Proceedings Volume 5023

10th International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology

Zhores I. Alferov, Leo Esaki
Proceedings Volume 5023

10th International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology

Zhores I. Alferov, Leo Esaki
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Volume Details

Date Published: 11 June 2003
Contents: 18 Sessions, 147 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: 2003 Chapter books 2003
Volume Number: 5023

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Opening Plenary Session
  • Nanostructure Technology
  • Wide Band Gap Nanostructures
  • Microcavity and Photonic Crystals
  • Nanostructure Characterization and Novel Atomic-Scale Probing Techniques
  • Silicon-Based Nanostructures
  • Quantum Wells and Superlattices
  • Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots
  • 2D Electron Gas
  • Nanostructure Devices
  • Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices
  • Infrared Phenomena in Nanostructures
  • Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures
  • Quantum Computing
  • Transport in Nanostructures
  • Tunnelling Phenomena
  • Excitons in Nanostructures
  • Closing Plenary Session
Opening Plenary Session
Control of charge and spin in novel semiconductor nanostructure devices
Gerhard Abstreiter
Semiconductor nanostructures have attracted a lot of interest recently due to their possible applications in optoelectronics, nanoelectronics, quantum information processing and chemical/biological sensing. There are many different experimental approaches to realize well controllable nanostructure devices. In the past few years we have concentrated our efforts on the fabrication of such devices based on two methods, cleaved edge overgrowth and self-assembly of quantum dots.
Nanostructure Technology
Limits of 3D nanostructures fabricated by focused electron beam (FEB) induced deposition
P. Hoffmann, I. Utke, F. Cicoira
The focused electron beam of an electron microscope (SEM or TEM) decomposes tailored precursor molecules on substrates into functional deposits. Extremely high aspect ratios of more than 10 can easily be obtained. During the last years several materials could be deposited, most of them composed of metal nanoparticles embedded in amorphous matrices. The deposition process depends on the precursor supply, its surface adsorption behavior, and the beam induced chemical decomposition path of the molecule on one hand, and on the other hand on the electron beam properties like beam current, electron energy, and beam distribution. The limits in minimal size, growth rate, and chemical composition arise from all mentioned parameters, which are interdependent.
Monte Carlo simulation of self-organized quantum dot structures: crossover from kinetics to thermodynamics
M. Meixner, R. Kunert, E. Schoell, et al.
We study the heteroepitaxial growth of self-assembled quantum dots in strained semiconductors in the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Optimization of growth parameters such as temperature, deposition rate, coverage, and growth interruption time is discussed. In particular, we investigate the crossover between kinetically controlled and thermodynamically limited growth, and thereby resolve the seemingly contradictory temperature dependence of the average dot size.
Room-temperature electroluminescence at 1.55 um from InAs quantum dots grown on (001) InP by droplet hetero-epitaxy
R. Oga, W. S. Lee, Y. Fujiwara, et al.
We have successfully observed room-temperature electroluminescence (EL) from InAs quantum dots (QDs) on (001) InP substrates. The InAs QDs were grown by droplet hetero-epitaxy using low-pressure organometallic vapor epitaxy (OMVPE). There were two kinds of InAs QDs; large and small QDs. The small InAs QDs with the average diameter and height of 40 nm and 7 nm were present at the density of 3 x 1010 cm-2. In photoluminescence (PL) measurements at 77 K, a peak with full width of 84 meV at half maximum was observed around at 1506 nm. Room-temperature electroluminescence was successfully observed from InAs QDs embedded in InP matrix around at 1560 nm, together with InP emission at 980 nm. With increasing injection current density from 3 A/cm-2 to 33 A/cm-2, the shape of the spectra was unchanged, suggesting that the broadness of the luminescence is due to the size distribution of InAs QDs.
Growth and structural characterization of ZnF2 epitaxial layers on Si
A. G. Banshchikov, N. F. Kartenko, A. K. Kaveev, et al.
In recent years studies of II-group and rare-earth fluoride layers on semiconductors have been quite active. The fluorides have a number of features that make them attractive for epitaxial growth on the most important semiconductors for both practical applications and basic studies. Among other fluorides, ZnF2 is known for its unusual features which are of special interest. The rutile structure of ZnF2 is similar to the MnF2 structure. Moderate (Δα/α = -3.34%, Δc/c = -5.38%) lattice mismatch allows MnF2 epitaxial growth on ZnF2. Zinc fluoride is diamagnetic, and magnetically ordered epitaxial films separated by thin diamagnetic layers are of interest in terms of low-dimensional effects. Polymorphous structural transitions at high pressures and temperatures (100 - 400°C, 30 - 160 KBar) have been found in ZnF2. Electronic properties of ZnF2 differ from those of II a-group metal fluorides. So, after doping by some trivalent impurities, zinc fluorite, being a wide band gap insulator, converses into an n-type semiconductor with the binding energy of shallow donors of about 0.07 - 0.25 eV. Other attractive feature is an effective electroluminescence in rare-earth doped bulk crystals and polycrystalline films. Depending on the impurity, the radiation wavelength changes from IR to UV. Efficient luminescence, in addition to high free electron concentrations, makes zinc fluorite a promising compound for electroluminescent device applications. In this work, we studied the epitaxial growth and structural properties of zinc fluoride films grown on silicon using fluorite buffer layer.
Nanostructures in porous substrate for mismatched film technology and lateral growth model
A. V. Bobyl, S. G. Konnikov, D. V. Shantsev, et al.
A porous GaAs (100) substrate was prepared with nanoscale (5 - 20 nm) surface roughness, 108 cm-2 density of nanoscale inlet holes at the surface, and a network of pores (20 - 100 nm) along [111] on the 50 - 100 nm depth. The lattice misfit of the heterostructure GaSb/GaAs with the porous substrate was 22% less than that for the same rigid substrate. The structure of pores is discussed in connection with possible electrochemical processes of pore formation in A3B5 materials. The initial stage of growth has been analyzed assuming a strain dependence of the lateral growth rate at the side film/pore interface. This dependence accounts for the formation of bridges over the pores followed by a smooth growth of continuous film. Using a strain distribution calculated for a model heterostructure of two mismatched layers with pores we estimated the dynamics of bridging and evolution of the crystallization front.
2D-3D growth mode transition through Stranski-Krastanov mode during epitaxial growth
D. V. Brunev, A. N. Karpov, I. G. Neizvestny, et al.
Using a kinetic Monte Carlo model atomic interlayer exchange influence on the Stranski-Krastsnov (SK) growth mode was investigated. With the increase of the deposited dose, transition from 2D to 3D growth mode within SK region without changing interlayer exchange and the growth parameters, was observed. Limit parameter values corresponding to 2D yields SK and SK yields 3D transitions were determined.
Pore sealing during epitaxy and annealing on Si(001) surface
A. V. Chemakin, I. G. Neizvestny, Natalia L. Shwartz, et al.
Using 3D Monte Carlo model evolution of Si(001) surface during epitaxy and high temperature annealing was investigated. The surface relief in the form of pyramidal pits is developed in the wide range of deposition rate. This relief prevents simultaneous creation of flat surface and thin solid layer formation over pores on Si(001) surface. Critical dose on (001) surface at the same deposition rates and temperatures was found to be an order of magnitude larger than on (111) surface.
The impact of charge state on catalytic activity of metallic nanostructures
V. M. Kozhevin, D. A. Yavsin, M. A. Zabelin, et al.
We report on ultra-high catalytic activity of metallic structures consisting of densely packed assemblies of nano-size metallic (Cu) granules. These nanostructures are fabricated by a new method of laser electrodispersion. The major results on experimental studies of catalytic activity of Cu nanostructures are presented by the example of dichlorobutene isomerization. The observed high catalytic activity of granulated Cu nanostructure is explained by the presence of charges appeared at the granules due to thermally activated inter-granule electron tunneling. The charge state of the structure is analyzed by using newly developed Monte-Carlo model.
The carriers localization influence on the optical properties of GaAsN/GaAs heterostructures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
N. V. Kryzhanovskaya, A. G. Gladyshev, D. S. Sizov, et al.
Optical properties of GaAsN/GaAs heterostructures with different N contents grown by molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated. We show that under the certain grows reigmes the optical properties of the GaAsN layers are determined by recombination via localized states which is due to composition fluctuation. An increase in the N concentration leads to increase in composition fluctuation and, correspondingly, to increase in energy of localized states. Thermal annealing reduces nonuniformity distribution of nitrogen atoms. In short-period GaAsN/GaAs superlattice the effects of phase separation can be enhanced.
Influence of ZnSe cap layer growth on the morphology and Cd distribution in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures
D. Litvinov, A. Rosenauer, D. Gerthsen, et al.
The morphology and Cd distribution in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy is compared before and after the ZnSe cap layer deposition. Atomic force microscopy is applied to study the surface topography of uncapped samples without removing the samples from the ultra-high vacuum. The capped structures are analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. It is observed that only a highly specific growth procedure involving a thermal activation step leads to a Stranski-Krastanow morphology with three-dimensional CdSe islands on a thin wetting layer which are preserved after the overgrowth with ZnSe.
Variation of in-plane lattices constant of Ge islands during MBE growth on Si and SiO2 surfaces
Alexander I. Nikiforov, V. A. Cherepanov, Oleg P. Pchelyakov
Variations in the lattice constant of Ge film were determined by RHEED in the course of the MBE film growth on the silicon surface. Oscillations of the in-plane atomic cell constant were observed for the Ge film growing according to the 2D mechanism. Variations in the two-dimensional lattice constant at the stage of 2D growth are caused by elastic deformation of edges of two-dimensional islands. It was shown that the germanium film growth on silica, unlike the growth on the pure silicon surface, proceeds without formation of the wetting layer.
High-mobility InAs/AlSb heterostructures for spintronics applications
Yuri G. Sadofyev, Y. Cao, S. Chaparro, et al.
High-mobility InAs single quantum well with symmetrical AlSb and asymmetrical AlSb and Al0.8Ga0.2Sb barriers were grown on GaAs (100) by MBE. Magneto-transport studies revealed enhancement of sufficient effective g-factor in a quantizing magnetic field. This enhancement is quite sensitive to the layer composition of the epitaxially-grown structures. The implications of these results for the implementation of InAs-based spintronics structures are discussed.
Investigation of the formation of InAs QDs in a AlGaAs matrix
D. S. Sizov, N. V. Kryzhanovskaya, A. G. Gladyshev, et al.
Optical and structural properties of self organized InGaAs quantum dots (QD), deposited in Al0.3Ga0.7As matrix, were investigated. Samples were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). It is shown, that deposition of 1.7 - 4 monolayer of InAs on Al0.3Ga0.7As surface results in formation of nanoscale QDs on 1 - 2 monolayer thick wetting layer (Stranski-Krastanov growth mode). Large exciton localization energy of the InAs QDs in Al0.3Ga0.7As in compare with QDs in GaAs is demonstrated. This is due to increase in size of these QDs and significant bandgap offset in the case of InAs/AlGaAs system in compare with InAs/GaAs one.
Surface morphology evolution at early stages of CaF2(110) epitaxial growth on Si(001)
Nikolai S. Sokolov, S. M. Suturin, V. P. Ulin
The initial stage studies of CaF2 molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on Si(111) provide a lot of new information important for understanding basic mechanisms of the heteroepitaxy and interface formation between dissimilar materials. Unlike CaF2 on Si(111) system, which has been thoroughly studied by many groups, the interaction of CaF2 molecules with a technologically important Si(001) surface until recently remained almost unexplored except for the TEM and STM studies, where strong anisotropy at the initial stages of CaF2 growth on Si(001) was observed. In our previous work, it was found that a so-called "wetting layer" forms during the initial stage of fluorite growth at above 650°C. This layer influences much the following stages of fluorite growth and determines unusual (110)-orientation of CaF2 nanostructures, grown on Si(001) surface. The wetting layer formation was accompanied by transformation of the initially two-domain (2x1 and 1x2) silicon surface to single-domain. However, microscopic mechanism of this transformation remained unclear. In this work, we used atomic force microscopy to thoroughly investigate the evolution of the silicon substrate surface during the wetting layer formation. We have found the basic microscopic mechanism governing the transition between single- and two-domain surface morphology and revealed more details on nucleation and evolution of CaF2 linear-ridge-like nanostructures described in our previous work as appearing at higher surface coverage.
Formation specifity of InAs/GaAs submonolayer superlattice
Ilja P. Soshnikov, Boris V. Volovik, Alexey R. Kovsh, et al.
Heterostructures with submonolayer insertions attract interest due to optical properties and to possibility of the studying of the self-organization effect. Besides, investigation of SML heterostructures is retarded as consequence of problems of the structural and composition characterization. The situation is changed on account of development of quantitative methods for HREM image analysis. There formation of superlattice heterostructures with InAs submonolayer insertions in GaAs matrix and them optical properties are investigated in the work.
Wide Band Gap Nanostructures
Optical properties of InGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures
Bo Monemar, Plamen P. Paskov, H. Haratizadeh, et al.
We report on low temperature photoluminescence (PL) in InxGa1-xN multiple qunatum wells (MQWs) with x in the range 0.1 and highly Si doped barriers of In0.01Ga0.99N. One sample with 3 QWs of width 3.5 nm and barriers of width 10.5 nm had the MQW in the depletion region of the outer surface. Two PL peaks were observed, one QW exciton from the QW closest to the GaN buffer, one lower energy peak related to a 2DEG at the interface to the GaN buffer layer. In a second similar sample 5 QWs of width 3 nm and with 6 nm highly Si doped In0.01Ga0.99N barriers the MQW was placed in the n-side depletion region of a pn-junction. At low temperatures the PL and electroluminescence (EL) spectra are quite different at no, low, or reverse bias, the PL appearing at higher energy. At high forward bias a spectral component at the EL position appears. This proves a strong influence of the depletion field on the optical spectra. Preliminary results are also reported for n-doped Al0.07Ga0.93N/GaN structures, with near surface MQWs.
Band gap of hexagonal InN and InGaN alloys
V. Yu. Davydov, A. A. Klochikhin, Vadim V. Emtsev, et al.
We present results of photoluminescence studies of the band gap of non-intentionally doped single-crystalline hexagona InN layers and In-rich InxGa1-xN alloy layers (0.36 < x < 1). The band gap of InN is found to be close to 0.7 eV. This is much smaller than the values of 1.8 eV to 2.1 eV cited in the current literature. A bowing parameter of b ≈ 2.5 eV allows one to reconcile our and the literature data for the band gap values of InxGa1-xN alloys in the entire composition region.
Production scale MOVPE reactors for electronic and optoelectronic applications
Harry Protzmann, Georg Gerstenbrandt, Assadullah Alam, et al.
In this letter a number of latest results from the process development on AIXTRON production scale MOVPE reactors will be reported. Growth of GaN on alternative substrates has been examined. Up to 900 nm crack free GaN layer were deposited on Si using a double nucleation interfacing technique. Low yellow band vs. band-edge related photoluminescence emission ratios have been observed and sheet resistances of up to 3500 Ω have been achieved on 2" Si substrates. Also, first results are reported of the up-scaling of the Planetary Reactor to 24 x 2". First results from fully loaded runs show an average 2" on wafer peak wavelength standard deviation of 3.8 nm, average wafer to wafer standard deviation across all wafers of 2.0 nm and average 3 x 2" disk to disk standard deviation of 1.6 nm at an average wavelength of 477.9 nm across all wafers (evaluated with peak integration and 2 mm edge exclusion for the 2" wafers). Photoluminescence peak intensity (area) varied with 13.6% standard deviation wafer to wafer and 12.8% disk to disk. On wafer intensity deviation was 11.3%.
High-efficient up-conversion of photoluminescence in CdSe/ZnSe nanostructures
V. V. Strelchuk, Mikhail Ya. Valakh, M. V. Vuychik, et al.
The intensive up-conversion photoluminescence (UPL) was observed at low temperatures in CdSe/ZnSe structures with single CdSe inserts of a nominal thickness of 1.5 and 0.6 ML. The quadratic-like dependence of UPL intensity on the excitation power was obtained. UPL mechanism was interpreted on the basis of non-linear process of two-step two-photon absorption (TS-TPA) through deep defect states including cation vacancies localized at the barier-nanoisland heterointerface.
Photoluminescence study of CdTe/ZnTe ultra-thin quantum wells grown by pulsed beam epitaxy
M. Garcia-Rocha, Isaac Hernandez-Calderon
CdTe ultra-thin quantum wells (UTQWs) within ZnTe barriers were grown by pulsed beam epitaxy (PBE) on GaAs(001) substrates. In-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns and real-time spot intensity measurements indicated a high structural quality of the QWs. Low temperature photoluminescence (PL) experiments indicated a clear influence of the growth temperature on the structural properties of the samples. The 2 monolayer (ML) thick UTQW grown at Ts = 270°C exhibited an intense and sharp peak at 2.26 eV whereas the 4 ML thick UTQW (Ts = 290°C) presented an intense peak at 2.13 eV and a weak one around 2.04 eV. This behavior is discussed in terms of Cd re-evaporation at the higher Ts.
Filling-factor dependence of magneto-luminescence in II-VI QWs with 2DEG
A. S. Gurevich, G. V. Astakhov, Robert A. Suris, et al.
Photoluminescence spectra of modulation-doped quantum well structures based on II-VI semiconductors (CdTe/CdMgTe and ZnSe/ZnBeMgSe) were studied in high magnetic fields it the range of 2D electron concentrations of (1-5)x1011 cm-2. The following peculiarities were found at low mangetic fields: (1) linear increase of the photoluminescence energy with increasing magnetic fields, (2) jumps in this dependence at integer filling-factors, (3) periodical changing of Zeeman splitting. The observed behavior are interpreted in a frame of a model which takes into account combined exciton electron recombination processes in the presence of magnetic fields.
Influence of high excitation on excitonic states in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells
D. K. Nelson, M. A. Jacobson, Nicolas Grandjean, et al.
Photoluminescence of GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures was studied under high intensity of excitation. The blue shift of photoluminescence peak energy was observed when excitation intensity increased. The blue shift was most prominent for the wide wells, becoming smaller with decreasing the well width. We attribute the observed effect to the screening of the built-in electric field by photoexcited carriers, which leads to reducing of the initial red shift caused by the quantum confined Stark effect. The variation of exciton binding energy with carrier concentration also makes the contribution to the blue shift. The theoretical calculations of the blue shift were performed and compared with experimental data.
Improvement of conductivity and breakdown cteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures in passivation experiments
S. Shapoval, V. Gurtovoi, A. Kovalchuk, et al.
We have studied interface properties of Si3N4/GaN structures by capacitance-voltage methods, paying attention to semiconductor surface treatments before insulator deposition. ECR plasma deposition of Si3N4 and ECR plasma treatments of semiconductor surfaces have been used. The interface state density depends on the hydrogen incorporation in ECR silicon nitride and its composition, which are the function of ECR deposition parameters. Optical properties and H-content of the films were characterized by ellipsometry and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, respectively. Minimum interface state density (1x1011 cm-2 eV-1) has been observed for optimized composition Si3N4 films and ECR O2 and CF4 plasma treatment of GaN. After passivation by optimized Si3N4 films, there were observed improvement in breakdown voltage, increase in saturation current, output power, and power added efficiency for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.
Microcavity and Photonic Crystals
Electrodynamics of left-handed materials
Alexander L. Efros, A. L. Pokrovsky
The theory of diffraction in the system consisting from the left-handed and the right-handed materials is constructed. The theory is based upon the Huygens principle and the Kirchhoff integral and it is valid if the wavelength is smaller than any relevant length of the system. The theory is applied to the calculation of the smearing of the foci of the Veselago lens due to the finite wavelength. We show that the Veselago lens is a unique optical instrument for the 3D imaging, but it is not a "superlens" as it has been claimed recently. We analyze the possibility of obtaining a left-handed materials on the basis of the metallic photonic crystals. The recent experimental results on the LHM are discussed.
The control of light by the phase transition in opal-VO2 phtonic crystals
V. G. Golubev, A. V. Il'inskii, D. A. Kurdyukov, et al.
Three-dimensional opal-VO2 photonic crystals were synthesized by the chemical bath deposition technique. The Bragg reflection spectra from the (111) planes of the crystals were measured as a function of the temperature in the range between 15 and 100°C. The thermal hysteresis loop of the reflection peak position due to the phase transition in VO2 filling the opal voids was observed. A theoretical model of the periodic layered medium was proposed to describe quantitatively the reflection spectra of opal-like structures. The values of the dielectric constants of the VO2 below and above the phase transition temperature have been estimated which give the best fit within the model considered.
Fabrication of square spiral photonic crystals by glancing angle deposition
Scott R. Kennedy, Michael J. Brett, O. Toader, et al.
Using Glancing Angle Deposition, a novel thin film deposition technique, it is possible to fabricate complex, periodic structures suited for applications in photonic band gap crystals. In comparison to complex lithography processes used to produce conventional structures on the scale of several nanometers, GLAD is ideally suited to a virtual single step deposition, producing a novel tetragonal square spiral crystal structure and having a large predicted band gap of up to 15%.
Influence of temperature and free carries on four-wave mixing in semiconductor microcavities
M. N. Makhonin, D. N. Krizhanovskii, A. N. Dremin, et al.
In semiconductor microcavities (MCs) with embedded quantum wells (QW) a strong two-dimensional (2D) confinement of the light in the growth direction leads to an enhanced exciton-photon interaction, which results in the formation of mixed exciton-photon states described in terms of quasi 2D-polaritons. The density of these states is strongly reduced compared to exciton one, due to a very small in-plane mass. As a result, one can hope that the high filling of the polariton states near the polariton band bottom can be achieved at relatively small total density without destroying the strong coupling regime. However such a filling never was reached at low excitation density range where the polariton relaxation to the polariton branch bottom is determined by the emission of acoustic phonons. The reason is in the fact that the polariton lifetime is comparable with phonon scattering time. As a result, the energy distribution of polaritons clearly demonstrates 'bottleneck effect' both under the above band gap excitation and the resonant excitation below free exciton level. However the high occupation of polariton states near the band bottom is relatively easy reached under conditions of a strong resonant excitation into the lower polariton (LP) branch at particular wavenumbers close to the inflection point of the LP dispersion. It is explained as the result of stimulated hyper-Raman scattering (or four-wave mixing) of pumped polaritons with (Ep, kp) to states with the energy and momentum [E1, k1 approximately 0] and [E2 = 2Ep - E1, k2 = 2kp], which referred to as the 'signal' and 'idler,' respectively. Here we investigate the influence of a temperature and an additional above band gap excitation on the stimulated scattering in MCs. A GaAs/AlAs MC containing 6 InGaAs quantum wells in the active layer (Rabi splitting Ω of 6 - 7 meV) has been investigated in a wide range of detunings between free exciton level and bottom of the photonic mode from δ = 0 to -3 meV. The resonance excitation into an LP branch was carried out with a tunable Ti-sapphire laser. The HeNe laser was used for the additional above GaAs band gap excitation. The sample was mounted in a helium thermostat with the temperature control at T = 5 - 30 K.
Three-dimensional Bragg diffraction in growth-disordered opals
A. V. Baryshev, Alexander A. Kaplyanskii, Vladimir A. Kosobukin, et al.
After artificial opals as well as opal-based infilled and inverted composites are considered to be promising representatives of photonic crystal materials. Earlier, photonic stop gaps in opals were studied mainly in transmission or specular reflection geometries corresponding to "one-dimensional" Bragg diffraction. On the contrary, this work was aimed at observing the typical patterns of optical Bragg diffraction in which phenomenon opal crystal structure acts as a three-dimensional diffraction grating. Although our experiments were performed for artificial opals possessing unavoidable imperfections a well-pronounced diffraction peaks were observed characteristic of a crystal structure. Each of the diffraction maxima reveals a photonic stop gap in the specified direction, while the spectral width of the peak is a measure of the photonic stop gap width.
Coherent interpolariton scattering on moving gratings in microcavity with 25 nm GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum well
D. Birkedal, Vadim G. Lyssenko, Jorn M. Hvam
We report on a new coherent phenomenon in semiconductor microcavities at polariton selective resonance excitation by two femtosecond pulses, propagating along k2 and k1, associated with exciton gratings, travelling in lateral direction ± (k2 - k1). Diffracted polaritons experience a frequency shift as observed in nondegenerate spectrally resolved transient four-wave mixing experiments.
Local polariton modes in planar optical microcavities
L. I. Deych, A. A. Lisyansky
An array of quantum dots in a microcavity is considered. It is shown that a vacancy in the array may give rise to one or two quasi-local states with a long life-time depending upon the structure of the array. One state always splits off the top of the polariton gap, and the other one may appear closer to the bottom of the gap. The life-time of the state is mostly determined by the exciton non-radiative relaxation and depends only weakly upon the properties of the cavity mirrors.
Whispering gallery modes in glass microspheres made by simple technology
D. V. Gaikov, Elene V. Kolobkova, A. A. Lipovskii, et al.
A simple technique to form glass microresonators is proposed and used to make microresonators of samarium-doped phosphate glass. Measured in the vicinity of 4G5/2 - 6H7/2 transition of Sm3+ ion photoluminescence spectra of the microresonators gave the value of Q-factor approximately 6000. This exceeds the Q-factor of glass microspeherts made with conventional flyway technique.
Three-dimensional GaN photonic crystals for visible spectral range
G. Gajiev, V. G. Golubev, D. A. Kurdyukov, et al.
Three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals entirely consisting of GaN have been fabricated for the first time. Detailed investigations of optical Bragg diffraction spectra have shown a high quality of the prepared photonic crystals.
Nanostructure Characterization and Novel Atomic-Scale Probing Techniques
Optical and magnetic-resonance spectoscopy of single molecules
J. Schmidt
In this contribution a short review is given of spectroscopic experiments on single molecules embedded in solid host materials at low temperatures. First it is shown how an individual pentacene molecule can be selected optically and how the magnetic-resonance transitions of its metastable triplet state can be observed. In addition it is shown that the magnetic-resonance transitions of a single nuclear spin, connected via hyperfine interactions to the single triplet spin can be observed. Single-molecule techniques can be applied with success to biologically relevant systems as is demonstrated by the first observation of the fluorescence-excitation spectra of individual light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria. These results demonstrate unambiguously that the excited states of this complex must be described as Frenkel excitons, i.e., as excitations that are delocalized over the pigment molecules present in the complex.
Magneto-optical and cyclotron resonance study of semiconductor nanostructures in very high magnetic fields
Noboru Miura, T. Ikaida, K. Uchida, et al.
We have studied new features of semiconductor nano-structures in cyclotron resonance and magneto-optical spectroscopy under very high magnetic fields up to a few megagauss. The new features are attributed to the shrinkage of wave-functions of electrons, holes and excitons. In PbSe/PbEuTe quantum dots that are regularly arranged to form an fcc-like lattice, sharp cyclotron resonance peaks from PbSe quantum dots were observed. It was found that the peaks show a number of anomalous features such as splitting, a remarkable dependence of the intensity on the wavelength, or a peculiar angular dependence of the resonance field. In the photoluminescence spectra of excitons for CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots, GaP/AlP and GaAs/AlAs short period superlattices, a remarkable decrease of the peak intensity and a red shift of the exciton peak were observed with increasing magnetic field; these effects are attributed to the general nature of excitons consisting of spatially separated electrons and holes.
Many-particle interaction in the tunneling nanostructures and STM/STS measurements
P. I. Arseev, Natalia S. Maslova, Vladimir I. Panov, et al.
The influence of many-particle interaction on tunneling characteristics in low dimensional structures is analyzed theoretically and investigated experimentally by means of STM/STS methods. It is shown that indirect interaction (trough band states of semiconductors) can often lead to increased tunneling conductivity for bias range where the direct interaction between impurity states is not significant. New method for preparation of electronic states with definite spin configuration on neighboring atoms is suggested. The energy splitting of opposite spin electrons can be about 0.5 - 1 eV. The different types of tunneling conductivity behavior in ultra small junction with superconductors is analyzed.
Study of high-power GaAs-based laser diodes operation and failure by cross-sectional electrostatic force microscopy
A. Ankudinov, A. N. Titkov, Vadim P. Evtikhiev, et al.
One of the important factors that restricts the power limit of semiconductor lasers is a catastrophic optical mirror damage. This process is significantly suppressed through decreasing the optical power density due to its redistribution over the broad transverse waveguide (BW). Recently it was shown that record-breaking values of the quasicontinuous and continuous-wave (QWC and CW) output power for 100-μm-wide-aperture devices can be achieved by incorporating a broad transverse waveguide into 0.97 μm emitting Al-free InGaAs(P)/InGaP/GaAs and Al-containing InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs separate confinement heterostructure quantum-well lasers (SCH-QWL). Another important factor limiting the CW output power is the Joule overheating of a laser diode due to an extra serial resistance. Traditionally, a decrease in the resistance is achieved by development of the contacts, whereas a voltage distribution across the device structure is not analyzed properly. At high operating currents the applied voltage can drop not only across the n-p-junction, but also at certain additional regions of the laser structure depending on a particular design of the device. Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) provides a very promising method to study the voltage distribution across an operating device with a nanometer space resolution. An application of EFM for diagnostics of III-V laser diodes without and under applied biases have been recently demonstrated. However, the most interesting range of the biases, the lazing regime, has not been studied yet.
Raman studies as a tool for characterization of the strained hexagonal GaN/AlxGa1-xN superlattices
V. Yu. Davydov, A. N. Smirnov, I. N. Goncharuk, et al.
It is shown that such parameters of GaN/AlxGa1-xN superlattice as the period, build-in strain, composition of the alloy, and individual layer thicknesses can be extracted from the energy positions, intensities, and line shapes of various optical and acoustical modes detected in Raman scattering.
Plasma diagnostics of Ge-clusters in Si11-xgex mixed crystals
Yu. S. Gordeev, Valery M. Mikoushkin, V. V. Brysgalov, et al.
Mixed Crystals of Si1-xGex (x < 0.05) grown by the method of zone melting have been studied by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) in recoil. The contribution of Ge-bulk plasmon spectrum was revealed in the plasmon spectra of Mixed Crystals, and the conclusion has been made that an essential part of Ge atoms are included into Ge clusters. Plasma diagnostics of clusters in SiGe alloys is suggested on the basis of EEL spectroscopy.
Time-resolved nonlinear surface plasmon optics
Yurii E. Lozovik, S. P. Merkulova, M. M. Nazarov, et al.
A new surface-sensitive method of time-resolved optical studies is proposed. The method consists in the independent excitation of several surface electromagnetic waves (SEW) by two laser femtosecond pulse beams with varied time delay Δτ and distance Δr between corresponding excitation regions on surface. To fulfill phase matching condition for plasmon-photon coupling metal grating is used. Due to nonlinear plasmon interaction, the optical radiation with ω1 + ω2 and 2ω1 - ω2, (where ω1, ω2 are correspondent laser beam frequency) is generated. The intensity of this nonlinear response versus Δτ and Δr are studied. The direct measurements of the SEW temporal properties are presented. Experiments of this type are important for the development of the femtosecond surface plasmon optics for study of ultrafast phenomena in nanostructures.
Quanum-dot-like composition fluctuations in near-field magneto-photoluminescence spectra of InGaAsN alloys
Alexander M. Mintairov, P. A, Blagnov, James L. Merz, et al.
A series of narrow emission lines (halfwidth 0.5 - 2 meV) corresponding to quantum-dot-like compositional fluctuations have been observed in low temperature near-field photoluminescence spectra of GaAsN and InGaAsN alloys. The estimation of the size, density, and nitrogen excess of individual compositional fluctuations (clusters) using scanning near-field magneto-spectroscopy reveals phase-separation effects in the distribution of nitrogen. We found a strong effect of In on the exciton g-factor in InGaAsN alloys.
Raman sudy of Ge quantum dots formed by submonolayer Ge coverrages in Ge/Si superlattices
Vladimir A. Volodin, D. A. Orehov, M. D. Efremov, et al.
Many attempts to create Si/Ge heterostructures with enhanced opto-electronic properties have been made since beginning of 90-th. Previously these hopes were connected with theoretical assumption that stressed ultra-thin Ge/Si superlattices (SLs) should have direct band gap structure. Recently, the great excitement of researchers was generated by promising optical properties of self-organizing Ge quantum dots (QDs) embedded in a Si matrix. Traditionally, Ge QDs are formed using relatively thick Ge deposition as a result of structural reconstruction of stressed system in order to minimize elastic energy (Stranski-Krastanow mechanism). It should be noted, that in this case there is always the wetting layer and the lateral sizes of Stranski-Krastanow QDs usually relatively high (tens of nanometers), which defines week vanishing of the wave-vector selection rules in the lateral direction. More recently, the mechanism of QDs formation using submonolayer (SML) insertions of a narrow-band semiconductor in a wide-band semiconductor matrix was proposed. In this case the average sizes of QDs are usually very small and its densities are very high. According to electron diffraction, electron microscopy and photoluminescence (PL) data the Ge QDs were formed in Ge/Si SLs with SML Ge insertions. Such Ge/Si heterostructures containing dense arrays of small Ge islands looks more promising for opto-electronic applications.
Silicon-Based Nanostructures
Room-temperature photoluminescence of GeSi/Si(001) self-assembled islands in a 1.3-1.7 um wavelength range
Yu. N. Drozdov, Z. F. Krasil'nik, D. N. Lobanov, et al.
The dependence of photoluminescence spectra of SiGe/Si(001) structures with self-assembled islands on Ge deposition temperature was investigated. Due to inhibition of SiGe alloying and an increase of the Ge content in islands the photoluminescence peak from the islands significantly shifted to low energy with a lowering temperature. The maximum of the peak from the island grown at 600°C was observed at energies less than the energy of the bandgap for bulk Ge. As a result of holes localization in islands the photoluminescence peak from the islands was observed up to room temperature. Sufficient enhancement of the room-temperature intensity of the photoluminescence signal at 1.55 μm was obtained for structures with islands grown on pre-deposited Si1-xGex layer. It is associated with a more effective capturing of holes by densely packed islands in structures with a pre-deposited Si1-xGex layer.
Removal of spin degeneracy in SiGe-based nanostructures
Sergey D. Ganichev, U. Roessler, Wilhelm Prettl, et al.
The photogalvanic effects, which require a system lacking inversion symmetry, become possible in SiGe based quantum well (QW) structures due to their built-in asymmetry. We report on the removal of spin degeneracy in the k-space of SiGe nanostructures. This is concluded from the observations of the circular photogalvanic effect induced by infrared radiation in asymmetric p-type QWs. We discuss possible mechanisms that give rise to spin-splitting of the electronic subband states.
Hole transport in Ge/Si quantum dot field-effect transistors
Andrei I. Yakimov, A. V. Dvurechenskii, V. V. Kirienko, et al.
We report on the transport properties of Si field-effect transistors with an array of approximately 103 10-nm-diameter Ge self-assembled quantum dots embedded into the active channel. The drain current versus gate voltage characteristics show oscillations caused by Coulomb interaction of holes in the fourfold-degenerate excited state of the dots even at room temperature. A dot charging energy of approximately 43 meV (i.e., > kT = 26 meV at T = 300 K) and disorder energy of approximately 20 meV are determined from the oscillation period ad the temperature dependence sudy of current maxima, respectively.
Growth and characterization of Si-Si1-xGex-GaAs heterostructure with InGaAs quantum dots
Timur M. Burbaev, I. P. Kazakov, Vadim A. Kurbatov, et al.
Heterostructure with InxGa1-xAs quantum dots on Si (001) substrate was grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Step graded Si-Si1-xGex-Ge buffer layers and InxGa1-xAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs matrix were deposited consecutively in two different MBE systems. Optical and structural characterizations of heterostructure were performed by photoluminescence (PL) at 77K and 300 K and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. Si-Si1-xGex-GaAs heterostructure with InGaAs QDs exhibited intense photoluminescence in range 1.3 μm at room temperature.
Surface polaritons at nanoporous carbon-silicon interface
I. P. Ipatova, O. V. Proshina, G. Benedek
This paper deals with the effect of the electromagnetic field enhancement in three-layered system due to the propagation of a polariton wave at the interface of nanoporous carbon film -- silicon substrate.
Shallow acceptors in Si/SiGe QW heterostructures
D. V. Kozlov, Vladimir Ya. Aleshkin, Vladimir I. Gavrilenko
The new theoretical method for calculation of acceptor spectra in Si/SiGe heterostructures using 6x6 Luttinger Hamiltonian, taking into acount the anisotropy effects has been developed.
About the phosphorus sensitization of silicon quantum dots in SiO2 photoluminescence
David I. Tetelbaum, V. A. Burdov, A. N. Mikhaylov, et al.
The question about the mechanisms of the photoluminescence enhancement of the system of silicon nanocrystals embedded into silica matrix at phosphorus doping is described. Both the experimental and theoretical arguments are presented.
Parallel magnetic field induced strong negative magnetoresistance in a wide p-Ge1-xSix/Ge/p-Ge1-xSix quantum well
M. V. Yakunin, G. A. Alshanskii, Yu G. Arapov, et al.
A negative magnetoresistance (NMR) reaching maximum 30-40% of its zero-field value is observed under in-plane magnetic field for the hole gases confined in wide p-Ge1-xSix/Ge/p-Ge1-xSix quantum wells (QW), while in an analogous narrow QW the magnetoresistance doesn't exceed 1%. In the QWs of intermediate widths and hole densities, the NMR is explained as being caused by suppression of the intersubband scattering due to the upper subband depopulation. In the widest QWs with the highest hole densities the hole gas is self-divided into two 2D sublayers. A similar NMR observed in these samples is interpreted as also been due to suppression of the intersubband scattering, but subbands are the lowest symmetric and antisymmetric states of the formed double quantum well. The main effect of the in-plane magnetic field in this case is a relative shift of subbands along the wave vector, rather than the shift in energy.
Quantum Wells and Superlattices
New optical phenomena in Bose-condensed exciton system in quantum wells
Yurii E. Lozovik, I. V. Ovchinnikov
The new effect -- stimulated light backscattering and anomalous light transmission in Bose-condensed exciton system are considered. The effects are connected with photoinduced coherent recombination of two excitons from the condensate with production of two photons with opposite momenta. The effect of two-exciton coherent recombination leads also to the appearance of the second order coherence in exciton luminescence connected with squeezing between photon states with opposite momenta. Coherent 3- and 4-photon emission processes stimulated by respectively two and three laser beams are also considered.
Spectral speckle analysis: a new method to measure coherence and dephasing in semiconductor nanostructures
A new method to measure the coherence of inhomogeneously broadened optical excitations in semiconductor nanostructures is presented. The secondary emission of excitons in semiconductor quantum wells is investigated. The spectrally-resolved coherence degree of resonantly-excited light emission is deduced from the intensity fluctuations over the emission directions (speckles). The spectral correlations of the speckles give direct access to the homogeneous line width as function of spectral position within the inhomogeneously broadened ensemble. The combination of static disorder and phonon scattering leads to a partially coherent emission. The temperature dependence of the homogeneous line width is well explained by phonon scattering.
Resonant states of carbon acceptor in p-InGaAs/GaAs -doped quantum well heterostructure
D. M. Gaponova, Vladimir Ya. Aleshkin, Vladimir I. Gavrilenko, et al.
The photocurrent spectra in 27 - 37 μm wavelength range of the InGaAs/GaAs heterostructure with carbon δ-doping on the edge of the quantum wells has been investigated using free electron laser (FELIX). The resonant response has been revealed at the wavelength 34.3 μm. The energy of observed photocurrent peak (approximately 36.2 meV) is in a good agreement with the calculated energy of the hole transition from the ground state to the first excited resonant state of the impurity. The hole relaxation time to the acceptor ground state is estimated.
Structure effects on inter- and intra-band scattering of electrons in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs and strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells
H. C. Lee, Kien Wen Sun, Chien-Ping Lee
Based on the dielectric continuum model, we have studied the dependence of electron-optical phonon scattering rates in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells with different structure parameters. It was found that the dependence of scattering rates of symmetric interface mode on Al composition in the barrier was stronger than that of the confined mode. The average phonon energy emitted by hot electrons in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells with various Al composition was estimated and the calculated value agrees with the experimental results qualitatively. For the dependence on the well width, scattering rates of the S+ mode dropped considerably as the well width is increased. The hot electron-neutral acceptor luminescence spectrum of the strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum well sample shows an oscillation period of about 22 meV which indicates that the hot electrons relaxed mostly through emissions of the InAs confined phonons.
Light absorption and emission in InAs/GaAs quantum dots and stepped quantum wells
Vladimir Ya. Aleshkin, D. M. Gaponova, Dmitry G. Revin, et al.
The results of optical phenomena investigations in quantum dot and quantum well structures under interband optical pumping are presented. Interband and intraband light absorption in nanostructures with quantum dots has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Photoluminescence and interband light absorption in stepped quantum wells have been investigated including PL studies under picosecond optical pumping. Experimental results have been compared with results of calculation of energy spectrum and transition probabilities. It is shown that inversion of population exists between the third and second excited levels of stepped quantum well.
Optical and transport properties of p-type heterojunctions with lateral surface superlattice in perpendicular magnetic field
V. Ya. Demikhovskii, D. V. Khomitsky
We study the optics and transport in p-type heterojunctions with lateral surface quantum dot (antidot) superlattice and in the presence of perpendicular magnetic field. The Azbel'-Hofstadter problem is solved for holes in valence band described by 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian. The probabilities of transitions between quantum states in magnetic subbands and monolayer of donors located inside heterojunction are calculated. The investigation of Hall conductance in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE) mode in p-type heterojunctions with lateral surface superlattice has been performed. The mutual influence of heavy and light holes, and of the spin-orbit coupling on the quantization of Hall conductance was elucidated.
Friedel oscillations of the magnetic field penetration in systems wirh spatial quantization
Matvey V. Entin, L. I. Magarill, M. M. Mahmoodian
The magnetic field, applied to a size-quantized system produces equilibrium persistent current non-uniformly distributed across the system. The distributions of dia- and paramagnetic currents and magnetic field in a quantum well is found. We discuss the possibility of observation of field distribution by means of NMR.
Synchronization of dipole domains in GHz-driven superlattices
A. K. Jappsen, A. Amann, A. Wacker, et al.
We consider a semiconductor superlattice biased into the regime of negative differential conductivity and driven by an additional GHz ac voltage, and find frequency-locked or quasiperiodic propagating field domains. With increasing driving frequency, the complex impedance exhibits strong variations of its amplitude and phase. An anomalous phase shift appears as a result of phase synchronization of the traveling domains.
Separate electron-hole confinement in composite InAsyP1-y/GaxIn1-xAs quantum wells
A. Yu. Silov, Balakrishnan Nair Aneeshkumar, M. R. Leys, et al.
Composite double qunatum wells made from materials with a type-II band line-up have been grown to realize separate confinement in real space for electrons and holes. We have observed a substantial blue shift of the lowest energy transition in such composite double quantum wells. The photocurrent measurements demonstrate a linear Stark shift due to the separate confinement in real space for electrons and holes. The charge separation is up to 45 Å in the strain balanced InAs0.42P0.58/Ga0.67In0.33As samples. The experimental results agree very well with calculations in the framework of Bir-Pikus strain Hamiltonian.
Auger recombination in strained InGaAsP quantum wells with Eg=0.7-1.6 eV
Z. N. Sokolova, D. I. Gurylev, Nikita A. Pikhtin, et al.
Auger coefficients have been measured in five light emitting diodes (LEDs) with strained quantum wells in active region covered a wide range of wavelength. LED were fabricated from identical high efficient laser heterostructures. The obtained Auger coefficients increase from 3 x 10-30 to 1.8 x 10-28 cm6/c as wavelength changes from 0.78 to 1.8 μm.
Effective mass anisotropy of T-electrons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well with InAs layer
E. E. Vdovin, Yu N. Khanin, Yu V. Dubrovskii, et al.
We use resonant magnetotunneling spectroscopy, with the magnetic field applied parallel to the interfaces, to investigate the local band structure in the quantum well (QW) of a resonant tunneling diode. By rotating the magnetic field in the plane of the interfaces, we investigate the energy surface at constant k||. Using this technique, we have studied two different types of double barrier structures. We obtain different results depending on whether or not the QW contains a narrow InAs layer.
Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots
On the zero phonon line homogeneous broadening in semiconductor QDs
Serguei V. Goupalov, Robert A. Suris, P. Lavallard, et al.
Dephasing of optical excitations in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) has recently received much attention. A common model used for understanding such processes is a two-level electronic system interacting with phonons. In our work we construct a consistent non-perturbative theory of the ZPL homogeneous broadening and resolve the contradictions by pointing out the limits of validity of the theoretical papers mentioned.
Optical memory concepts with self-organized quantum dots- material systems and energy-selective charging
C. Kapteyn, J. Ehehalt, R. Heitz, et al.
For memory structures based on optically induced charge in self-organized quantum dots, the concept of wavelength-domain multiplexing in the quantum dot ensemble is an essential prerequisite. The electric properties of quantum dots in various material systems as studied by time-resolved capacitance spectroscopy are summarized, and candidates suitable for future memory applications are discussed. By combining optical excitation and capacitance spectroscopy, direct evidence is obtained for energy-selective hole charge generation and storage in InAs/GaAs quantum dots. A clear dependence of the activation energy of the emitted holes on the energy of the excitation is observed.
Escape of carriers photoexcited in self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots
P. N. Brunkov, A. Patane, A. Levin, et al.
Photocurrent and capacitance spectroscopy are used to investigate a Schottky barrier structure containing a single layer of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots. We show that the temperature dependence of the photocurrent signal from the quantum dots is governed by thermal escape of electrons as the faster carriers.
Heterostructure optical phonons in dynamics of quantum dot electronic excitations: new experimental evidences
A. V. Baranov, V. G. Davydov, Anatoli V. Fedorov, et al.
Unusual coupling of heterostructure optical phonons and electronic excitations in quantum dots (QD's) was observed by photoluminescence spectroscopy in strain-induced InGaAs/GaAs QD's (SIQD's) and self-assembled InAs/GaAs QD's (SAQD's). Phonon-assisted interband transitions in SIQD's were found to be governed by zone center bulk GaAs TO and LO phonons via deformation potential interaction, whereas polar interaction was inessential. For SAQD's, a n-doped GaAs substrate was found to effect on QD intraband relaxation of carriers via coupling between them and substrate LO-phonon-plasmon modes at spacing between QD's and substrate as long as 100 nm.
Inelastic inyer-valence-band scattering of photoexcited holes in quantum dot structures
B. H. Bairamov, B. P. Zakharchenya, V. V. Toporov, et al.
We obtain inelastic electronic light scattering for interband transitions between valence-band states of GaAs layer embedded by self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs). Under a low-power selective cw excitation above the InAs band gap but below that of GaAs at a lattice temperature Tl = 5.1 K we find anomalous photoexcitation of carriers in the InAs QDs. Unusual photoinjection of the carriers to the GaAs barrier via strong Coulomb interactions results in creation of the nonequilibrium electron-hole plasma in the GaAs layer with density of n = p = 2.5 x 1018 cm-3 and an electron temperature Te = 25 K. Observed spectra reflects the band anisotropy and extends from zero to rather large frequency shifts with a long tail with a peak at about 300 - 400 cm-1 in good agreement with theoretical prediction.
Time-resolved luminescence of self-assembled CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots
V. S. Dneprovskii, O. Shaligina, E. A. Zhukov, et al.
Time-resolved inhomogeneously broadened spectra of CdSe/ZnSe self-assembled QDs excited by weak picosecond and powerful nanosecond laser pulses have been measured. The peculiarities of the kinetics of the CdSe/ZnSe self-assembled QDs' spectra and their changes at high excitation have been explained by different recombination times of QDs (it shortens for QDs of smaller size) and by saturation (state filling) of QDs that arises first of all for QDs of greater size.
Influence of temperature and hydrostatic pressure on luminescence spactra of InAs/GaSa quantum dots
V. A. Gaisin, A. Kh. Akopyan, B. S. Kulinkin, et al.
The temperature dependencies of luminescence spectra of the InAs/GaAs quantum dots L0 (EL0 = 1.235 eV), L1 (EL1 = 1.290 eV) and I1 (EI1 = 1.343 eV) and wettings layer (WL) (EWL = 1.408 eV) have been investigated at P = 0 and P = 15 kbar. The InAs quantum dots on vicinal substrates GaAs at misorientation angle 7° [001] have been grown in submonolayer migration enhanced epitaxy mode (SMEE). The activation energies have been determined from the temperature quenching of luminescence. Their dependence on a value of hydrostatic pressure have been studied. The available scheme of energy levels of quantum dots has been proposed.
Auger type relaxation of excitons in self assembled quantum dots via resonance scattering
I. Larkin, A. Vagov
We have investigated an Auger type mechanism of the relaxation of the carriers onto the deep levels of the self-assembled quantum dots (QD). Our analysis shows that resonant electron-hole collisions can lead to unexpectedly fast energy relaxation. Basic idea of the proposed mechanism is the Breit-Wigner type scattering of a delocalized particle with a particle trapped inside a dot. If energy of an incoming particle is close to the energy of a virtual two-particle state scattering cross-sections resonantly enhanced. We show that the number of resonances is sufficiently large leading to large average cross-sections. Realistic estimations for the In dots in the GaAs matrix shows that energy relaxation takes about 5 - 50 picosecond, which is comparable with experimental findings.
Soft collective charge mode in a 1D electron system
Vladimir A. Sablikov, Yasha Gindikin
A new property of the charge collective mode in a 1D electron system is found. In the wave number region close to 2kF (kF being the Fermi wave number) the mode frequency goes to zero, showing the soft mode behavior. In addition, the common 1D plasmon spectrum exists in the long-wave region. The soft mode is related to the short-range dynamic electron correlations in 1D and is absent in the systems of higher dimensionality. The dynamic correlations are described adequately in the frame of the Luttinger model.
Effects of accidental microconstriction on the quantizes conductance in long wires
A. A. Starikov, I. I. Yakimenko, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, et al.
We have investigated the conductance of long quantum wires formed in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures. Using realistic fluctuation potentials from donor layers we have simulated numerically the conductance of four different kinds of wires. While ideal wires show perfect quantization, potential fluctuations from random donors may give rise to strong conductance oscillations and degradation of the quantization plateaux. Statistically there is always the possibility of having large fluctuations in a sample that may effectively act as a microconstriction. We therefore introduce microconstrictions in the wires by occasional clustering of donors. These microconstrictions are found to restore the quantized plateaux. A similar effect is found for accidental lithographic inaccuracies.
2D Electron Gas
Zero spin splitting of landau levels in 2D electron systems: role of sign of lande factor
E. E. Takhtamirov, V. A. Volkov
The one-particle spin splitting of Landau levels in 2D electron systems is governed both by Zeeman mechanism and spin-orbit interaction. For III-V heterostructures the latter has two contributions: bulk (Dresselhaus contribution) and interface (Rashba contribution). It is analyzed the combined effect of all three mechanisms on the spectrum of Landau levels in a quantum well (001) III-V in perpendicular to plane or near to perpendicular magnetic field. The goal of the work is to find conditions when the bare spin splitting, ΔsN, of Nth Landau level disappears. It is shown that (1) the Rashba and Dresselhaus mechanisms are not equivalent to each other; (2) the result depends on the sign of the Lande effective g-factor. Zero of ΔsN is induced by the Dresselhaus mechanism if gzz < 0, or Rashba mechanism if gzz > 0. The results are qualitatively applicable to other low-dimensional systems (quantum wires and dots).
Persistent high-frequency hopping photoconductivity in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures in the quantum Hall regime
I. L. Drichko, A. M. Diakonov, I. Yu. Smirnov, et al.
Persistent high-frequency (hf) hopping conductivity near the middles of well developed quantum Hall plateaus has been studied in the Si modulated heterostructures GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As, both δ- and modulation doped, under successive infrared irradiation in the 0.8 - 1.44 micron region. The conductivity has been determined by simultaneous measurement of attenuation and velocity of surface acoustic waves. With the increase of the radiation dose the conductivity decreases, whereas the carrier density in the 2D channel grows. There is a threshold of the persistent conductivity from the low energy side located between 0.86 and 0.48 eV. The observed behavior can be attributed to the so-called DX- centers which are localized two-electron states bounded by local lattice distortion. Such states, as known, exist in Si-doped GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs with x ≈ 0.3. We believe that hf hopping is due to tunneling of electron pairs between a two-electron center and its empty neighbor.
Quantum interface in magnetooscillation phenomena in two-dimensional electron gas
N. S. Averkiev, S. A. Tarasenko
Effect of spin splittings on magnetooscillation phenomena is studied theoretically. It is shown that interference takes place between two types of spin splittings linear in the wave vector. The simultaneous presence of these spin terms in the Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional electron gas causes a suppression of beats in the magnetooscillation phenomena. Zeeman splitting in tilted magnetic fields is shown to be able to lead to the appearance of the oscillations with the double frequency.
Kinetic mechanism of current stratification in two-dimentional structures
V. Yu. Kachorovskii, I. S. Lyubinskiy, L. D. Tsendin
We study the electric field induced current instability in two-dimensional semiconductor structures with respect to formation of charge density wave (CDW). We calculate the increment of the instability and demonstrate that spatial period of the CDW is inversely proportional to the electric field.
Many-body lines in tunneling spectra of Al/-GaAs junctions near resonant polaron threshold
I. N. Kotel'nikov, S. E. Dizhur, F. V. Shtrom
A remarkable change of LO-phonon line for tunneling from metal to 2DEG, in comparison with 3D-case, was observed. It was shown that the line shapes and the amplitudes of LO-phonon and zero-bias anomaly in tunneling spectra of Al/δ-GaAs junctions depended on magnetic field in-plane of the 2DEG. The parameters of the lines were changed when threshold for resonant intersubband polaron in δ-layer was exceeded.
Breakdown of theinterger quantum hall effect: a microscopic model wirh a hydronamical analogy
A. M. Martin, Laurence Eaves, K. A. Benedict
In samples used to maintain the US resistance standard the breakdown of the dissipationless integer quantum Hall effect occurs as a series of dissipative voltage steps. A mechanism for this type of breakdown is proposed and a parameter-free microscopic model is presented. In this model we calculate the rate of generation of electron-hole pairs due to charged impurity scattering and develop a simple, self-consistent, model for their motion. We thereby determine the rate of pair production and the size of the voltage steps. We then draw an analogy between this type of breakdown and vortex anti-vortex pairs formed behind a stationary obstacle in a flowing fluid.
Pinning of Landau levels in open two dimensional electron systems
V. G. Popov, Yu V. Dubrovskii, E. E. Vdovin, et al.
Electron tunneling between two dimensional electron systems of different electron concentration in magnetic field normal to the layers have been studied. Parallel 2DES were separated from each other by Al0.3Ga0.7As barrier and from highly doped n+-GaAs contact regions by undoped GaAs-layers. In our samples each of the 2DES and adjacent contact region were in thermodynamic equilibrium provided by free carrier exchange. The measured I-V dependencies demonstrated pronounced resonant features arising when ground states of the 2DES's were adjusted by external bias. The magnetic field shifted resonant peak position. The shift on the voltage scale was linear versus magnetic field, but exhibited discontinuity in particular magnetic fields. The Landau levels pinning in the 2DES's by chemical potential in the contact region explains the experimental findings.
Nanostructure Devices
Ultra-high coulomb energy in position controlled grown carbon nanotube
Kazuhiko Matsumoto
A carbon nanotube is one of the best candidates for the nano-scale devices because of its small features. The problem of the carbon nanotube is the difficulty how to control the position and the direction of the carbon nanotube. So far, the carbon nanotube was dispersed in to the alcohol and distributed onto the substrate, and was connected to the metal electrode by moving the carbon nanotube by AFM cantilever to the electrode. This process took a lot of time and showed low yield. In order to solve this problem, we proposed the new technology that could control the position of the carbon nanotube by using the patterned chemical catalyst. The three terminal device which used the carbon nanotube as a channel was fabricated and its electrical properties were examined. The carbon nanotube three terminal device showed the single electron transistor characteristics and showed the room temperature Coulomb diamond characteristics. The Coulomb temperature of the device is as high as approximately 5000 K.
Ti/TiOx/Ti laternal tunnel junctions for single electron trsnsistor
L. V. Litvin, Vladimir Kolosanov, D. G. Baksheev, et al.
A new technique for formation of tunnel junctions from Ti stripe providing junction capacitance of about 10 aF (150 nm wide stripe) has been developed. The technique is based on through oxidizing thin sites that form when Ti stripe crosses a step previously etched in the dielectric substrate. Charge transfer through the single junctions was investigated. Inelastic tunneling via electron states localized in the barrier region was found. This results in the essential nonlinearity of junction I-V curves to a scale of bias voltage of 2 - 3 mV. The single electron transistor built on such junctions demonstrates the I-V curves peculiarities originating from strong nonlinearity of single junctions.
Current-induced cooling of nanostructures
Eugen B. Dogonkin, Georgy G. Zegrya
A mechanism of electric current-induced cooling of nanostructures is proposed and analyzed. The conditions are studied of electric current flow through a heterostructure with two quantum wells, with electrons from one quantum well passing into the other via phonon-assisted indirect tunneling. As a result, the system is cooled by the flowing current, with the temperature of the system depending on the current nonmonotonically. A universal law for the maximal cooling temperature is derived.
Segment of inhomogeneous mesoscopic loop as a dc power source
S. V. Dubonos, Vladimir Kuznetsov, A. V. Nikulov
A dc voltage changed periodically with magnetic field is observed on segments of asymmetric aluminum loop without any external dc current at temperatures corresponded to superconducting transition. According to this experimental result a segment of the loop is a dc power source. A possibility of a persistent voltage on segments of an inhomogeneous normal metal mesoscopic loop follows from this result.
Strongly modulated conduction in Ag/PLZT/LSCO ferroelectronic field-effect transistor
I. Grekhov, L. Delimova, I. Liniichuk, et al.
A possibility of fabricating all-perovskite field effect transistor is shown, which can provide the development of a nonvolatile memory cell with a nondestructive readout of information. A thin (approximately 5 - 10 nm) Sr-doped lantanate cuprate (LSCO) film was used as a transistor channel while a ferroelectric gate insulator was a lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) film of about 100 nm thickness. The modulation of a channel conduction was found in the studied transistors to be approximately 70%, which is an order of magnitude larger than that reported in the world literature.
Operating modes of the Auger-transistor and the photo-field detectors under strong electric field
V. D. Kalganov, N. V. Mileshkina, E. V. Ostroumova
Conditions for appearance of a self-consistent quantum well in both the near-surface region of a vacuum semi-conductor field-emitter and a case of metal-insulator-semiconductor heterostructures (Auger-transistor) under strong electric field have been studied.
Origin of the 1/f noise in GaN-based HFETs: Is it tunneling?
The nature of the 1/f noise in GaN/GaAlN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors (HFETs) has been discussed. New experimental results on the 1/f noise in GaN/GaAlN HFETs and different models on the flicker noise have been also described. It has been demonstrated that the 1/f noise in GaN/GaAlN HFETs might be linked to the electron tunneling from the 2D gas into the tail states in GaN or AlGaN layers.
Optimization of InGaAs/InAlAs strained multiple quantum wells for amplitude modulators
Maurico Pamplona Pires, Christiana V.-B. Tribuzy, Boris Yavich, et al.
InGaAs/InAlAs strained multiple quantum well structures for amplitude modulators based on the quantum confined Stark effect were studied in order to find the most efficient one for optical communication at 1.55 μm. Parameters such as contrast ratio, polarization sensitivity, operation voltage and chirp are determined for structures with different InGaAs composition and thickness. Simulations of the devices' performance are carried out and are in good agreement with experiment.
Metal nanoelectrodes for molecular transistor and investigation of electron transport in molecular systems
D. B. Suyatin, E. S. Soldatov, Ivan Maximov, et al.
Gold nanoelectrodes with gaps of less than 10 nm were formed by conventional E-beam lithography on silicon substrates covered by Al2O3. Molecular films were deposited on the electrodes by Langmuir-Shaefer technique. The I-V curves of such systems show a suppressed conductance indicating a correlated electron tunnelling through the system. All measurements were made at room temperature.
From bistability to spatio-teporal chaos in a resonant-tunneling diode
J. Unkelbach, A. Amann, P. Rodin, et al.
Charge accumulation in the quantum-well of a double-barrier resonant-tunneling diode (DBRT) may result in bistability that provides a basis for formation of lateral current-density patterns. A typical pattern expected to appear is a current density front. Such fronts correspond to switching transitions and generally cannot be stabilized by a conventional external circuit. In this paper we discuss formation and stabilization of stationary current density patterns in bistable DBRT. We demonstrate that the intrinsic dynamics of the DBRT can lead to the onset of regular or chaotic spatio-temporal oscillations if an attempt to stabilize unstable current density patterns by means of a simple control loop is undertaken.
Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices
Temperature dependence homogenous broadening and gain recovery dynamics in InGaAs quantum dots
P. Borri, Wolfgang W. Langbein, S. Schneider, et al.
We present temperature-dependent measurements of the dephasing time in the ground-state transition of strongly-confined InGaAs quantum dots, using a highly sensitive four-wave mixing technique. At low temperature we measure a dephasing time of several hundred picoseconds. Between 7 and 100 K the polarization decay has two distinct components resulting in a non-Lorentzian lineshape with a sharp zero-phonon line and a broad band from elastic exciton-acoustic phonon interactions. We also explore the dephasing time beyond the one exciton occupation, by electrically injecting carriers. Electrical injection into the barrier region results in a dominantly pure dephasing of the excitonic ground-state transition. Once the injected carriers have filled the electronic ground state, additional filling of the excited states creates multiexcitons that show a fast dephasing due to population relaxation.
Interface luminescence and lassing at a type II single broken-gap heterojunction
Konstantin D. Moiseev, Maya P. Mikhailova, Yury P. Yakovlev, et al.
We have proposed a new physical approach for the design of mid-IR lasers operating at λ = 3.2 - 3.26 μm based on type II heterojunctions with a large asymmetric band-offset at the interface (ΔEC > 0.6 eV and ΔEV > 0.35 eV). These high potential barriers produce effective electron-hole confinement at the interface and results in a tunnel-injection radiative recombination mechanism within the device due to reduce leakage current from the active region. The creation of high barriers for carriers leads to their strong accumulation in the active region and increases quantum emission efficiency of the spatially separated electrons and holes across the heteroboundary. Our approach also leads to the suppression of non-radiative Auger-recombination and a corresponding increase in the operation temperature of the laser. The active region of the laser structure consists of the type II heterojunction formed by narrow-gap In0.83Ga0.17As0.82Sb0.18 (Eg = 0.393 eV at 77 K) and wide-gap Ga0.84In0.16As0.22Sb0.78 (Eg = 0.635 eV at 77 K) layers lattice-matched to InAs substrate.
Ultrafast switch-off of an electrically pumped InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser
A. V. Platonov, C. Lingk, Jochen Feldmann, et al.
This paper reports on transient switch-off of the emission of an electrically pumped quantum dot laser with perturbation by a short optical pulse. This laser response is explained in terms of hot carrier absorption on intraband optical transitions leading to the transient suppression of the laser mode and, hence, to the switch-off. The switching time constant is determined to be as fast as 2 ps.
Observation of phonon bottlebeck in quantum box cascade lasers
O. Drachenko, Cyril Becker, V. V. Rylkov, et al.
The intersubband light emission of GaAs/GaAlAs quantum cascade lasers is measured under pulsed magnetic fields parallel to the current, up to 60 T. A giant modulation of the laser intensity is observed with complete suppression of the laser emission when the energy spacing between intersubband Landau quantized states matches the GaAs optical phonon energy. When the level separation is not equal to the phonon energy, the laser output increases as a result of quenched phonon emission from the upper subband electrons. In this situation, the laser threshold current was found reduced by a factor of two.
Gain and linewidth enhancement factor in InAs-quantum-dot and InAs-quantum-dash laser heterostructures
Optical characteristics are investigated and compared of nanostructure semiconductor lasers with quantum dots and quantum dashes. Spectra of optical gain and of linewidth enhancement factor are obtained. Optical anisotropy in quantum dash structures is investigated.
High power lasers based on submonolayer InAs-GaAs quantum dots and InGaAs quantum wells
Alexey R. Kovsh, Alexey E. Zhukov, Nikolay A. Maleev, et al.
Development of submonolayer deposition technique can offer significant flexibility in creation of strained heterostructures of different types and material systems. It was found that under certain growth conditions the deposition of InAs insertions of less than 1 monolayer (ML) thickness in GaAs matrix forms so-called sub-monolayer quantum dots (SML QDs). The energy spectrum of these QDs can be varied over a wide range by tuning the InAs coverage and the thickness of GaAs spacers. Stranski-Krastanow (In,Ga)As QDs (SK QDs), which have been investigated in more details, have proved theoretically predicted lower threshold current density of 26 A/cm2 in compare with QW lasers. However, strong size variation of SK QDs in combination with the relatively low sheet density leads to low peak gain achievable in the ground state. This problem is the reason of typically low efficiency of SK QD-based lasers. Due to higher gain, SML QDs have proved their potential for high power laser application. In this presentation we report on further progress in the technology of SML QD lasers demonstrating high output power (6W) from 100-μm-wide laser diode emitting at 0.94 μm. High power QW-based lasers of the state-of-the-art performance are also presented for comparison.
MBE growth of low-threshold long-wavelength QD lasers on GaAs substrates
Nikolay A. Maleev, Alexey R. Kovsh, Alexey E. Zhukov, et al.
Recent results on molecular-beam epitaxy growth of the quantum dot InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures for long-wavelength lasers on GaAs substrates are presented. As a result of optimization of the growth procedure for active region and emitter layers low-threshold current density (45 - 80 A/cm2) long-wavelength (1.27 - 1.3 μm) laser diodes may be fabricated with high reproducibility.
Near-threshold spectral and modal characteristics of a curved-gratinf quantum-well distritbuted-feedback laser (c-DFB)
Yann G. Boucher, Anton G. Deryagin, V. I. Kuchinskii, et al.
We present a theoretical investigation of the spectral and modal properties of a near-threshold two-dimensional curved-grating distributed-feedback laser provided with high transverse confinement. All fields are described in the spectral domain in the frame of an extended (3x3) transfer matrix formalism which takes into account the internal sources, as well as saturation of the gain medium through amplified spontaneous emission.
Non-linear power-current characteristics of quantum well lasers at high injection
Vadim P. Evtikhiev, Eugeny Yu. Kotelnikov, D. V. Dorofeyev, et al.
Mechanisms causing non-linearity of power-current characteristics (PCC) of quantum-well lasers at high injection levels were studied both experimentally and theoretically. A critical injection current that switch on a nonlinear PCC mode was found to depend to a great extend on the resonator length (on the threshold concentration). The PCC non-linearity is well described within the framework of the gain saturation mechanism where a dependence of the gain coefficient on the radiation intensity at high injected carriers concentration is taken into account.
Semiconductor quantum dot superlattice for coherent acoustic phonon emission
Alexander G. Khitun, Kang Lung Wang
We present a novel concept of using quantum dot superlattices for coherent acoustic phonon emission. Coherent lattice wave generation is proposed by collective dot vibrations in a self-assembled quantum dot array, where superlattice structure acts as a phonon resonator. The dots vibrations are synchronized by an external electric field. The proposed scheme has advantage of low phonon scattering rate in quantum dots, that enables generating high intensity phonon beams at low amplitude of the pumping electric field. The advantage is illustrated by numerical simulations carried out for Si/Ge superlattice. The proposed scheme may find many phonon applications, such as for local temperature control, phonon assisted optical transition enhancement, and characterization of low-dimensional structures.
14XX nm pump lases for Raman and Er3+ doped fiber amplifiers
Natalia V. Fetisova, Nikita A. Pikhtin, Ekaterina G. Golikova, et al.
A set of high power single mode InGaAsP/InP ridge waveguide laser diodes emitting in 1440 - 1500 nm range on peak wavelengths used for optical fiber pumping were developed and fabricated. Room temperature continuous wave output power of 300 mW was reached. Stable operation on fundamental optical mode with only 1° increase of lateral far-field pattern FWHM was confirmed up to 180 mW output power.
Optical gain and lasing of trions in delta-doped ZnSe quantum wells
Joachim Puls, G. V. Mikhailov, Fritz Henneberger, et al.
The observation of optical gain at the trion transition of n-doped ZnSe quantum wells is reported. The specific optical coupling between the trion and electron band gives rise to stimulated emission on the low-energy wing of the trion photoluminescence band without degeneracy and inversion in the total particle numbers. Gain values as large as 104 cm-1 are found for excitation intensities of some kW/cm2. A calculation of the absorption-gain crossover photon energy based on a kinetically determined equilibrium of excitons, trions and electrons with a common carrier gas temperature describes the experimental data well.
SC DHS InGaAsP/InP lasers( =1.5-1.6 um) with above-threshold internal quantum efficiency nsti about 100%
Ilya S. Tarasov, Georgy G. Zegrya, G. V. Skrynnikov, et al.
InGaAsP/InP SC DHS lasers with different waveguide design were fabricated and studied. Extremely high values of internal quantum efficiency of stimulated emission ηist about 97% was demonstrated experimentally in structures with step-like waveguide design which is related to lowest leakage currents above threshold and reduced threshold carriers concentration. Theoretically was shown, that it is possible to create lasers emitting at λ = 1.5 μm, with an internal quantum efficiency of stimulated emission close to 100%. ηist for structure with different waveguide design was calculated and prove to be in good agreement with experimental data.
Use of nanostructure-cluster-based ion-implantation-induced saturable absorbers in multisection high-power 1.5um picosecond laser diodes
G. B. Venus, A. Gubenko, Efim L. Portnoi, et al.
We report short (30 - 35 ps), high energy (more than 100 pJ) optical pulses at 1.5 μm from Q-swithced laser diodes with multisection implantation-induced saturable absorbers. Dramatic improvement in pulse parameters over tandem lasers is due to suppression of spatial hole-burning and amplified spontaneous emission.
Self-focused distributed bragg reflector QW laser diodes
D. A. Yanson, Edward U. Rafailov, Grigorii S. Sokolovskii, et al.
We report the first realization of novel tapered DBR laser diodes incorporating curved gratings. The devices exhibited single-longitudinal mode operation with a side-mode suppression ratio of over 30 dB and a laterally focused beam for focal lengths around 0.5 mm. These laser sources will be suitable for applications requiring both spectrally and spatially enhanced beam quality.
Er-doped SiO2 with silicon nanocrystals as a new active optical medium
Irina N. Yassievich, Mikhail S. Bresler, Oleg B. Gusev, et al.
Properties of a new active optical medium, Er-doped SiO2 with silicon nanocrystals, are discussed. We have considered in detail the mechanism of excitation of erbium ions by quantum confined electron-hole pairs in silicon nanocrystals, the diffusion of excitation over the erbium ions inserted into the silicon dioxide matrix and the lifetime of erbium in the excited state limited by de-excitation cneters (traps, "black holes") in SiO2.
Influence of intraband relaxation processes on threshold and power-current characteristics of quantum well lasers
Georgy G. Zegrya, Irina A. Kostko, Natalya A. Gunko, et al.
The effect of carrier-carrier relaxation on threshold and power-current characteristics of InAs and GaAs quantum well (QW) lasers is studied. Dependence of carrier relaxation time on temperature and carrier density is considered. It is shown that in this case the gain coefficient becomes a more pronounced function of temperature and carrier density, and threshold current density increases drastically.
Infrared Phenomena in Nanostructures
Terahertz emitting devices based on intersubband transitions in SiGe quantum wells
T. N. Adam, R. T. Troeger, S. K. Ray, et al.
Terahertz electroluminescence was produced by intersubband transitions in silicongermanium quantum wells. The devices were grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy on high-resistivity silicon substrates, and were fabricated by standard photolithography and processing techniques. Using FTIR spectroscopy at at temperature of 5 K, electroluminescence was observed around 9 THz. The emission was attributed to heavy-hole-to-light-hole transitions and demonstrates the potential for SiGe technology as terahertz emitters.
Stimulated THz emission of acceptor-doped SiGe/Si
Miron S. Kagan, Igor V. Altukhov, Elena G. Chirkova, et al.
An intense THz emission was observed from strained SiGe/Si quantum-well structures under strong pulsed electric field. The p-type structures were MBE-grown on n-type Si substrate and δ-doped with boron. Lines with wavelengths near 100 microns were observed in the emission spectrum. The modal structure in the spectrum gave evidence for the stimulated nature of the emission. The origin of the THz emission was attributed to intracenter optical transitions between resonant and localized boron levels.
Proposed terahertz bloch superlattice oscillator
Alexander A. Andronov, I. Nefedov, A. Sosnin
Terahertz Bloch oscillator based on GaAs-GaAlAs superlattice with weak barriers is proposed. Here due to interminiband tunneling current is a rising function of electric field while the tunneling and the Bloch oscillations produce dynamic negative differential conductivity at the Terahertz frequencies. Monte-Carlo simulation demonstrates existence of the negative conductivity in 1 - 7 THz range in the superlattices with moderate mobility at 77 K. The oscillator should consist of the 200 - 600 superlattice periods sandwiched between two n+ contact regions which form also strip-line waveguide (the oscillator cavity) and could be operational at 77 K in CW mode.
Impurity induced resonant states in modulation doped heterostructures
M. A. Odnoblyudov, A. Blom, Irina N. Yassievich, et al.
A study of the formation of 2D resonant states in the conduction band, induced by impurities outside heterostructure quantum wells, is presented. General expressions for the capture and scattering amplitudes are derived, and the effect on the energy spectrum and the density of states in the quantum well is calculated. The theory is applied to the Coulomb potential of donor impurity.
Resonant acceptor states in delta-doped SiGe nanostructures
A. A. Prokofiev, M. A. Odnoblyudov, Irina N. Yassievich, et al.
Resonant acceptor states induced by internal strain in Si/SiGe/Si quantum wells delta-doped with boron have been investigated theoretically. Sample design of Si/SiGe/Si MQW structures for resonant state THz laser is suggested.
Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures
Gateable spin memory in InP quantum dots
I. A. Yugova, I. V. Ignatiev, S. Yu. Verbin, et al.
In photoluminescence kinetics of the InP quantum dots, we have found a long-lived component of the degree of circular polarization, showing practically no decay during the lifetime of excitation. It is shown that this effect is observed only in the charged quantum dots. The amplitude of the long-lived PL polarization can be controlled by an applied electric field and may be as high as 50% in the case of quasi resonance excitation. The existence of the long-lived component of the polarization is the clear evidence of large lifetime of the electron spin polarization in quantum dots.
Spin orientation of two-dimensional electron gas under intraband optical pumping
S. A. Tarasenko, E. L. Ivchenko
The theory of spin orientation of two-dimensional (2D) electron gas has been developed for intrasubband indirect optical transitions. The monopolar optical orientation of electrons in the conduction band is caused by the indirect scattering with virtual intermediate states in the valence band and allowance for selection rules for interband transitions. The considered mechanism of optical orientation is shown to be in an inherent relation with the special Elliot-Yafet mechanism of electron spin relaxation induced by virtual interband scattering.
Picosecond time scale spin-polarized electron kinetics in thin semiconductor layers
K. Aulenbacher, J. Schuler, D. V. Harrach, et al.
Time resolved photoemission of highly spin-polarized electrons from thin strained and unstrained GaAsxP1-x films of various thicknesses has been investigated. An upper limit for the response time of a photocathode has been found to be 1 ps for layer thicknesses less than 150 nm. We show that the electron depolarization during the electron extraction to the surface band bending region can be as low as 2% while the losses in the band bending region can contribute to 4% spin relaxation.
Spin splitting and interband photogalvanic effect in quantum wells
L. E. Golub
Circular photogalvanic effect under interband absorption in quantum wells is considered. The photocurrent is calculated as a function of light frequency for direct transitions between ground electron and hole size-quantized subbands. It is shown that the current spectrum near the absorption edge depends dramatically on the form of spin-orbit interaction: it is a linear function of photon energy in the case of structure inversion asymmetry induced spin-splitting, and it has a parabolic dependence when bulk inversion asymmetry dominates. At higher energies, the existence of a peak in the photocurrent spectrum is predicted.
Spin memory in the n-doped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
S. Yu. Verbin, Yu. P. Efimov, V. M. Petrov, et al.
The polarized luminescence spectra and kinetics of the GaAs quantum wells with excess free electrons are studied experimentally. Quantum beats between the exciton and electron spin sublevels, split by a magnetic field, are detected. The dynamics of the degree of polarization is found to contain a long component associated with slow relaxation of electron spins.
Quantum Computing
Experimental progress in quantum-dot celluar automata
G. L. Snider, A. O. Orlov, R. K. Kummamuru, et al.
An overview is given of the quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) architecture, along with a summary of experimental demonstrations of QCA devices. QCA is a transistorless computation paradigm that can provide a solution to such challenging issues as device and power density. The basic building blocks of the QCA architecture, such logic gates and clocked cells have been demonstrated. The experiments to date have used QCA cells composed of metallic islands, and operate only at low temperatures. For QCA to be practical, the operating temperature must be raised, and molecular implementations are being investigated that should yield room temperature operation.
Clocked quantum-dot celluar automata devices
A. O. Orlov, R. K. Kummamuru, R. Ramasubramaniam, et al.
We present an experimental demonstration of novel Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) devices based on clocked architecture -- a QCA latch and a two-bit QCA shift register. The operation of the devices is demonstrated, and sources of the digital errors occurring in clocked QCA devices are discussed.
Semicondustor tunneling structure with self-assembled quantum dots for multi-logic celluar aoutomata module
Alexander G. Khitun, S. Hong, Kang Lung Wang
We proposed and analyzed a semiconductor multi-barrier tunneling structure, which is incorporated with a quantum dot layer for a cellular automata logic module. Both in-plane and cross plane directions of tunneling in the self-assembled quantum dot layer were taken into consideration. Nonlinear I-V characteristics as a result of tunneling of a multi-cell system were simulated and used for the modular-logic construction. Elemental units, "AND," "OR" and "EXCHANGE" gate operations where shown. In addition, we demonstrated a set of local transition rules for use in one logic module driven by the edge bias. The stability of the scheme with respect to material structure imperfections is discussed.
Feasibility study of the spin wave quantum network
Alexander G. Khitun, R. Ostroumov, Kang Lung Wang
We propose an implementation of the spin waves for massively parallel quantum network. A spin wave based quantum network offers an advantage of random access to any qubit in the network and, consequently, the ability to recognize two qubit gates and performance gate operation between any two distant qubits. Using model simulations we illustrate the process of the two distant qubit entanglement via spin waves exchange. The utilization of spin waves allows us to avoid the most difficult single electron spin measurements procedure. Instead, qubit state recognition is accomplished by measurement of spin wave excited in a ferromagnetic layer. By estimate the proposed scheme has as high as 104 ratio between quantum system coherence time and the time of a single computational step.
Transport in Nanostructures
Dimensional magnetoplasma resonance in GaAs/AlGaAs heretostructures
B. A. Ashkinadze, Elisha Cohen, Arza Ron
The physical processes in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) driven into a nonequilibrium state by light illumination or increased microwave power are studied by combined optical and dimensional magnetoplasma resonance (DMPR) spectroscopies. A hysteretic DMPR, an optical bistability of the exciton and 2DEG Photo-luminescence, an evolution of the photoexcited electron-hole system from exciton to metal state in modulation doped and undoped heterostructures are investigated.
Magnetoresistance in long InSb nanowires
Sergei V. Zaitsev-Zotov, Yu. A. Kumzerov, Yu. A. Firsov, et al.
Magnetoresistance of long correlated nanowires of degenerate semiconductor InSb in asbestos matrix (wire diameter is around 50 Å, length 0.1 - 1 mm) is studied over temperature range 2.3 - 300 K. At zero magnetic field the electric conduction G and current-voltage characteristics of such wires obeys the power laws G varies direct as Tα, I varies direct as Vβ, expected for one-dimensional electron systems. The effect of magnetic field corresponds to 20% growth of the exponents α, β at H = 10 T that may result from breaking of the spin-charge separation in the one-dimensional electron system.
Hopping conductivity and magnetic-field-induced quantum hall-insulator transition in InAs/GaAs quantum dot layers
Vladimir A. Kulbachinskii, R. A. Lunin, V. A. Rogozin, et al.
We have investigated the temperature dependence of resistance in the temperature range T = 0.07 - 300 K, the quantum Hall effect (qHe) and the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures in magnetic field up to 35 T. Two-dimensional Mott variable range hopping conductivity (VRHC) has been observed at low temperatures in samples with low carrier concentration. The length of localization correlates very well with the quantum dot cluster size obtained by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). In samples with relatively high carrier concentration the transition qHe-insulator was observed.
Quenching of the hall effect in localised high magnertic field region
S. V. Dubonos, K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, et al.
We report the suppression of the Hall effect in a mesoscopic Hall cross with a strong magnetic field only in the center and vanishingly small outside. The local magnetic field is produced by placing Dy pillar on top of a structure with high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The effect is found to be due to a sharp increase of the number of back-scattered and quasi-localized electron orbits. The possibility of localizing electrons inside the magnetic inhomogeneity region is discussed.
Ferromagnetic GaMnAs for spintronic devices
Achim Koeder, W. Schoch, S. Frank, et al.
Ferromagnetic Ga1-xMnxAs films containing up to 5.1 at%Mn were grown by low-temperature MBE. The structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of the layers are reported. At x > 0.01, the materials show a ferromagnetic behavior. The Curie temperature reaches 80 K at 5.1at% Mn. We propose the use of a n+-GaAs/p+-GaMnAs Esaki-diode (ferromagnetic Esaki-diode, FED) to provide injection of spin-polarized electrons via interband tunneling. Under reverse bias, spin-polarized electrons at the Fermi level in the valence band of GaMnAs tunnel to the conduction band of GaAs in contrast to the injection of spin-polarized holes used before.
Spin-polarizes transport through doped nanotube junctions in presence of applied magnetic field
Amir Abbas Farajian, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
The effects of different spin orientations on transport through carbon nanotubes are studied, using a simple tight-binding model within the mean-field approximation. It turns out that, in the absence of external magnetic field, the mean-field ground states of both semiconducting and metallic nanotubes are antiferromagnetic. As regards electronic/transport properties, it is observed that the conductance characteristics of spin-up and spin-down carriers are separated, and a negative differential resistance (NDR) feature in the I-V characteristics is detected, when the system is subjected to external magnetic field. NDR is particularly interesting for a wide range of applications.
Super high conductivity effect in metal-polymer-metal structures
Alexander N. Ionov, V. A. Zakrevskii, V. M. Svetlichny, et al.
We have observed that films of a polyimide precursor of poly[4,4'-bis(4"-N-phenoxy)diphenyl-sulfone] amid acid of 1,3-bis(3',4-dicarboxyphenoxy) benzene which is called type (1) polymer- or co-poly[4,4'-bis(4"-N-phenoxy)diphenyl-sulfone-α,ω-bis(η-amino propyl)oligodimethylsiloxane]imide of 1,3-bis(3',4-dicarboxyphenoxy)benzene type (2) polymer, placed between two metallic electrodes become highly conducting in a relatively small electric field (E<1 V/cm). If the metallic electrodes (Sn, Nb) in sandwich structures were in the superconducting state an effective resistance of zero was recorded. A typical current-voltage characteristic of an S-P-S structure looks like a Josephson type. We hve experimentally shown that for a S-P-S structure, a point contact between the superconductor and the polymer film plays the role of a weak link.
Ballistic effects in magnetoresistance of the planar point contact composed of single crystalline tungsten
Gennady M. Mikhailov, L. I. Aparshina, A. V. Chernykh, et al.
We found that a ballistic planar constriction exhibits different properties in angular dependence of the magnetoresistance in compare with that of the diffusive point contact. It shows unusual two-minima angular dependence. This behavior also differs much from that of ballistic four terminal bridges, where monotonic angular dependence of the magnetoresistance is observed.
Conductivity of disordered 2D systems: from weak to strong localization
Grigori M. Minkov, Alexander V. Germanenko, O. E. Rut, et al.
Results of detailed investigations of the conductivity and Hall effect in gated single quantum well GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with two-dimensional electron gas are presented. A successive analysis of the data has shown that the conductivity is diffusive for kFl = 25 - 2.5. The absolute value of the quantum corrections for kFl = 2.5 at low temperature is not small, e.g., it is about 70% of the Drude conductivity at T = 0.46 K. For kFl < 2.5 the conductivity looks like diffusive one. The temperature and magnetic field dependences are qualitatively described within the framework of the self-consistent theory by Vollhardt and Wolfle. The interference correction is therewith close in magnitude to the Drude conductivity so that the conductivity σ becomes significantly less than e2/h. We conclude that the temperature and magnetic field dependences of conductivity in the whole studied kFl range are due to changes of quantum corrections and that transition to hopping conductivity occurs at lower conductivity value.
Magnetotransport of 2D-electrons and holes at a type II broken-gap single heterojunction doped with acceptor impurity
Konstantin D. Moiseev, V. A. Berezovets, Maya P. Mikhailova, et al.
The observation of the Quantum Hall effect (QHE) in a semimetal channel with coexisting electrons and holes, simultaneously, at the type II broken-gap p-GaIn0.16As0.22Sb/p-InAs single heterointerface based on unintentionally doped quaternary solid solution obtained by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) was reported for the first time elsewhere. In this report the quantum magnetotransport in the p-Ga0.84In0.16As0.22Sb0.78/p-InAs single heterostructure has been studied for a set of the samples with the both undoped and doped with Zn impurity quaternary layer at low temperatures in high magnetic fields up to 14 T.
Quantized acoustoelectric current in the ballistic channels
M. P. Trushin, V. A. Margulis, A. V. Shorokhov
The acoustoelectric current in the ballistic quantum channels is investigated. It is shown theoretically that the acoustoelectric current as a function of chemical potential (which is controlled by gate voltage itself) demonstrates either giant quantum oscillations or quantized plateaux. The conditions of such step-like behavior have been found and investigated in detail.
Condusction in nanocomposites: hopping on a fractal
Igor P. Zvyagin
We discuss the mechanism of hopping conduction in nanocomposites and similar materials where the size of hopping sites is large compared to edge-to-edge separations between the sites. In this case the dominant mechanism involving transitions via virtual intermediate localized states is characterized by the increase in tunneling probabilities between distant sites; moreover the coherent tunneling path via virtual intermediate states is restricted to the fractal incipient percolation cluster. The application of percolation arguments to the calculation of the system conductivity is based on the concept of the generalized chemical distance. The resulting d.c. conductivity temperature dependence is of the form lnσ approximately -(To/T)x, where the exponent x is expressed in terms of the critical exponent for the chemical distance (or superlocalization exponent) and fractal dimensionality of the backbone cluster.
Tunnelling Phenomena
Polarization revival of a Bloch-oscillating wave packet at resonant Zener tunneling in GaAs shallow superlattice
D. Meinhold, Vadim G. Lyssenko, Karl Leo, et al.
We investigate the dynamics of a Bloch-oscillating wave packet in the presence of strong coupling to delocalized above barrier states, using time-resolved intraband polarization-sensitive measurements. At a threshold electric field, the resonance of localized and delocalized states causes a quantum beating which is observed as a revival in the interband polarization. Our numrerical simulation visualizes the spatial wave packet decomposition and reformation.
Tunnel gaps in the two-dimentional electron system in a magnetic field
Yu V. Dubrovskii, P. C. Main, Laurence Eaves, et al.
We have studied the near-equilibrium tunnelling between identical two-dimensional electron systems at 0.3 K over a wide range of magnetic field applied normal to the electron layers. The magnetic field suppresses the electron tunnelling. Our results are consistent with the co-existence of two types of tunneling gap. Moreover, at ν < 2 additional features arise in the tunneling spectra, which we interpret in terms of the emission of some as yet unidentified quasiparticle.
Magnetotunnrlling spectroscopy of the electron states in the quantum well with embedded self assembled quantum dots: studies in magnetic field up to 28 T
Yu V. Dubrovskii, V. A. Volkov, D. K. Maude, et al.
We have studied magneto-oscillations of the tunnelling current through a quantum well (QW) incorporating InAs self-assembled quantum dots in magnetic fields up to 28 T applied normal to the QW plane. We find evidence for the strong modification of the Landau levels in the host GaAs quantum well in the presence of dots embedded at the center of the well, which we attribute to electron-electron interactions.
Resonant broadening of two-dimentional state in semiconductors with inverted band structure
Alexander V. Germanenko, Grigori M. Minkov, V. A. Larionova, et al.
Results of tunneling studies of MOS-structures based on Hg1-xCdxTe with an inverted band structure are reported. It has been found that the 2D states have revealed themselves at negative energies, when they are in resonance with the heavy hole valence band of bulk material. To interpret the experimental data the energy spectrum and broadening of the 2D states in a surface quantum well has been theoretically investigated in the framework of the Kane model, the finite value of the heavy hole effective mass has been taken into account.
Resonant tunneling metal-oxide-silicon nanostructure
Galina G. Kareva, M. I. Vexler, I. Grekhov, et al.
Some evidences for an ability of a metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) structure, widely used in the current integrated circuit electronics, to operate as a resonant tunneling diode are discussed. The energy band diagram of the MOS structure based on a highly doped p-Si (NA in the range of 1018 - 1020 cm-3) with an oxide thickness in the tunnel transparent range of 1 - 4 nm in reverse bias presents an asymmetrical double barrier with a quantum well of variable depth. Both the calculated and measured current-voltage characteristics of such nanostructures exhibit resonant tunneling features, such as steps and peaks, attesting electron resonant tunneling transport. The nanostructures have their origin in design, materials and technologies within the current integrated electronics so that they can be easily combined with its elements on one chip.
GaAs-based tunnel junctions
C. Moeller, J. Boettcher, Harald Kuenzel
The development of high quality GaAs-based tunnel junctions grown by molecular beam epitaxy was systematically studied. Fabricated Si/Be-doped GaAs tunnel junctions show record low junction resistance of less than 7 x 10-5 Ω/cm2 and a peak current density of > 1900 A/cm2. The enhancement of lateral current spreading is demonstrated by large-area vertical-emitting LEDs.
Tunnelling of photogenerated holes through landau levels in GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier diodes
Andres Vercik, M. J.S.P. Brasil, Y. G. Gobato, et al.
The experimental observation of Landau levels due to the quantization of the transverse moment of holes in resonant tunneling diodes is reported in this work. At very low bias, the photocurrent versus voltage curves, measured under a magnetic field perpendicular to the barrier planes, exhibited several peaks associated to this phenomenon. The analysis of the peak position as a function of the magnetic field reveals several interesting features as non-parabolicity of the valence band, diamagnetic behavior and repulsion between levels with the same Landau-level index.
Excitons in Nanostructures
Entangled exciton states in quantum dot molecules
M. Bayer, G. Ortner, A. Larionov, et al.
Currently there is strong interest in realizing implementations of quantum computation and quantum cryptography in a solid state environment. One of the systems that are actively studied are semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). Due to their discrete energy level structure, they are often called artificial atoms, and they attract immediately interest of quantum information science since they allow to mimic the design developed for atomic physics systems such as ions in traps or atoms in cavities. However, despite of the similarities, one has to keep in main that any elementary excitation in a QD has a generic many-body character. An essential building block of a quantum processor is a quantum gate which entangles the states of two quantum bits. Recently it has been proposed that a pair of vertically aligned QDs could be used as an optically driven quantum gate: The quantum bits are individual carriers either on dot zero or dot one. The different dot indices play the same role as a "spin," therefore we term them "isospin." Quantum mechanical tunneling between the dots rotates the "isospin" and leads to superposition of two quantum dot states. The quantum gate is built when two different particles, an electron and a hole, are created optically. The two particles form entangled isospin states. The entanglement can be controlled by application of an electric field along the heterostructure growth direction. Here we present spectroscopic studies on single quantum dot molecules (QDMs) with different vertical separation between the dots that support the feasibility of this proposal. The comparison of the evolution of the excitonic recombination spectrum with the results of calculations allows us to demonstrate coherent tunneling of electrons and holes across the separating barrier and the formation of entangled exciton states. For a given barrier width, we find only small variations of the tunneling induced splitting between the entangled states demonstrating a good homogeneity within the obtained QDM ensembles.
Magneto-optical properties of self-assembled (CdMn)
Joachim Puls, P. Kratzert, A. Hundt, et al.
A systematic study of the magneto-optical properties of semimagnetic (Cd,Mn)Se quantum dots is performed. The data proves the successful incorporation of the magnetic Mn ions into the QDs providing zero-dimensional magnetic entities for controlling single carrier spins.
Singlet and triplet states of charged excitons in ZnSe-based QWs probed by high magnetic fields
Dmitrii R. Yakovlev, G. V. Astakhov, W. Ossau, et al.
Singlet and triplet states of negatively (X-) and positively (X+) charged excitons (trions) in ZnSe-based quantum wells have been studied by means of photoluminescence in pulsed magnetic fields to 50 Tesla. Singlet state binding energies of X- show a monotonic increase with growing magnetic fields with a tendency to saturation. Contrary to that a decrease of X+ binding energy is found. A crossover of the triplet and singlet states is observed in magnetic fields 35 - 50 T.
Combined exciton and trion excitations in modulation doped quantum well structures
Vladimir P. Kochereshko, G. V. Astakhov, Dmitrii R. Yakovlev, et al.
Photoluminescence, photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and reflectivity spectra of CdTe-based modulation-doped quantum well (QW) structures with 2DEG have been studied in magnetic fields. Resonant lines corresponding to combined optical transitions in which the photo-generation of excitons as well as trions is accompanied by the excitation of an additional electron from states below the Fermi level to states above the Fermi level were observed and analyzed.
Modeling of the photoluminescence spectra of localize excitons in Zn1-x CdxSe quantum wells
Pedro Diaz-Arencibia, Isaac Hernandez-Calderon
We present a model for the calculation of the emission spectra of localized excitons in Zn1-xCdxSe quantum wells (QWs). The model takes into account the dependence of localization energy (Eloc) on (1) the lateral size of the islands, (2) the island size distribution, and, (3) the exciton island population as a function of temperature. The model includes exciton migration assisted by acoustical phonons. The calculation is illustrated for the case of a 10 ML thick Zn0.8Cd0.2Se/ZnSe QW.
Paulo blockade in spin-flip Raman scattring via donor bound excitons
A. V. Koudinov, Yu. G. Kusrayev, B. P. Zakharchenya, et al.
We have investigated spin-flip Raman scattering by manganese ions in (001-CdTe/CdMnTe quantum wells. The intensity of the SFRS obtained in resonance with the donor bound exciton in the Voigt geometry was found to depend strongly on the orientation of the crystal with respect to the magnetic field: Raman intensities for field parallel to [110] and [110] directions differ by about a factor of 8. The observed phenomenon is interpreted in terms of an electron spin blockade in the D0X complex. The role of double resonance is discussed.
Exciton states of nano-islands in ZnCdSe quantum wells
Alexander Reznitsky, A. A. Klochikhin, S. Permogorov, et al.
The photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation (PLE) spectra of quantum wells (QWs) formed by CdSe insertions in ZnSe matrix reveal the states of heavy and light excitons localized in CdSe-rich islands, and the energy EME which is associated with the percolation threshold over the entire lateral plane of QW. The model calculations are performed which result in evaluation of the island mean size and composition of ZnCdSe solid solution within and outside of islands.
Inhomogeneous luminescence of slow polaritons from near-surface two-dimensional excitonic system
T. V. Teperik, Vyacheslav V. Popov
The problem of spontaneous emission of free polaritons from two-dimensional (2D) excitonic system is solved for the case of asymmetric dielectric environment of 2D excitonic system. The dispersion and radiative decay rates of resonant polaritons are calculated. The most of attention is given to slow resonant polaritons whose phase velocity is less than the speed of light in the ambient medium. The conclusion is drawn that the slow resonant polaritons can be observed in time-resolved photoluminescence experiments on near-surface 2D excitonic systems at grazing angles of emission.
Closing Plenary Session
Nanostructures on flexible substrates
We report on fabrication, characterization, and properties of nanocrystalline semiconductor films and thin-film devices chemically deposited on fibers, cloth, and large area flexible substrates at low temperatures (close to room temperature). We also describe the photovoltaic effect in CdS/CuS films deposited on viewfoils and trylene threads. CdS films deposited on viewfoils exhibit unique behavior under stress and UV radiation exposure with reproducible resistance changes of several orders of magnitude with bending up to 10 mm curvature. The measurements of the 1/f noise in these nanocrystalline structures indicate a high quality of nanocrystallites.