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- Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
- Electro-Optic Materials
- Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
- Materials for all Optical Devices
- Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry I
- Electro-Optic Materials
- Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
- Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry I
- Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry II
- Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
- Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
- Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
- Electro-Optic Materials
- Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
Developments in organic electro-optic devices at Lockheed
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We report on the recent development and initial test results of two electro-optic polymer based integrated optic devices for
optical interconnection applications. The first is an optical railtap for the distribution of many different optical signals from a
single CW laser diode, and the second is a traveling wave Mach-Zehnder integrated optic modulator, which was modulated at
frequencies up to 8 GHz. Electro-optic polymer materials supplied by Akzo Research, By, were used in both devices.
Electro-Optic Materials
Optically nonlinear polymeric switches and modulators
Gustaaf R. Moehlmann,
Winfried H. G. Horsthuis,
Alaster Mc. Donach,
et al.
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Side chain polyrrers containing hyperpolarizable noieties as the periant groups have been applied as
optically ncrilinear traterials to produce polyxreric integrat1 electro-optical devices . Phase nixiulators,
intisity nixiulators (1ch-Zebzx1er interferaiters) aixi optical 2*2 sce switches ( 2*2 directixa1 nixie
couplers) have been uncle . Driving voltages as 1ci as 2 Volts (V ) have been obtain1 for a 24 nm active
1gth çkmse ncdulator; 4.4 Volts (V ) for a 14 inn active 1angthch-Zebrx1er interferarter, ath 9 Volts
for a 14 nm active length directionI node ccupler. Intisity nixiulation ratios of about -23 dB atti -17
dB have been derived for the intensity nixiulator atd nixie ccxipling switch, respectively. The device
properties , theni.l arxi electrical stabilities , etc. will be discussed. The results obtained shcw that
optically txnlinear polyiTers are attractive caixlidates for the realizaticzi of polyireric integrated
electro-optical devices. In additicn, several passive veguiding devices have beai nnde.
Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
Impact of polymer-integrated optics on silicon wafer area networks
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The maturation of silicon as a system wide "macrointegrated" technology suggests extremely compact, powerful computing systems in which communication will be among the most important functions. A silicon wafer area communication network which has the transmission function performed optically, ideally offers significant performance advantages over an electrical implementation, provided that it can be integrated compatibly within the electronic environment. Here, the suitability of long distance lightwave techniques for achieving the desired interconnection functionality is considered. The adaptations to conventional optical networks made necessary by electronic system cointegration constraints as well as the emerging role of optical polymers in achieving these adaptations at the wafer level are explored.
Poled polymers for frequency doubling of diode lasers
Geert L.J.A. Rikken,
C. J. E. Seppen,
Stephan J.J. Nijssen,
et al.
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We report on the design and characterization of methylmethacrylate copolymers with
nonlinear optical 4-alkoxy-4'-alkylsulfone stilbene sidechains, which are transparent
down to 410 nm. A fairly stable, polar orientation has been obtained by means of electric
field poling, resulting in a reasonably high nonlinearity (d33 square; 9 pm/V). Phase matched
second harmonic generation in planar waveguides of these polymers is achieved by
means of spatially periodic photochemical bleaching of the stilbene sidechain.
Efficient quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation in a polymer waveguide
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Efficient phase matched second harmonic generation has been observed in a
polymer waveguide over a distance of 0.5 cm. Phase matching is accomplished
by periodic poling of a nonlinear optical polymer. The observed efficiency of
0.01 % /W is in good agreement with calculations.
Frequency doubling of laser diode light in organic channel waveguides
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Channel waveguides were fabricated using a nonlinear optical organic material (-)2-(a-methylbenzylamino)-
5-nitropyridine (MBANP) with the objective of application to the frequency doubling of laser
diode light. Blue light was obtained by second-harmonic generation in the form of Cerenkov radiation
using a laser diode source oscillating at A = 870 nm.
Materials for all Optical Devices
Photonics and organic nanostructures
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Nonlinear optically active compounds newly designed and synthesized in Frontier
Research Program were reviewed: single crystal of dicyanovinyl anisole (DIVA) for
blue light generation, one- or two-dimensional r -conjugated systems such as polythiophenes,
polydiynes, soluble phthalocyanines and annulenes, for third order
optical nonhinearities and waveguide application. As a promising technique to control
the molecular orientation and assembly, the organic molecular beam epitaxy (OMBE) is
Femtosecond optical characterization of nonlinear organic materials and etalon logic gates
Wayne M. Gibbons,
R. P. Grasso,
M. K. O'Brien,
et al.
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The femtosecond (fs) optical nonlinearities and dynamics of
a guest-host organic material , 7-'[4-[ (4-hexyloxyphenyl) azo]
(naphthyl) azo- (2 , 3-dihydro-l, 3-diinethyl-2--octyl) ] perimidine (DNP)
doped poly (methyl inethacrylate) (PMMA) , were studied in thin film
form. An all-optical NOR logic operation was demonstrated by
constructing a nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon with the guest-host
material. The optical logic gate has a subpicosecond switch-on
time. The switch-off time has a fast component of 4 picoseconds
(ps) and slower components. Measurements of the excited state
dynamics of the thin film indicate that the fast recovery is due
to the electronic excited state lifetime of the DNP molecules. A
contrast ratio of 1.7 between the switch-on and off states of
the etalon gives a resonant nonlinearity of 6.7xlO9 cm2/kW for a
1 . 5 GW/cm2 pump intensity.
Organotransition metal and rare-earth compounds with high-resonant-enhanced chi(3) coefficients
Stephen Nigel Oliver,
Christopher S. Winter,
James D. Rush,
et al.
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The third order nonlinear susceptibility, two photon absorption coefficient, 13, and linear absorption coefficient, a,
for some rare-earth cyclopentadienyl compounds and dithiolene complexes have been measured. Resonantly
enhanced x3 coefficients of up to 1011esu for dilute solutions have been determined. Trade off in the size of the
nonlinear susceptibility, with loss, in materials with low two photon absorption leads us to believe that Stegeman1'2
figures of merit acceptable for some all-optical switching devices are achievable with such materials.
Synthesis and evaluation of cumulenes: novel rigid nonlinear optical molecules
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We report our investigations of the cumulenes, a novel class of compounds proposed for use as the active second- and thirdorder
nonlinear optical component materials for electro-optic and all-optical devices. Unlike conjugated organic nonlinear
optical molecules based on alternating multiple and single bonds, these molecules contain a contiguous, or "cumulated" system
of double bonds, leading to a highly rigid one-dimensional backbone of polarizable ic-electrons. A series of symmetrically- and
asymmetrically-substituted teiraphenyl cumulenes has been synthesized and characterized. D.C. electric field-induced second
harmonic generation experiments show significant second-order nonlinear susceptibilities in a series of polar cumulenes.
Preliminary results showing evidence of resonant and nonresonant third-order nonlinear optical activity are also reported.
Enhancements in third-order optical properties of phthalocyanine thin films
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The third order optical susceptibilities XIfli(-3w ; co, a, )
for PMMA films doped with a soluble metallophthalocyanine derivative
are determined by optical third harmonic generation measurements at
wavelengths of 1543nm and 1907nm. The x3 values are 6-7 times
enhanced at resonant and nonresonant wavelengths, concurrent with an
absorption change induced by solvent vapor treatment. The enhancement
of third order optical nonlinear susceptibilities in phthalocyanine
thin films is discussed in terms of molecular stacking.
Molecular structural view on the large third order nonlinearity of phthalocyanine derivatives
Hiro Matsuda,
Shuji Okada,
Atsushi Masaki,
et al.
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The thin films obtained by a spin-coating of soluble co,per phthalocyanines with
tetra-alkylthio substituents have been found to have the x kJ) values in the order of
magnitude of l0h1 esu. It is almost the same value as that of metallophthalocyanine
with an axial ligand, i.e., vanadiumu-oxo phthalocyanine and so on. Of the both
phthalocyanines, Q-band absorption maxiffla shifted to the longer wavelength compared
with those of the solutions, on the contrary to the shorter wavelength shift of the
usual phthalocyanine. For the both phthalocyanines, it is estimated that any loose
aggregation of molecules are facilitated by unsymmetrical substitution and/or permanent
dipole to give enlarged x (3) values. Especially, in the spin-coating films of the
present soluble phthalocyanines, the growth of the aggregation with the large x was
recognized by the changes of absorption spectra and x-ray diffraction patterns.
Bipolaronic-enhanced third-order nonlinearity in organic ladder polymers
Xiao Fan Cao,
Jien-Ping Jiang,
Robert W. Hellwarth,
et al.
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Third order nonlinear optical properties of organic ladder copolymer (POL) system is studied
using degenerate four-wave mixing with picosecond laser pulse. Both the real and imaginary part
of the third order nonlinear susceptibility (3) were determined by a new phase conjugate
interferometric method over the wavelength range of 532 - 720 nm. From the space symmetry and
wavelength dependence of -) we attribute the observed nonlinearity to the nonlinear
photoexcitation of bipolarion states in this ladder copolymer system.
New copolymers for nonlinear optics applications that incorporate delocalized pi-electron subunits with well-defined conjugation lengths
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During the past three years it has become more evident that long conjugation sequences in electroactive materials may
not be a stringent requirement for high third order nonlinear optical (NLO) activity. Since long conjugation lengths in these
materials often make them difficult to process, the resulting insolubility often precludes the formation of optical quality films
for device applications. The incorporation of shorter electroactive segments alternating with flexible non-active spacers may
allow high NLO activity coupled with good optical film forming capability. In this paper we would like to present several
approaches to copolymer design which incorporate various electroactive oligomer segments with well-defined conjugation
lengths. The control one obtains in this appmach allows the design of sharp optical windows, and the ability to tailor
absorption characteristics to particular frequencies.
Nonlinear optical properties of colloidal "quantum-dot" composite materials with tailored organic coatings
Robert E. Schwerzel,
John P. Kurmer,
Van E. Wood,
et al.
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Colloidal, "quantum-dot" semiconductormaterials, as exemplified by the sharp-cut yellow-red
filter glasses which contain small (less than 100 A diameter) crystallites of cadmium sulfide and/or
cadmium selenide, are of current interest because of the large near-resonant third-order nonlinear
optical response they exhibit. Because these semiconductors are generally soluble only in inorganic
media, such as silicate glasses, they have not been considered widely as candidates for inclusion in
organic polymer waveguides. We report here the initial results of a continuing study in which very small
colloidal particles of both cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide (with crystallite diameters of typically
30-50 A) have been prepared by the reverse-micellar technique and then "capped" with a variety of
organic reagents, using the methodology described several years ago by Brus and Steigerwa1d14. By
varying the organic capping reagent, we find that we are able to produce significant variations in both
the solublilty and the nonlinear optical response of the resulting composite materials. In particular, we
find that the solubility of the particles in organic polymers such as PMMA and polycarbonate varies
greatly with the nature of the capping reagent, with corresponding changes in the nonlinear refractive
index of the composites. The feasibility of developing organic nonlinear optical waveguides based on
this approach will be discussed.
Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry I
Nonlinear optical properties in organic polymer film
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Results of investigations on polymer systems as third-order nonlinear optical materials
are presented. A few doped polymer systems containing cyanine dyes have a large thirdorder
nonlinear optical susceptibility x. Several amorphous polymers incorporating relectron
conjugated units are also synthesized. Increases in x3 are shown to be due to
longer yr-electron conjugation and acceptor-donor pairs.
Fabrication of highly oriented polydiacetylene thin films by vacuum deposition process
Kenji Takeda,
Tatsuo Hasegawa,
Tatsuro Kanetake,
et al.
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Polydiacetylenes with attractive electro-optical characteristics are usually
insoluble and infusible, so various kinds of fabrication method have been proposed
in order to control them into desirable forms such as large single crystal, thin
film etc. This paper deals with the successful results on fabrication of highly
oriented polydiacetylene thin films by vacuum deposition process in combination
with so-called substrate rubbing technique. The third order non-linear optical
susceptibilities of thin films thus prepared are as large as around 1010(esu),
which indicates the excellent optical quality of thin films comparable to that
of polydiacetylene single crystals. The details of fabricating conditions,
mechanism of oriented structure formation, properties and characteristics of
thin films are presented.
Polydiacethylenes with directly bound aromatic substituents for the enlarged third-order nonlinearity
Minoru Ohsugi,
Shigeru Takaragi,
Hiro Matsuda,
et al.
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In order to obtain the polydiacetylenes with aromatic substituents directly
bound to the polymer backbone, many of unsymmetrical diacetylene derivatives with
aromatic rings at one side and carbazolylmethyl at the other side of diacetylene
moiety have been synthesized. Among them, 1-(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-5-
(N-carbazolyl)-1,3--pentadiyne (DFCP) was found to be topochemically polymerized
with complete conversion into the polymer single crystals. Spectroscopies and X-
ray crystal structure analysis revealed that the fr-conjugation between the
polymer backbone and the phenyl ring of this polymer are in the similar extent to
those of the so-far prepared poly(diphenyldiacetylene)s in spit çf mono-
aromatic-substituted polydiacetylene. Nearly the same magnitude of as the
largest reported for polydiacetylenes was evaluated from third harmonic
Novel third-order nonlinear optical materials composed of ionic polymers and chromophores
Hiromitsu Tomiyama,
Shuji Okada,
Hiro Matsuda,
et al.
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The complex composed of ionic polymer and ionic dye was investigated for
third order nonlinear optics. The complexes were prepared by ion exchange
reaction between sulfonic group of the polymers and cationic dyes. As cationic
dyes, hemicyanines(HC-n), where n indicates the number of double bonds between
the aromatic rings, oxacyanine(OC-1) and triphenylmethane derivatives were used.
The dye content of the complex could be controlled with in the range of 0.1-0.6
molar ratio of bound dyes to the sulfonic groups by the composition of mixed
solvents for the reaction. The thin films of complexes were made by spin coating
of their CHC13/MeOH solution on fused quartz plates. They were transparent and
homogeneous with naked eyes and polarizing microscope.
THG measurements were performed by use of pumping laser light from 1.5im to
2.ljim. x3 values of every complexes were found to be linearly proportional to
the dye content (M)(mmol/cm3). The x3 values of hemicyanine complexes became
large at the pumping wavelengths in resonant region of every dyes, and x3 of
HC-2 was always larger than that of HC-1, whereas that of OC-1 with a srnmetrical
structure was ten times smaller than that of HC-1. The largest values
attained at each maximum (M) and at the pumping of 1.5m were 1.8x10"esu for
HC-1, 2.4x10"esu for HC-2 and 1.7x10"esu for Crystal Violet. However, in the
case of Malachite Green and Basic Cyanine 6GH, their THG intensities were
negligibly small even at resonant region.
Electro-Optic Materials
Excited-state nonlinear optics and enhancement mechanisms for nonresonant processes
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A general enhancement mechanism is reviewed for nonlinear optical processes originating from
real population of electronic excited states. The nonresonant third order optical susceptibility
y1(-w4;wi,w2,w3) of quasi-one dimensional conjugated linear chains can be enhanced by orders
of magnitude, or even change sign, when the first (S1), or second (52), electronic excited state is
optically pumped and then populated for times suitably long to perform nonresonant measurements
of y1(-w4; w1 , w2,w3) at frequencies different from the resonant pump frequency.
Polymeric materials for guided wave devices
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Organic polymeric materials offer great promise for the creation ofoptical guided-wave structures for use with silicon
or gallium arsenide semiconductor devices. We have developed a number of new polymeric materials for which the refractive
index may be photochemically controlled. These materials are ifiustrated by solid solutions of novel nitrone compounds in
polymer hosts such as PMMA. We have demonstrated the creation of planar guided-wave structures in these materials both
with direct laser writing and with traditional photolithographic techniques. We have also developed polymeric materials which
are electro-optically active and which provide for the photochemical delineation ofguided-wave structures. We have utilized
these materials to create electro-optic devices such as optical modulators.
Measurement of electro-optic poling transient effects in polymer thin films
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We present transient measurements of the electro-optic response and the heterodyne technique used
to monitor the poling process in-situ. Several of the measurements presented are made on a low-dopinglevel
guest-host polymer to facilitate comparison with theory. Also presented are measurements on a
stable poled side-chain polymer. The data indicate response rise and fall times of the order of milliseconds
for the guest-host sample and the temperature dependence of those times is compared to the theoretical
model. Good qualitative agreement between theory and experimental data is presented.
Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy on liquid crystalline polymethacrylates with a nitrostilbene mesogene in the side chain
Matthias Pfeiffer,
Wolfgang Haase
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Using the dielectric spectroscopy in the frequency range I Hz to iO Hz
the dielectric response of a suitable characterized (DSC, polarizing microscopy,
X-ray diffraction) oriented film of a poly-[4-(4- Methacryloyloxybutoxy)-4'-nitrostilbene]
could be detected. The relaxation in parallel alignment is interpreted
as a s-process equivalent to the molecular reorientation process around the
mesogen's short axis. The perpendicular alignment allows to detect dipole
relaxation processes resulting from motions around the mesogen's long axis.
A perfect alignment could be obtained in a strong magnetic field of 7 T.
Using this method an oligomer with a molar weight of 2900 g/mol showed a
completely transparent film of 75 tm thickness. The problems of chemical
synthesis as well as a model for a molecular association are discussed.
Electro-optic measurements in poled polymer films between planeparallel, semitransparent metal electrodes
Cornelis P.J.M. van der Vorst,
Carina J.M. van Weerdenburg
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Two different methods are described for measurement of the Pockels effect in a
poled polymer film between planeparallel, semitransparent metal electrodes. Both are
transmission experiments which can be performed at the same sample spot, using a
common experimental set up. After a general description of the Pockels effect in
electric field aligned sidechain polymers, the two measuring methods are described.
Results of both types of measurements, obtained in a poled side-chain polymer with
4dimethylamino4'nitrostilbene (DANS) in the side group, are discussed.
Nonlinear optical activity of bisphenol A polycarbonate and related copolymers
Robert J. Gulotty,
Charles A. Langhoff,
Stephen E. Bales
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A series of structurally modified polycarbonates (PC) have been demonstrated to have second-order nonlinear
optical (NLO) activity. The dipolar functionality and NLO activity in these polymers are properties of the polymer
backbone. d33 values of 0.08-1.35 x 1O esu were determined by second-harmonic generation (SHG) measurements
using a Maker Fringe rotation approach. In-situ measurements of the NLO activity as a function of temperature during
the parallel plate poling process show that the onset of the NLO activity occurs primarily near the polymer glass
transition temperature. A study of the temporal stability of the NLO activity shows persistent NLO activity for at least
640 days after poling.
An effective j per polymer repeat unit is calculated from the data and compared to PPP semi-empirical
calculations ofj for model molecules. Agreement is shown to be best for carbonate-containing models of the polymer
backbone. The approximate agreement of theory and experiment suggests that the orientability of the NLO active
segments in the polymer backbone is adequately described by poling theory.
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
Langmuir-Blodgett alternate layer structures for second-order nonlinear optics
John P. Cresswell,
John Tsibouklis,
Michael C. Petty,
et al.
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A novel Langmuir-Blodgett alternate layer system for second-order nonlinear optics is described and characterised by
X-ray diffraction, second harmonic generation and Pockels effect measurements. Excellent deposition was achieved
allowing the fabrication of a 301 layer film (thickness = O.95m). This was found to exhibit waveguiding. The
effective indices of the guided modes were 1.52 for TM0 and 1.51 for TE0. Both the optical and X-ray diffraction
results suggest the presence of some disorder in the molecular alignment within the films. This leads to a value of
x2(-2w;'t,, w) = 19 x lO_12 m V' for one bilayer, falling off for an increasing number of bilayers.
Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry I
Merocyanine-p-toluenesulfonic acid complex with large second-order nonlinearity
Shuji Okada,
Atsushi Masaki,
Hiro Matsuda,
et al.
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Merocyanine - p-toluenesulufonic acid complex was investigated for the crystal
structure and the optical properties. The molecules are crystallized in the space
group P1 so that the crystal exhibits a large optical nonlinearity . The second order
nonlinear optical coefficient d11 measured by means of the Maker Fringe ifiethod is
314pm/V as a pristine data and 500pm/V after the correction of scattering and is
greater than d11 of 2-inethyl-4-nitroaniline.
Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials Research in Japanese Industry II
New organic second-order nonlinear optical crystals of benzylidene-aniline derivative
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The benzylidene-aniline derivative with an electron-donating group at 4-position
and an electron-accepting group at 4'-position has been suggested by MO calculation,
to have a small molecular dipole moment but a large second-order hyperpolarizability
in comparison with those of p-nitroaniline analogous molecules, hence, to be a
promising molecule on searching for a new organic crystal with large second-order
optical nonlinearity.
Chemical modification of the molecule suggested led to a discovery of a series
of crystals having high activities in second harmonic generation ( SHG ) ; one of
which, 4'-nitrobenzylidene-3-acetamino-4-methoxyaniline ( MNBA ) crystal in
monodinic Cc with four molecules per unit cell showed larger powder SHG than
2-methyl-4-mtroaniline ( MNA ) crystal in a preliminary powder SHG experiment. A
strongly polarized non-centrosymmetric molecular packing has been achieved in this
crystal by the presence of intermolecular hydrogen bond between neighboring acetainino
Calculation by an oriented gas model with the use of the detailed structural
data from X-ray analysis for the MNBA crystal predicted that the crystal may have up
to ca. 2.9 times larger macroscopic optical nonlinearity than MNA crystal. This has
been experimentally proven by measuring the d for SHG by Maker fringe method. The
largest d coefficient was found to be dii , and the value obtained was 454 pm/V which
is 1.8 times larger than d11 of MNA crystal and 13 times larger than of lithium
mobate ( ) crystal.
Dihedral rigid molecule in crystal engineering for optimized phase-matchable SHG: DNBB
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It is important to control a polarization anisotropy, thus, a molecular
alignment in obtaining such a crystal that can exhibit optimized phase-matchable
second harmonic generation ( SHG ). Along with this view, we designed a novel
dihedral rigid molecule which has two nitroaniline moieties rigidly connected each
other through two adjacent sp3 carbons. We synthesized the molecules so designed and
examined their crystals in SHG activities and phase-matching characteristics by a
convenient powder method with a Nd:YAG laser. It has been found that one of
crystals, namely, 3,9-dinitro-5a,6, ha, 12-tetrahydro[1,4]benzoxadino[3 ,2-bJ][1,4]-
benzoxadine ( DNBB ) crystal manifests larger phase-matchable SHG than
N-(4-nitrophenyl)-L-prolinol ( NPP ) crystal so far known as the typical efficient
phase-matchable organic crystal. DNBB crystal has been shown to possess much
improved material properties ; high thermal stability, distinguished hardness,
insolubility to water, no sublimation, and high registivity to optical damage, for
device applications in comparison with the crystals of p-nitroaniline derivatives
reported so far.
Theoretical calculations on nonlinear susceptibilities of organic materials
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Nonlinear susceptibilities of organic crystals are usually calculated from the
molecular nonlinearities(hyperpolarizabilities) and the crystal structure data within
the oriented gas model approximation. The effect of intermolecular interactions on
hyperpolarizabilities, which is neglected in the approximation, is estimated
quantitatively by using an ab initio molecular orbital(MO) method. Energy minimum
crystal structures of typical organic nonlinear optical materials are calculated by
an empirical atom-atom pairwise potential method.
Second-order nonlinear optical property and crystal growth of chalcone derivatives
Yoshitaka Goto,
Akio Hayashi,
G. J. Zhang,
et al.
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300 types of "chalcone" derivatives excellent in blue light region
transparency were synthesized to investigate on second harmonic generation(SHG).
The results of investigation suggested that an alkoxy group, an alkylthio group
and halogen were effective as a substituent. Besides, a single crystal with
respect to 4-ethoxy-4 ' -methoxychalcone(C-607) and 1- (2-thienyl ) -3- (4-
fflethylphenyl)propene-l-one(TC-28) were grown. The obtained crystals were high
quality and large size over 5 cm. We also had the first success in continuous
SHG on a intracavity of the microchip laser using this single crystal "chalcone".
Crystal structure and nonlinear optical properties of stilbazolium derivatives having shortened cut-off wavelength
Koji Sakai,
Nobuo Yoshikawa,
Toshihiko Ohmi,
et al.
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Aiming at the shortening of absorption cut-off wavelength of inerocyanine, we
prepared several stilbazoliuni derivatives. Their absorption bands are appreciably
shifted to shorter and some of them have large SHG efficiencies. Among them, cyanostilbazolium
p-toluenesolfonate complex has an absorption cut-off around 400nm and
its nonlinear optical coefficient d33 is four times larger than d14 of POM.
Second harmonic generation in binary systems of pi-conjugated compounds
Katsuya Wakita,
Nobuo Sonoda,
Tokihiko Shimizu,
et al.
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A large Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) intensity which was 60
times as large as that of urea was observed in p-nitroaniline
(PNA) I N-(p--nitrophenyl)ethylenediamine (NPEN) system. Results
of X-ray and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis showed
the new crystal structure. And this SHG intensity was related to
cooling rate for solidification. The optimum cooling rate was in
the range of 2°C/sec to 10°C/sec.
Moreover, results of X-ray analysis and SHG measurements of
similar binary systems showed that hydrogen bond and unique non-
planar structure of NPEN played an important role for SHG and
its stability.
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
Electro-optic and nonlinear optical polymers and devices
Harris A. Goldberg,
Anthony J. East,
Robert E. Johnson,
et al.
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Early work at Hoechst Celanese1 demonstrated that methacrylate polymers
with mesogenic side chains could be made with reasonably large electro-optic
activity. The mesogenic side chains are polar so that a non-centrosymmetric
structure can be obtained by heating a film near its Tg in a strong d.c. electric
field and thus orienting the side chains. In Figure 1, the general structure of
methacrylate based electro-optic polymers using polar nitro-stilbene
chromophores is shown.
Chromophoric self-assembled superlattices as a new class of thin-film second-order nonlinear optical materials
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This contribution reports a new approach to the synthesis of thin-film secondorder
nonlinear optical (NLO) materials in which self-assembled chromophorecontaining
multilayer structures are built up in the repeating reaction sequence:
I3Si(CH2)2C6H4CH21 (Cp) , 4- [N,N-bis(3-hydroxypropyl)aminojstyryl-4' -pyridine (Ch),
Cl3SiOSiCl2OSiCl3 (Si) , polyvinylalcohol (PVA) . The resulting multilayer structures
have been characterized by optical and XPS spectroscopy, advancing contact angle
measurements, null ellipsometry, and NLO properties. The latter mepirements reveal
multilayer superlaces with good structural uniformity and that = 2 x l0 esu
at A = 1064 nfl' (Xzz 6 x l0 esu for a single CpCh monolayer of 22 A estimated
Electro-Optic and Frequency-Doubling Devices
Organic nonlinear optical materials and their device applications for frequency doubling, modulation, and switching
Jerome D. Swalen,
Gary C. Bjorklund,
Stephen Ducharme,
et al.
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Increased interest and activity in optoelectronics has resulted from anticipated applications
of optics to communication, electronic interconnections, information storage and possibly
even logic. Current nonlinear optical (NLO) devices today employ inorganic crystals, such
as lithium niobate for electrooptic modulation and switching and KDP or KNbO3 for
frequency doubling. Organic nonlinear optical materials, that is, poled organic polymeric
films and organic crystals, have the potential to replace some of these inorganic crystals.1
Key advantages include the high intrinsic nonlinearities of some organic molecules, the
ability to optimize the molecular structure for specific applications, low dc dielectric
constant, and low temperature processing. Current progress has also been made in
improving the long term stability of these materials. Here we wish to report on some of our
recent results on measurements of the order parameter, new crosslinked polymeric
materials which exhibit more stability and some device applications with polymeric
materials and organic crystals.
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
All-optical switching by organic nonlinearly absorbing molecules
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Nonlinear triplet-triplet absorption in organic molecules can be used to construct
all-optical switches and spatial light modulators. Experimental results using films
of eosin in polyvinylacohol are presented and compared with theoretical
Microwatt optical switching and bistability in dyed nematic liquid crystals
Ashley D. Lloyd,
Chang Hai Wang,
Brian S. Wherrett
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The performance of optically bistable liquid crystal interference filters with extra-cavity metallic absorbers is
contrasted with designs using intra-cavity dyes with which switching levels at 4 pW are recorded. The use of these
devices in parallel processing applications is also considered, with the optical implementation of a "flip-flop" and
results of a 15 x 15 element array switching presented.
Optical intensity modulation using ferro-electric liquid crystal
K. G. Balakrishnan,
P. Ramakrishnan
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Ferroelectric liquid crystals have been the subject of investigation,
ever since its discovery as a display element in dynamic display systems.
Electro-optic studies show that most of the materials exhibits a permanent
switched state above a threshold field. It rarely exhibited a linear proportiotnality
of transmitted light with applied field.
In this paper a new material has been investigated. Electro-optic
switching characteristics in bulk samples of ferro-electric liquid crystal,
4'-(n-Octyl Benzoloxy) -4- (2-Octyloxy) Biphenyl [OBOB]gwere studied for
various pulse widths of the applied field. It shows three distinct regions
of response. For large pulse widths, above a threshold field, a permanent
switched state with maximum intensity of light transmission was achieved.
This corresponds to the expected ferroelectric liquid crystal switching behaviour.
For medium pulse widths the intensity of the transmitted light varies
directly as the applied field over a particular range of pulse widths. This
region of response, where the intensity of light is modulated with the applied
field is the one most suited for device application.
New organometallic complex nonlinear optical crystal: Thiosemicarbazide cadmium thiocyanate
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A new oranometaItc cornplex NLO crystal---Thioseiniiarbazide Cadiium Thiocyanate(TSCCTC)
has been qrown from aquious soliiLion by temperature Iowerinq method.TSCCTC hetonis to orthoqonal
;ystern;space qroup P212121,and the unit cell paranwters are a.764, b:lO.765K1) cl2.9781I(1)A.
The .rystat structure, tiiiear and nonlinear optical properties of TSCCTC are presented
in this liaper.
Study on the quality and performance of the organometallic complex tri-allylthiourea cadmium chloride
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Tri-Attyithiourea Cad*iu Chloride (ATCC) belongs to triqonat syste,space group R3c with
ab11.S27(4),c27.992(4)A.Its PM properties and 3MG effects were studed and the whole nonlinear
optical coefficients were obtained by MF iethxl.
New nonlinear optical crystal: Tri-allylthiourea cadmium bromide
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Recentty,orqarnaetatlic couptex crystals have attracted peoples in the exploration of new
nonlinear optical and uLtifunctionat aateriats.This is because of their wide transparent ranqe:
, Large nonlinear optical susceptibiLities, stable chemicaL and good sechanicat properties.
Followinq the double group structure aodeL1,we have found and qrn a series of organometatlic
complex crystals----BTCC2,TSCCC3,ATCC4.After AItC,we have discovered and grown several new
crystats--Altylthiourea Cadiii(Mercury) Ihtoride or Bro.ideM[QI21HO12MItH,} 3X2, M= Cd,
Hg;xCl,Br.Their poier SHG efficiencies are all largerthan that of IJrea.This paper sainty
reports the growth. structure and properties of Tri-Allyithiourea Cadaii Bromide(ATtB)
Electro-Optic Materials
Quadratic hyperpolarizabilities of fluorinated sulfonyl and carbonyl aromatics: optimization of nonlinearity and transparency trade-off
Lap-Tak A. Cheng,
Wilson Tam,
Andrew E. Feiring,
et al.
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We present electric-field induced second-harmonic generation measurement results on the
hyperpolarizabilities of donor-acceptor substituted aromatics. Those with strongly inductive
accepting groups, such as the fluoromethyl carbonyl, perfluoroalkyl sulfonyl, and
perfluoroalkyl sulfonylsulfimide groups, afford favorable trade-off between quadratic optical
nonlinearity and optical transparency. Their relatively large molecular dipole moment and
hyperpolarizability products (4) as well as high transparency in the visible region suggest
promising applications in the frequency conversion of short wavelength diode lasers. The
inductive contribution is found to be short ranged, being most effective in the relatively compact
benzene derivatives but less so in the extended stilbene structures. Dispersive enhancements of
hyperpolarizabiities at 1064 and 810 nm are also reported.
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Applications
Characterization of polymeric electro-optic films using metal mirror/electrode Fabry-Perot etalons
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The electro-optic properties of polymeric materials are characterized using Fabry-Perot etalons in which the polymeric
layer acts as the spacer layer. This technique is particularly useful since the etalon converts small electric field induced
changes in the index of refraction of the spacer layer to changes in the overall transmittance and reflectance of the structure.
In this paper we show that using angle tuning, the transmission characteristics of the Fabry-Perot etalons fabricated on glass
substrates can be sufficiently characterized to allow for determination of the electro-optic coefficients of the spacer layer
material. We also present experimental results of novel reflection mode etalons fabricated on Si. These structures exhibit a
large change in reflectance as a function of the optical path length inside the etalon cavity. When fabricated with an electrooptic
spacer layer, the reflectance can be modulated by applying an electric field. Reflection mode devices can also be used to
study the properties of new eleciro-optic materials and also show promise for use as Si compatible modulators.