric field induced effect. Therefore, the operation
of Gunn-VCSEL or F-P laser is independent of the polarity of the applied voltage. Red-NIR
VCSELs emitting in the range of 630-850 nm are also possible when Ga1-xAlxAs (x < 0.45) is used
the active layer, making them candidates for light sources in plastic optical fibre (POF) based short-distance
data communications. Furthermore the device may find applications as an optical clock and
cross link between microwave and NIR communications.
The operation of a both Gunn-Fabry-Perot laser and Gunn-VCSEL has been demonstrated by us
recently. In the current work we present the potential results of experimental and theoretical studies
concerning the applications together with the gain and emission characteristics of Gunn-Lasers.
Harmonic-resonance enhanced third-harmonic generation and Kerr-effect in mid-infrared quantum-cascade lasers
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We study mid-infrared quantum-cascade lasers (QCL's) with a pair of triply harmonic resonant levels. Potential
applications of such designs are discussed based on the resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility χ(3) at the third-harmonic
(TH) frequency, χ(3)(3ω; ω, ω, ω), and that at fundamental mode (FM) frequency χ(3)( ω; ω, ω,-ω). Mode
overlap and the phase mismatch effect are considered in the TH power evaluation. In addition to single-photon
processes, resonant two-photon processes are included in the evaluation of χ(3)( ω; ω, ω,-ω), which results in the
enhancement of the positive nonlinear (Kerr) refractive index, and thus induce stronger self-phase modulation (SPM). It
is concluded that QCL's with multiple-resonance design are not only favorable for tunable light emission in the near- to
mid-infrared region, but are also promising candidates for spectrum broadening by SPM.
Spectral measurements and simulations of 405 nm (Al, In)GaN test laser structures grown on SiC and GaN substrate
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We investigate two types of 405 nm (In, Al)GaN test laser structures (TLSs), one of them grown on SiC substrates,
the other grown on low dislocation density freestanding GaN substrates. Measuring the lasing spectra of these
structures, we observe an individual behavior depending on the substrate. TLSs on GaN substrates show a
broad longitudinal mode spectrum above threshold, whereas TLSs on SiC are lasing only on one mode with
various jumps of the laser emission at certain currents. Estimating the gain of each longitudinal mode with the
Hakki-Paoli method, we find minute variations of the gain for TLSs on GaN substrate. In contrary, TLSs on
SiC substrate show much larger fluctuations of the gain for individual longitudinal modes. Using a rate equation
model with nonlinear gain effects, we simulate the longitudinal mode spectrum of both types of TLSs. Once we
modify the gain of each longitudinal mode as observed in the gain measurements, the simulated spectra resemble
the SiC or GaN substrate TLS spectra.
Effects of detuned loading on the modulation performance of widely tunable MG-Y lasers
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The Detuning Loading Effect, i.e., the effects of the modulation performance on the position of the lasing mode relative
to the Bragg reflection peak, is investigated in a Modulated Grating Y-branch laser. By proper adjustment of the lasing
mode position, simultaneous chirp reduction and modulation bandwidth enhancement can be obtained. The lasing mode
position is also crucial for side mode suppression ratio and output power.
A new simulation technique for DFB lasers
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The Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) is the standard method for simulating resonators with internal reflections
occurring in Distributed Feedback (DFB) lasers and other laser types. A restriction of this method is that it
cannot be applied to two dimensions or to time-dynamic simulations. We present a new Finite Element approach
which can be treated as a generalization of the TMM in two or three dimensions. Furthermore, it can be used
for time-dynamic problems as well as for large, tapered structures. We apply it to the time-dynamic simulation
of the optical wave in DFB lasers and show numerical results.
Coupled lasers, Chaos, and Synchronisation
Delay-coupled semiconductor lasers near locking: a bifurcation study
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We consider a system of two identical, but possibly detuned, spatially separated semiconductor lasers that are
mutually coupled via their optical fields. In a rate equation approach this system can be modeled by a set
of delay differential equations, where the delay takes into account the propagation time of the light from one
laser to the other. The delay introduces a complicated structure the compound laser modes (CLMs) whose
interaction may lead to complicated dynamics.
In this paper we present a bifurcation study of the CLM structure for the relevant system parameters,
including the pump current and the detuning. Initially stable CLMs can destabilizes in Hopf bifurcations that
lead to complicated dynamics on different time scales. In particular, we concentrate on the dynamics near the
boundary of locked dynamics of the two lasers. Depending on the pump current we find different scenarios for
the route to locking as a function of the detuning between the two lasers.
Fabrication and characterization of GaInNAs/GaAs semiconductor optical amplifiers
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The constraints on dilute-nitride Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) for multi-wavelength amplification have
been evaluated. SOAs have been fabricated by angling the facets of a GaInNAs/GaAs edge emitting laser using gas
enhanced focused ion beam etching. The original laser has been characterized in terms of its temperature dependence and
net modal gain. A full width half maximum (FWHM) of 40nm has been found at 298K. Good temperature stability has
also been found with a value of 0.35nm/K for the lasing wavelength. The good temperature stability of the device has
been explained in terms of the role that the monomolecular recombination plays in the temperature dependence of the
device. The monomolecular recombination has been reported temperature independent having two key effects; reduction
of the temperature performance and reduction of the dynamic performance in terms of an increase in the threshold
current and a decrease of the high speed potential. Iodine gas enhanced focused ion beam etching (GAE-FIB) has been
used for the fabrication of the SOA, the iodine gas increasing the etching rate by a factor of 2.5. The fabrication has been
completed in two steps; in the first one the facets have been angled and in the second step a cross-section procedure has
been employed for smoothing of the facets. Once the SOA has been fabricated its potential for simultaneous multiple
channel amplification has been studied. A flat gain spectrum over a range of 40nm has been obtained. This value and the
wavelength range have good agreement with the net modal gain measured in the original laser device. In addition,
minimum channel interspacing has been achieved with no wavelength degradation.
Masking the time-delay of the chaotic output of an external-cavity laser
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We investigate theoretically the identification of the
external-cavity roundtrip time of an external-cavity semiconductor
laser (ECSL). The time-delay identification is performed by analyzing the laser-intensity time series with conventional
techniques based on the autocorrelation function or mutual information. We find that a weak feedback rate and a time-delay
close to the laser's intrinsic relaxation-oscillation period are two conditions leading to difficult delay identification.
This arduous time-delay identification is of particular interest for the security improvement of chaos-based
communications schemes using ECSLs.
Time delay extraction in chaotic cryptosystems based on optoelectronic feedback with variable delay
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Chaotic wavelength transmitters based on a DBR laser submitted to optoelectronic feedback with periodic time delay are
considered. We investigate the retrieval of the periodic time delay function from experimental time series. Square-wave
and sinusoidal modulations are considered for the frequency clock of a delay module based on a First-In First-Out
memory. It is shown that the period of the time delay can be extracted from experimental data by using the mutual
information function. Different values of the nonlinearity are considered. Applying a modified filling factor method the
periodic time delay function is retrieved in the sinusoidal modulation case for different periods and modulation depths.
Synchronization on excitable pulses in optically injected semiconductor lasers
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We report the first experimental observation of multi-pulses excitability in a 1.55 μm injection-locked bulk semi-conductor
laser. Several temporal waveforms are presented showing different excitability orders. We complete
these observations by drawing the excitability areas in the map "detuning-injected power" of the injected laser.
We show for the first time synchronization on excitable pulses between a receiver and a transmitter, using a
cascade of optically injected systems (a master, a transmitter and a receiver).
Optical Injection and Dynamics
All-optical frequency conversion using nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers subject to external optical injection
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There has been much effort devoted to frequency conversion technology due to strong demand for optical communication
systems. A frequency converter converts an incoming optical carrier of one frequency to an outgoing
optical carrier of another frequency while preserving the quality of carried data. The all-optical approach is
promising for such a purpose because not only the complexity and power consumption of a converter are much
reduced but also the flexibility and reconfigurability are greatly improved. However, most proposed methods,
such as applying cross gain modulation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, suffer from the need of a probe or
a pump beam besides the incoming optical carrier, making systems complicated and costly. In this study, we
propose to use semiconductor lasers as frequency converters instead, where no probe or pump beam is necessary.
When a semiconductor laser is subject to an incoming optical carrier, equivalently an external optical injection,
it can enter into period-one dynamics through Hopf bifurcation. By taking advantage of the dynamics, tens of
gigahertz of frequency conversion can be achieved, which can be continuously and dynamically tuned by controlling
the injection level and frequency. The conversion efficiency and transmission efficiency can also be varied
through the change of both injection parameters. Their behaviors as functions of the parameters, however, are
opposite to each other. High conversion efficiency is observed to achieve under low levels of injection, where
strong filtering of frequency may not be necessary and significant signal amplification can be achieved. Low
bit-error-rate and a 3-dB penalty are also observed, suggesting the quality of carried data is preserved.
Optical bistability and flip-flop operation in DFB laser diodes injected with a CW signal
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All-optical flip-flops draw more and more attention as potential parts of all-optical packet or burst switching schemes.
Recently several schemes for such all-optical flip-flops have been proposed, e.g. mutually coupled laser diodes, Mach-Zehnder interferometers with fed back output and ring lasers. All flip-flops are based on bistable behaviour and on the
possible switching between the two stable states using short optical pulses.
Previously, we have shown numerically that a DFB laser diode in which a CW signal is injected can exhibit a bistability
in the laser output power and the amplification of the input power. A condition for this bistability was that the injected
light is not reflected inside the laser diode. The wavelength of the injected light must therefore be not too close to the
Bragg wavelength and the laser must be AR coated.
In this contribution, we present additional modelling results as well as some experimental results for λ/4-shifted DFBs.
We show numerically that for a certain bias current the bistability only occurs when the carrier lifetime and the series
resistance of the laser diode are not too small, such that sufficient spatial hole burning can exist inside the laser.
Experimental results show that bistability is observed in some lasers but not in others, something which may be related to
the series resistance and carrier lifetime.
We will also discuss the dynamic, all-optical flip-flop operation, which is possible by injecting short pulses on either
facet of the laser.
Bifurcation analysis of a multi-transverse-mode VCSEL
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We study the behaviour of a multi-transverse-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser subject to optical
feedback in which the optical modes are coupled through the external round-trip. Starting from a delayed
partial differential equation description of the spatial optical mode profiles and the carrier diffusion, we first
use eigenfunction expansion techniques to resolve the spatial dependence. The resulting system of delay differential
equations is then amenable to a full nonlinear bifurcation analysis by means of numerical continuation
techniques. As illustration, we present bifurcation diagrams of a two-mode VCSEL in the plane of feedback
strength versus feedback phase. In this way, we identify a number of changes in the structure and bifurcations
of the VCSEL's dynamics. In particular, we find coexisting stable steady state solutions, which bifurcate to
stable in-phase and anti-phase periodic solutions with vastly differing frequencies. We show how these periodic
solutions give rise to quasiperiodic and chaotic laser dynamics.
Asymmetric square-waves in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers
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Two edge-emitting lasers coupled through polarization-rotated optical injection exhibit square-wave oscillations
provided the roundtrip time from laser to laser and back is sufficiently large. If the mutual coupling between
the lasers is relatively weak, the two plateaus of the square-waves exhibit different durations even though the
total period remains close to the roundtrip time. This asymmetry progressively disappears as the feedback
strength is increased. The experimental observations are confirmed by numerical simulations. The simulations
also reveal that the square-wave regimes appear through a series of complex bifurcations and that a sufficiently
large roundtrip time is needed.
Semiconductor Lasers II
3.5 W GaInNAs disk laser operating at 1220 nm
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We report an essential progress towards the development of efficient GaInNAs-based semiconductor disk lasers
operating at 1220 nm spectral range. The gain mirrors were fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy using a radio
frequency plasma source for incorporating the nitrogen. The typical structure consisted of a 30-pair GaAs/AlAs
distributed Bragg reflector and 10 GaInNAs quantum wells with relatively low content of nitrogen. The growth
parameters and the composition of the structures have been optimized to reduce the detrimental effect of nitrogen on the
emission efficiency. We have achieved a maximum output power of 3.5 W and a differential efficiency of 20%.
Novel chirped multilayer quantum-dot lasers
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Chirped multilayer (N=10) QD lasers with 2-, 3- and 5-layer of longer-, medium-, and shorter-wavelength QD stacks,
respectively, were grown in this work. Low threshold current density and high saturated modal gain were achieved in
this specially designed QD structure. Empirical gain-current analysis was performed on this chirped multilayer QD
structure for the first time. It was consistent with our spectral observations and provided valuable information on carrier
recombination in chirped multilayer QD structure. Two novel spectral characteristics were discovered also for the first
time. First, simultaneous two-wavelength lasing around threshold was observed under particular gain-loss condition at
this specific multilayer structure of QD stacking numbers. Second, at cryogenic temperature, simultaneous two-wavelength
lasing emissions switched from longer-wavelength lasing first to shorter-wavelength lasing first with
increasing current injection. Non-uniform carrier distribution among chirped multilayer QD structure is evident at low
temperature below 200 K from our analysis.
Difference in partition noise for 1.55 um quantum-dash and bulk structures
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The comparison of relative intensity noise (Rin) shows improved performances, for quantum dash laser (QD)
compared to the ones of bulk medium structures. We introduced a statistical measurement through a coupling
parameter that reveals the impact of strong damping on the competition between modes or the so-called partition
noise. The existence of a strong damping in QD laser prevents the relaxation frequency from being observed
in the coupling parameter, which makes the noise to appear as if the laser lines were inhomogeneous. However
the method also enables the characterization of the coupling strength between modes, showing again differences
between QD and bulk structures.
A self-biased extremely shallow quantum-well SESAM with a low saturation fluence
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A Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror utilising the electroabsorption effect in a self-biased stack of extremely
shallow quantum wells or in a bulk semiconductor is proposed and analysed theoretically and numerically.
The saturation flux and recovery time of the proposed device when operated with picosecond incident pulses are
shown to compare very favourably with existing all-optical constructions.
Comprehensive RF-domain spectral- and time-domain analysis of passively mode-locked two-section quantum-dot lasers emitting at 1.3 um
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In this contribution we report on radio-frequency and in particular time-domain studies to develop a better understanding
of mode-locked quantum dot (QD) two-section lasers emitting at 1.3 μm. Based on substantial investigations of the
optical pulsewidth evolution showing pulsewidths well below 4 ps, we will present the measured dependences of the
optical pulsewidth as well as the pulse-to-pulse timing jitter on gain current, absorber bias voltage and RF power. Based
on these results we will discuss the shortening of the pulsewidth, the corresponding RF spectra evolution as well as the
pulse-to-pulse rms timing-jitter evolution within a selected range of operating parameters.
VCSELs and Micro-Optics: Joint Session with Conference 6992
Photonic-crystal vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
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We review the analysis of loss and optical confinement in etched photonic crystal (PhC) vertical-cavity surface-emitting
lasers (VCSELs). The lossy PhC structure is modeled using a waveguide approach employing the scalar Helmholtz
equation with complex refractive indices. Theoretical results are developed, analyzed, and compared to experimental
measurements of spectral mode splitting, modal loss, and slope efficiency of fabricated VCSELs. This model is shown to
design accurately single-mode photonic crystal VCSELs.
Microstructured photonic crystal for single-mode long wavelength VCSELs
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In this article, we report on long wavelength (1.27 μm) single-mode micro-structured photonic crystal strained InGaAs
quantum wells VCSELs for optical interconnection applications. Single fundamental mode room-temperature
continuous-wave lasing operation was demonstrated for devices designed and processed with different two-dimensional
etched patterns. The conventional epitaxial structure was grown by Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) and
contains fully doped GaAs/AlGaAs DBRs, one oxidation layer and three strained InGaAs quantum wells. The holes were
etched half-way through the top-mirror following various designs (triangular and square lattices) and with varying hole's
diameters and pitches.
We obtained up to 1.7 mW optical output power and more than 30 dB Side-Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR) at
room temperature and in continuous wave operation. Systematic static electrical, optical and spectral characterization
was performed on wafer using an automated probe station. Numerical modeling using the MIT Photonic-Bands (MPB
[1]) package of the transverse modal behaviors in the photonic crystal was performed using the plane wave method in
order to understand the index-guiding effects of the chosen patterns, and to further optimize the design structures for
mode selection at the given wavelength.
Single mode 1.3 um InGaAs VCSELs for access network applications
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GaAs-based VCSELs emitting near 1.3 μm are realized using highly strained InGaAs quantum wells and a large
detuning of the cavity resonance with respect to the gain peak. The VCSELs have an oxide aperture for current and
optical confinement and an inverted surface relief for suppression of higher-order transverse modes. The inverted surface
relief structure also has the advantage of suppressing oxide modes that otherwise appear in VCSELs with a large
detuning between the cavity resonance and the gain peak. Under large signal, digital modulation, clear and open eyes and
error free transmission over 9 km of single mode fiber have been demonstrated at the OC-48 and 10 GbE bit rates up to
85°C. Here we review these results and present results from a complementary study of the RF modulation characteristics,
including second order harmonic and third order intermodulation distortion, relative intensity noise (RIN), and spurious
free dynamic range (SFDR). RIN levels comparable to those of single mode VCSELs emitting at 850 nm are
demonstrated, with values from -140 to -150 dB/Hz. SFDR values of 100 and 95 dB•Hz2/3 were obtained at 2 and 5 GHz,
respectively, which is in the range of those required in radio-over-fiber systems.
Experimental study of transverse mode dynamics in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers under current modulation
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In this work we report on an experimental investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of a 850 nm multitransverse mode
vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) when subject to high-frequency current modulation. Different frequencies
and modulation amplitudes are applied to the VCSEL. Regular periodic dynamics - with periods equal to the modulation
period or twice the modulation period - and irregular pulsating dynamics are obtained. Different dynamical behaviors are
illustrated by using power time traces, radio-frequency spectra and bifurcation diagrams. Our results show that irregular
pulsating dynamics in multimode VCSELs subject to large-signal current modulatton can be obtained due to the
competition between different transverse modes.
Vertical cavity Lasers
High power semiconductor disk laser with monolithically integrated pump lasers
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Semiconductor disk lasers have attracted a lot of interest in the last few years due to high output power combined
with good beam quality and possible wavelength engineering. One of the disadvantages is the need for external
optical pumping by edge-emitting semiconductor lasers that increase packaging effort and cost. Therefore,
semiconductor disk lasers with monolithically integrated pump lasers would be of high interest. We report on
a novel design and experimental realization to monolithically integrate pump lasers with a semiconductor disk
laser in a one-step epitaxial design. By careful design of integrated pump lasers and stacking sequence, it is
possible to efficiently excite vertical emitter areas with different mesa sizes. First results are shown at 1060 nm
emission wavelength with high output power out of mesa diameters of 100 μm to 400 μm. The devices can be
conveniently characterized on a wafer level using dry-etched pump laser facets. In pulsed operation 1.7W out of
a 100 μm diameter mesa and 2.5W out of a 200 μm diameter mesa are demonstrated. Additionally, more than
0.6W in cw operation using a 400 μm structure were achieved. In summary, an innovative approach for truly
monolithic integration of a semiconductor disk laser with pump lasers has been pioneered.
Coherence radius and mode size of a broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser in the incoherent emission regime
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We present experiments measuring the complex degree of coherence of a Broad-Area Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (BA-VCSEL) when it is driven into a regime of spatially incoherent emission. This high-power,
spatially incoherent emission regime is quite uncommon for semiconductor lasers but can be useful in e.g. illumination
and projection systems, as the low degree of spatial coherence may help to reduce speckle. The
near-field coherence properties are measured for different positions in the VCSEL's aperture using a 180 degrees
reversing-wavefront Michelson interferometer. We give evidence that the coherence area is much smaller than
the VCSEL's aperture and that the intensity fluctuations across the coherence area are small, therefore allowing
the BA-VCSEL to be considered a quasi-homogeneous source. We explain the reason for the relatively small
coherence radius of about 1.4 μm based on the mode size in a planar cavity together with the thermal gradient
within the VCSEL aperture.
Excitation of a two-mode limit cycle dynamics on the route to polarization switching in a VCSEL subject orthogonal to optical injection
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We experimentally and numerically report on polarization switching (PS) mechanism which involves a two-mode limit
cycle dynamics in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to orthogonal optical injection from a master
laser (ML). The VCSEL (slave laser, SL) emits a horizontal linearly polarized (LP) fundamental mode, without optical
injection. The VCSEL is injected by a vertically polarized light from ML. Dynamical characteristics of the VCSEL are
investigated as a function of optical injection parameters, i.e., injection strength and frequency detuning between master
and slave lasers. We experimentally resolve an injection parameter region for which, as the injection strength is
increased for fixed detunings, a limit cycle dynamics in both non-injected and injected modes is abruptly excited. For
larger injection strengths, the VCSEL switches from the two-mode to a single-mode limit cycle dynamics which
involves only the injected mode. Using continuation methods, we numerically identify two torus bifurcation
mechanisms, namely TR1 and TR2, which support such a switching scenario. We show that both TR1 and TR2 originate
from a particular Hopf bifurcation which plays a key role in the polarization dynamics of the injected VCSEL.
Furthermore, our results reveal that the newly observed switching dynamics are generic features of VCSEL two-mode
Unusual transverse-mode selectivity in some detuned VCSELs
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According to a generally known rule of thumb, a stable single-fundamental-mode operation is achieved in standard
VCSELs with relatively uniform radial active-region gain profiles. However, in analogous detuned oxide-confined
VCSELs, lasing thresholds of higher-order modes may surprisingly be lower than that of the fundamental one. The
above unusual VCSEL behavior is explained with the aid of the comprehensive self-consistent simulation. It has
happened to be a result of a strong wavelength dependence of the active-region optical gain in highly detuned oxide-confined
VCSELs, because of which longer-wavelength higher-order cavity modes may exhibit much higher modal gain
values than that of the fundamental one. For the 10-μm-diameter mesa top-emitting 1.3-μm GaInNAs/GaAs QW VCSEL
design, the optical active region gain spectrum exhibits its maximum for the wavelength distinctly lower than that, for
which the VCSEL cavity and the DBR mirrors have been designed. As a result, the transverse LP71 mode, whose
wavelength (1291.1 nm) is close enough to the maximal optical gain, has happened to be the lowest-threshold mode
(2221 cm-1). For the LP71 threshold voltage, the fundamental LP01 mode (1300.7 nm) manifests lower threshold (1432
cm-1), as expected, but it is still considerably higher than its available modal gain (958 cm-1).
Ring lasers
High-speed integrated semiconductor micro-ring lasers with efficient off-axis parabolic reflectors
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We report on a novel mirror design for micro-ring semiconductor ring lasers that uses those mirrors to connect
straight waveguide sections in a closed loop. The nearly parabolic mirrors are designed by ray-tracing to optimize
their shape. The efficiency of the designs is verified with FDTD simulations, with a simulated coupling efficiency
of 98%. We have successfully fabricated devices based on this design with an equivalent circular ring radius of
16μm. These devices operate in continuous wave at room temperature with a threshold current of only 22mA
and an emission wavelength of 1.55μm.
Chaos and non-linear dynamics of a 1.55um InGaAsP-InP microring laser
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In this paper, numerical investigation is performed for a 1.55μm InGaAsP-InP microring laser as a function of the bus
waveguide reflectivity, the injection current and the phase of the backreflected field. The nascent nonlinear instabilities
are identified utilizing a multimode rate equation model, originating from the continuous injections of each clockwise to
the counterclockwise mode and inverse. The resulted time series are filtered using a 40GHz electrical low pass filter in
order to omit the mode beatings. Chaos data analysis revealed high-dimensional chaos by means of the correlation
dimension and the metric entropy calculation with continuously testing surrogate data. With increasing the bus
waveguide reflectivity, period-doubling and quasiperiodic route to chaos was found and the dimension was found to
follow a linear increase. The same dimension increase was found with increasing the injection current, with the system
experiencing sudden transitions from chaos to limit cycles. With altering the phase of the backreflected field the
dynamics were found to transit from limit cycle (Δφ=0→π/2) to chaos, maintained chaotic (Δφ=π/2→2π/3) and finally
returning to periodic states (Δφ=2π/3→2π). Furthermore, the dynamics are investigated with calculating the standardized
The dynamic behavior of a semiconductor ring laser
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We review theoretical results on the dynamics of solitary single longitudinal mode and single transversal mode
semiconductor ring lasers. These analyses are based on a rate equation model for the slowly varying envelopes
of the counter-propagating fields in the ring cavity which has been proposed by Sorel et al. [Opt. Lett. 27, 1992
(2002); IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39, 1187 (2003)]. The model shows several operating regimes. The lasers
are found to operate bidirectionally up to twice the threshold, where unidirectional operation starts. Just above
threshold, the lasers operate in a regime where the two counterpropagating modes are continuous wave, while
as the injected current is increased, a regime appears where the intensities of the two counterpropagating modes
undergo alternate sinusoidal oscillations. To understand these dynamical features, we discuss a reduction of this
basic rate equation model derived by Van der Sande et al. [accepted for publication in J. Phys. B (2008)]. The
reduction has been achieved using asymptotic methods based on the typical relative scaling of the dynamical time
scales of the system. Physical conditions for the emergence of the operating regimes are assessed quantitatively in
terms of nonlinear (saturation processes) and linear coupling (backscattering) between the counter-propagating
Semiconductor Lasers III
Investigation on the linewidth enhancement factor of multiple longitudinal mode semiconductor lasers
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We present a theoretical and experimental research of the linewidth enhancement factor or α factor in multiple-longitudinal
mode semiconductor lasers. In this work, several methods originally developed for single-mode lasers have
been adapted for their use with multiple-longitudinal mode lasers and applied to each mode of several Fabry-Perot lasers
at a time. The concepts of material LEF and device LEF are compared and discussed.
Frequency stabilized high brightness tapered amplifier and laser modules
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For many applications a frequency stabilized beam source with high output power and a good beam quality is
needed. Tapered lasers and amplifiers can provide a high output power, whereas they have a slightly lower beam
quality than ridge lasers. In a single mode fiber (SMF) coupled module, the beam quality provided by the
module is predetermined by the fiber. The technological progress of tapered lasers should allow a high enough
coupling efficiency to give SMF coupled modules using a tapered laser or amplifier the potential for a higher
output power than modules using a ridge laser.
It will be shown how this potential can be exploited by using different coupling systems for example with
cylindrical lenses either crossed or in combination with rotational lenses. The advantages, problems and coupling
results of those systems will be illustrated.
Two approaches of frequency stabilization will be shown. To stabilize a tapered amplifier the external cavity has
been set up by a fiber bragg grating on the backside of the amplifier. A volume holographic grating, which is
written in the fast axis collimation lens of the coupling system, was used to stabilize a tapered laser.
Traveling wave modeling of semiconductor ring lasers
Mindaugas Radziunas
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We use the traveling wave model for simulating and analyzing nonlinear dynamics of complex semiconductor ring
laser devices. This modeling allows to consider temporal-spatial distributions of the counter-propagating slowly
varying optical fields and the carriers, what can be important when studying non-homogeneous ring cavities,
propagation of short pulses or fast switching. By performing numerical integration of the model equations we
observe several dynamic regimes as well as transitions between them. The computation of ring cavity modes
explains some peculiarities of these regimes.
Poster Session
Third-order harmonic-expansion analysis of the Lorenz-Haken equations
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This paper aims at revisiting the basic Lorenz-Haken equations with two-fold harmonic-expansion approaches, yielding
new analytical information on both the transient and the long term characteristics of the system pulse-structuring. First,
we extend the well-known Casperson Hendow-Sargent weak-sideband analysis to derive a general formula that gives
the value of the transient frequencies, characteristic of the laser relaxing towards its long-term state, either stable or
unstable. Its validity is shown to apply with a remarkable precision at any level of excitation, both beyond and below the
instability threshold. Second, we put forward a strong-harmonic expansion scheme to analyse the system long-term
solutions. Carried up to third order in field amplitude, the method allows for the derivation of a closed form expression
of the system eigen-frequency (derived here for the first time in three decades of laser dynamics) that naturally yields an
iterative algorithm to build, analytically, the regular pulsing solutions of the Lorenz-Haken equations. These solutions
are constructed for typical examples, extending well beyond the boundary region of the instability domain, inside which
the laser field amplitude undergoes regular pulsations around zero-mean values.
Dynamic gain structuring during pulse build-up in self-pulsing lasers
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This paper aims at revisiting some of the self-pulsing properties of the integro-differential "Maxwell-Bloch" equations
that describe single-mode inhomogeneously broadened, including semi-conductor and fibre lasers, focusing mainly on
the dynamic gain contour, which is shown to undergo deep modifications during pulse build-up. First, we extend the
well-known Casperson Hendow-Sargent weak side-band approach and delimit its applicability with respect to dynamic
gain profiling. In particular, we demonstrate, both numerically and analytically that the small-sideband method only
describes centre-line saturation which occurs in the small periodic-oscillations regime. In the strong self-pulsing regime,
however, lateral saturation along the gain curve occurs as demonstrated with numerical simulations. The small side-band
approach fails to describe such gain structuring during pulse build-up. Second, we put forward a strong-harmonic
expansion method which reveals quite adapted for the description of the dynamic gain profiles. Extended to third-order
in field amplitude and to second order in population inversion, the method allows for the extraction of analytical
expressions that retrieve the lateral saturation effects with a remarkable precision.
Optimal laser diode operating mode with unstable operating temperature in turbulent atmosphere
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The aim of this paper is to design measuring method for determining applicability of picked laser diode in the optical
wireless communications. Chosen laser diode must operate to not debase received optical signal quality and dynamics in
optical wireless link.
We are focusing on the processes in the optical links which are influenced by thermal effects. Varying laser diode's
operating temperature and thermal fluctuations in atmospheric transmission media, in which the information carried by
laser beam is propagating, are considered as the most significant thermal events in optical wireless communications.
As mentioned before, the influence of operating temperature for laser diode's light emission has to be taken into account.
The operation temperature affects on the physical properties of laser diode. Transmitting laser beam is collimated by
transmitting lens but in case of laser diode's operating temperature vary the change in irradiation characteristics can
occurs as an issue in optical wireless links because the distance between laser diode and transmitting lens can't be
adapted by the reason of laser beam divergence settings.
Atmospheric turbulence influence on spectrum and laser beam geometry of laser beam is investigated. In terms of
results' evaluation we can determine when detected signal is acceptable or it doesn't fulfill conditions for signal in
optical wireless communications.
Optimization of an avionic VCSEL-based optical link through large signal characterization
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Optical communication systems have been widely preferred for network communications, especially for
Datacoms Local Area Network links. The optical technology is an excellent candidate for on-board systems
due to the potential weight saving and EMC immunity. According to the short length of the link and a cost
saving, Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) and multimode fiber are the best solution for gigabit
systems. In this context, we propose a modeling of 850nm VCSEL based on the rate equations analysis to
predict the optical interconnect performances (jitter, bit error rate). Our aim is to define the operation
conditions of VCSEL under large signal modulation in order to maximize the Extinction Ratio (current IOFF
below threshold) without affecting link performances. The VCSEL model is developed to provide large signal
modulation response. Biasing below threshold causes stochastic turn-on delay. Fluctuations of this delay
occur, due to the spontaneous emission. This leads to additional turn-on jitter. These stochastic effects are
included in the model by adding the Langevin photon and electron noise sources.
The VCSEL behavior under high-speed modulation is studied to observe the transient response and extract the
resonance frequency, overshoot and turn-on delay. The associated jitter is evaluated with the standard
deviation of the turn-on delay probability density function.
Simulations of stochastic and deterministic jitters are realized under different conditions of modulation (OFF
current levels). Comparing simulations with measurement results carried out on VCSEL and a short haul
gigabit link validates the approach.
Compact illumination modules based on high-power VCSEL arrays
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Multi-mode VCSEL arrays are candidates for compact illumination modules with applications as flash light illumination
for the detailed imaging of fast moving objects (> 100 m/s) or for time-of-flight cameras with modulation frequency in
the > 10 MHz domain. Rise and fall times have to be as short as a few nanoseconds, while the optical output power has
to be in the order of one Watt. In this paper we investigate, for multi-mode VCSEL arrays, the dependency of the far-field
pattern on the drive current and on the distance to a reflecting surface. We demonstrate that, with the help of
diffusing elements, the current dependency of the far-field pattern can be reduced. We have realized an illumination unit
with modulation frequencies of up to 80 MHz and an optical output of 1 Watt.
Polarization bistability in 1.5 micron wavelength single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers induced by orthogonal optical injection
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We study experimentally the polarization bistability of a single transverse and polarization mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting
laser (VCSEL) induced by orthogonal optical injection. As the master laser frequency is scanned near the
resonance frequency of the depressed linearly polarized fundamental-mode, and for a fixed master laser power, the
VCSEL exhibits two successive polarization switchings. Pure frequency-induced polarization bistability is found
because both polarization switchings exhibit bistable regions. The width of both bistable regions is analyzed as a
function of the master laser power and for different values of the VCSEL current. The hysteresis width fluctuates around
a constant level while the injected power is smaller than a certain value. Further increase of the master laser power leads
to a smaller constant value of the hysteresis width. The value of that transition value is independent on the VCSEL
current. Power-induced polarization bistability - by fixing the frequency of the injected light- is found near that transition
value. The character of the power-hysteresis cycles change from clockwise to anticlockwise as the master laser
frequency moves away from the frequency of the depressed linearly polarized fundamental-mode. Qualitatively similar
results are found for different VCSELs with wavelength around 1550 nm.
Mode structure of a semiconductor laser with feedback from two external filters
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We study a semiconductor laser subject to filtered optical feedback from two separate filters. This work is motivated by an
application where two fiber gratings are used to stabilize the output of a laser source. Specifically, we consider the structure
of the external filtered modes (EFMs), which are the basic cw-states of the system. The system is modelled by a set of
four delay differential equations with two delays that are due to the travel times of the light in each of the external cavities.
Here, each filter is approximated by a Lorentzian and we assume that there is no interaction between the two filters.
We derive a transcendental equation for the EFMs as a function of the widths, detunings and the feedback strengths
of the two filters. With continuation techniques we investigate how the number of EFMs changes with parameters. In
particular, we consider the equation for its envelope. This allows us to determine regions in the plane of the two detunings
that correspond to one, two or three EFM components - disjoint closed curves that are traced out by the EFMs as a
function of the feedback phase.
Bifurcations of composite-cavity modes in multi-stripe laser arrays
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We consider a semiconductor laser device, where the active region consists of parallel stripes in the longitudinal
direction. In the composite cavity model, the stripes are coupled via the transversal modes of the entire
compound laser device. By calculating the spatial mode profiles we accurately account for the frequency
detuning between the modes as well as for the gain and coupling of the individual modes, which are determined
by spatial overlap integrals of the mode profiles. In particular, we show the nonlinear dependence of these
quantities on the geometry of the laser device. The temporal dynamics of the composite cavity modes are
described by corresponding rate equations. Bifurcation analysis of these rate equations, which are coupled to
the spatial mode equations, unravels the dynamics of a twin-stripe laser. We identify different locking regions
as well as regions with possibly chaotic dynamics.
Oscillator-like resonance in the Maxwell-Bloch equations self-pulsing regime
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We show that, in their unstable regime of operation, the "Maxwell-Bloch" equations that describe light-matter
interactions and dynamics inside a bad-cavity-configured laser carry the same resonance properties as any externally
driven mechanic or electric oscillator. This finding demonstrates that the non-linearly coupled Laser equations belong to
the same universal family of forced oscillatory systems. The primary difference is that while mechanical or electrical
systems are put into resonance with an external sinusoidal force with constant amplitude, the resonance-curve of the laser
equations is described exclusively in terms of linear pump scans, for fixed cavity and material decay rates. In both cases
however, the damping factors play the same fundamental role. In addition, the basic phase factor between the external
excitation mechanism and the mechanical or electric oscillator response is shown to play the same essential role in the
dynamic response of the "Maxwell-Bloch" equations with respect to the external driving pump level. Dephasing
mechanisms occur between successive-order components of an adapted strong-harmonic expansion that describes the
regular self-pulsing solutions of light-matter interactions inside a bad-cavity configured laser cavity.
Modelling strategies for semiconductor ring lasers
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We have analyzed experimentally and theoretically the modal properties of a semiconductor ring laser and the
wavelength jumps that occur in connection with directional switching above threshold. A transfer matrix analysis
allow us to explain the transfer function measurements when amplified spontaneous emission in the cavity is
accounted for. Moreover the transfer matrix analysis permits to determine the threshold condition for the laser
modes, which split in two branches due to the symmetry breaking imposed by the output coupler and output
waveguides. The wavelength jumps displayed by the device above threshold are interpreted with the frequency
splitting and threshold difference between these two branches of solutions, together with the redshift of the
material gain.
Nonlinear dynamics of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser subject to a repetitive optical pulse injection
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We study the nonlinear dynamics of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to a repetitive
optical pulse injection numerically using the SFM model. In our study, a linearly polarized slave laser is optically
injected by a train of optical pulses from a master laser, where the polarization of the master laser is orthogonal
to the polarization of the solitary slave laser (x-polarized). By varying the strength and the repetition frequency
of the injected pulses, different dynamical states, including regular pulsations, period-doubled pulsations, chaotic
pulsations, periodic oscillations, quasi-periodic oscillations, and chaotic oscillations, are found. Instead of having
only one polarization mode at the slave laser output, both the y- and x-polarized modes are observed for
the pulsation and oscillation states. While the pulsation states with y-polarization follow a period-doubling
route to chaotic pulsations, the oscillation states with the
x-polarization undergo a quasi-periodic route to
chaos oscillations. Then, with adequate strength of the injection, the x-polarized mode will be suppressed (i.e.
polarization switching) and eventually the slave laser will lock to the master laser with higher injection strength.
Also, the switching points, the boundary of the injection-locked, and the regions of the chaotic states are found
to be strongly influenced by the repetition frequency of the injection pulses and the detuning frequency between the two lasers.
Dynamical characteristics of a semiconductor laser injected by optical pulses with high repetition rate
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The nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser (slave laser) injected by optical pulses with high repetition rate
are investigated experimentally. The pulses for injection are generated from a laser (master laser) subjected to
either an optoelectronic feedback or an optical feedback. The repetition rates of the pulses are controlled by
varying the delay time and the feedback strength of the feedback loop. By injecting the repetitive optical pulses
of different intensities and repetition frequencies into another laser (slave laser), rich dynamical states including
regular pulsations, frequency beatings, and chaotic pulsations are observed. Moreover, frequency-locked states
with different winding number, the ratio of the main pulsation frequency of the slave laser and the repetition
frequency of the injected pulses, are also found. Compared to a laser subject to a sine modulated optical injection,
the linewidths of the high-order microwave components in the output spectrum of the slave laser are substantially
narrower for the laser under repetitive optical pulse injection.
Noise properties of semiconductor ring lasers
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We analyze a rate equation model in the Langevin formulation for the two modes of the electric field and the
carrier density, modelling the spontaneous emission noise in a semiconductor ring laser biased in the bidirectional
regime. We analytically investigate the influence of complex backscattering coefficient when the two modes
are reinterpreted in terms of mode-intensity sum (I-Spectrum) and difference (D-spectrum). The D-spectrum
represents the energy exchange between the two counterpropagating modes and it is shaped by the noisy precursor
of a Hopf bifurcation influenced mainly by the conservative backscattering. The I-Spectrum reflects the energy
exchange between the total field and the medium and behaves similarly to the standard relative intensity noise
for single-mode semiconductor lasers. Good agreement between analytical approximation and numerical results
is found.
Oblong-shaped VCSELs with pre-defined mode patterns
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We report on the theoretical analysis and fabrication of a novel type of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
(VCSEL) that provides selection of a certain higher-order transverse mode. This selection is based on a spatial
variation of the threshold gain by adding an antiphase layer with an etched relief structure. The field intensity
profile emitted from this laser is calculated numerically as well as with an analytical approach. The main factors
that control the selected mode such as the threshold gain, the confinement factor, and the phase parameter are
calculated as a function of the active aperture, aiming to achieve single higher-order transverse mode emission.
For a given aspect ratio of a rectangular oxide aperture, the threshold gain difference between the selected
and neighboring modes is maximized via the relief diameter and the size of the aperture. The fabrication
process involves selective etching of the antiphase layer, passivation of the relief, oxidation of an AlAs layer to
the desired aperture after reaching this layer using wet-chemical etching. N- and p-metalization processes are
applied, followed by polyimide passivation. Finally, bondpad metalization is carried out for electrical contacting.
Mode selection is successfully achieved. Attractive applications for such devices are found in optical manipulation
of micro-particles such as sorting and separation.
Characterization of the chirp behavior of integrated laser modulators (ILM) by measurements of its optical spectrum
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In this work we present a characterization of the chirp parameters of a commercially available ILM by means of
measurements made with a high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer. Particularly, we will use the FM/AM method for
the characterization of the transient chirp parameter and will compare results with the standard Fibre Transfer Function
method. The FM/AM method will be applied to frequencies down to 100 MHz due to the capabilities of the high-resolution
optical spectrum analyzer. We will see that, for the studied ILM, the transient chirp parameter varies in such a
way that it changes from positive to negative values when the bias voltage applied to the device changes from 0 to -1,5
volts. Moreover, we will also characterize the adiabatic chirp of the device, which is a parameter difficult to measure due
to the small value it has compared with directly modulated lasers. In this case, the possibility of measuring optical
frequencies with extremely high resolution will simplify the measurement and will provide accurate values for this
High power Al-free DFB laser diode for atomic clocks: narrow line-width and demonstration of saturation spectra of the cesium D2 line
Show abstract
There is a growing demand for precise gyroscopes and atomic clocks for positioning, flight navigation systems and
aerospatial applications. One of the prerequisites for atomic optical pumps is a laser diode with high power (a few
10mW), narrow linewidth (<2MHz), and beam qualities (M2<1.5). Another important factor for aerospatial applications
is a very high reliability performance of the laser devices. With an aim to address these issues, we have laid down the
technological foundation and further developed ridge waveguide distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes with an
emission wavelength of 852nm corresponding to the D2 cesium transition in atomic clocks. The epitaxy is based on an
Al free active region with a GaInP large optical cavity and a single compressive strained GaInAsP quantum well.
Fabricated DFB uncoated lasers have shown wavelength emission at 852.12nm with an output optical power of 40mW, a
SMSR >30dB at the D2 line, at 37°C. Low self-heterodyne linewidths of 0.8MHz and 1.2MHz were measured
respectively at 20mW 12°C and 40mW 37°C. With this uncoated diode, we have realized saturation spectra of cesium
atoms to determine the resolution and the stability of the laser diode working on Cs. The saturation spectrum of the D2
line of 133Cs was recorded with a resolution close to the natural line width. Preliminary studies of reliability were the
measurement of catastrophical optical mirror damage (COMD) for different anti-reflection (AR) coatings. We obtained a
COMD density of 19MW/cm2.
Measurement and simulation of the lateral mode profile of broad ridge 405 nm (Al,In)GaN laser diodes
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For broad ridge (Al,In)GaN laser diodes, which are inevitable for high output power applications in the UV
and blue spectral range, filaments or higher order lateral modes build p, which influence the far-field beam
quality. We investigate the lateral profile of the optical laser mode in the waveguide experimentally by temporal
and spectral resolved scanning near-field optical microscopy measurements on electrically pulsed driven laser
diodes and compare these results with one-dimensional simulations of the lateral laser mode in the waveguide.
We present a model that describes the optical mode profile as a superposition of different lateral modes in a
refractive index profile which is modified by carrier- and
thermal-induced effects. In this way the mode dynamics on a nanosecond to microsecond time scale can be explained by thermal effects.
Carrier transport study in GaInNAs material using Monte-Carlo method
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We have used the stochastic Monte-Carlo method to determine the carrier transport studies in the bulk GaInNAs
material. We have incorporated phonon and impurity scattering processes and explicitly considered the role of the
nitrogen impurities as scattering centers. We show that in the expression of the relaxation times it is the perturbed rather
than the free electron density of states that should be incorporated. This is derived from the Green's functions and the
many impurity Anderson model and yields an enhanced scattering rate. The nitrogen impurities can also act as centers
with an infinite scattering cross-section when their broadening becomes infinitely small. We show that the increase of the
electron effective mass in GaInNAs system is more important than the non-parabolicity parameter in the decrease of
mobility. Monte-Carlo calculations take into account the total scattering rate, which is significantly enhanced due to
nitrogen scattering. The average electric field and the average energy are found to decrease with increasing N
concentration and increase of the effective mass.
Optimization of the wall-plug efficiency of Al-free active region diode lasers at 975 nm
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We have developed two Al-free active region laser structures, which have a high maximum wall-plug efficiency (WPE)
of 69% on an uncoated 2 mm x 100 μm single emitter broad area (BA) laser. Both structures include a Large Optical
Cavity (LOC) with an optimized doping profile. One structure contains improved interfaces between material layers,
and the other one an optimized strain compensated quantum well.
Experimental investigation of relaxation oscillations resonance in mode-locked Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers
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We propose in this communication an experimental study of the relaxation oscillations behavior in mode-locked
lasers. The semiconductor self-pulsating laser diode is composed by two gain sections, without saturable absorber.
It is made of bulk structure and designed for optical telecommunication applications. This specific device
allows two different regimes of optical modulation: the first one corresponds to the resonance of the relaxation
oscillations and the second one, to the mode-locking regime at FSR value. This singular behavior leads us to
characterize the self-pulsations which are coexisting in the laser and to describe two regimes of output modulation:
the first one appears thanks to the resonance of the oscillation relaxation and the other one corresponds to the
FSR of the Fabry-Perot laser at 40 GHz.
Frequency division multiplexed radio-over-fiber transmission using an optically injected laser diode
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Nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers have recently attracted much attention in the area of microwave photonics.
By invoking the nonlinear dynamics of an optically injected laser diode, high-speed microwave oscillation can be
generated using the period-one oscillation state. The oscillation is harnessed for application as a photonic microwave
source in radio-over-fiber (RoF) systems. It is advantageous over conventional direct current modulation because it
alleviates the modulation bandwidth limitation and naturally generates single sideband signals. The method is thus
applicable to wireless communication systems even when the subcarrier frequency increases to 60 GHz. Because RoF is
usually incorporated with standard wireless schemes that involve frequency division multiplexing (FDM), we investigate
the performance of the optical injection system under simultaneous current injection of multiple data streams. Frequency
mixings and competition for locking among subcarriers result in intermodulation distortion (IMD). The relative
weightings of different channels should be optimized to ensure acceptable signal qualities. The results illustrate the
feasibility of applying the optical injection system for FDM RoF transmission at high subcarrier frequencies.
Broad-waveguide passively mode-locked laser diodes for stable short pulse generation
E. A. Avrutin,
B. S. Ryvkin,
E. L. Portnoi
Show abstract
It is shown theoretically that broadening the optical confinement layer in monolithic mode-locked semiconductor
lasers may suppress Q-switching instability, by increasing the carrier transport time, and lead to emission of shorter,
more stable optical pulses.
Longitudinal multimode dynamics in a Fabry-Perot semiconductor microresonator
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In the plane wave approximation, we study spatio-temporal dynamics of a semiconductor class B laser driven
by a coherent injected field in a Fabry-Perot configuration. Below the lasing threshold, we manage to reduce
the dynamics to a single evolution equation for the carrier density, to analytically compute the stationary field
configurations and to predict their stability. The numerical simulations, performed by implementing an efficient
and accurate split-step code, perfectly agree with the analytical results.
RIN spectra of a two-mode lasing two-section DFB laser for optical sensor application
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We present an alternative method of determining the oscillating state of a laser and demonstrate the suitability of relative
intensity noise (RIN) measurements for this purpose.
The experiments were carried out using a two-section DFB laser. Optical and RIN spectra have been recorded and
correlated subsequently. The variation of the maxima of the RIN spectra have been evaluated with respect to intensity and
position in the frequency domain. Varying the frequency, a distinct transition in the above mentioned parameters can be
observed, wich can be correlated clearly to the mode degeneracy at the transition and a dominating oscillating mode below
and above. This delivers a conclusive means of determining the lasing state from RIN spectra.
Study and fabrication of buried oxide layers in GaAs/AlAs structures for confinement engineering in photonic devices
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The thermal oxidation of an Al-rich AlGaAs buried layer is a common established technique used to improve
the performances of some optoelectronic devices, like VCSEL or optical waveguides, in terms of electro-optical
confinement. This oxidation technique is usually proceeding laterally, which allows achieving good results but leads to
some difficulties on the control of the shape and size of the oxidized areas. In this work, a new technology to oxidize
GaAs/AlAs epitaxial structures which avoids these limitations is presented. This method consists of an oxidation through
the top of the sample, allowing in consequence a total control of the shape of oxidation by means of photolithography.
For this purpose the method has two steps: first, the intentional creation of defects in the top GaAs layer, in order to
make it possible the oxidant species diffusion through this material, and second the planar oxidation of the AlAs layer. In
this paper this technique is thoroughly studied: different methods to create defects in the GaAs layer have been analysed,
and the optimization of the procedure has been achieved leading to a uniform oxidation and a reduced lateral oxidation
spreading. Finally a comparison between the experiments and simulations has been realized in order to provide an
explanation for this type of vertical oxidation. This innovating technique allows addressing separately the electrical and
optical operating aspects of optoelectronic devices, thus opens to novel structures with controlled transverse optical
Time-domain response to ps optical pulse trigger of an all-optical flip-flop based on semiconductor ring laser
Show abstract
Monolithic Semiconductor Ring Lasers (SRLs) are promising devices for all-optical memory and all-optical switching
applications, as they can operate in a directional bistable regime where only one directional mode (clockwise or anti-clockwise)
is active at one time. The unidirectional bistable regime can be naturally associated to a binary logic, and the
SRL represents an elementary digital memory cell that can be written all-optically, realising the function of an all-optical
flip-flop. In fact, the direction of operation can be switched by injecting an external optical signal pulse into the SRL
through one of the 4 input/output ports.
Directional switching of the SRL-based all-optical flip-flop has been demonstrated by injecting optical pulses with 5 ps
duration into one of the four input/output ports. The required switching energy is around 100 fJ, and the swiching time is
between 100 and 200 ps. The same function has been demonstrated by injecting 400 ps pulses as optical trigger.
Experimental analysis of the optical spectra of directionally bistable semiconductor ring lasers
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The optical spectrum of monolithic Semiconductor Ring Lasers (SRLs) is measured simultaneously for both lasing
directions with a grating-based OSA, in the regimes of bidirectional and unidirectional operation. In the unidirectional
operation regime the SMSR is larger than 25 dB, and the directional extinction ratio (i.e., the ratio of the power emitted
in the two opposite directions) is larger than 20 dB. The influence of the current injected in the active output waveguides
that act as SOAs is outlined. In the unidirectional regime the linewidth of the SRL is measured by an heterodyne
technique, revealing linewidth values around 2 MHz.