Proceedings Volume 3725

International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology

Proceedings Volume 3725

International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology

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Volume Details

Date Published: 8 April 1999
Contents: 4 Sessions, 57 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98 1998
Volume Number: 3725

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Thin Layers and Epitaxial Growth
  • Crystalline Nanostructures and Films: Formation and Properties
  • Structural, Optical, and Electrical Characterization of Crystalline Materials
  • Optoelectronic Devices
Thin Layers and Epitaxial Growth
Metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of GaN and lateral overgrowth
Bernard Beaumont, Pierre J. L. Gibart
Nitride semiconductor alloys have merged as the most promising materials for short wave lengths light emitting diodes and laser diodes (LDs). The GaInN multiquantum wells structure was used as the active part of LDs and have presently proven to work at room temperature in cw mode for 10,000 hrs. These achievements would have not been possible without the emergence of new approaches in heteroepitaxy of GaN leading to layers exhibiting lower dislocation densities than those grown using conventional heteroepitaxy. Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) has demonstrated its ability to fabricate structures for optoelectronics GaN based devices. Several nitrogen sources have been tested, but, so far NH3 remains the best nitrogen precursor despite the stringent requirement of high V/III ratio in the vapor phase. With the epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELOG), high quality GaN layers have been obtained. This ELOG technology can be applied either by HVPE or MOVPE, on sapphire or 6H-SiC substrates. The dislocations densities in the overgrowth region are orders of magnitude lower than in the standard heteroepitaxial GaN layers.
High-quality LEO growth and characterization of GaN films on Al2O3 and Si substrates
Manijeh Razeghi, Patrick Kung, Danielle Walker, et al.
We report the lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) of GaN films on (00.1) Al2O3 and (111) Si substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The LEO on Si substrates was possible after achieving quasi monocrystalline GaN template films on (111) Si substrates. X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy were used to assess the quality of the LEO films. Lateral growth rates more than 5 times as high as vertical growth rates were achieved for both LEO growths of GaN on sapphire and silicon substrates.
Growth of high-quality GaN and AlxGa1-xN layers by an MOVPE technique
Regina Paszkiewicz, Ryszard Korbutowicz, D. Radziewicz, et al.
AlxGa1-xN layers with 0.02 xGa1-xN layer grown on it were evaluated by high resolution X-ray measurements, their surface morphology was observed with SEM and Nomarski optical microscope. Electrical properties of the layers were determined by C-V measurements performed at 100 kHz and 1 MHz using mercury probes. The aluminum incorporation into the solid phase during the growth process has been studied. As a result high quality AlxGa1-xN/GaN layers for electronic application have been deposited.
Surface strain during homoepitaxy: growth and ion ablation of CdTe
S. Tatarenko, V. H. Etgens, J. M. Hartmann, et al.
Oscillations of the surface lattice parameter were observed by RHEED during the homoepitaxial growth of (001) CdTe by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Atomic Layer Epitaxy. The oscillations are associated to a deformation, induced by the surface reconstructions, at the free edges of the small 2D islands formed during the growth. In the same way, a lateral relaxation is measured during the layer by layer `de-growth' of (001) CdTe. Experiments using a CCD X-ray sensitive camera combined with the very bright X-ray beam offered by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility allowed us to investigate the two layer behavior of the CdTe surface in real time during the ablation by ion sputtering. The results show a relaxation mechanism which is effective only when islands are present on the surface. A correlation has been found between the size of the islands, their distribution, and the surface reconstruction. Particularly, a long- distance correlation between islands along the [1,-1,0] direction has been observed.
Optical studies of amorphous and polycrystalline Zn3P2
Leszek Bryja, Mariusz Ciorga, Krzysztof Jezierski, et al.
The amorphous Zn3P2 thin films were elaborated by direct evaporation in vacuum. The temperature dependence of the energy gap in the range T equals 10 divided by 300 K was determined from optical measurements. The polycrystalline samples were obtained by annealing in vacuum. The ordering effects were studied in transmission and reflectivity measurements in wide energy region E equals 1.38 divided by 5.0 eV.
Growth mechanism of KAP crystals: surface morphology of the (010) face
V. A. Kuznetsov, N. D. Samotoin, T. M. Okhrimenko, et al.
The surface morphology of the (010) face of KAP crystals growth from aqueous solution at low supersaturations (0.03 divided by 0.04) was investigated by the optical and electron microscopy using the gold decoration technique. The variety of growth patterns has been revealed: macroscopic hillocks, shallow hillocks, microscopic hillocks and numerous 2D nuclei. The macroscopic hillocks and smaller polygonal hillocks are formed by a group of cooperating dislocations or by a single dislocation. The density of observed shallow hillocks is higher than the dislocation density. The results reveal that, at low supersaturations, growth of the (010) face occurs by combined spiral and 2D nucleation mechanisms. The influence of low concentrations of organic additives on surface morphology of the (010) face has also been studied. The additives stimulate 2D nucleation and they increase the spread velocity of steps. The growth promoting effect of impurities is discussed in terms of the above data.
Reciprocal lattice mapping of InGaAs layers grown on InP(001) and GaAs(001) substrates
Jadwiga Bak-Misiuk, Janusz Kaniewski, J. Domagala, et al.
The structure of InGaAs (InAs) layers grown on InP (001) and GaAs (001) surfaces by Molecular Beam Epitaxy was studied by high-resolution x-ray diffractometry. The reciprocal lattice mapping and the rocking curve technique were used to determine distribution of misfit dislocations in the layers. Directional dependence of dislocation density in InGaAs strained layers grown at 2D growth mode was observed. It was found that anisotropic distribution of dislocations in the InGaAs layers resulted from development via bending in the interface plane of dislocations present in the InP substrate. Simultaneously, homogeneous distribution of dislocations in relaxed InAs layers grown on InP as well as GaAs substrates has been detected. At the initial stage these epitaxial layers were grown to 3D island mode. The reciprocal lattice maps confirm that coalescence of islands during the epitaxy generates dislocations, which in turn homogeneously distribute in the layer. It seems that the growth mode rather than lattice mismatch determines density of dislocations in InAs epitaxial layers grown on InP and GaAs substrates. However, lattice mismatch influences relaxation process in lattice-mismatched layers. Transport properties of relaxed InAs layers strongly depend on growth temperature.
Method of radical beam epitaxy
Tamaz V. Butkhuzi, Nodar P. Kekelidze, Dimitri N. Peikrishvili, et al.
On the base of the thermodynamical analyze of point defects concentration correlation an effective method to obtain intrinsic defective hole conductivity in wide-band-gap II-VI compounds (ZnS, ZnO, ZnSe) was suggested and performed. The method was called Radical Beam Epitaxy. The photoluminescence spectra and electrical properties of ZnS substrate crystal and epitaxial ZnO layers were investigated. The centers responsible for hole conductivity in ZnS samples have been identified.
Mechanisms of heteroepitaxial growth of the (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3//MgO(001) thin ferroelectric films
Zygmunt Surowiak, Dionizy Czekaj, Vladimir P. Dudkevich
Heteroepitaxial (Ba0.85Sr0.15)TiO3, (Ba0.6Sr0.4)TiO3 and (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 thin films of thickness from 20 to 1200 nm were obtained by the method of rf sputtering of stoichiometric targets. The (001) planes of MgO single crystals of thickness 0.5 mm served as substrates. The films obtained exhibited ferroelectric properties closely similar to those of the ceramic targets. Depending on the sputtering conditions, heteroepitaxial films of various degree of perfection of the crystalline structure were obtained. The measure of the structural perfection of the thin films was taken to be the mean dimension D of the crystallites and the mean value <(Delta) d/d> of the lattice strains in the crystallites in the direction normal to the substrate. It has been found from the TEM measurements that two mechanisms governed the thin film growth, namely: (1) the insular growth mechanism exhibited by the films deposited at temperature (TS) slightly higher than critical temperature for the heteroepitaxy process (TCR) and (2) the layer-by-layer growth of the heteroepitaxial films observed for the substrate temperature of TS >= TCR. With increase in pressure of the working gas and (or) temperature of the substrate the insular growth transforms to layer-by-layer growth.
Liquid-phase epitaxial growth and characterization of In(Sb,Bi)
Jolanta Raczynska, Antoni Rogalski, Jaroslaw Rutkowski, et al.
The growth of In(Bi,Sb) epilayers using liquid phase epitaxy has been discussed. The layers were grown on a (111)B side of InSb substrate using Bi-rich solution in horizontal slider type boat. The growth conditions for high-quality planar epitaxial layers were determined. Mirrorlike surface morphology was observed using a Nomarski differential interference contrast microscope. Hall and resistivity measurements performed at 300 K and 77 K showed an impurity contamination of the epitaxial layers. A capacitance-voltage technique has been established to determine the distribution of doping levels on the surface of InBiSb epilayers. The results indicate that the epitaxial layers of In(Sb,Bi) are n-type at room temperature, however, the time of baking solutions (before crystallization) determined type of conductivity and the concentration of free carriers in epilayers, at 77 K. For short-time-baked solution (from 5 to 20 hours), samples were p-type (carrier concentration approximately 3(DOT)1015 cm-3) when for long- time-baked solutions (40 - 100 hours), samples were n-type (carrier concentration approximately 5(DOT)1015 cm-3). We have observed that type of conductivity depends on surface morphology of the epilayers. The type of doping and the segregation coefficient k for tin for different solutions were established. For In rich solutions tin was an acceptor with k equals 0.0012 and for Bi-rich ones tin was a donor with k equals 0.0039 at 400 degree(s)C.
Temperature dependence of energy bandgap of Zn1-xMgxSe strained epitaxial layers grown on GaAs
Adam Gapinski, Waclaw Bala
Using non-destructive optical methods we determined the bandgap energies for strained epitaxial layers of Zn1-xMgxSe on GaAs. Molecular beam epitaxy method for growing the samples with different magnesium concentrations has been used. We compared experimental results with equation based on the Hill's theory, which describes the theoretical bandgap changes with composition z for ternary alloy. The nonlinear dependence of energy bandgap on composition is expressed by bowing parameter. The temperature dependence of bandgap energy in the range from 10 K up to the room temperature was also investigated. Semiempirical Varshni's formula to describe this dependence has been used.
Beryllium doping in Al0.5Ga0.5As MBE layers
Jan Szatkowski, Ewa Placzek-Popko, K. Sieranski, et al.
P-type ternary semiconducting compound AlGaAs has been used as an active element in many semiconducting devices since the application of the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique to grow the material. Beryllium is usually used as an effective mass acceptor dopant in the MBE grown AlGaAs. However there were some reports on possible Be related deep centers especially in higher aluminum contents. In present paper we report on deep levels found with the help of DLTS method in Be doped p type MBE grown Al0.5Ga0.5As. The aim of our studies presented in this paper was an attempt to find relationship between amount of incorporated Be and properties of deep levels observed in the material. For this purpose two types of samples with different Be concentrations (2 X 1017 cm-3 and 1 X 1016 cm-3). In both types of samples seven hole traps, labelled by us H0-H6, were detected by DLTS measurements. For H1-H4 traps the heights of corresponding DLTS signal peak decrease with decreasing Be amount what means that their concentrations follow the concentration of incorporated Be. Therefore these traps may be related to Be. The trap H5 may be oxygen-related.
Vortex lattice pinning in a Ba0.64K0.36BiOy thick film
Sergei N. Barilo, Valentina I. Gatalskaya, Sergei V. Shiryaev, et al.
The magnetic properties of thick film of Ba1-xKxBiOy with x equals 0.36, Tc equals 30 K and thickness of 18 micrometers were investigated using SQUID-magnetometer at external fields up to 5 T. It is shown that field dependencies of the critical current Jc(B) in the range of temperature 5 - 20 K and fields above the peak-effect field Hp are well described in terms of the model of small bundle collective pinning regime.
Electrodiffusion bonding of aluminum to glass
Piotr Mrozek, Tadeusz Lukaszewicz
Strong Al-glass bonds are obtained by low temperature electrodiffusion process. The electric field used during formation of the bond allows to perform sealing in temperatures far below the softening point of the sodium silicate glass. The electric forces keep the joined surfaces of glass and Al in intimate contact during process, so there is no need to use external pressure to the joined parts. Bonding time is typically about 1 minute. Such parameters of bonding process allow to perform seals with no deformation of glass. The strength of electrodiffusion seals is about a typical value of bonds obtained by conventional methods. We propose structural model of the bonding process. Electron- microprobe studies, photo-electron spectroscopy and strength investigations were made to confirm the proposed model.
Influence of annealing on the morphology and phase composition of plasma-sprayed Ni/Al coatings
Sigitas Tamulevicius, Rytis Dargis, Kestutis Slapikas, et al.
Thermal annealing of plasma sprayed Ni/Al coatings used as the catalyst was investigated. The coatings were plasma sprayed on Cu substrate at low vacuum conditions (approximately 1 Pa) and were heated at temperatures of 600 degree(s)C and 800 degree(s)C in Ar atmosphere for 5 hours. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to study influence of annealing on the morphology and phase transformation in the Ni/Al coatings. A change of morphology of the coatings to smoother and less porous during thermal treatment was observed. Grain size number changes from n equals 5.52 for annealed coatings to n equals 5.37 and n equals 5.26 for coatings annealed at 600 degree(s)C and 800 degree(s)C, respectively. At the same time phase transformation with appearance of new alloys took place. These changes greatly influence other properties of the Ni/Al coatings.
Crystalline Nanostructures and Films: Formation and Properties
Mechanical properties of fullerite and diamondlike carbon films using surface acoustic waves and nanoindentation
Asta Richter, Ronald Ries
C60 and amorphous diamond-like carbon (DLC) films have been grown by thermal evaporation and laser ablation techniques at different substrate temperatures and on various substrates. The elastic modulus and the hardness of the films have been investigated by surface acoustic waves and nanoindentation. Both methods are completely new and designed for investigations of very thin films. For homogeneous C60 films the Young's modulus was found to be 14 GPa and the Poisson's ratio of 0.2. The measured nanohardness of 167 MPa corresponds with the microhardness value of 130 MPa. There is a correlation between deposition techniques and hardness as well as Young's modulus for DLC films.
Time-resolved study of luminescence properties of porous silicon in micro- and nanosecond range
Zbigniew Lukasiak, Zbigniew Wyrzykowski, Jaroslaw Sylwisty, et al.
Photoluminescence time resolved spectra (PL-TRS) and decay curves of photoluminescence (PL-DC) in micro- and nanosecond range at different temperatures (10 K-room) on anodically etched boron-doped silicon are presented. PL-TRS exhibit multiband structure and can be decomposed as a sum of few Gaussians. PL-DC have multiexponential shape. Relaxation times depend on wavelength of the observation. To explain our results we assumed model in which the multibarrier structure is formed by Si crystal (quantum well) surrounded by Si crystallites with diameters in the nanometer range (barrier region). The visible photoluminescence originates from radiative recombination between discrete energy levels in quantum well.
Structural studies of carbon nanotubes by wide-angle neutron scattering
Andrzej Burian, John C. Dore, Henry E. Fischer, et al.
In this paper structural studies on multiwall carbon nanotubes by wide-angle neutron scattering are reported. Analysis of the neutron scattering data in both reciprocal and real space and a comparison with the graphite and turbostatic carbon data shows the perfect hexagonal structure within a single graphene sheet and short-range graphite-like interlayer correlation in multiwalled carbon nanotubes. As the interatomic distances increase a systematic departure from the perfect graphitic structure is observed.
Role of surface substances in excitation of porous silicon photoluminescence
Larisa Yu. Khomenkova, Nicolay P. Baran, Berdishukur R. Dzhumaev, et al.
Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra studies as well as SIMS and FTIR methods were used for investigation of PL excitation mechanism of porous silicon (PS). It is shown that there are two types of PS PLE spectra, which consist of either two bands (visible and ultraviolet) or only ultraviolet one. The different dependencies of intensity of each PLE band upon anodization regimes as well as during aging and thermal treatment were observed. Two excitation channels have been shown to be present in PS. The visible PLE band at 300 K has been attributed to light absorption of some species on Si wire surface.
Quantum chemical simulation of silicon nanostructures
J. Dzelme, I. Ertsinsh, B. Zapol, et al.
The point defects in silicon, their migration, geometry and electronic structure, as well as some models for nanowires, were studied. The ab initio Self Consistent Field Molecular Orbital method and the molecular cluster model were used. Hydrogen pseudoatoms were used to saturate dangling bonds of the cluster. The influence of the compression onto defect structure and properties was simulated by changing the bond length value. The silicon interstitial migration activation energy, calculated as the difference between the total energies of the cluster with interstitial in tetrahedral and hexagonal positions, is 4.21 eV, and it does not depend on local pressure. The influence of high pressure simulated by uniform lattice compression is shown to reduce the role of the chemical interaction and to enhance the role of physical repulsion. This is manifested as a shift of the oxygen interstitial migration pathway towards the free volume. The electronic structure of silicon interstitial was studied. The structure and stability of nanowires in silicon and carbon were discussed, and the break of symmetry at 0.165 nm distance between the carbon atoms was found.
Nature of long-lived photoexcited states in polydiacetylenes: the photoinduced absorption spectra of PDA-4BCMU
Davide Comoretto, I. Moggio, M. Alloisio, et al.
We report results of steady-state photoinduced absorption experiments on PDA-4BCMU grown and oriented on silica substrate. A high degree of axial order, checked by linear and nonlinear optical dichroism and correlated with X-ray measurements was found. Polycrystalline films were obtained with a preferential orientation of crystallites. Unlike the solution cast films exhibiting the so called `red form' only, the deposited films are blue thus showing a better (pi) -electron conjugation than in the former case due to a better planarity of polymer chains. The films were used to perform steady-state photoinduced absorption experiments. Three photoinduced absorption bands at 0.82, 0.95, and 1.39 eV were observed. The 0.82 and 0.95 eV absorption features are assigned to charged states while the 1.39 eV peak is originated by triplet excitons. The photogeneration in PDA- 4BCMU of both charged and neutral states is discussed and compared with the results obtained in polydiacetylenes having carbazolyl groups as substituents. The relative weight of one excited species over the other one is dictated by the molecular and supramolecular organization of the polymer.
Structural, Optical, and Electrical Characterization of Crystalline Materials
Magnetophonon resonance as a method of studying the vertical and parallel transport in superlattices and MQW structures
Two geometries are essential in the Magnetophonon Resonance (MPR) experiments in the layered semiconductor structures. First, the magnetic field and current are perpendicular to layers--MPR in vertical transport. Second, magnetic field is perpendicular to layers, whereas current occurs in layers-- MPR in parallel transport in superlattices and Multiple- Quantum-Well-Structures (MQWS). This anisotropy is connected mainly with anisotropy of the electron effective mass. Simultaneously, other important deferences are placed in the electron transport in superlattices and MQWS for these main directions. The peculiarities caused by motion in minibands (vertical transport) and influence of the thermal stress (parallel transport) as well as contribution of the confident phonons was discussed. The present paper discusses the MPR works in the superlattices and MQWS which were conducted during the last decade.
Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of epitaxial MBE-grown Co/Cu multilayers
Lech T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, R. Kalinowski, et al.
In this paper we present the results of magnetization and magnetotransport measurements on Co/Cu superlattices with different Cu layer thickness, between 8 and 20 angstroms, grown in (111) crystallographic orientation. Cobalt layer thickness was kept constant at 20 angstroms, Al2O3 monocrystalline substrate was used with the orientation (11- 20). Tungsten 60 angstroms buffer layer was necessary to assure the correct growth mode. Careful structural characterization by different techniques was performed. Hysteresis loops and magnetoresistance was measured. Granular films structure and finite spacer grain sizes is discussed as a possible explanation of contradictory results on indirect coupling in the Co/Cu (111) system.
Electrical conductivity, ESR, and Raman scattering spectroscopy of undoped and B-doped diamond films grown by CVD method
Waclaw Bala, Franciszek Rozploch, L. Falkowski, et al.
The electrical conductivity, thermally stimulated depolarization current as well as the current-voltage characteristics were measured from 77 K to 350 K. The obtained results are correlated with the Raman scattering spectroscopy and ESR space. In Al-Si-diamond layer-Al structures three (for B-doped diamond layers) or two (for no B-doped diamond layers) TSC peaks in the temperature range between 100 and 300 K are observed. They correspond to trap levels with a thermal activation energy of 0.03 - 0.06 eV, 0.13 - 0.18 eV and 0.6 - 0.65 eV.
Intersubband transitions in n-type quantum well systems
Miroslaw Zaluzny
Specific properties of intersubband transitions in n-type semiconductor quantum well structures are reviewed. Some interesting aspects of coupling of infrared radiation with intersubband transition in multiple quantum well structures are also considered. Recent achievements on intersubband emission are then discussed with specific emphasizes on the quantum cascade lasers.
Laser modification of the electrical properties of vanadium oxide thin films
G. B. Stefanovich, A. L. Pergament, F. A. Chudnovskii, et al.
The effect of laser irradiation on amorphous films of anodic vanadium oxide was studied using a YAG:Nd3+ laser at wavelength 1.06 micrometers . Irradiation was found to lower the electrical conductivity of the oxide films and modify significantly the parameters of electroforming and switching in metal/oxide/metal sandwich structures. The threshold energy for laser modification was measured to be approximately 0.3 mJ/cm2. It is shown that the changes of the electrical properties are associated with structural (crystallization) and chemical (in particular, the reduction V2O5 yields VO2) transformations and that non- thermal photo-stimulated effects play an important role in the laser modification of the vanadium oxide thin films.
Influence of semiconductor surface condition on electrical and photoelectric properties of Al-Zn3P2 contacts
Nella Mirowska, Miroslaw Adamczyk
Zinc phosphide Zn3P2 has been intensively investigated as one of the most promising materials for applications in low-cost solar energy converters and broad- range photodetectors. The Schottky barriers formed by Al on Zn3P2 p-type crystals have been studied. Substantial differences were observed depending on whether the semiconductor surface was chemically etched, mechanically polished or/and heat treated at 523 K. Measurements of current-voltage characteristics and photovoltaic spectrum of Al-Zn3P2 contacts at room temperature have been used for determination of some electrical parameters of junctions as well as optical transitions and hole concentration in the semiconductor. The value of barrier height, (Phi) B, changed from 0.76 to 0.78 eV, the junction depth--from about 3 to 79 micrometers , and the contact resistance--from 5.9 X 103 to 858 X 103 (Omega) . The hole concentration of examined polycrystalline samples was equal to 2 X 1013 divided by 5 X 1015 cm. The condition of semiconductor surface seems to have an essential influence on obtained electrical parameters of Al-Zn3P2 junctions and their spectral characteristics. To understand the problems connected with metal-Zn3P2 interface layer formation, the free enthalpy, (Delta) GR, was calculated. The analysis of the results, obtained especially for the Mg and Al, have indicated that Al is also a good candidate for formation of rectifying contacts to Zn3P2.
Photoinduced electron transfer process: quantum description
Tadeusz J. Hoffmann, Danuta Wrobel
The mechanisms responsible for the electron transfer generation in nature and in techniques are still unclear and under discussion. This paper deals with the problem of photogenerated electron transfer which occurs from photoexcited dye molecule to the semiconducting thin layer. Quantum approach for description of electron transfer process between semiconductor and synthetic dye layers in the hamiltonian formalism has been used. It has been shown that the electron transfer process can be treated as energy transfer between two harmonic oscillators. Theoretical model under consideration provides an idea of energetical conditions require for the effective photoinduced electron transfer in electronic devices.
Optical studies of MOVPE-grown GaN layers
Mariusz Ciorga, Krzysztof Jezierski, Leszek Bryja, et al.
Photoluminescence and reflectance studies of MOVPE grown GaN samples were performed. From reflectance measurements optical constants were calculated by means of Kramers-Kronig analysis in the energy region 0 divided by 6 eV.
Peculiarities of the electron transport in ZnxCdyHg1-x-yTe
J. Cebulski, T. Kakol, Eugen M. Sheregii, et al.
Transport phenomena such as conductivity, Hall effect and Magnetophonon Resonance (MPR) are studied in quaternary solid solutions ZnxCdyHg1-x-yTe. The three-mode phonon spectrum as well as the presence of ZnTe- and HgTe-clusters deducible from Raman spectra have been confirmed by MPR-data. The comparison of the dependence of Eg(T) obtained by temperature shift of the MPR peaks with one calculated by means of empirical formulae for the energy gap dependences on the component concentration and temperature is performed. The discrepancies between experimental and calculated data are probably caused by the difference in the concentration of components within those regions where the electron transport occurs and the averaged compound concentration measured by X-ray micro analysis (the space resolution for those measurements exceeds 1 micrometers ). Unbounded HgTe- and ZnTe-clusters are formed due to the escape of Hg- and Zn-atoms out of this region. It can be suggested that the electron transport occurs in a part of the crystal where a stochastically homogeneous distribution of cation atoms takes place.
Spectral, kinetic, and electrical properties of electroluminescent thin-film cells based on ZnS:Mn
Eugeniusz Chimczak, Miroslawa Bertrandt-Zytkowiak, Agnieszka Szczepanik, et al.
Two kinds of the electroluminescent cells containing CuxS-ZnS:Mn junction were investigated. In the first cells the CuxS layer was produced by wet chemical dipping method. In the second ones the layer was produced by thermal evaporation of the mixture of CuCl and ZnS. Both the cells exhibit characteristic yellow-orange manganese luminescence but luminescence intensity in the long wavelength side of the manganese band is greater for the second kind of the cells. This observation is in good agreement with our previous results, confirming existence of the structure of manganese band. Kinetic measurements show that luminescence lifetime of single as well as paired manganese centers are longer for the cells due to the second kind of the technological process. Also memory effect observed in current-voltage characteristics is larger for the cells.
Structure of the Si-SiO2 interface
Kazimierz Jerzy Plucinski
The band bending fluctuation and tunneling models of the anomalous dispersion of the surface-state conductance curves are analyzed, based on the result of the analysis of oxidation process.
Simulation of the early stages of thermal SiO2 growth
Kazimierz Jerzy Plucinski
The kinetics of the silicon oxidation was analyzed based on the fractal mechanism of oxidation. The transport of the oxidants through consolidated region was solved based on continuous equation. Confirmation was made to some reported experimental observations.
Photoreflectance study of coupling effects in double quantum wells
G. Sek, K. Ryczko, M. Kubisa, et al.
A double quantum well molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs structure was studied. To investigate the coupling effects in such a system 1 monolayer thick AlAs barrier was inserted at the center of the GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs single well. Due to the strong coupling between wells each confined state splits into two: symmetric and antisymmetric ones. In the room temperature photoreflectance spectrum features related to transitions between all these states were observed. Theoretical considerations based on the envelope function approximation were performed to obtain the energies of expected optical transitions. An excellent agreement between experiment and theory was obtained.
Photoreflectance investigations of AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs bandgap dependence on Al content
Piotr Sitarek, Jan Misiewicz, Erling Veje
The room temperature photoreflectance spectroscopy (PR) was used to investigate AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs structures. All structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy technique. The aluminum content changes from x equals 0.11 to x equals 0.53. The alloy composition was determined from X-ray diffraction measurements. The dependence of the direct band gap energy on the Al content was under investigations. To obtain the direct band gap energy, the measured PR spectra were analyzed using Aspnes lineshape procedure. The determined Eg(AlGaAs) dependence on x for doped Al1-xGaxAs layers was compared to previous results.
Electronic properties of grown-in defects in semi-insulating GaAs
Roman Kozlowski, Michal Pawlowski, Pawel Kaminski, et al.
Defect structure of semi-insulating GaAs substrates manufactured by various vendors were compared using High Resolution Photo-Induced Transient Spectroscopy. A number of defect centers related to native defects and metallic impurities were detected and the concentrations of these centers were estimated.
Partially strained Si1-xGex/Si structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy
Piotr Sitarek, Jan Misiewicz, Krzysztof Nauka
Partially strained Si1-xGex epilayers with germanium composition up to 25% have been studied by room temperature photoreflectance spectroscopy. Observed transitions were identified as E1 and E0' direct transitions at Si1-xGex structure. The E1 transition energy dependence on alloy composition shows that the studied Si1-xGex epilayers are partially relaxed and the degree of relaxation differ from one structure to another. For the germanium content close to 10% the crossing between E1 and E0' optical transitions was observed.
Effect of stress exerted by Si3N4 and SiO2 insulation layers on donor generation in surface layer of Czochralski-grown silicon
Wojciech Jung, Andrzej Misiuk, Jadwiga Bak-Misiuk, et al.
Effect of stress related to presence of surface insulation layer (silicon nitride and oxide films deposited on silicon surface) on carrier concentration in Czochralski grown silicon (Cz-Si) annealed at 450 - 600 degree(s)C for up to 50 hours were investigated. The SiO2 film of about 120 nm thickness exerted tensile ((sigma) approximately equals 3.5(DOT)108 Pa) and the Si3N4 of about 290 nm thickness compressive ((sigma) approximately equals 3.5(DOT)108 Pa) stress on the Si matrix. The difference in electron concentration (Delta) N, was detected in the samples with Si3N4 layers after annealing at 450/600 degree(s)C in comparison to that in the samples subjected to the same treatment but without insulation film. The (Delta) N value was dependent on the initial oxygen concentration, type of conductivity and thermal history of the samples. The observed effect was analyzed accounting for the doping redistribution in the surface layer of Cz-Si during films growth. This effect can be explained in part by assuming that the rate of thermal donor generation is enlarged under compressive stress as is in the case of hydrostatic stress produced by ambient argon atmosphere during annealing. The difference in electron concentration (Delta) N, detected in the samples with SiO2 layers after annealing at 450/600 degree(s)C, was much less pronounced in comparison to the Si3N4 layers and even less than for samples without insulation layer. This effect can be explained in part by assuming that the rate of thermal donor generation is reduced under tensile stress.
Optical properties of Zn1-xMgxSe epilayers studied by reflection spectroscopy
Grzegorz Glowacki, Waclaw Bala
Linear optical properties of the Zn1-xMgxSe (0 1-xMgxSe epilayers were investigated as a function of Mg composition (0
Point contact spectroscopy of ZnS:Mn,Cu-Al thin film cells
Bronislaw Susla, Eugeniusz Chimczak, Miroslawa Bertrandt-Zytkowiak, et al.
A point contact ZnS:Mn,Cu thin film-normal metal (Pt0.9Ir0.1 junctions were investigated. The current and differential resistance versus dc applied voltage were measured. We observed, the dependencies exhibit memory effect. It was found that the effect strongly depends on temperature. It is shown that Pool-Frenkel mechanism of the charge transport describes well the measured I(U) characteristics.
Electrical conductivity of the polycrystalline films of p-terphenyl
S. W. Tkaczyk
Some results of p-terphenyl thin films investigations are presented. The mechanism of DC conductivity within unordered polycrystalline structures of p-terphenyl was investigated. The measurements were carried out for p-terphenyl films' thickness varying from 2 micrometers up to 15 micrometers . During the experiment the polarization voltage and temperature were changed from 0 to 200 V and 15 to 325 K, respectively. The p-terphenyl films were supplied with gold and aluminum electrodes. The obtained results and their analysis indicate that the injection of charge from the electrodes into the area of the investigated material proceeds by field- and thermoemission. The charge transport through the material's bulk is controlled by traps (hopping mechanism and Poole- Frenkel phenomenon). The determined values of the activation energy are in the range of kT (for the hopping area at low temperatures) through 0.06 eV in the range of 100 - 200 K to about 0.6 eV in the metallic conductivity area (220 - 320 K).
Erbium photoluminescence in sol-gel-derived titanium dioxide films
N. V. Gaponenko, O. V. Sergeev, Jan Misiewicz, et al.
Titanium dioxide films doped with erbium were prepared by sol-gel technique from Ti(OC2H5)4 or Ti(OC4H9)4 precursors. Room-temperature luminescence at 1.53 micrometers associated with 4I13/2 - 4I15/2 transitions of Er3+ ions in TiO2 films derived from the first precursor has been detected. The films have a refractive index about 2.4 and may be used in the planar erbium doped waveguides.
Processing parameters and transport properties of vacuum-evaporated CdSe thin films
Sawat W. Z. Mahmoud, A. Ashour, E. A. Badawi
CdSe films were thermally deposited on glass substrate at different of substrate temperatures and deposition rates and ambient pressures below 10-3 Pa. Resistivity and Hall effect parameters were investigated in either as- deposited films as well as samples annealed at 670 K under vacuum. Measurements were performed in the temperature range 140 K - 670 K. These properties were found to be related to the deposition conditions. it was found that Hall mobility increases when the substrate temperature decrease or the deposition rate increases. The Hall mobility was interpreted in terms of the Petritz inter-crystalline barrier model in which it is thermally activated and followed the relation (mu) H equals (mu) o exp (- E/kT). Thus, it is not only determined by scattering mechanisms but also by the number and properties of potential barriers at the crystallites boundaries. The resistivity and electron concentration increases with increasing temperature what indicates a self- activated conductivity mechanism.
In-situ STM studies of thallium underpotential deposition on Au(111) single-crystal electrode in acid solution
Wanda Polewska, Radoslav Adzic
The structure of electrodeposited Tl adlayers on Au(111) in 0.1 M. HClO4 has been investigated using in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy method. Incommensurate, rotated hexagonal (RHCP) Tl adlayer was found, within a wide potential window, between Tl bulk deposition at -0.7 V and -0.4 V. This adlayer is closely packed with Tl interatomic distance of 3.4 +/- 0.2 angstroms, its rotation from the gold substrate axis is 60 +/- 10 and its coverage is 0.74. At slightly more positive potentials, between -0.45 V and -0.37 V, low coverage 2 X 2 phase of Tl was found, coexisting together with RHCP monolayer. At the potential region between -0.35 V and 0.8 V both ordered Tl phases disappeared and instead the formation of considerable amount of pits at the surface has been observed.
Optoelectronic Devices
Novel far-infrared detectors for space applications
The recent development of p-GaAs homojunction interfacial workfunction internal photoemission (HIWIP) far-infrared (> 40 micrometers ) detectors for space application is reported. The emphasis is placed on the detector performance, which includes responsivity, quantum efficiency, bias effects, cutoff wavelength, uniformity, crosstalk, and noise. The results are promising and show that p-GaAs HIWIP detectors have high potential to become a strong competitor in far- infrared space applications.
Performance limitations of InGaAs photodiodes
The carrier lifetimes in InxGa1-xAs (InGaAs) ternary alloys for radiative and Auger recombination are calculated for temperature 300 K in the short wavelength range 1.5 < (lambda) < 3.7 micrometers . Due to photon recycling, an order of magnitude enhancements in the radiative lifetimes over those obtained from the standard van Roosbroeck and Shockley expression, has been assumed. The possible Auger recombination mechanisms (CHCC, CHLH and CHSH processes) in direct-gap semiconductors are investigated. In n-type and p-type materials the carrier lifetimes are similar. It is clearly shown that in the range of low doping concentration, the carrier lifetime is determined by radiative recombination. For n-type material in the range of higher doping level, a competition between radiative and CHCC processes take place; instead for p-type materials the most effective channel of Auger mechanisms is the CHSH process. A special attention has been put on discussion of the carrier lifetimes in both types of In0.53Ga0.47As materials. Consequence of enhancement in the radiative lifetime leads to higher ultimate performance of photodiodes. The performance (RoA product) of heterostructure InGaAs photovoltaic devices are analyzed. Both the n-on-p (with p-type active region) as well as p-on- n (with n-type active region) are considered. Finally, theoretically predicted performance of InGaAs photodiodes are compared with experimental data reported by other authors.
Carrier transport mechanisms in narrow-gap photodiodes
Fiodor F. Sizov, Joanna V. Gumenjuk-Sichevskaya, Vladimir V. Tetyorkin
Carrier transport mechanisms in photodiodes from narrow-gap HgCdTe and PbSnTe semiconductors for long wavelength infra- red and medium wavelength infra-red applications are discussed in connection with their use in hybrid multielement arrays for T approximately equals 77 - 150 K temperature range. It is shown that the bulk diffusion and thermal generation-recombination (GR) currents in depletion region determine carrier transport mechanisms in these photodiodes at zero bias. The transport mechanisms are changed for reverse-biased voltages at which diodes are operating with silicon read-out devices in hybrid arrays. In this case the dark current is determined not only by the GR recombination (Schockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination) via the centers in the gap, but preferentially by two non-thermal mechanisms: (1) interband tunneling via the traps in the gap, and (2) direct band-to-band tunneling. The last one is important only at rather high electron concentrations n >= 1016 cm-3 or n >= 2(DOT)1018 cm-3 in HgCdTe and PbSnTe photodiodes, respectively and at large reverse-bias (V >= 0.2 V) voltages. The parameters of the traps (density of states, energy level position, capture cross section) have been estimated from the fit of calculated transport characteristics to the measured dependences on bias and temperature in the photodiodes of both investigated compounds. One level of traps in the gap for SRH recombination and trap-assisted tunneling mechanisms were used in fitting procedure. The best fit was obtained for the model in which the level of the traps was near the middle or slightly shifted from the middle of the gap towards the conduction band edge.
Magnetron sputter epitaxy of n+-InSb on p-InSb for infrared photodiode applications
Waldemar Gawron, Krzysztof Adamiec, Waldemar Larkowski
Narrow gap intrinsic semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductors and low dimensional structures have been used for infrared applications. Here we propose indium antimonide for infrared photodetectors operating in the 3 - 5 micrometers wavelength range at 80 K. These high performance single or multi-element detectors are typically fabricated from bulk InSb, using processes in involving the diffusion of dopants to product the p+-n homojunctions. We present a new growth technique, RF magnetron sputter epitaxy, where indium and antimony are supplied from solid n-InSb sputter target. Using this technique we have deposited n+-type epilayers on p-type bulk InSb A 1 - 2 micrometers n+ InSb layer grown on p InSb at a growth temperature of 350 - 370 degree(s)C. The layers show excellent surface morphology and crystallinity. We have used these epilayers to fabricate homojunction infrared photodiodes. The spectral and I-V characteristics of this diode have been presented and compared with the more widely reported metallurgical diffused junctions. This is the first material quality obtained for InSb nucleated directly onto InSb by rf magnetron sputter epitaxy simultaneously formatting np junction reported to date.
Carrier lifetime in Hg1-xCdxTe grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Aleksander V. Voitsekhovskii, Yu. A. Denisov, Andrej P. Kokhanenko, et al.
Carrier lifetimes in Hg1-xCdxTe (x equals 0.195 - 0.230) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy are presented. The carrier lifetimes have been determined from photoconductivity decay after excitation with radiation pulse at various wavelength. It is clearly shown that borders of epitaxial layers influence their photoelectrical properties.
Temperature stability of p-n CdxHg1-xTe structures formed by ion beam milling
Igor I. Izhnin, Aleksandr I. Izhnin, Kurban R. Kurbanov, et al.
The influence of thermal annealing on electrical properties of p-n structures formed by ion beam milling (IBM) on vacancy doped CdxHg1-xTe (x equals 0.205) single crystals with p (77 K) equals 5.8(DOT)1015 cm-3 was investigated. After IBM of the initial samples the n-type layers were created with the thickness about 10 (mu) and electron concentration of the main part of n-type layers 5(DOT)1014 cm-3. P-n structures were annealed in air at 85, 120 and 160 degree(s)C during 1, 2, and 4 hours. Degradation of the p-n structure after every annealing step was estimated on changes of the Hall coefficient dependence of magnetic field. It was revealed that degradation of the p-n structure took place due to progressive thickness decreasing of n-layer through Hg passing to intersites and vacancy creation. The critical temperature during technology steps is equal about 100 degree(s)C.
Effect of laser irradiation on (Cd,Hg)Te properties
Apollinariy Zaginey, Bohdan K. Kotlyarchuk, Volodymyr G. Savitsky, et al.
Experimental investigations of (Cd,Hg)Te have been performed with the use of ns- and ms-duration pulses of solid state laser. Changes in the chemical composition of the irradiated surface have been analyzed by means of X-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectroscopies. Single crystalline HgTe and (Cd,Hg)Te wafers and epitaxial films have been used as the experimental samples. Processes of integral evaporation with generation of a molten zone with thickness up to several micrometers dominate upon ns-pulses irradiation and crystallization follows autoepitaxy laws. There was not observed increase of linear defects density in the layer near surface. Inverse layer depth in n-(Cd,Hg)Te coincides with molten zone. In the case of ms-pulses the influenced zone is several tenth micrometers thick. Irradiation of the samples at T equals 500 - 600 K in saturated Hg vapor completely suppresses the change of the surface composition. Heating of (Cd,Hg)Te sample leads to generation of a great number of acceptor-type native defects. As a results p-n junctions are formed in n-(Cd,Hg)Te by pulsed laser irradiation.
Peculiarities of MCT ion etching in rf mercury glow discharge
Volodymyr G. Savitsky, Leonid G. Mansurov, Igor M. Fodchuk, et al.
Results of complex investigations of n- and p-type Hg1-xCdxTe (MCT) etching in RF mercury glow discharge have been presented. Discharge was induced in quasi-closed volume. Results of technology parameter influence onto velocity of etching have been presented. It has been shown that MCT treatment by mercury ions can be carried out with etching velocity up to 30 micrometers /hour. Surface heating under these conditions slightly increases the temperature (up to 50 degree(s)C) and stoichiometry deviations are absent. It has been found that the width of disturbed layer depends on bias voltage and is smaller than 2.5 micrometers . Electrophysical parameters of n- and p-type MCT after processing have been studied. Etching of n-MCT forms the n+-n structure. The width of n+-layer corresponds to the width of disturbed zone. In the case of p-MCT, there exists inversion of conductivity type at depths exceeding those corresponding to the case of argon ions etching. It is supposed that high inversion velocity is caused by saturation of MCT surface by mercury ions during treatment.
Photosensitivity of graded-bandgap structures with interfacial recombination states
Volodymyr G. Savitsky, Bogdan S. Sokolovsky, Volodymyr K. Pysarevsky
Influence of interfacial recombination of charge carriers on photoconductivity of graded-band-gap semiconductor structures with extrinsic type of a conductivity and linear spatial dependence of band-gap is investigated theoretically. Effects of illumination of the structures from wide band gap side by strongly absorbed monochromatic light and by polychromatic light which uniformly generates photocarriers in the sample have been analyzed. Spectral dependences of the photoconductivity of the graded-band-gap semiconductor structures illuminated by monochromatic light are shown to have pronounced minimum occurring at photon energy equal to band-gap energy at the interface. Under conditions of coordinate-independent photocarrier generation rate the influence of interfacial recombination on the graded-band-gap semiconductor structure photosensitivity displays most substantially in the case when the sample thickness is of the order of minority carrier diffusion length.
Gate-controlled narrow-bandgap photodiodes passivated with rf sputtered dielectrics
Jaroslaw Rutkowski, Jakub Wenus, Waldemar Gawron, et al.
Gate-controlled diodes were made by using evaporated indium electrodes overlapping the edge of mesa diodes, isolated from the surface by a layer of ZnS or by native anodic oxide of InSb or HgCdTe. The resulting 3D device characteristics with gate voltage as a parameter have been investigated. Relative spectral responses and I-V characteristics were measured at 77 K. The R0A product is used as an indicator of the dark current of photodiodes passivated with ZnS layer. A plot of R0A values versus gate potential shows that the optimum R0A values are obtained at small positive gate bias voltage. This dependence is consistent with surface recombination influencing the R0A product. The results of a 2D model for calculating gate-induce surface leakage currents due to band-to-band tunneling are presented. The exact quantitative comparison cannot be made between our results and theory, since the active tunneling area is not known.
Surface properties of In(Sb,As)
Waldemar Gawron, Jaroslaw Rutkowski, Jolanta Raczynska, et al.
The RF magnetron sputtering growth and characteristics of ZnS and SiO2 passivants on the surface of bulk n-type InAsSb have been reported. Our investigations include InAsSb surface preparation and in-situ pretreatment, deposition- induced surface damage, interface charge, and thermal stability. The metal-insulator-semiconductor test structures are processed and their electrical properties are measured by capacitance-voltage characteristics. The effect of sputtering growth conditions parameters (deposition temperature, pressure of argon, and RF power) is also reported. The sputtered ZnS layers exhibit excellent dielectric, insulating and mechano-chemical, as well as interface properties. The interfaces characterized by slight accumulation and small (after preservation of the thin natural oxide) hystereses are demonstrated. The SiO2 layers have poor adherence and high density of pinholes. The samples with larger surface state densities have been observed.
Spectral dependence of GaAlN bandgap-graded UV detector responsivity
Michal Janusz Malachowski
Calculation has been carried out on the responsivity of an AlxGa1-xN(n)-GaN(p) photodiode ultraviolet detector in which the AlxGa1-xN layer has an energy band-gap grading. The analytical solution to the 1D continuity equation was used in the calculations. The spatial dependence of the material properties, such as the absorption coefficient and the energy band-gap of the photodiode n-type laser was included in the solution. The effect of the n-type front layer thickness of the energy band-gap graded photodiodes on the responsivity was analyzed and compared to that of the ungraded photodiodes. Compared to the ungraded photodiodes an enhanced current responsivity was found along with a greatly reduced dependence on the graded layer thickness and on surface recombination rate.
Multilayer and multi-interface structures for very high efficiency solar cells
The conversion efficiency of solar energy into electrical energy by solar cells is limited by the conversion thermodynamics at about 30%. This efficiency can be improved if the incident solar radiation is absorbed not only in the basic but also in a graft-modified material of reduced volume (as a nanostructure). In this case the new material can form a substructure giving a complementary absorption which cannot be obtained in the classical way by an exclusively material modification. A new design of very- and ultra-high efficient solar cells has been conceived over the last years in which ion beam processing can be extensively employed. Our previous concepts, modeling and simulations have demonstrated that a considerable increase in silicon single-crystal Back Surface Field solar cell performance is possible. This mode of operation leads to a multilayer material superposition and a device design known as a multiinterface novel device. In this paper, a review of experimental results obtained on simplified multiinterface solar cells is presented. Measurements of optical absorption and carrier photogeneration carried out on structures modified by impurity implantation have confirmed the fundamental improvements by widened absorption and IR photogeneration which result in one of the possible Si material modifications. The observed results are encouraging. The increase in absorption (up to (lambda) <EQ 3200 nm) is the best yet measured. The IR photocurrent was first observed in a single-crystal Si device (the upper wavelength limit (lambda) <EQ 2500 nm was imposed by the measuring equipment). These results have been completed with other structural, optical and electronic measurements.