Proceedings Volume 3090

12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

Leonid N. Sinitsa, Yurii N. Ponomarev, Valery I. Perevalov
Proceedings Volume 3090

12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

Leonid N. Sinitsa, Yurii N. Ponomarev, Valery I. Perevalov
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Volume Details

Date Published: 3 March 1997
Contents: 6 Sessions, 77 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: 12th Symposium and School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy 1996
Volume Number: 3090

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Lectures
  • Theory of Spectra of Molecules and Radicals
  • High-Resolution Experimental Investigations of Spectra of Molecules in Gas Phase
  • Spectroscopy of Intermolecular Interactions in Gases
  • Experimental Techniques and Methods for High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Application of High-Resolution Spectroscopy to Atmospheric Optics and Gas Analysis
Nuclear spin conversion in molecules induced by hyperfine interactions
P. L. Chapovsky
In this paper the role of hyperfine interactions in molecular ortho-para conversion is considered. The main experimental results in the CH3F spin conversion are briefly described. The general theory of nuclear spin conversion in molecules based on intramolecular ortho-para state mixing is given. Two types of ortho-para state mixing are taken into account: the spin-spin interaction between molecular nuclei and the spin-rotation interaction. The level-crossing spectra for the spin conversion in 13CH3F and 12CH3F molecules are calculated for an electric field range of 0 - 104 V/cm. The spin conversion spectrum, discussed here, is an example of a new type of Doppler-free spectroscopy.
Specific collision-induced effects in vibrational Raman spectroscopy of gaseous H2 and consequences in the diagnostics of combustion media
Pierre Joubert, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Jeanine Bonamy, et al.
For the purpose of combustion diagnostics using hydrogen as a probe molecule, the usual perturbing molecules are O2, N2, H2O, etc. For such molecular systems at high temperature, only semiclassical calculations of line broadening parameters are possible. Bykov et al. (Atmos. Oceanic Opt., 5, 587, 1992; ibid. 5, 728, 1992) have recently proposed improvements of a model previously developed by two of the authors, by introducing exact trajectories. The aim of this lecture is to present the first numerical tests of such improvements for the simple H2-He system, for which close coupling calculations are also feasible. A good consistency is obtained with experiment. The extension to molecular systems of practical interest is thus promising.
Self-, air, and noble gas broadening in rotational-vibrational bands of SO2, H2S, and NO2
Beside the knowledge of line positions and strengths precise data on the line broadening are prerequisite for the analysis of atmospheric transmission spectra and the in-situ determination of trace gas concentrations. Moreover, experimental data on the line broadening provide information on the collision processes as origin of broadening and shift of absorption lines. In this paper result on the line broadening obtained with a pulse driven diode laser spectrometer are presented. Intensive studies of the self- broadening were carried out for the v1, v3, and v1 plus v3 bands of SO2, the v1, v2, v3, and 2v2 bands of H2S, and the v3 band of NO2 in order to analyze the quantum number dependence of the broadening coefficients. For SO2 a pronounced decrease of the broadening coefficients with increasing quantum number Kan was found. In the case of H2S the Jn-dependence dominates, whereas in the case of NO2 a trend is not obvious. To study the perturber dependence of the broadening, air, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe were included in the experiments. The tendencies observed for noble gas perturbers could be described theoretically with a modified Anderson-Tsao-Curnutte-theory.
Vibrational spectroscopy of size-selected water complexes in gas phase and host clusters
Friedrich Huisken, M. Kaloudis, M. Koch, et al.
The aim of the present paper is to collect the spectroscopic data assembled so far on small water polymers in the gas phase as well as on host clusters and in cryogenic matrices and to compare them with each other. In addition it is shown that the whole set of data can be regarded as highly consistent if the frequency shifts are analyzed in terms of a correlation with the square root of the critical temperature of the gas constituting the matrix or host cluster.
Sub-Doppler spectroscopy with a tunable sideband CO2 laser
E. Rusinek, M. Khelkhal, H. Fichoux, et al.
Microwave electro-optic modulation of a carbon-dioxide laser beam using CdTe crystals yields a widely tunable infrared source of high spectral purity. This radiation has been used to investigate subDoppler saturation spectra of various molecules like SF6, C2H4, NH3, OCS or CDF3. Using two independently tunable electro-optic modulators, it is possible to perform infrared-infrared double resonance with subDoppler resolution. Such a scheme has been used to study the 2v3 - v3 hot band transitions of SF6. The spectrometer design and the experimental details are described. The contribution of these techniques to the knowledge of the molecular parameters are discussed.
Theory of Spectra of Molecules and Radicals
Calculations of spectra and dynamics of rare-gas halogen molecule complexes using the semi-empirical potential energy surfaces
Alexei A. Buchachenko, N. F. Stepanov
Semiempirical intermolecular diatomics-in-molecule first- order perturbation theory for the rare gas atom -- halogen molecule interaction potentials is implemented for accurate quantum calculations on the structure, vibrational energy levels, and decay dynamics of the corresponding van der Waals complexes. The results obtained for Ar. . .I2, Ar. . .Cl2, and Ne. . .Cl2 complexes demonstrate the high accuracy of semiempirical potential energy surfaces.
Application of the non-Hermitean effective Hamiltonian method to metastable van der Waals complexes
Alexei A. Buchachenko, T. Yu. Mikhailova, V. I. Pupyshev, et al.
The model based on the effective non-hermitean Hamiltonian is implemented for studying spectrum of the vibrational metastable states of the Ne. . .I2 van der Waals complex. The non-trivial behavior of the resonance positions at high vibrational excitations of the I2 fragment is explained by the intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution through intermediate resonance states. The interference effects in the resonance spectrum are elucidated by a comparative analysis of models with different choices of the active space in the Feshbach partitioning technique. It is shown that the real part of the optical potential (which is usually neglected) significantly affects positions of metastable states.
Molecular rotation based on the minimization of the ro-vibrational Hamilton function
Sergei V. Petrov
Our method of attack of the molecular rotation in the case when the ro-vib interaction can not be considered as a small one involves three steps. Firstly, so called effective classical energy of the molecular rotation is defined as the minimum of the exact classical ro-vib Hamilton function (it is suggested that the dependence of Hamilton function on the angular momentum components is the parametric one). The second step consists in the qualitative analysis of the classical rotational energy function using well known conception of the rotational energy surface (RES). The non- local bifurcation in rotational dynamics of isotopically substituted P4 molecule is considered as an example. The third step consists in the construction of an effective quantum rotational Hamiltonian from the classical rotational energy function. As an example, the rotational levels of KCN molecule in the ground vibrational state are calculated.
Modification of the Hamiltonian in the principal axes of inertia for nonrigid molecules
Artyom Y. Tsaune, Mikhail P. Dyachenko
Advantages of Hamiltonians in the principal axes of inertia which are used for studying nonrigid molecules are set forth. Representation of orbital angular momentum through non-holonomic components of rotations of dynamical axes is stated. Peculiarities of three modifications of rovibronic Hamiltonians are considered, with (1) the dynamical axes are associated with the nuclear subsystem; (2) nuclei and electrons are treated uniformly when the principal axes are brought into use; (3) a Hamiltonian of linear molecules is represented as the Hamiltonian in the principal axes. Special attention is paid to the use of non-holonomic variables.
Quantum corrections to a semiclassical approximation for describing vibration-rotation spectra of nonrigid molecules: the example of an asymmetric top
A. S. Skalozub, Artyom Y. Tsaune
Quantum corrections to a semiclassical approximation for an asymmetric top are derived on the basis of the semiclassical self-consistent vibration-rotation fields theory. This can be considered as a foundation for describing of highly excited vibration-rotation states of nonrigid molecules.
State-specific perturbational treatment for correlation energy of open-shell systems
V. N. Glushkov, Artyom Y. Tsaune
A new version of many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) based on the parent molecular orbitals (MOs) and the basis sets adjusted to each individual state is developed. Excitation energies computed by this MBPT are in good agreement with large-scale configuration interaction (CI) results.
Derivation of spectroscopic constants of a diatomic molecule from the experimental data on highly excited vibration-rotational states: application to the HCl molecule
Alexander V. Burenin, M. Yu. Ryabikin
The relations between spectroscopic constants of the series for the energies of vibration-rotational states of a diatomic molecule constructed in references 1 and 2 and the constants Yij of the Dunham series are reported. The precise experimental data on the energy levels of the molecular HCl comprising practically all the discrete vibration-rotational spectrum in the ground electronic state were treated. It has been proved that the series constructed in references 1 and 2 possesses much better convergence and predicting ability than the Dunham series and enables one to derive the Yij constants from the adequate treatment of the whole set of experimental data concerning to the discrete spectrum of a molecule.
Ab-initio calculations of low-lying excited states of water clusters (H2O)n, n = 2-6
Natalja A. Zvereva, Ivan I. Ippolitov
In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in excited states of the water molecule with a number of experimental and theoretical studies reported. The umber of spectroscopic studies of complexes involving hydrogen bonding has greatly increased. However, most of this research has involved studies of the IR and Raman vibrational spectra of the molecule hydrogen bond formation strongly perturbs the vibrational transitions, but the changes in the electronic spectrum can also be observed. The interaction between water molecules is dominated by hydrogen bonding and the level of the ab initio theory is used because it accurately reproduces the major components of the interaction energy. Ab initio studies of cyclic water clusters (H2O)n, n equals 2 minus 6 and analysis of many-body interactions for ground states of these clusters has been done. The magnitudes of the two-through six-body energy terms and their contribution to the interaction energy of small ring water clusters has been computed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and second-through fourth-order many-body perturbation (MP2, MP4) levels of theory. In this paper, we investigated the lowest S1 excited electronic states of the cyclic water clusters (H2O)n, n equals 2 minus 6 from the point of changes in the absorption spectra for many-body interactions and examined their trends as the cluster grew.
Temperature dependence of the absorption of nitrous oxide in the quartz ultraviolet
Vladimir N. Saveljev
The ultraviolet absorption of N2O has been studied by many investigators. References to earlier works are given by Zelikoff, Watanabe and Inn. There is general agreement that from 168 nm upwards nitrous oxide shows weak continuous absorption which reaches a maximum variously placed at 182 and 184 nm. Above 184 nm the absorption rapidly decreases. The weak character of the absorption suggests that the transitions in this region are forbidden. Any spectral structure in this region is absent therefore it is difficult to say what electronic transitions involved here. For the detection of N2O it is useful the knowledge of absorption coefficient N2O at 180 - 300 nm for different temperature. The dependence of the intensity of absorption on temperature was noted by Nicolle and Vodar and studied later by Holliday and Reuben. It is found that absorption increased rapidly with temperature. A graph of the logarithm of the extinction coefficient at 230 nm against the reciprocal temperature gave almost straight line with a slope corresponding to 240 nm. The absence of any fine structure of continuum is the reason to obtain the empirical formula for the calculation of absorption coefficient N2O at 180 - 300 nm and temperature 290 - 2000 degrees Kelvin. Our absorption coefficient K, in cm-1, is defined by I/I0 equals exp(minus Kx) where x is the layer thickness of nitrous oxide in cm reduced to S.T.P. To obtain the formula we used the expression for absorption coefficient at continuous profile of vibronic transition.
Pade-Borel approximation for calculation of molecular vibration-rotation energy levels
Alexander D. Bykov, L. V. Saveljeva
Abstract not available.
Spectroscopic and electro-optical exhibitions of large amplitude motions within MH3 and L[MX3] type molecules
A. V. Romanets, L. P. Sukhanov
The spectroscopic and electro-optical exhibitions of large amplitude motions within the molecules NH3 and L[MX3] (L equals Li,Na; M equals Be,Mg; X equals H, F, O) are investigated. The large amplitude umbrella motions within the ammonia molecule are considered on the basis of one-dimensional dynamic calculations. The NH3 molecule dipole moment behavior oscillating with the time is obtained. On the basis of ab initio calculated potential energy surfaces (PES's) and dipole moment functions, using the finite element method, the investigations of the spectroscopic and electro-optical exhibitions of intramolecular rotations within L([MX3] type molecules are carried out. The tunneling splittings of energy levels with number n which are accessible for high resolution vibrational spectroscopy appear for these molecules only at n greater than or equal to 10.
Vector correlations in photodissociation of polyatomic molecules
A. P. Blokhin, M. F. Gelin, S. A. Polubisok
To describe contribution of the parent molecule rotation and the interfragment repulsive forces into the rotational excitation of molecular fragments produced through the photo-dissociation process, a simple model is proposed. The model is proved to be useful in estimating the magnitude of the additional angular momentum, that originates from the interfragment repulsive forces, by observation of the polarized fluorescence of photoproducts.
High-resolution Fourier transform spectrum of H2S in the 2150 - 4260 cm-1 region
Linda R. Brown, Joy A. Crisp, David Crisp, et al.
The present paper is a continuation of our effort to analyze high resolution H2S absorption spectra from 2000 to 11,500 cm-1 using the Fourier-transform spectrometer at Kitt Peak. Previously, the observed band centers for 30 states were assigned and fitted in a vibrational analyses, and local mode behavior was demonstrated in four bands near 1 micrometer. Here we present the first (2(nu) 2, (nu) 1 and (nu) 3 near 4 micrometer) and second 3(nu) 2, (nu) 1 plus (nu) 2 and (nu) 2 plus (nu) 3 near 2.7 micrometer) triad system.
First hexad of interacting states of H2S molecule
Linda R. Brown, Joy A. Crisp, David Crisp, et al.
This work is a continuation of our theoretical analyses of the H2S Fourier-transform spectrum, recorded in Kitt Peak National Observatory, in 2000 - 11,000 cm-1 spectral region. This time we deal with 4,500 - 5,600 cm-1 spectral region where the first hexad of vibrational bands (nu) 1 plus (nu) 3, 2(nu) 2 plus (nu) 3, (nu) 1 plus 2(nu) 2, 4(nu) 2, 2(nu) 1, 2(nu) 3 are placed. In comparison with the previous work significantly more precise vibrational-rotational energy levels of the analyzed vibrational states have been obtained from the spectrum assignment, which was performed with the use of special computer program. The parallel refinement of the rotational and dipole moments parameters allowed us to make reliable predictional calculations and assign not only strong lines, included in combination differences, but a weak single lines also. Finally 1052 precise vibrational- rotational energy levels for all six members of the hexad have been derived in comparison with 542 from our previous work.
Influence of nonadiabatic corrections on inverse calculation of the adiabatic function of the potential energy of diatomic molecules
Vladimir F. Golovko
Some fittings are made to treat the spectroscopic parameters so as to adjust not only the potential energy function but also the on-adiabatic parameters of diatomic molecules. Definitions of the effective reduced mass and the effective internuclear distance in relation to the rotational constant are used for this purpose. The detailed calculations for CO molecule are given.
Theoretical spectroscopy and dynamics of fragmentation of the He79Br2 complex
Tomas Gonzalez-Lezana, Marta I. Hernandez, Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, et al.
Fragmentation dynamics of the HeBr2(B, (nu) ) complex is studied by mens of three-dimensional quantum calculations for a broad range of vibrational excitations ((nu) ). Using additive pairwise potentials for both electronic states involved, X and B, resonance line shapes, lifetimes, average structures, spectral shifts and final product distributions are presented for an assumed main transition (X,J equals 1, j equals odd, parity equals negative) yields (B,J equals O,j equals even, parity equals positive). For (nu) equals 44, a partial closing of the (Delta) (nu) equals negative one channel of the fragmentation is found, in good agreement with the experiment.
Ab-initio X-H potentials calculation
N. Jaidane, Zohra Ben Lakhdar, H. Gritli
Highly correlated ab-initio potential curves are calculated for the fundamental states of CH, NH, OH and SH. These potentials are first used in a numerical treatment of nuclear motion then fitted with modified Morse potential functions.
Spontaneous soliton formation in a region of vibration-rotational transition of molecular multicomponent media
Yury V. Kistenev, Anatoly Shapovalov
Peculiarities of spontaneous soliton formation under arbitrary shape, powerful optical pulses propagation through resonantly absorbing molecular media are studied. The resonance transition takes place within vibration-rotation band. Nonresonant absorption by the rest medium components is also taken into consideration.
Effect of resonant self-action on the transmission spectrum of saturable absorbers with inhomogeneous broadening
Vladimir L. Derbov, Olga M. Priyutova
The influence of near-resonance self-action of a transversely limited light beam on the integral transmission spectrum of an optically thick saturable absorber with Doppler-broadened transition line is studied numerically for different values of Lorenz-to-Doppler linewidth ratio. It is shown that Doppler broadening diminishes the effect of induced lens and relevant transmission line asymmetry.
Rotational dependence of Fermi-type resonance interactions in molecules
Vladimir M. Mikhailov, M. A. Smirnov
In Pasadena, (Milliken Lab., USA, 1930) F. Rossetti has observed in Raman spectrum of carbon-dioxide molecule the full symmetric vibration of carbon dioxide appeared as the group of four near lying lines instead of the waited single line. The true interpretation of this enigmatic effect (in that time) was given by E. Fermi -- accidental degeneration of the first excited state of the full symmetric vibration in carbon dioxide. It was the first example of the event observed later in various organic molecules. This event was named as resonance Fermi. The rotational dependence of Fermi type resonance interactions in quasirigid molecules in dominant approximation can be selected in an expansion of the effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian Hvib- roteff by the operator H(g)(Fermi) equals H30 plus (Sigma) nH3n(g). Let us consider in detail the problem of the construction of the effective vibration-rotational Hamiltonian HVR yields Heff from the point of view of various ordering schemes (grouping) of the vibrational-rotational interactions with sequential analysis of the choice of the convenient grouping adequate to the spectroscopic problem.
Reduced effective Hamiltonian for global fitting of C2H2 ro-vibrational lines
Valery I. Perevalov, E. I. Lobodenko, Jean-Luc Teffo
An effective Hamiltonian describing globally all vibrational-rotational energy levels of C2H2 molecule in the ground electronic state has been written up to fourth order in Amat-Nielsen ordering scheme using symmetry arguments. This Hamiltonian contains all resonance interaction terms within polyad scheme discussed by M. E. Kellman [J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8671 (1991)]. D. M. Jonas et al [J. Chem. Phys. 99, 7350 (1993)]. M. Abbouti Temsamani and M. Herman [J. Chem. Phys. 103, 5931 (1995)]. The reduction of this effective Hamiltonian by means of unitary transformations has been performed.
Inversion procedures for bound-free diatomic transition intensities: application to the PFOODR spectra of 7Li2
Valery S. Ivanov, V. B. Sovkov
The determination of molecular adiabatic potentials from spectroscopic experimental data is one of the leading problems in the theoretical molecular spectroscopy. The mostly elaborated methods to analyze structured continuums of diatomic molecules with this aim were developed in (repulsive potential) and in (attractive potential). They are based on the uniform harmonic approximation and applicable to those systems only, where the repulsive potential is steeper than the attractive one. New procedures for determining a repulsive or an attractive potential function and a function of the electronic transition moment operator from structured bound-free transition intensity data are described in this paper. These procedures are free from the restrictions of other known approaches to the problems under consideration and can be applied to any structured continuum.
High-Resolution Experimental Investigations of Spectra of Molecules in Gas Phase
Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of silene, CH2SiH2
Stephane Bailleux, Marcel Bogey, Hans Buerger, et al.
Free CH2 equals SiH2 (1) has been observed in the gas phase by millimeter wave spectroscopy. A total of 142 rotational lines of the 28Si species were measured, the search being guided by recent ab initio calculations. The identification of the molecule has been confirmed by the observation of many isotopomers: H2CSiD2, H2CSiHD, H2C29SiD2 and D2CSiH2. The ab initio and experimental rotational constants of 1 with a planar C2v structure agree within about 0.5%. Silene was produced by vacuum pyrolysis of Ar-seeded 5,6-bis (trifluoromethyl)-2-silabicyclo [2.2.2] octa-5,7-diene; it decomposes with a 1/e lifetime of the exponential decay at ambient temperature of 30 plus or minus 2 ms.
Microwave spectrum of selenium dioxide
E. A. Alekseev, O. I. Baskakov, S. F. Dyubko
Between 70 and 500 GHz number of transitions of 76SeO2, 77SeO2, 78SeO2, 80SeO2, and 82SeO2 in the ground and excited v2 equals 1 vibrational states have been measured. Transitions of 80SeO2 in the excited v2 equals 2 state and of 74SeO2 in the ground state have been measured as well. Greatly improved sets of the parameters of A-reduced Watson's Hamiltonian have been obtained in the Ir representation.
Vibronic structures of the ground and first excited electronic states of aromatic hydrocarbons cooled in a supersonic jet
N. A. Borisevich, L. B. Vodovatov, G. G. D'jachenko, et al.
The fluorescence excitation and dispersed fluorescence spectra of pyrene and acenaphthene molecules cooled in a supersonic jet have been obtained. Based on the K. Ohno MO/8 model, a new method for calculating frequencies of the in- plane vibrations in the excited electronic states of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is developed. It is shown, that for investigated molecules the prediction accuracy of the vibration frequencies in the ground and first excited electronic states is about 20 cm-1 without modification of initial parameters, used in the MO/8 model.
Temperature dependence of CO2 and CO2-He mixture absorption coefficients in the Q-branch of (20o0)III 0110 band
Vladimir N. Aref'ev, Yu. I. Baranov, E. L. Baranova
Absorption coefficients of pure carbon dioxide and CO2- He mixture have been measured in the Q-branch of the (20 degree(s)0)III $IMP 0110 vibration-rotation band (1880.994 cm-1) at different pressures from 0.2 to 2.7 atm and temperatures: 294, 314, 333, and 353 K. The experiments were carried out by means of a 1-m multi-pass White cell with an optical path up to 90 m. The tunable CO- laser operated at P20, 8 $IMP 7 (1880.9012 cm-1) transition was used as a radiation source. The absorption coefficients measured significantly exceeded the results of calculations with the Lorentzian shape due to important effects of line mixing. The temperature dependence of the difference between measured and calculated absorption coefficients are presented.
High-resolution differential cross sections for low-energy e-N2 scattering
A. I. Korotkov, L. K. Mitryukhin, A. G. Rodionov, et al.
Measurements are carried out by electron spectroscopy method (ESM) using 127 degree electron spectrometer in crossed electronic and molecular beams. The experimental data of energetical dependences of differential cross sections (EDDCS) of vibrational levels from v equals 0 to v equals 6 for X1(Sigma) g+-ground state of nitrogen molecule are presented. This research is made at scattering angle 90 degree in (1.4 - 4) eV energy region. Angular and energy resolutions are 2.9 degrees and 50 meV. All EDDCSs involve a vibrational structure at 1.65 - 4 eV. The energetical dependence of resonance structures, obtained from the experimental data, is considered.
Vibrational spectra of isomeric hydrogen-bonded complexes of (HF)2H2O
E. G. Tarakanova, Friedrich Huisken, M. Kaloudis
Infrared molecular beam depletion spectroscopy has been used to study the absorption of (HF)n polymers (n equals 2 - 8) embedded in large liquid helium host clusters consisting of a few thousand helium atoms. In the vicinity of 3597 cm-1 a new absorption band was observed for the first time. The corresponding spectrum is shown in figure 1a. Comparison with the spectra obtained earlier for free gas phase HF clusters reveals that the new feature cannot be assigned to a pure HF cluster. Taking into account that the depletion spectrum was recorded with the mass spectrometer tuned to mass m equals 41 amu, one could assume that it was caused by a hydrogen-bonded heterocomplex containing at least two HF molecules. Since water molecules are easily picked up from the residual gas by the helium clusters it could very well be that the absorption in question is caused by one of the stretching vibrations of the (HF)2H2O heterotrimer. To verify this assumption, a theoretical modeling of the vibrational spectra of the (HF)2H2O complex was performed for both the free gas phase and the case when it is embedded in a cryogenic Ar matrix. For the latter case accurate experimental data are available. The purpose of the present study was to obtain information on the structure of the heterotrimer and to identify the stretching vibration responsible for the absorption at 3597 cm-1.
Frequency shift and vibronic relaxation of Raman modes in barium nitrate molecular ionic crystal
Peter G. Zverev, Weiyi Jia, Huimin Liu
In this paper the results on high resolution spontaneous Raman spectroscopy of barium nitrate molecular ionic crystal at temperature from 8 to 600 K are presented. The temperature dependencies of the linewidth broadening and frequency shifts of internal Raman modes are investigated. The proposed mechanisms of vibronic relaxation of internal Raman modes exhibit low degree of phonon-phonon coupling in the medium. The phonon frequency shifts are found to be due to lattice expansion and are discussed in terms of Gruneisen parameter theory.
Magnetic predissociation in Te2 B 1u
Marcis P. Auzinsh, A. V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, et al.
We report a registration of magnetic predissociation (MPD) of electronically excited molecules via peculiarities in magnetic field B induced alignment-orientation conversion (AOC). Non-linear magnetic energy shift and heterogeneous MPD produce dispersion type fluorescence circularity signals C(B) of different sign. Measurements on B 1u-, v(J) equals 2(96) state of 130Te2 yielded natural Cvhet equals plus or minus 6 s-1/2 and magnetic (alpha) vhet equals minus or plus 9 multiplied by 103 s-1/2T-1 rate constants of heterogeneous PD, supposing that the B1u- state PD takes place through Ou- state continuum.
Stark level crossing and optical-rf double resonance in NaK D1II
Marcis P. Auzinsh, I. P. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, et al.
We report here (Lambda) -doubling splitting and permanent electric dipole moment dp measurements for a number of vibrotational levels of NaK D 1II state. Two different methods, which are not Doppler limited, were used. Stark effect induced level crossing was registered as fluorescence polarization changes with external electric field, which allowed us to obtain, from one fit, the values of electric dipole moment and (Lambda) -doubling splitting (Delta) ef between e, f substates of an individual rotational state. Another method consisted in obtaining the ratio (Delta) ef/dp from electric field dependence of the intensity of forbidden line appeared in fluorescence as a result of e- f Stark mixing, along with direct (Delta) ef measurements by optical-rf double resonance. Signal simulations and data fitting were accomplished using direct Hamiltonian diagonalization accounting for Stark interaction within rotational states J plus or minus (Delta) J, (Delta) J equals 0, 1, 2 in initial, excited and final state. Dipole moment values obtained confirm theoretical predictions.
Revision of Na2 A1 E+u state molecular constants by polarization labeling spectroscopy
I. Jackowska, W. Jastrzebski, R. S. Ferber, et al.
This paper contains the analysis of the A1(Sigma) u+ of Na2 based on the data obtained from the polarization labeling spectroscopy experiment on the A1(Sigma) u+ minus X1(Sigma) g+ transition. A set of Dunham coefficients is derived, which describes the A state in the wide range of v (0 less than or equal to v less than or equal to 43) and J (12 less than or equal to J less than or equal to 126) quantum numbers and reproduces the positions of unperturbed rotational lines in the A-X band system to within 0.1 cm-1.
Pulse photoacoustic spectroscopy of water vapor in UV spectral region with space-time resolution of photo-acoustic signals
Venedict A. Kapitanov, Boris A. Tikhomirov, V. O. Troitskii, et al.
New technique for measurement of the water vapor absorption coefficient for pulse UV radiation is described. This technique allows the useful signal caused by gas absorption to be separated from the signal caused by absorption by walls and windows of the cell. Both the photoacoustic and photoionization signals are observed in the cell by the action of radiation at the wavelength 266 nm upon water vapor and its binary mixtures with the other gases.
Lyopolymorphism in binary systems of tetrapalladomesogenes in linear alkanes by Fourier transform far infrared spectroscopy and polmicroscopic methods
Vladimir Vatagin, Nadezhda Usol'tseva, Klaus Praefcke, et al.
Dependence of displaying of lyotropic nematic polymorphism in binary systems tetranuclear palladium organyl/linear alkane from the ratio of number of carbon atoms of aliphatic mesogene substituents and alkane molecule was shown by the method of polmicroscopic analysis of contact preparates. For the first time it has been shown that two phases in nematic region could be resolved not only by polmicroscopic investigation, but also by far infrared Fourier transform (FTIR) spectroscopy.
Potential researching of Fourier transform far infrared spectroscopy for characterization of biological systems and biological effects of low-level laser radiation
Vladimir Vatagin, Elena Efimova, Alla Bronnikova, et al.
For the first time far infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy was used for characterization of primary processes of interaction between low level infrared laser radiation and biological systems. It was found that laser radiation influences directly on important organism system compounds (immune, coagulative, anticoagulative, etc.), and laser radiation changes medium condition where these compounds are.
Infrared, Fourier transform far infrared spectroscopy, and viscosimetry research of aqueous-glycol fluids with thickener reology properties
Vyacheslav Melnikov, Tatyana Komarova, Vladimir Vatagin, et al.
At the first time Fourier transform far infrared spectroscopy in sequences with infrared spectroscopy and viscosimetry was applied to research of new water soluble oil composition possessing higher antiwear resistance, and antirust properties than produced by industry ones. A new structure for these compounds like micelleformation or hexagonal mesogenes without optical anisotropy at 55 - 65 degrees Celsius and defined composition have been found. Obtained data are discussed on base of modern advantages in the field of intermolecular interaction.
Detailed investigation of the molecular kinetics in the active medium of a dc-excited fast-axial-flow CO2 laser using a high-resolution mid-IR spectrometer
David J. Toebaert, Maxim Spiridonov, Peter F. Muys, et al.
A 4.5 micrometer tunable-diode laser based molecular absorption spectrometer is used to investigate the rovibrational level populations in a fast-flowing He/N2/CO2 gas discharge. The variation of the rovibrational temperatures is determined over a wide range of discharge parameters relevant for laser action. Good agreement is obtained with a previously developed fully three-dimensional model of the gas flow and vibrational kinetics in non-lasing conditions. The main assumption of the three-temperature model, the near-coincidence of carbon dioxide bending mode temperature and rotational temperature is shown to hold true. In a next step the radial distribution of the vibrational energy is investigated for two different gas inlet sections. The inadequacy of visual observation of the side-light emission is demonstrated and design considerations are formulated. Finally the rovibrational temperatures are measured under lasing conditions, for two different output coupler reflectivities. A maximum electro-optic efficiency of 26% is reached at a carbon dioxide asymmetrical stretch mode temperature reduced to 900 K. Preliminary tests using the same spectrometer of a novel catalyst for CO recombination are reported and an efficiency of 21% is demonstrated under sealed-off operating conditions.
High-resolution spectrum of water vapor between 11300 and 13200 cm-1
Jean-Marie Flaud, Claude Camy-Peyret, Alexander D. Bykov, et al.
The water vapor absorption spectra between 11,600 and 12,750 cm-1 have been recorded with the Fourier-transform spectrometer (Kitt-Peak, Az) at the resolution of 0.012 cm-1 and with the path length of 434 m. Three spectra were used for the analysis: two spectra of water vapor recorded with the Kitt Peak interferometer at the pressure of 1.5 and 17 Torr and the spectrum published by Toth. The experimental details and data reduction procedure have already been discussed, the line assignments were performed simultaneously with calculation of the line positions and intensities that allowed one to obtain an accurate set of experimental rotational energy levels for the eight interacting vibrational states. (131), (211), (013), (230), (112), (032), (051) and (310).
H218O spectrum between 13000 and 15500 cm-1
Jean-Marie Flaud, Claude Camy-Peyret, Alexander D. Bykov, et al.
The H218O spectrum has been recently investigated between 11,300 - 13,600 cm-1 covering the 3v plus (delta) spectral region where v is the quantum of the stretching vibration and (delta) is the quantum of the bending vibration. We present here the study of the 4v and 4v plus (delta) region between 13,000 and 15,500 cm-1. Spectra of 18O enriched water vapor have been recorded by means of Fourier-transform spectroscopy. The experimental details have been discussed. The experimental conditions are given.
VUV spectroscopy of Xe*2 excimer vibrational relaxation
Nikolay A. Kryukov, Peter A. Saveliev
The Xe2*[Ou+(3P1),1u(3P2)] excimer emission spectra in non- equilibrium conditions of the low pressure plasma discharge in pure Xe and in the X-He mixture have been measured. The process of vibrational relaxation has been studied and the non-equilibrium vibrational distributions have been obtained.
Intracavity laser spectroscopy of molecules at high temperatures
V. I. Serdyukov, Leonid N. Sinitsa, Yu. A. Poplavskii
Spectra of water vapor and carbon dioxide isotopomeres were recorded using ICL-spectrometers at high temperature up to 1350K. The transitions beginning the rotational levels with high J-quantum numbers as well as hot bands were recorded.
Photo-acoustic spectrometer with Ti:sapphire laser
Vladimir V. Lazarev, Yurii N. Ponomarev, Leonid N. Sinitsa, et al.
A dual-channel photo-acoustic (PA) spectrometer using a single mode 1 W Ti-Sapphire laser with 50 kHz linewidth is described. The value of minimal detectable absorption coefficient equals of 10-8cm-1 was determined from the measurements of water absorption lines with well-known intensities. The PA spectrometer was applied to record weak absorption spectra of water, HDO, SiH4, H2Se, AsH3 in 11,300 - 12,800 cm-1 region. The photo-acoustic (PA) method based on the measurements of an optical radiation absorption by the substance under study. When the pulsed optical radiation passes through the cell containing an absorbing substance (molecular gas in our case) the last one heats due to the absorption. The heat of the gas in a closed volume of the PA cell produces the pulse of the pressure (Delta) p, which was detected by a sensitive microphone proportional optical radiation energy W and absorption coefficient of gas k(v).
Spectroscopy of Intermolecular Interactions in Gases
vHF band shape in Xe...HF, OC...HF complexes in transition from dilute gas to condensed systems
K. G. Tokhadze, S. S. Utkina, N. N. Filippov, et al.
The shape of the vibration-rotation v(HF) band is studied in HF/Xe and HF/CO mixtures at increasing Xe (or CO) density from gaseous to liquid phase at 293 K. The evolution of the v(HF) band is determined by coexistence of ensembles of free and complexed molecules. The band of free HF molecules is calculated using the super-Lorentzian profile for rotational HF lines. The vHF bands of the Xe. . . HF, OC. . .HF and CO. . . HF complexes, which appear in the absorption region of P(1) and P(1)-P(4) rotational lines of HF, are formed by superposition of the vibration-rotation bands due to hot transitions from excited levels of the low-frequency intermolecular modes. The v(subscript HF bands in the complexes experience a low-frequency shift and become more symmetric with increasing density. A model taking into account spectral exchange between overlapping lines provides correct description of the complex band shape evolution with increasing density.
Experimental and theoretical study of electro-optics of molecular dimers OC...HF and HCN...HF
Michael O. Bulanin, V. P. Bulychev, K. G. Tokhadze, et al.
We report an experimental study of the band shapes and relative IR intensities for the stretching v1 and librational vL modes of the HF subunit in complexes with OC and HCN. The ratio of the transition dipole moments for the v1 and vL bands is found to be close to unity. The relative intensities of the stretching and librational modes in typical H-bonded species (CH3)2CO. . .HF and (CH3)2O. . .HF are also measured for comparison. A multidimensional quantum mechanical problem of the relative motion of monomers in complexes is solved using model intermolecular interaction potentials and the wave functions expanded in products of 1D-basis functions. Classification of the states of relative motions of monomers is made by considering various cuts through the wave functions. Motions involving different degrees of freedom are shown to be strongly coupled. The frequencies and transition probabilities of the low-frequency modes are computed. The vibrationally averaged electro-optic parameters of complexes evaluated in the framework of the electrostatic induction model are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
Analysis of the impact shifts of vib-rotational lines of light rotators at high rotational quantum numbers
J. V. Buldyreva, A. P. Kouzov
The first- and second-order perturbation expressions for the imaginary part of the impact optical cross section for light linear tops at high Js are derived. In this range, the static terms due to V - R coupling are found to be predominant among the contributions to the vibrotational line shift. This opens a new way to deduce data on the vibrational dependence of the intermolecular potential from the experimental shifts of the fundamental and overtone lines. The theory is applied to HCl and HF perturbed by noble-gases and nitrogen. The derived overdetermined system of equations for the characteristics of the intermolecular potential is processed by the linear regression analysis. The results thus obtained are compared with the available potential models.
Line broadening and band profile of CO2 in helium at 193 K
J. Boissoles, F. Thibault, B. Khalil, et al.
In order to investigate the temperature dependence of broadening parameters and band profiles we have studied the v2 and 3v3 bands of carbon-dioxide perturbed by He at 193 K. We used the energy corrected sudden (ECS) scaling law associated with the power fitting law. Experiments were carried out with a Fourier transform spectrometer.
Analysis of contributions of different polarization interactions to the shifts of polar molecule absorption lines
Valentina N. Stroinova
The computational estimations of the contributions of polarization interactions into the shifts were made. Such analysis allows one to define the value of contributions from the first and second orders of perturbation theory into the shifts and to solve the inverse problem for hyper- polarizability. Analysis for the shifts of H2O, S2O, NO2, NO, H2S, O3, CO polar molecule absorption lines induced by Ar pressure were carried out. Estimation results shows the contribution of high order polarization interaction can reach 35%.
Collision-induced emission at high temperatures and densities: modeling of the sonoluminescence spectra
Lothar Frommhold
It is well known that infrared inactive gases, such as nitrogen and hydrogen, absorb infrared radiation if the gas densities are sufficiently high. The absorption is of a supramolecular nature, involving dipole moments induced by exchange, overlap, and dispersion forces as well as by multipole induction in pairs, triples, . . . of interacting molecules. The same collision-induced dipoles also emit radiation in the infrared and, at sufficiently high temperatures, also in the visible and near ultraviolet. We have estimated the intensities and the spectral profiles of binary emission spectra of nitrogen and nitrogen-argon mixtures for conditions believed to be representative for the converging spherical shockwaves of sonoluminescence, e.g., for densities of several times 1021 molecules per cubic centimeters and temperatures of tens to hundreds of thousands of kelvin. Remarkably, the calculated profiles and intensities reproduce the measurements of such spectra in detail in the spectral range from 200 to 700 nm, the window of water, where the spectra are known. The sonoluminescence source is shown to be optically thin.
Orientational relaxation of spherical top molecules in gases and liquids: effect of collision intensity
A. P. Blokhin, M. F. Gelin
In order to study the influence of correlation of the angular momenta before and after collision on the course of orientational relaxation of spherical top molecules, a Markovian master equation with the collision kernel by Keilson and Storer is considered. The equation is solved analytically in the case of the complete angular momentum reorientation due to a collision. The results obtained allow one to establish the upper and the lower limit of the time development of the orientational correlation functions.
Intermolecular interactions and the IR spectra of adsorbed gases
N. P. Socolova, R. A. Bulgakova
The effect of intermolecular interactions on spectral characteristics of CO adlayers on highly dispersed mono- and polymetallic systems is investigated in pressure range 10-4 - 10 torr by experimental and calculation methods. It was shown that the CO molecules are distributed on the surface irregularly, arranging on the certain sites and they form the MCO and MnCO species. On the basis of the analyses of the dependence of the frequencies and halfwidth of absorption bands on gas pressure (coverage) it was established that in the case of some adsorbents including Rh, Co, Ir even at the lowest coverage (approximately 0.03) individual CO molecules are absent. Intermolecular interactions between chemisorbed gas molecules promote ordering in overlayers which results in the 'islands' or clusters from the CO molecules with MCO- bonds. The low local density of CO molecules with MnCO- bonds does not result in ordered structures. The experimental data on CO adlayers on highly dispersed metallic systems enable us to make conclusions about the formation of ordered structures in the case of nonuniform surface.
Application of a tunable spectrometer based on difference frequency generation in AgGaS2 for line-broadening experiments on NO in the 5-um region
Bernd Sumpf, D. Rehle, G. Basar, et al.
The application of nonlinear crystals which enable the difference frequency generation (DFG) of two input lasers is a promising tool for light sources in the mid-infrared spectral region beside the well known lead salt diode laser and sideband CO- and CO2-lasers. We present a high resolution spectrometer based on the DFG in the nonlinear crystal AgGaS2 applying an AlGaAs index-guided single mode diode laser and a ring dye laser as pump sources. With an input power of only 5 mW (diode laser) and 150 mW (dye laser) by applying non-critical type I 90 degree phase matching, it was possible to achieve an infrared output power of 15 nW. Applying diode lasers in the wavelength region between 770 nm and 785 nm and a dye laser with DCM the wavenumber range from 1920 cm-1 to 2020 cm-1 could be covered. The typical phase-matching bandwidth was about 1 cm-1. Thus it was possible to measure several NO (Lambda) -doublets. For the doublet 2II3/2R(25.5) the line broadening for collisions with NO, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr was investigated. The values for the self- and air broadening of this doublet, not studied previously, are smaller than those measured for lines with smaller quantum number. This corresponds to the known tendency that the broadening coefficient decreases with increasing quantum number.
Air-perturbed line shifts for 12C16O2 in 00o1-00o0 band near head at high temperatures
A. F. Aushev, A. V. Gusev, Vladimir M. Osipov, et al.
The subject of this paper is the measured air-shifting coefficients for R70-R110 emission lines of the 12C16O2 in 4.3 micrometer band at temperatures of about 2000 K. The spectra were recorded on a Littrov type grating monochromator with a resolution of about 0.05 cm-1. A nonlinear least-squares fitting technique was used. The absolute error in lineshifts was estimated to be about 0.002 cm-1. The significant shifts (reaching 50 times the absolute uncertainty of experimental frequencies), strongly depending on the rotational quantum number were measured. The obtained results were compared with our previous measurements pressure-shift of R54-R72 lines at room temperature.
Measurements of nitrogen-shifting coefficients in carbon monoxide, dioxide, and D-enriched water vapor for different isotopic species
N. F. Borisova, Vladimir M. Osipov, V. V. Tsukanov
The present paper reports pressure-shifting coefficients for 3 lines in the v1 band of CO, 1 line in the v3 band of 13C16O2, 4 lines in the v1 band of HD16O and 6 lines in the v1 band of D2 16O. The absorption spectra used in this study were recorded at 0.05 cm-1 resolution with a Littrov type grating monochromator. The experimental setup and sample preparation have been described previously. The standard deviations of all results are about 0.002 cm-1. The obtained results are compared with line-shifts for the fundamental isotopic species of these molecules. The present data are also of atmospheric interest.
J-dependencies of the lineshift coefficients for the v2 water vapor band
Alain Valentin, F. Rashet, Alexander D. Bykov, et al.
Our paper is devoted to analysis of measured and calculated lineshifts pressured by nitrogen in the v2 band of the water vapor molecule, and especially to the rotational dependence of the lineshifts. The data have been obtained for 150 lines in 1850 - 2230 cm-1 spectral region. The room temperature measurements were made with FT- spectrometer in Paris University at the spectral resolution 0.005 cm-1 at three different pressures of the sample (water pressure -- 1 Torr, nitrogen pressure -- 117 and 203 Torr). A special procedure has been used to minimize the errors connected with the asymmetry of the contours due to apparatus effects. The different reduction procedures have been used to obtain the line shift coefficient values.
Resonance functions of the pressure broadening and shifting theory for exact trajectories
Alexander D. Bykov, N. N. Lavrentieva, Leonid N. Sinitsa
This paper is a continuation of our previous study of actual trajectories in calculation of a first-order term of an interruption function determining a shift of rovibrational lines in the short-wave region. The method based on exact solutions of classical equations of motion is used for calculation of resonance functions of the anisotropic part of the potential which determines second-order terms of the interruption function. Our investigations show that an account of the trajectory bending does not change the basic relations of the collision theory but requires redefining of the resonance function. The universal function of two arguments independent on the potential parameters and initial conditions of collision have been obtained. New resonance functions exhibit 'universality' since they depend on reduced interaction parameters. The approximation of the straight-line trajectories allowing us to obtain the same expressions as obtained by Leavitt is presented in the paper. Approximate calculations of resonance functions for the H2O-H2O and H2O-SO2 colliding particles have been made.
Experimental Techniques and Methods for High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
Time-resolved FTIR absorption and emission spectroscopy of species produced in hollow cathode molecular discharges
Concepcion Maroto Domingo, T. de los Arcos, Isabel Tanarro, et al.
The study of the different experimental variables affecting the dissociation processes of molecular species, when using hollow cathode discharges as excitation method, and the characterization of the corresponding plasmas, have been made using FTIR absorption and emission spectroscopy. Mass spectrometry has also been employed for diagnosis purposes. The availability of step-scan mode and time resolved possibilities in our FTIR spectrometer, allowed to follow the excitation processes when using modulated discharges. Nitrous oxide, N2O, for which no data in hollow cathode discharges were available, has been employed as test compound for checking the possibilities of our experimental setup.
High-resolution low-energy electron spectrometer
L. K. Mitryukhin, S. V. Grigoriev, A. I. Karotkov
High resolution 127 degree electrostatic spectrometer of electrons for low-energy electron-molecular scattering researches is described. The unorthodoxal construction of collision cell and other units of spectrometer are proposed. Spectrometer detects electrons at 24 fixed angles from 30 degrees to 145 degrees within 5 degrees. The angular resolution of design is about 2 degrees. The spectrometer allows to study the energetical and angular dependences of electrons in electron-molecular scattering and is capable of resolving molecular vibrational structure.
Retrieval of an absorption line contour from measurements of its derivative with the PA-spectrometer with a two-frequency laser
Mikhail Yu. Kataev, Artur A. Mitsel, Olga Y. Nikiforova, et al.
In many spectroscopy tasks, the spectral width of the radiation source and in the intensity distribution deform real spectra that creates the additional difficulties when line contour parameters are reconstructed. In this paper we propose to solve a problem of the retrieval of parameters of a spectral line contour in two stages: at the first stage to fit the measured signals and to eliminate the influence of the radiation source parameters as an instrumental function, and at the second stage to search the spectral line contour parameters only. We apply two different methods for elimination of influence of the instrumental function. Both methods are proposed as a first stage for retrieval of a spectral line parameters from measurements of the line contour derivative using the PA (photo-acoustic) spectrometer with a two-frequency laser. The first method is based on transition from an integrated equation of convolution of the instrumental function with the required function to the matrix representation. The second method is based on a possibility to separate the two above mentioned functions in a Fourier plane.
Dissociation process in molecular gases by photo-acoustic signal kinetics
Olga Y. Nikiforova, Yurii N. Ponomarev
The calculations of the amplitude and temporal shape of the photo-acoustic (PA) signal in the case of gas medium dissociation are performed. The possibility of determination of the dissociation rate constant from the PA measurements at two different pressures of gas medium in the PA cell is discussed.
Measurements of relaxation constants of orientation and alignment by method of stimulated photon echo in molecular gas
L. S. Vasilenko, Natalia N. Rubtsova, E. B. Khvorostov
The method of stimulated photon echo with specially chosen linear polarizations of the pumping pulses of coherent resonant radiation is applied for the investigation of collisional decay of orientation and alignment in the molecular gas SF6 and its mixtures with buffers He and Xe. These relaxation rates are measured as a function of longitudinal velocities. Within the experiment accuracy, no remarkable velocity dependence of the depolarizing collisions rates was detected. This result confirms conventional approach of the depolarizing collisions theoretical treatment. In pure SF6 the rates of elastic depolarizing collisions for orientation and alignment proved smaller than the known rate of velocity changing collisions. It means that only part of the elastic collisions participates in destroying of the level multipole moments.
ESLS spectroscopy of the interacting gases
N. V. Volkova, O. Yu. Nosach, E. P. Orlov, et al.
The method based on the measurement of the characteristics of enthalpy stimulated light scattering (ESLS) is proposed for the investigation of the reaction rate constants.
Application of High-Resolution Spectroscopy to Atmospheric Optics and Gas Analysis
GEISA-PC software in 1996: innovations toward the atmospheric optics needs
Alexei A. Chursin, Vladimir F. Golovko, Andrei V. Nikitin, et al.
This paper reviews main features of an IBM PC software package GEISA-PC designed for the use and managing large- scaled data bases of the atmospheric physics and spectroscopy interest. The current version of this program can process GEISA data bank on IR high resolution absorption spectra of 40 molecules and 86 isotopic species, a data base on IR absorption cross sections of commonly used chlorofluorocarbons. The N2O5, SF6, and ClONO2 molecules as well as six U.S. standard atmosphere models and those for altitude-frequency dependencies of the atmospheric aerosol extinction coefficient. The recent developments of the software and data in use have been discussed in detail. The free demo versions are available upon request.
Characteristics of infrared data needs for future planetary and cometary observations
C. Muller, D. Moreau, Anatoly V. Rodin
Since the 1986 encounter of comet Halley and the 1989 PHOBOS Martian observations, the list of possible molecules in the atmospheres of Mars and comets has been extended to the new observed molecules (formaldehyde and methane) and still non observed chemically related constituents. The chemistry involved differs essentially from terrestrial processes by the absence of rainout and of UV filtering and has commonalities with the earth photochemical smog compositions. The list of molecules -- the targets of future observations are presented together with a priority rating. Both Mars and cometary research stress also the importance of spectra of condensed phases and aerosols, as well as molecular complexes. A list of targets accessible by existing or proposed instruments is shown together with simulations using the 1992 HITRAN data-base together with models.
High-resolution laboratory spectra and their use for atmospheric detection
Johannes Orphal, Mireille Morillon-Chapey
High-resolution spectroscopic laboratory studies were carried out on a number of unstable halogen-containing molecules participating in the chemical cycles of stratospheric ozone destruction. Some of these molecules have already been detected previously, however it is important to monitor their atmospheric concentrations and their time evolution with high accuracy (e.g. ClONO2). Others are currently subject of research in stratospheric emission spectra (e.g. ClNO2) or candidates for potential detection in the future (e.g. BrONO2).
Retrieval of the concentration of hydrocarbons in air from opto-acoustic measurements
Mikhail Yu. Kataev, Yurii N. Ponomarev, V. A. Gorodnichev, et al.
A retrieval technique for some hydrocarbon compounds (ethylene, ethanol, methanol, and isopropanol) concentration from opto-acoustic measurements of total absorption at several fixed wavelengths of the CO2-laser is presented in the report. In the gases concentration reconstructing, the method of least squares (LSM) as well as linear programming (LPM) and regularization (RM) methods were used. The problem of accuracy of the gases concentration retrieval depending on the quantity of simultaneously analyzed hydrocarbon compounds is discussed. Monitoring of gas composition of the atmospheric air by the optical absorption methods calls for instruments which are highly sensitive to absorption, highly selective, and capable of determining the concentration of trace gases in multicomponent mixtures. One of such instruments an opto-acoustic (OA) gas analyzer with a resonance cell. To analyze the content of gases under study, the atmospheric air, preliminary purified from atmospheric aerosol is pumped through the OA cell. Our work is aimed at studying of the accuracy of gas concentration reconstruction from OA measurements depending on: (1) error in determining the absorption coefficients Kij; (2) available model of continuous absorption ac(vi); (3) random error in measuring signals.
Determination of content of columnar CO2 from solar transmission measurements
Konstantin M. Firsov, Mikhail Yu. Kataev, Artur A. Mitsel, et al.
The retrieval technique for sensing the columnar content of CO2 via differential solar transmission measurements in and out absorption bands is presented. The calibration procedure based on the line-by-line method is described. The k-distribution method is used for acceleration calculation. The multiwavelength Sun-photometer has six channels for measurements in and out the H2O, CO2, CH4 absorption bands. The interferometer filters are used for spectral selection with resolution (Delta) (lambda) /(lambda) approximately equals 0.01 - 0.02. The wavelengths are centered at 0.87, 0.94, 1.06, 2.06, 2.18, 2.32 micrometers. Errors of the columnar content retrieval connected with the parametrization of atmospheric transmittance and uncertainties of the spectroscopy information are analyzed. The correction of signal on the basis of the measurements of aerosol optical depth is described.
Effective parametrization of overlapping water vapor and carbon dioxide absorption bands
Konstantin M. Firsov, Artur A. Mitsel
This report presents a new effective method which can be used to compute both the transmittance and the atmospheric radiation fluxes in the overlapping water vapor and carbon dioxide absorption bands.
Infrared atmospheric transmission of laser radiation
Valentina A. Filimonova, Yury V. Kistenev, Konstantin M. Firsov
Peculiarities of pulsed industrial lasers propagation through the atmosphere when branch of the laser generation coincides with an atmospheric H2O absorption line are studied. Problems of DIAL sounding of atmospheric H2O by these laser are also discussed.
Computer simulation of IR spectra as a useful tool for GC/FTIR/MS identification of unusual amidine products of amino acid condensation
Vladimir A. Basiuk, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez
Sublimation of simple aliphatic amino acids (Ala, Aib, Val, Nva, and Leu) at 230 - 250 degrees Celsius under reduced pressure in the presence of silica as a catalyst yields cyclic dipeptides (or piperazine-2,5-diones) as major products. In addition, two types of unusual products have been detected. To determine their structures, we utilized a coupled GC/FTIR/MS technique which enables gas- chromatographic separation along with on-line characterization by FTIR and mass spectra of the products. Based on the spectral data obtained, we suggested the condensation products to be substituted bicyclic and tricyclic amidines, hexahydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine- 3,6-diones and hexahydroimidazo[1,2-a]imidazo-[1,2- d]pyrazine-3,8-diones. To verify this supposition we simulated the IR spectra using the PM3 semi-empirical method. The calculated spectra appeared to be in very good agreement with the experimental ones, reflecting adequately general features of the latter and confirming the proposed amidine structure of the condensation products.
Analysis of technical gases by opto-acoustic method of laser spectroscopy
B. G. Ageev, E. BenYahia, Mikhail Yu. Kataev, et al.
The various special features of data treatment are shown on the example of some mixtures measurements by opto-acoustic (OA) carbon-dioxide laser gasometric system. Mathematical methods of OA-signals processing are presented. Application of these methods permit not only quantitatively estimate the components of the gas mixture, but also determine their concentration. The method of qualitative estimation is based on the use of the theory of checking of statistical hypotheses. The mathematical methods for the inverse problem solution is used for the quantitative analysis of gas mixtures. The measurements are performed with carbon-dioxide laser OA spectrometer.
Molecular spectroscopy method in the stratospheric ozone problem
Margarete S. Kiseleva, Igor N. Ovcharenko, Irina N. Reshetnikova
The altitudinal ozone concentration profiles have been determined at altitudes 16-29 km with spectroscopic method of generalized argument. Experimental base of this method is the unresolved solar spectra. These spectra have been registrated in the region of v3 ozone band ((lambda) equals 9.6 micrometer, (Delta) (lambda) equals 0.05 micrometer) with balloon borne spectrometer. The balloon experiments have been realized at Rylsk (Russia) 08.08.90 and Aire sur Adour (France) 19.09.93. The generalized ozone absorption coefficients were obtained by using line-by-line calculations and the modern spectroscopic information on spectral line parameters. The investigation of altitudinal ozone concentration profiles was accompanied by simultaneous study of the aerosol extinction coefficient profiles for lambda equals 0.54 micrometer and lambda equals 0.81 micrometer ((Delta) (lambda) equals 0.012 micrometer). The altitudinal ozone and aerosol profiles presented here are compared with the results of early analogous investigations carried out by the authors of this report. the anticorrelation between the ozone concentration and the aerosol extinction coefficients is founded.
Spectroscopic information in the direct and back tasks of atmospheric analysis
Margarete S. Kiseleva, Igor N. Ovcharenko, Galina E. Sinelnikova
The improved calculations method of spectral atmospheric transmittance in the 1 - 14 micrometer region at unresolved spectra structure ((Delta) (lambda) equals 0.025 - 0.05 micrometer) for arbitrary dispositions of a radiation source and a detector in the atmosphere at altitudes up to 60 km is considered. This method has been devised at S. I. Vavilov State Optical Institute (SOI). The broad use data of the modern spectroscopic information on atmospheric gases spectral lines parameters raised the accuracy of SOI-method as well as extended the application of this method to direct and back tasks of the spectral atmosphere analysis. The comparison of SOI-method and LOWTRAN one is given.