Proceedings Volume 6874

High Energy/Average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications II

Proceedings Volume 6874

High Energy/Average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications II

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Volume Details

Date Published: 7 February 2008
Contents: 8 Sessions, 18 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering 2008
Volume Number: 6874

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Front Matter: Volume 6874
  • Plenary Session
  • COIL and EOIL
  • COIL and EOIL II
  • Optically Pumped Lasers
  • Beam Propogation
  • Gas Discharge Lasers
  • Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 6874
Front Matter: Volume 6874
This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 6874, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, Introduction (if any), and the Conference Committee listing.
Plenary Session
The long journey from idea to industrial success
It is astonishing how long it can take from the first idea to the industrial success of a laser technology product. Three laser technologies in which TRUMPF participated will be investigated from conception to realization. The first case study focuses on the diffusion cooled coaxial CO2 laser geometry with diffraction limited resonators. The second case study highlights some of the stages along the very successful route to implementation of the thin disk laser; from the conception at the IFSW1 and the ITP2, both in Stuttgart, to the successful industrial installations in automotive applications. Finally the development of high power diodes for diode pumped solid state lasers is also discussed.
A method for comparison of computational fluid dynamic simulation and planar laser induced fluorescence images for a supersonic flowfield
Timothy J. Madden, Carrie A. Noren, Luke Emmert, et al.
Non-intrusive diagnostics, such as planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) provide an excellent means to interrogate flowfields with minimal perturbation to the thermodynamic state of the gas. In the case of PLIF, the diagnostic can provide multidimensional information regarding the spread of a tracer, such as I2, providing an excellent means for quantifying mixing between multiple streams of gases. The images obtained using PLIF can in turn be used to compare directly to images generated by computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations for the experiment, providing an excellent mechanism to compare CFD to experiment. An issue that exists with interpreting PLIF images from compressible flows is that the local density and temperature of the I2 varies throughout the field of imaging, leading to variations in the rate of fluorescence and the rate of quenching of the excited state of I2. These variations lead to local changes in the number of photons generated during the course of the laser pulse that excites the I2, beyond the variation due to the varying density of I2. Thus, when comparing PLIF images for compressible flows with CFD simulation data, some effort should be made to ensure that the CFD image reflects the local variations in photon production that occur in compressible flows. A method is presented here where a CFD simulation data for a compressible PLIF experiment is used to predict the local photon production during the course of interrogating laser pulse. The experiment consists of a chemical oxygen-iodine laser mixing nozzle utilizing Mach 3 injection of a He/I2 mixture into a Mach 2.5 crossflow with a mixture of He and O2 and has strong compressibility. The method utilizes numerical solutions for the ordinary differential equations describing the state-to-state processes within the I2 fluorescence process where I2(X) is pumped to the I2(B), fluoresces and is quenched. These equations are solved locally within the flowfield predicted by the CFD simulation to predict the variations within the photon production, and compare directly with PLIF images from the experiment.
Prediction of I2P1/2-->2P3/2 transition lineshapes from 3-D, time dependent simulations of chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) flowfields
The lineshape of the I2P1/22P3/2 transition provides a means to ascertain a variety of useful information regarding the performance of the chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL). The value at the center of the lineshape, commonly referred to as the 'line center,' is proportional to the laser amplification on the I2P1/22P3/2 transition. The infinite integral of the lineshape is proportional to the number density of the ground and excited states of atomic iodine in the gas, indicating the degree of I2 dissociation. And the width of the lineshape indicates the amount of broadening of the transition, both due to collisional and Doppler shift effects. As the Doppler shift is proportional to velocity, the width of the transition can be used to estimate the degree of random molecular motion in the gas, expressed in macroscopic terms as temperature. A Doppler shift to the frequencies in the transition can also occur through the straight-line, bulk motion of the gas, and this can be used to examine the velocity field of the gas. However, the flow may experience rotation through the presence of eddies carried within the gas, and these too may contribute to the Doppler shift of the lineshape frequencies. Given that eddies by virtue of their positive and negative velocity components can induce positive and negative Doppler shift, the widening of the lineshape is similar to thermal motion which also includes positive and negative velocities. Thus, when interpreting transition lineshapes, if some account is not made for both thermal and rotational motion, the effect of either physical process will be over-estimated. The work discussed here is oriented toward examining the interplay between the gas dynamics and the lineshape of the I2P1/22P3/2 transition, and in turn determine the ramifications for the use of spectroscopic lineshape based diagnostics and interpretation of their data. These efforts in turn are directly linked to efforts improve the understanding of the physical processes underlying chemical lasers, as excursions outside the traditional operational parameter space become increasingly necessary.
Multi-pathway I2 dissociation model for COIL
V. N. Azyazov, M. C. Heaven, S. Yu. Pichugin
Vibrationally excited iodine I2(X,v>20) is an important intermediate in the standard COIL dissociation model. This intermediate is populated by the I* + I2(X) reaction. In this model excitation probabilities for the v-th I2(X) vibrational level γ(v) are critical parameters. In the present study we examined excitation probabilities γ(v) based on the comparison of calculated populations of vibrational levels of iodine molecules with their experimental values. The total excitation probability for I2(X, v>25) was found to be γ(v>25)≈ 0.1. The standard dissociation model with γ(v>25) ≈0.1 cannot provide the observed dissociation rates. Moreover the number of O2(a) molecules consumed per dissociated I2 molecule would exceed 20 if the standard dissociation model is the predominant dissociation pathway, which is at variance with experiment. Barnault et al.3 found that the populations of I2(10≤v≤23) were much higher than ν≥30. Such high populations of I2(10≤v≤23) could be explained by means of direct excitation in the I* + I2(X) reaction. A satisfactory agreement between calculated I2(v) populations and the experimental data was achieved for the total excitation probability γ(v>25) =0.05-0.1 and for γ(15
A study on an all gas-phase iodine laser based on NCl3 reaction system
Taizo Masuda, Tomonari Nakamura, Masamori Endo, et al.
Numerical simulation and flow-tube experiments are conducted to understand the chemistry of the amine based all gas-phase iodine laser (AGIL). The numerical simulation code developed is a one-dimensional, multiple-leaky-stream-tubes kinetics code combined with all the known rate equations to date. The validity of the code is confirmed to compare the calculated results with experimental results reported elsewhere. We find that the key reactions to achieve positive gain are the deactivation reaction of excited iodine atoms by chlorine atoms and the self annihilation reactions of NCl(1Δ). The order of the injection nozzles is crucial to suppress these reactions. It is shown that positive gain is possible with optimized flow rates and nozzle positions. Flow reactor experiments are conducted based on these calculations, and small signal gain is measured. The results are compared with the calculations.
Progress toward realization of a KW-class EOIL laser
The electric oxygen iodine laser (EOIL) offers a vastly more practical, implementable, and safer alternative to its predecessor, the chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL), particularly for airborne or other mobile military applications. Despite its promise and after 25 years effort, numerous laboratories around the world have not succeeded in providing the known basic physical requirements needed to electrically convert O2 into O2(a1Δ)with the fractional yields and efficiencies needed to make a practical laser. Hence, as of this date, the world record power generated from an EOIL device is only 6.5 watts. In this paper, a 30% conversion from O2 into O2(a1Δ) operating at substantial oxygen mass flow rates (0.090 moles O2/sec at 50 torr) and 40% electrical efficiency is reported. The O2(a1Δ) flow stream being produced carries 2400 watts. Gain measurements are currently in progress, to be followed shortly by power extraction. Current conditions imply that initial power extraction could push beyond 1 KW. Efforts to date have failed to generate substantial laser power because critical criteria have not been met. In order to achieve good O2(a1Δ) fractional yield, it is normally mandatory to impart on the order of 100 KJ/mole O2 while efficiently removing the waste heat energy from the generator so that less than a few hundred degrees Kelvin rise occurs due to gas heating. The generator must be excited by an electric field on the order of 10 Td. This is far below glow potential; hence, a fully externally sustained plasma generation technique is required. Ionization is supplied by means of applying short (tens of nanosecond) pulses to the O2(a1Δ) generator at 50,000 PPS, which are on the order of ten times breakdown potential. This enables a quasi-steady adjustable DC current to flow through the generator, being conducted by application of a DC, 10 to 14 Td pump E-field. This field is also independently tunable. The result is that up to 180 KJ/mole O2 gets imparted to the gas by means of the ~6 KW sub-breakdown pump field, while another 2700 watts is applied to the controlled avalanche field. The generator consists of 24 each, 1 cm diameter tubes that are submerged in rapidly circulating cold fluorinert. Heat is efficiently removed so that that the gas temperature, initially 273°K, raises only by 125°K, as evidenced by spectrographic analysis of the fine structure of O2(b1Σ) at lower pressure. Since all necessary conditions have been met, a 30% conversion rate of O2 to O2(a1Δ) has been achieved. Fortuitously, neither excited O atom production nor O2(b1Σ) production is visible in the spectra of the higher pressure, best yield runs. Essentially all other spectral lines are dwarfed in comparison the O2(a1Δ) line. Energy normally partitioned to O2(b1Σ) and apparently O atoms now feeds into O2(a1Δ) directly, enabling electrical efficiency to exceed 40%. As a continuation of this work, an I2 disassociating mixing section - then subsequently a 20 cm transverse M = 2.5 laser channel - has been coupled to the O2(a1Δ) generator. The effects of titrating NO, NO2, etc. to scavenge O atoms and O3 atoms is under current investigation. Laser power extraction will commence after having optimized all parameters to achieve maximum gain.
Production of metastable singlet oxygen in the reaction of nitric oxide with active oxygen
Predictive modeling of the performance of EOIL laser systems must address the kinetics of the active oxygen flow, including the production of O3 from recombination of O and O2, and the effects of NO as an additive to remove O and promote O2(a) formation. This paper describes experimental measurements of the reaction kinetics for active-oxygen flows generated by microwave discharge of O2/He mixtures at 3 to 10 torr. The concentrations of O2(a1Δ), O, and O3 were directly measured as functions of reaction time in a discharge-flow reactor. Both the O removal rate and the O3 production rate were observed to be significantly lower than expected from the widely accepted three-body recombination mechanism for O3 production, indicating the existence of a previously unknown O3 dissociation reaction. Addition of NO to the flow well downstream of the discharge resulted in readily detectable production of O2(a) in addition to that generated by the discharge. The observed O2(a) production rates were remarkably insensitive to variations in total pressure, O2 concentration, and NO concentration over the ranges investigated. The mechanism for this O2(a) production remains to be identified, however it appears to involve a hitherto undetected, metastable, energetic species produced in the active-oxygen flow.
Improved production of O2(a1delta) in capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharges
J. W. Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard, J. T. Verdeyen, et al.
Experimental investigations of radio-frequency discharges in O2/He/NO mixtures in the pressure range of 1-100 Torr and power range of 0.1-1.2 kW have indicated that O2(a1Δ) production is a strong function of geometry, excitation frequency, pressure and diluent ratio. The goal of these investigations was maximization of both the yield and flow rate (power flux) of O2(a1Δ) in order to produce favorable conditions for application to an electric oxygen-iodine laser (EOIL). At lower pressures, improvements in yield are observed when excitation frequency is increased from 13.56 MHz. As pressure is increased, increasing excitation frequency in the baseline configuration becomes detrimental, and yield performance is improved by reducing the discharge gap and increasing the diluent ratio. Numerous measurements of O2(a1Δ), oxygen atoms, and discharge excited states are made in order to describe the discharge performance dependent on various parameters.
EOIL power scaling in a 1-5 kW supersonic discharge-flow reactor
Scaling of EOIL systems to higher powers requires extension of electric discharge powers into the kW range and beyond with high efficiency and singlet oxygen yield. We have previously demonstrated a high-power microwave discharge approach capable of generating singlet oxygen yields of ~25% at ~50 torr pressure and 1 kW power. This paper describes the implementation of this method in a supersonic flow reactor designed for systematic investigations of the scaling of gain and lasing with power and flow conditions. The 2450 MHz microwave discharge, 1 to 5 kW, is confined near the flow axis by a swirl flow. The discharge effluent, containing active species including O2(a1Δg, b1Σg+), O(3P), and O3, passes through a 2-D flow duct equipped with a supersonic nozzle and cavity. I2 is injected upstream of the supersonic nozzle. The apparatus is water-cooled, and is modular to permit a variety of inlet, nozzle, and optical configurations. A comprehensive suite of optical emission and absorption diagnostics is used to monitor the absolute concentrations of O2(a), O2(b), O(3P), O3, I2, I(2P3/2), I(2P1/2), small-signal gain, and temperature in both the subsonic and supersonic flow streams. We discuss initial measurements of singlet oxygen and I* excitation kinetics at 1 kW power.
Optically Pumped Lasers
Hydrocarbon-free resonance transition 795-nm rubidium laser
Sheldon S. Q. Wu, Thomas F. Soules, Ralph H. Page, et al.
An optical resonance transition rubidium laser (52P1/2 → 52S1/2) is demonstrated with a hydrocarbon-free buffer gas. Prior demonstrations of alkali resonance transition lasers have used ethane as either the buffer gas or a buffer gas component to promote rapid fine-structure mixing. However, our experience suggests that the alkali vapor reacts with the ethane producing carbon as one of the reaction products. This degrades long term laser reliability. Our recent experimental results with a "clean" helium-only buffer gas system pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser demonstrate all the advantages of the original alkali laser system, but without the reliability issues associated with the use of ethane.
Progress in alkali lasers development
Diode pumped alkali vapor lasers developed during the last several years have the potential to achieve high power. Efficient operation of Rubidium, Cesium and Potassium lasers has been demonstrated. Laser slope efficiencies higher than 80% have been achieved. A diode laser pumping can provide high overall efficiency of these devices. A diode pumped continuous wave 10 W Cs laser and continuous wave 17 W Rb laser were demonstrated. In this paper we review the main results and recent achievements in high power alkali lasers development, discuss some problems existing in this field and ways to solve them.
Diode-pumped alkali vapor lasers for high power applications
J. Zweiback, B. Krupke, A. Komashko
General Atomics has been engaged in the development of diode pumped alkali vapor lasers. We have been examining the design space looking for designs that are both efficient and easily scalable to high powers. Computationally, we have looked at the effect of pump bandwidth on laser performance. We have also looked at different lasing species. We have used an alexandrite laser to study the relative merits of different designs. We report on the results of our experimental and computational studies.
Beam Propogation
Long-term stabilized two beam combination laser system with amplifiers using the phase controlled stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugate mirrors
The beam combination method using stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugate mirrors is a promising technique for solid state lasers of high power/energy operating with high repetition rate. The key technology of this method is the phase control of the SBS waves. In the previous works, the principle of this phase control technique was demonstrated experimentally. As a next step, in this work, amplifiers have been added to the beam combination system. Inserting the amplifiers, a stabilized phase difference has been obtained with a fluctuation less than λ/50 at 44 mJ total output energy and 10 Hz repetition rate.
Gas Discharge Lasers
Electra: durable repetitively pulsed angularly multiplexed KrF laser system
Matthew F. Wolford, Matthew C. Myers, John L. Giuliani, et al.
Electra is a repetitively pulsed, electron beam pumped Krypton Fluoride (KrF) laser at the Naval Research Laboratory that is developing the technologies that can meet the Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) requirements for durability, efficiency, and cost. The technologies developed on Electra should be directly scalable to a full size fusion power plant beam line. As in a full size fusion power plant beam line, Electra is a multistage laser amplifier system which, consists of a commercial discharge laser (LPX 305i, Lambda Physik), 175 keV electron beam pumped (40 ns flat-top) preamplifier, and 530 keV (100 ns flat-top) main amplifier. Angular multiplexing is used in the optical layout to provide pulse length control and to maximize laser extraction from the amplifiers. Single shot yield of 452 J has been extracted from the initial shots of the Electra laser system using a relatively low energy preamplifier laser beam. In rep-rate burst of 5 Hz for durations of one second a total energy of 1.585 kJ (average 317 J/pulse) has been attained. Total energy of 2.5 kJ has been attained over a two second period. For comparison, the main amplifier of Electra in oscillator mode has demonstrated at 2.5 Hz rep-rate average laser yield of 270 J over a 2 hour period.
Recent developments in UV laser micromachining
Stable, high energy excimer lasers providing pulsed output energies ranging from 100 mJ up to over 1000 mJ in the ultraviolet region with photon energies as high as 5 eV (248 nm), 6.3 eV (193 nm) or 7.9 eV (157 nm) lend maximum flexibility to laser microprocessing, since virtually every material is amenable to accurate, high resolution material ablation without subsequent cleaning. Due to the UV photons provided with no up-conversion required as direct output by excimer lasers, output powers of many hundred watts are easily achievable and are key to high throughput, and up-scaling capability of manufacturing processes. Most important for reproducible production results is a temporally and spatially stable behavior of consecutive laser pulses as well as utmost lateral homogeneity of the on-sample energy density (fluence). These requirements constitute the superiority of excimer lasers over other pulsed UV laser sources such as lamp-pumped Nd:YAG lasers. Pulse-to-pulse stabilities of less than 1 %, rms as easily provided by excimer laser systems which cannot be achieved with frequency converted Nd:YAG. Laser systems. In particular, the large flat-top excimer laser profile is well-suited for most efficient parallel processing of two and three dimensional microstructures. Spectral properties, temporal pulse and laser beam parameters of state of the art UV excimer lasers and beam delivery systems will be compared with frequency converted, flash-lamp pumped Nd:YAG lasers.
Poster Session
High-intensity subpicosecond vacuum ultraviolet laser system
Shoichi Kubodera, Masanori Kaku, Yuta Taniguchi, et al.
We have been developing an ultrashort-pulse high-intensity vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser. Ultrashort VUV pulses at 126 nm have been produced in rare-gases by nonlinear wavelength conversion of an infrared Ti:sapphire laser at 882 nm. This pulse will be amplified inside an Ar2* amplifier excited by optical-field-induced ionization electrons. The amplification characteristics of the Ar2* amplifier has been improved by plasma channeling induced by a high-intensity plasma-initiating laser.
Techniques of single amplified high intensity ultra-short pulse laser system
Junewen Chen, Kai-Chun Chuang
High intensity ultra-short pulse UV laser system found many applications in atomic researches, picosecond phenomena and bio researches. We present a high intensity ultra-short pulse UV laser system that not only can generate single amplified high intensity ultra-short pulse UV laser system, but also can be operated in repetitive mode up to tenths pulses per second. Our complete laser system could also be extract as femtosecond ultra-short pulses sub-system, three amplifiers four passes single amplified medium to high intensity ultra-short pulse laser sub-system, and ultimately, high intensity ultra-short pulse UV laser system. Techniques of single amplified high intensity ultra-short pulse of this laser system are presented and characterized.